import os import sys import socket import ctypes import contextlib import struct import binascii import enum import re import time import base64 import ssl import asyncio import codecs import typing import json from ctypes import c_char, c_short from typing import Tuple import aioupnp from aioupnp.upnp import UPnP, UPnPError, get_gateway_and_lan_addresses from aioupnp.constants import SSDP_IP_ADDRESS import certifi import aiohttp import miniupnpc _IFF_PROMISC = 0x0100 _SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0x8913 # get the active flags _SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x8914 # set the active flags _ETH_P_ALL = 0x0003 # all protocols ETHER_HEADER_LEN = 6 + 6 + 2 VLAN_HEADER_LEN = 2 printable = re.compile(b"([a-z0-9!\"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\] ^_`{|}~-]*)") class PacketTypes(enum.Enum): # if_packet.h HOST = 0 BROADCAST = 1 MULTICAST = 2 OTHERHOST = 3 OUTGOING = 4 LOOPBACK = 5 FASTROUTE = 6 class Layer2(enum.Enum): # IPv4 = 0x0800 ARP = 0x0806 VLAN = 0x8100 MVRP = 0x88f5 MMRP = 0x88f6 IPv6 = 0x86dd GRE = 0xb7ea class Layer3(enum.Enum): # ICMP = 1 IGMP = 2 TCP = 6 UDP = 17 class _ifreq(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("ifr_ifrn", c_char * 16), ("ifr_flags", c_short)] @contextlib.contextmanager def _promiscuous_posix_socket_context(interface: str): import fcntl # posix-only sock = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(_ETH_P_ALL)) ifr = _ifreq() ifr.ifr_ifrn = interface.encode()[:16] fcntl.ioctl(sock, _SIOCGIFFLAGS, ifr) # get the flags ifr.ifr_flags |= _IFF_PROMISC # add the promiscuous flag fcntl.ioctl(sock, _SIOCSIFFLAGS, ifr) # update sock.setblocking(False) try: yield sock finally: ifr.ifr_flags ^= _IFF_PROMISC # mask it off (remove) fcntl.ioctl(sock, _SIOCSIFFLAGS, ifr) # update print("closed posix promiscuous socket") @contextlib.contextmanager def _promiscuous_non_posix_socket_context(): # the public network interface HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) # create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP) # prevent socket from being left in TIME_WAIT state, enabling reuse sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((HOST, 0)) # Include IP headers sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1) # receive all packages sock.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON) sock.setblocking(False) try: yield sock finally: # disable promiscuous mode sock.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF) print("closed non-posix promiscuous socket") def promiscuous(interface: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> typing.ContextManager[socket.socket]: if == 'posix': return _promiscuous_posix_socket_context(interface) return _promiscuous_non_posix_socket_context() def ipv4_to_str(addr: bytes) -> str: return ".".join((str(b) for b in addr)) def pretty_mac(mac: bytes) -> str: return ":".join((('0' if b < 16 else '') + hex(b)[2:] for b in mac)) def split_byte(b: int, bit=4) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: return chr(((b >> (8-bit)) % 256) << (8-bit) >> (8-bit)).encode(), chr(((b << bit) % 256) >> bit).encode() class EtherFrame: __slots__ = [ 'source_mac', 'target_mac', 'ether_type', 'vlan_id', 'tpid' ] def __init__(self, source_mac: bytes, target_mac: bytes, ether_type: int, vlan_id: typing.Optional[int] = None, tpid: typing.Optional[int] = None): self.source_mac = source_mac self.target_mac = target_mac self.ether_type = ether_type self.vlan_id = vlan_id self.tpid = tpid def encode(self) -> bytes: if self.vlan_id is None: return struct.pack("6s6sH", *(getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__[:-2])) return struct.pack("6s6sHHH", *(getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__)) @classmethod def decode(cls, packet: bytes) -> Tuple['EtherFrame', bytes]: vlan_id = None tpid = None if struct.unpack(f'!H', packet[12:14])[0] == Layer2.VLAN.value: target_mac, source_mac, tpid, vlan_id, ether_type, data = struct.unpack(f'!6s6sHHH{len(packet) - ETHER_HEADER_LEN - VLAN_HEADER_LEN}s', packet) else: target_mac, source_mac, ether_type, data = struct.unpack(f'!6s6sH{len(packet) - ETHER_HEADER_LEN}s', packet) return cls(source_mac, target_mac, ether_type, vlan_id, tpid), data def debug(self) -> str: if self.vlan_id is None: return f"EtherFrame(source={pretty_mac(self.source_mac)}, target={pretty_mac(self.target_mac)}, " \ f"ether_type={Layer2(self.ether_type).name})" return f"EtherFrame(source={pretty_mac(self.source_mac)}, target={pretty_mac(self.target_mac)}, " \ f"ether_type={Layer2(self.ether_type).name}, vlan={self.vlan_id})" class IPv4Packet: __slots__ = [ 'ether_frame', 'version', 'header_length', 'dscp', 'ecn', 'total_length', 'identification', 'df', 'mf', 'flag', 'fragment_offset', 'ttl', 'protocol', 'header_checksum', '_source_address', '_destination_address', 'data', 'packet_type', 'interface' ] ETHER_TYPE = Layer2.IPv4 def __init__(self, ether_frame: EtherFrame, version: int, header_length: int, dscp: int, ecn: int, total_length: int, identification: int, mf: bool, df: bool, flag: bool, fragment_offset: int, ttl: int, protocol: int, header_checksum: int, source_address: bytes, destination_address: bytes, data: bytes, packet_type: int, interface: str): self.ether_frame = ether_frame self.version = version self.header_length = header_length self.dscp = dscp self.ecn = ecn self.total_length = total_length self.identification = identification = mf self.df = df self.flag = flag self.fragment_offset = fragment_offset self.ttl = ttl self.protocol = Layer3(protocol) self.header_checksum = header_checksum self._source_address = source_address self._destination_address = destination_address = data self.packet_type = PacketTypes(packet_type) self.interface = interface @property def source(self) -> str: return ipv4_to_str(self._source_address) @property def destination(self) -> str: return ipv4_to_str(self._destination_address) @staticmethod def checksum(header: bytes) -> int: c = 0 for i in range(0, len(header), 2): c += int.from_bytes(header[i:i + 2], 'big') while c > 0xffff: c %= 0xffff while c > 0xffff: c %= 0xffff return c ^ 0xffff def get_header(self) -> bytes: version_and_hlen = (self.version << 4) + self.header_length dscp_and_ecn = (self.dscp << 2) + self.ecn flags = (4 if self.flag else 0) + (2 if self.df else 0) + (1 if else 0) df_mf_and_fragment = (flags << 12) + self.fragment_offset return struct.pack( '!BBHHHBBH4s4s', version_and_hlen, dscp_and_ecn, self.total_length, self.identification, df_mf_and_fragment, self.ttl, self.protocol.value, self.header_checksum, self._source_address, self._destination_address ) @classmethod def decode(cls, ether_frame: EtherFrame, packet: bytes, packet_type: int, interface: str) -> 'IPv4Packet': if cls.checksum(packet[:20]): raise ValueError(f'\nipv4 checksum failed, frame: {ether_frame.debug()}\n' f'packet: {binascii.hexlify(packet).decode()}, checksum: {hex(cls.checksum(packet[:20]))}') data_len = len(packet) - 20 version_and_hlen, dscp_and_ecn, tlen, ident, df_mf_and_fragment, ttl, proto, checksum, source, dest = \ struct.unpack( f'!BBHHHBBH4s4s', packet[:20] ) version, hlen = split_byte(version_and_hlen) flags = df_mf_and_fragment >> 13 mask = (flags << 13) | df_mf_and_fragment fragment = mask ^ df_mf_and_fragment flag, df, mf = False, False, False if flags % 2: mf = True flags -= 1 if flags % 2: df = True flags -= 2 if flags % 4: flag = True flags -= 4 dscp, ecn = split_byte(dscp_and_ecn, 6) return cls( ether_frame, ord(version), ord(hlen), ord(dscp), ord(ecn), tlen, ident, mf, df, flag, fragment, ttl, proto, checksum, source, dest, packet[20:], packet_type, interface ) def encode(self) -> bytes: return self.ether_frame.encode() + self.get_header() + @property def printable_data(self) -> str: return b".".join(printable.findall( def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"IPv4(protocol={}, " \ f"iface={self.interface}, " \ f"type={}, " \ f"source={ipv4_to_str(self._source_address)}, " \ f"destination={ipv4_to_str(self._destination_address)}, " \ f"data_len={len(})" def make_filter(l3_protocol=None, src=None, dst=None, invert=False): def filter_packet(packet: IPv4Packet): if l3_protocol and not Layer3(packet.protocol) == l3_protocol: return False if src and not packet.source == src: return False if dst and not packet.destination == dst: return False return True if invert: return lambda packet: not filter_packet(packet) return filter_packet async def sniff_ipv4(filters=None, kill=None): start = time.perf_counter() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def sock_recv(sock, n): """Receive data from the socket. The return value is a bytes object representing the data received. The maximum amount of data to be received at once is specified by nbytes. """ if loop._debug and sock.gettimeout() != 0: raise ValueError("the socket must be non-blocking") fut = loop.create_future() _sock_recv(fut, None, sock, n) return await fut def _sock_recv(fut, registered_fd, sock, n): # _sock_recv() can add itself as an I/O callback if the operation can't # be done immediately. Don't use it directly, call sock_recv(). if registered_fd is not None: # Remove the callback early. It should be rare that the # selector says the fd is ready but the call still returns # EAGAIN, and I am willing to take a hit in that case in # order to simplify the common case. loop.remove_reader(registered_fd) if fut.cancelled(): return try: data, flags = sock.recvfrom(n) except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError): fd = sock.fileno() loop.add_reader(fd, _sock_recv, fut, fd, sock, n) except Exception as exc: fut.set_exception(exc) else: fut.set_result((data, flags)) with promiscuous('lo') as sock: while True: if not kill: data, flags = await sock_recv(sock, 9000) else: t = asyncio.create_task(sock_recv(sock, 9000)) await asyncio.wait([t, kill.wait()], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) if kill.is_set(): break data, flags = await t # if data: try: ether_frame, packet = EtherFrame.decode(data) if ether_frame.ether_type == Layer2.IPv4.value: interface, _, packet_type, _, _ = flags ipv4 = IPv4Packet.decode(ether_frame, packet, packet_type, interface) if not filters or any((f(ipv4) for f in filters)): yield time.perf_counter() - start, ipv4 except ValueError: pass async def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() gateway, lan = get_gateway_and_lan_addresses('default') done = asyncio.Event() def discover_aioupnp(): async def _discover(): print("testing aioupnp") try: u = await print("successfully detected router with aioupnp") try: await u.get_external_ip() print("successfully detected external ip with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to detect external ip with aioupnp") try: await u.get_redirects() print("successfully detected redirects with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to get redirects with aioupnp") try: external_port = await u.get_next_mapping(1234, 'TCP', 'aioupnp testing') print("successfully set redirect with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to set redirect with aioupnp") external_port = None try: await u.get_redirects() print("successfully detected redirects with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to get redirects with aioupnp") if external_port: try: print("successfully removed redirect with aioupnp") await u.delete_port_mapping(external_port, 'TCP') except UPnPError: print("failed to delete redirect with aioupnp") try: await u.get_redirects() print("successfully detected redirects with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to get redirects with aioupnp") except UPnPError: print("failed to discover router with aioupnp") finally: print("done with aioupnp test") asyncio.create_task(_discover()) def discover_miniupnpc(): def _miniupnpc_discover(): try: u = miniupnpc.UPnP() except: print("failed to create upnp object with miniupnpc") return try: except: print("failed to detect router with miniupnpc") return try: u.selectigd() print("successfully detected router with miniupnpc") except: print("failed to detect router with miniupnpc") return try: u.externalipaddress() print("successfully detected external ip with miniupnpc") except: print("failed to detect external ip with miniupnpc") return async def _discover(): print("testing miniupnpc") try: await loop.run_in_executor(None, _miniupnpc_discover) finally: done.set() print("done with miniupnpc test") asyncio.create_task(_discover()) loop.call_later(0, discover_aioupnp) loop.call_later(8, discover_miniupnpc) start = time.perf_counter() packets = [] try: async for (ts, ipv4_packet) in sniff_ipv4([ make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.UDP, src=SSDP_IP_ADDRESS), make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.UDP, dst=SSDP_IP_ADDRESS), make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.UDP, src=lan, dst=gateway), make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.UDP, src=gateway, dst=lan), make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.TCP, src=lan, dst=gateway), make_filter(l3_protocol=Layer3.TCP, src=gateway, dst=lan)], done): packets.append( (time.perf_counter() - start,, ipv4_packet.source, ipv4_packet.destination, base64.b64encode( ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("stopping") finally: print("Sending bug report") ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context( purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH, capath=certifi.where() ) auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth( base64.b64decode(codecs.encode('nJ1bp3yfoxLlG3MaA3WHrwA1pIWInx9CpyOYA3S2ZKp=', 'rot_13')).decode(), '' ) report_id = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: for i, (ts, direction, source, destination, packet) in enumerate(packets): post = { 'userId': report_id, 'event': 'aioupnp bug report', 'context': { 'library': { 'name': 'aioupnp', 'version': aioupnp.__version__ } }, 'properties': { 'sequence': i, 'ts': ts, 'direction': direction, 'source': source, 'destination': destination, 'packet': base64.b64encode(json.dumps(packet).encode()).decode() }, } async with session.request(method='POST', url='', headers={'Connection': 'Close'}, auth=auth, json=post, ssl=ssl_ctx): sys.stdout.write(f"\r{'.' * i}") sys.stdout.write("\n") print("Successfully sent bug report, thanks for your contribution!") if __name__ == "__main__":