import re import logging from txupnp.fault import UPnPError from txupnp.constants import line_separator log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ssdp_datagram_patterns = { 'host': (re.compile("^(?i)(host):(.*)$"), str), 'st': (re.compile("^(?i)(st):(.*)$"), str), 'man': (re.compile("^(?i)(man):|(\"(.*)\")$"), str), 'mx': (re.compile("^(?i)(mx):(.*)$"), int), 'nt': (re.compile("^(?i)(nt):(.*)$"), str), 'nts': (re.compile("^(?i)(nts):(.*)$"), str), 'usn': (re.compile("^(?i)(usn):(.*)$"), str), 'location': (re.compile("^(?i)(location):(.*)$"), str), 'cache_control': (re.compile("^(?i)(cache-control):(.*)$"), str), 'server': (re.compile("^(?i)(server):(.*)$"), str), } _vendor_pattern = re.compile("^([\w|\d]*)\.([\w|\d]*\.com):([ \"|\w|\d\:]*)$") class SSDPDatagram(object): _M_SEARCH = "M-SEARCH" _NOTIFY = "NOTIFY" _OK = "OK" _start_lines = { _M_SEARCH: "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1", _NOTIFY: "NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1", _OK: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" } _friendly_names = { _M_SEARCH: "m-search", _NOTIFY: "notify", _OK: "m-search response" } _vendor_field_pattern = _vendor_pattern _patterns = _ssdp_datagram_patterns _required_fields = { _M_SEARCH: [ 'host', 'st', 'man', 'mx', ], _NOTIFY: [ 'host', 'location', 'nt', 'nts', 'server', 'usn', ], _OK: [ 'cache_control', # 'date', # 'ext', 'location', 'server', 'st', 'usn' ] } _marshallers = { 'mx': str, 'man': lambda x: ("\"%s\"" % x) } def __init__(self, packet_type, host=None, st=None, man=None, mx=None, nt=None, nts=None, usn=None, location=None, cache_control=None, server=None, date=None, ext=None, **kwargs): if packet_type not in [self._M_SEARCH, self._NOTIFY, self._OK]: raise UPnPError("unknown packet type: {}".format(packet_type)) self._packet_type = packet_type = host = st = man = mx self.nt = nt self.nts = nts self.usn = usn self.location = location self.cache_control = cache_control self.server = server = date self.ext = ext for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not k.startswith("_") and hasattr(self, k.lower()) and getattr(self, k.lower()) is None: setattr(self, k.lower(), v) def __getitem__(self, item): for i in self._required_fields[self._packet_type]: if i.lower() == item.lower(): return getattr(self, i) raise KeyError(item) def get_friendly_name(self): return self._friendly_names[self._packet_type] def encode(self, trailing_newlines=2): lines = [self._start_lines[self._packet_type]] for attr_name in self._required_fields[self._packet_type]: attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if attr is None: raise UPnPError("required field for {} is missing: {}".format(self._packet_type, attr_name)) if attr_name in self._marshallers: value = self._marshallers[attr_name](attr) else: value = attr lines.append("{}: {}".format(attr_name.upper(), value)) serialized = line_separator.join(lines) for _ in range(trailing_newlines): serialized += line_separator return serialized def as_dict(self): return self._lines_to_content_dict(self.encode().split(line_separator)) @classmethod def decode(cls, datagram): packet = cls._from_string(datagram.decode()) for attr_name in packet._required_fields[packet._packet_type]: attr = getattr(packet, attr_name) if attr is None: raise UPnPError( "required field for {} is missing from m-search response: {}".format(packet._packet_type, attr_name) ) return packet @classmethod def _lines_to_content_dict(cls, lines): result = {} for line in lines: if not line: continue matched = False for name, (pattern, field_type) in cls._patterns.items(): if name not in result and pattern.findall(line): match = pattern.findall(line)[-1][-1] result[name] = field_type(match.lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")) matched = True break if not matched: if cls._vendor_field_pattern.findall(line): match = cls._vendor_field_pattern.findall(line)[-1] vendor_key = match[0].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") # vendor_domain = match[1].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") value = match[2].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") if vendor_key not in result: result[vendor_key] = value return result @classmethod def _from_string(cls, datagram): lines = [l for l in datagram.split(line_separator) if l] if lines[0] == cls._start_lines[cls._M_SEARCH]: return cls._from_request(lines[1:]) if lines[0] == cls._start_lines[cls._NOTIFY]: return cls._from_notify(lines[1:]) if lines[0] == cls._start_lines[cls._OK]: return cls._from_response(lines[1:]) @classmethod def _from_response(cls, lines): return cls(cls._OK, **cls._lines_to_content_dict(lines)) @classmethod def _from_notify(cls, lines): return cls(cls._NOTIFY, **cls._lines_to_content_dict(lines)) @classmethod def _from_request(cls, lines): return cls(cls._M_SEARCH, **cls._lines_to_content_dict(lines))