Who controls your computer? You may think it's you, but all you do is give commands to the software that might or might not be programmed to do what you wish it to do. And it's controlled by the programmer. Therefor the programmer controls your computer. You can control it only as much as the programmer lets you. The only way to truly control your computer is to be the programmer. Or at least to be able to be the programmer if you will need it. Free Software is software that respects your needs to control it. Free Software is software that legally gives each user the <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">the four essential freedoms</a> and the source code to make changes in it. Non-Free Software, since the user cannot control it, is a tool of oppression. And since the user cannot see what it does or edit the software, it's usually filled with malware. Learn more about it on <a href="https://gnu.org/malware">GNU.ORG/MALWARE</a>