From 626c31911b5339edb22d4362458189216fdbc28e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Cousens <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:14:46 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Removes dangerous private key throwaway

 src/eckey.js | 28 +++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/eckey.js b/src/eckey.js
index e7db1ba..8dd5cb1 100644
--- a/src/eckey.js
+++ b/src/eckey.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ECKey.prototype.import = function (input,compressed) {
     this.priv =
           input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.priv
         : input instanceof BigInteger              ? input.mod(ecparams.getN())
-        : Array.isArray(input)                      ? fromBin(input.slice(0,32))
+        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? fromBin(input.slice(0,32))
         : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
         : input.length == 44                       ? fromBin(convert.base64ToBytes(input))
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ECKey.prototype.import = function (input,compressed) {
           compressed !== undefined                 ? compressed
         : input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.compressed
         : input instanceof BigInteger              ? false
-        : Array.isArray(input)                      ? false
+        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? false
         : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
         : input.length == 44                       ? false
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? false
@@ -119,25 +119,23 @@ ECKey.prototype.verify = function(hash, sig) {
 var ECPubKey = function(input, compressed) {
-    if (!(this instanceof ECPubKey)) { return new ECPubKey(input, compressed); }
-    if (!input) {
-        // Generate new key
-        var n = ecparams.getN();
- = ecparams.getG().multiply(ecdsa.getBigRandom(n))
-        this.compressed = compressed || false;
-    }
-    else this.import(input,compressed)
+  if (!(this instanceof ECPubKey)) {
+    return new ECPubKey(input, compressed)
+  }
+  this.import(input,compressed)
-ECPubKey.prototype.import = function(input,compressed) {
+ECPubKey.prototype.import = function(input, compressed) {
     var decode = function(x) { return ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), x) }
+ =
           input instanceof ECPointFp ? input
         : input instanceof ECKey     ? ecparams.getG().multiply(input.priv)
         : input instanceof ECPubKey  ?
         : typeof input == "string"   ? decode(convert.hexToBytes(input))
-        : Array.isArray(input)        ? decode(input)
-                                     : ecparams.getG().multiply(ecdsa.getBigRandom(ecparams.getN()))
+        : Array.isArray(input)       ? decode(input)
+                                     : null
     this.compressed =
           compressed                 ? compressed
@@ -147,11 +145,11 @@ ECPubKey.prototype.import = function(input,compressed) {
 ECPubKey.prototype.add = function(key) {
-    return ECPubKey(,this.compressed)
+    return ECPubKey(, this.compressed)
 ECPubKey.prototype.multiply = function(key) {
-    return ECPubKey(,this.compressed)
+    return ECPubKey(, this.compressed)
 ECPubKey.prototype['export'] = function(format) {

From 3fa43b83b6b668844c4d169e358584a24cc43531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Cousens <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:57:06 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Comma consistency

 src/eckey.js | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/eckey.js b/src/eckey.js
index 8dd5cb1..cf2f624 100644
--- a/src/eckey.js
+++ b/src/eckey.js
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ var ECKey = function (input, compressed) {
     else this.import(input,compressed)
-ECKey.prototype.import = function (input,compressed) {
-    function has(li,v) { return li.indexOf(v) >= 0 }
+ECKey.prototype.import = function (input, compressed) {
+    function has(li, v) { return li.indexOf(v) >= 0 }
     function fromBin(x) { return BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(x) }
     this.priv =
           input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.priv
         : input instanceof BigInteger              ? input.mod(ecparams.getN())
-        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? fromBin(input.slice(0,32))
+        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? fromBin(input.slice(0, 32))
         : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
         : input.length == 44                       ? fromBin(convert.base64ToBytes(input))
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
-        : input.length == 52 && has('LK',input[0]) ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0,32))
-        : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0,32))
-        : has([64,65],input.length)                ? fromBin(convert.hexToBytes(input.slice(0,64)))
+        : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
+        : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
+        : has([64,65],input.length)                ? fromBin(convert.hexToBytes(input.slice(0, 64)))
                                                    : null
     this.compressed =
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ ECKey.prototype.import = function (input,compressed) {
         : input.length == 44                       ? false
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? false
         : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? false
-        : input.length == 52 && has('LK',input[0]) ? true
+        : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? true
         : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? true
         : input.length == 64                       ? false
         : input.length == 65                       ? true
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ECKey.prototype.import = function (input,compressed) {
 ECKey.prototype.getPub = function(compressed) {
     if (compressed === undefined) compressed = this.compressed
-    return ECPubKey(ecparams.getG().multiply(this.priv),compressed)
+    return ECPubKey(ecparams.getG().multiply(this.priv), compressed)
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ ECKey.prototype.getAddress = function(version) {
 ECKey.prototype.add = function(key) {
-    return ECKey(this.priv.add(ECKey(key).priv),this.compressed)
+    return ECKey(this.priv.add(ECKey(key).priv), this.compressed)
 ECKey.prototype.multiply = function(key) {
-    return ECKey(this.priv.multiply(ECKey(key).priv),this.compressed)
+    return ECKey(this.priv.multiply(ECKey(key).priv), this.compressed)
 ECKey.prototype.sign = function(hash) {
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ var ECPubKey = function(input, compressed) {
     return new ECPubKey(input, compressed)
-  this.import(input,compressed)
+  this.import(input, compressed)
 ECPubKey.prototype.import = function(input, compressed) {

From 8fd06681efac8d13a65bb60294d0527bc014aa99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Cousens <>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:32:57 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Adds fail fast assertions for invalid input

 src/eckey.js | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/eckey.js b/src/eckey.js
index cf2f624..f617000 100644
--- a/src/eckey.js
+++ b/src/eckey.js
@@ -1,58 +1,64 @@
-var BigInteger = require('./jsbn/jsbn');
-var sec = require('./jsbn/sec');
-var base58 = require('./base58');
-var util = require('./util');
-var convert = require('./convert');
-var Address = require('./address');
-var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa');
-var ECPointFp = require('./jsbn/ec').ECPointFp;
+var Address = require('./address')
+var assert = require('assert')
+var convert = require('./convert')
+var base58 = require('./base58')
+var BigInteger = require('./jsbn/jsbn')
+var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa')
+var ECPointFp = require('./jsbn/ec').ECPointFp
+var sec = require('./jsbn/sec')
 var Network = require('./network')
+var util = require('./util')
-var ecparams = sec("secp256k1");
+var ecparams = sec("secp256k1")
 // input can be nothing, array of bytes, hex string, or base58 string
 var ECKey = function (input, compressed) {
-    if (!(this instanceof ECKey)) { return new ECKey(input, compressed); }
-    if (!input) {
-        // Generate new key
-        var n = ecparams.getN();
-        this.priv = ecdsa.getBigRandom(n);
-        this.compressed = compressed || false;
-    }
-    else this.import(input,compressed)
+  if (!(this instanceof ECKey)) { return new ECKey(input, compressed) }
+  if (!input) {
+    // Generate new key
+    var n = ecparams.getN()
+    this.priv = ecdsa.getBigRandom(n)
+    this.compressed = compressed || false
+  }
+  else this.import(input,compressed)
 ECKey.prototype.import = function (input, compressed) {
-    function has(li, v) { return li.indexOf(v) >= 0 }
-    function fromBin(x) { return BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(x) }
-    this.priv =
-          input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.priv
-        : input instanceof BigInteger              ? input.mod(ecparams.getN())
-        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? fromBin(input.slice(0, 32))
-        : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
-        : input.length == 44                       ? fromBin(convert.base64ToBytes(input))
-        : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
-        : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
-        : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
-        : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
-        : has([64,65],input.length)                ? fromBin(convert.hexToBytes(input.slice(0, 64)))
-                                                   : null
+  function has(li, v) { return li.indexOf(v) >= 0 }
+  function fromBin(x) { return BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(x) }
-    this.compressed =
-          compressed !== undefined                 ? compressed
-        : input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.compressed
-        : input instanceof BigInteger              ? false
-        : Array.isArray(input)                     ? false
-        : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
-        : input.length == 44                       ? false
-        : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? false
-        : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? false
-        : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? true
-        : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? true
-        : input.length == 64                       ? false
-        : input.length == 65                       ? true
-                                                   : null
+  this.priv =
+      input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.priv
+    : input instanceof BigInteger              ? input.mod(ecparams.getN())
+    : Array.isArray(input)                     ? fromBin(input.slice(0, 32))
+    : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
+    : input.length == 44                       ? fromBin(convert.base64ToBytes(input))
+    : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
+    : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input))
+    : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
+    : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? fromBin(base58.checkDecode(input).slice(0, 32))
+    : has([64,65],input.length)                ? fromBin(convert.hexToBytes(input.slice(0, 64)))
+    : null
+  assert(this.priv !== null)
+  this.compressed =
+      compressed !== undefined                 ? compressed
+    : input instanceof ECKey                   ? input.compressed
+    : input instanceof BigInteger              ? false
+    : Array.isArray(input)                     ? false
+    : typeof input != "string"                 ? null
+    : input.length == 44                       ? false
+    : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '5'    ? false
+    : input.length == 51 && input[0] == '9'    ? false
+    : input.length == 52 && has('LK', input[0]) ? true
+    : input.length == 52 && input[0] == 'c'    ? true
+    : input.length == 64                       ? false
+    : input.length == 65                       ? true
+    : null
+  assert(this.compressed !== null)
 ECKey.prototype.getPub = function(compressed) {
     if (compressed === undefined) compressed = this.compressed
@@ -127,21 +133,23 @@ var ECPubKey = function(input, compressed) {
 ECPubKey.prototype.import = function(input, compressed) {
-    var decode = function(x) { return ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), x) }
+  var decode = function(x) { return ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), x) }
- =
-          input instanceof ECPointFp ? input
-        : input instanceof ECKey     ? ecparams.getG().multiply(input.priv)
-        : input instanceof ECPubKey  ?
-        : typeof input == "string"   ? decode(convert.hexToBytes(input))
-        : Array.isArray(input)       ? decode(input)
-                                     : null
+ =
+      input instanceof ECPointFp ? input
+    : input instanceof ECKey     ? ecparams.getG().multiply(input.priv)
+    : input instanceof ECPubKey  ?
+    : typeof input == "string"   ? decode(convert.hexToBytes(input))
+    : Array.isArray(input)       ? decode(input)
+    : null
-    this.compressed =
-          compressed                 ? compressed
-        : input instanceof ECPointFp ? input.compressed
-        : input instanceof ECPubKey  ? input.compressed
-                                     : ([0] < 4)
+  assert( !== null)
+  this.compressed =
+      compressed                 ? compressed
+    : input instanceof ECPointFp ? input.compressed
+    : input instanceof ECPubKey  ? input.compressed
+    : ([0] < 4)
 ECPubKey.prototype.add = function(key) {