diff --git a/src/address.js b/src/address.js
index 8e99694..0941f58 100644
--- a/src/address.js
+++ b/src/address.js
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 Bitcoin.Address = function (bytes) {
-	if ("string" == typeof bytes) {
-		bytes = Bitcoin.Address.decodeString(bytes);
-	}
-	this.hash = bytes;
+  if ("string" == typeof bytes) {
+    bytes = Bitcoin.Address.decodeString(bytes);
+  }
+  this.hash = bytes;
-	this.version = 0x00;
+  this.version = 0x00;
 Bitcoin.Address.prototype.toString = function () {
-	// Get a copy of the hash
-	var hash = this.hash.slice(0);
+  // Get a copy of the hash
+  var hash = this.hash.slice(0);
-	// Version
-	hash.unshift(this.version);
+  // Version
+  hash.unshift(this.version);
-	var checksum = Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(hash, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
+  var checksum = Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(hash, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
-	var bytes = hash.concat(checksum.slice(0,4));
+  var bytes = hash.concat(checksum.slice(0,4));
-	return Bitcoin.Base58.encode(bytes);
+  return Bitcoin.Base58.encode(bytes);
 Bitcoin.Address.prototype.getHashBase64 = function () {
-	return Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(this.hash);
+  return Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(this.hash);
 Bitcoin.Address.decodeString = function (string) {
-	var bytes = Bitcoin.Base58.decode(string);
+  var bytes = Bitcoin.Base58.decode(string);
-	var hash = bytes.slice(0, 21);
+  var hash = bytes.slice(0, 21);
-	var checksum = Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(hash, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
+  var checksum = Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(hash, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
-	if (checksum[0] != bytes[21] ||
-		checksum[1] != bytes[22] ||
-		checksum[2] != bytes[23] ||
-		checksum[3] != bytes[24]) {
-		throw "Checksum validation failed!";
-	}
+  if (checksum[0] != bytes[21] ||
+      checksum[1] != bytes[22] ||
+      checksum[2] != bytes[23] ||
+      checksum[3] != bytes[24]) {
+    throw "Checksum validation failed!";
+  }
-	var version = hash.shift();
+  var version = hash.shift();
-	if (version != 0) {
-		throw "Version "+version+" not supported!";
-	}
+  if (version != 0) {
+    throw "Version "+version+" not supported!";
+  }
-	return hash;
+  return hash;
diff --git a/src/base58.js b/src/base58.js
index f0c9dfc..b028623 100644
--- a/src/base58.js
+++ b/src/base58.js
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
 (function (Bitcoin) {
-	Bitcoin.Base58 = {
-		alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz",
-		base: BigInteger.valueOf(58),
+  Bitcoin.Base58 = {
+    alphabet: "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz",
+    base: BigInteger.valueOf(58),
-		/**
-		 * Convert a byte array to a base58-encoded string.
-		 *
-		 * Written by Mike Hearn for BitcoinJ.
-		 *   Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
-		 *
-		 * Ported to JavaScript by Stefan Thomas.
-		 */
-		encode: function (input) {
-			var bi = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(input);
-			var chars = [];
+    /**
+     * Convert a byte array to a base58-encoded string.
+     *
+     * Written by Mike Hearn for BitcoinJ.
+     *   Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
+     *
+     * Ported to JavaScript by Stefan Thomas.
+     */
+    encode: function (input) {
+      var bi = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(input);
+      var chars = [];
-			while (bi.compareTo(B58.base) >= 0) {
-				var mod = bi.mod(B58.base);
-				chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[mod.intValue()]);
-				bi = bi.subtract(mod).divide(B58.base);
-			}
-			chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[bi.intValue()]);
+      while (bi.compareTo(B58.base) >= 0) {
+        var mod = bi.mod(B58.base);
+        chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[mod.intValue()]);
+        bi = bi.subtract(mod).divide(B58.base);
+      }
+      chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[bi.intValue()]);
-			// Convert leading zeros too.
-			for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
-				if (input[i] == 0x00) {
-					chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[0]);
-				} else break;
-			}
+      // Convert leading zeros too.
+      for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
+        if (input[i] == 0x00) {
+          chars.unshift(B58.alphabet[0]);
+        } else break;
+      }
-			s = chars.join('');
-			return s;
-		},
+      s = chars.join('');
+      return s;
+    },
-		/**
-		 * Convert a base58-encoded string to a byte array.
-		 *
-		 * Written by Mike Hearn for BitcoinJ.
-		 *   Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
-		 *
-		 * Ported to JavaScript by Stefan Thomas.
-		 */
-		decode: function (input) {
-			bi = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
-			var leadingZerosNum = 0;
-			for (var i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-				var alphaIndex = B58.alphabet.indexOf(input[i]);
-				bi = bi.add(BigInteger.valueOf(alphaIndex)
-							.multiply(B58.base.pow(input.length - 1 -i)));
+    /**
+     * Convert a base58-encoded string to a byte array.
+     *
+     * Written by Mike Hearn for BitcoinJ.
+     *   Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
+     *
+     * Ported to JavaScript by Stefan Thomas.
+     */
+    decode: function (input) {
+      bi = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
+      var leadingZerosNum = 0;
+      for (var i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        var alphaIndex = B58.alphabet.indexOf(input[i]);
+        bi = bi.add(BigInteger.valueOf(alphaIndex)
+                    .multiply(B58.base.pow(input.length - 1 -i)));
-				// This counts leading zero bytes
-				if (input[i] == "1") leadingZerosNum++;
-				else leadingZerosNum = 0;
-			}
-			var bytes = bi.toByteArrayUnsigned();
+        // This counts leading zero bytes
+        if (input[i] == "1") leadingZerosNum++;
+        else leadingZerosNum = 0;
+      }
+      var bytes = bi.toByteArrayUnsigned();
-			// Add leading zeros
-			while (leadingZerosNum-- > 0) bytes.unshift(0);
+      // Add leading zeros
+      while (leadingZerosNum-- > 0) bytes.unshift(0);
-			return bytes;
-		}
-	};
+      return bytes;
+    }
+  };
   var B58 = Bitcoin.Base58;
diff --git a/src/bitcoin.js b/src/bitcoin.js
index cefb268..e14d36f 100755
--- a/src/bitcoin.js
+++ b/src/bitcoin.js
@@ -11,47 +11,47 @@
   function makeKeypair()
-	  // Generate private key
-	  var n = ecparams.getN();
-	  var n1 = n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
-	  var r = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), rng);
-	  var privateKey = r.mod(n1).add(BigInteger.ONE);
-	  // Generate public key
-	  var G = ecparams.getG();
-	  var publicPoint = G.multiply(privateKey);
+    // Generate private key
+    var n = ecparams.getN();
+    var n1 = n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
+    var r = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), rng);
+    var privateKey = r.mod(n1).add(BigInteger.ONE);
+    // Generate public key
+    var G = ecparams.getG();
+    var publicPoint = G.multiply(privateKey);
-	  return {priv: privateKey, pubkey: publicPoint};
+    return {priv: privateKey, pubkey: publicPoint};
   function serializeTransaction(tx)
-	  var buffer = [];
-	  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(tx.version)]));
-	  buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(tx.ins.length));
-	  for (var i = 0; i < tx.ins.length; i++) {
-		  var txin = tx.ins[i];
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.outpoint.hash));
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.index)]));
-		  var scriptBytes = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.script);
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.sequence)]));
-	  }
-	  buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(tx.outs.length));
-	  for (var i = 0; i < tx.outs.length; i++) {
-		  var txout = tx.outs[i];
-		  var valueHex = (new BigInteger(txout.value, 10)).toString(16);
-		  while (valueHex.length < 16) valueHex = "0" + valueHex;
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.hexToBytes(valueHex));
-		  var scriptBytes = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txout.script);
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
-		  buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
-	  }
-	  buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(tx.lock_time)]));
-	  return buffer;
+    var buffer = [];
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(tx.version)]));
+    buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(tx.ins.length));
+    for (var i = 0; i < tx.ins.length; i++) {
+      var txin = tx.ins[i];
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.outpoint.hash));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.index)]));
+      var scriptBytes = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.script);
+      buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.sequence)]));
+    }
+    buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(tx.outs.length));
+    for (var i = 0; i < tx.outs.length; i++) {
+      var txout = tx.outs[i];
+      var valueHex = (new BigInteger(txout.value, 10)).toString(16);
+      while (valueHex.length < 16) valueHex = "0" + valueHex;
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.hexToBytes(valueHex));
+      var scriptBytes = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txout.script);
+      buffer = buffer.concat(numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
+    }
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(tx.lock_time)]));
+    return buffer;
   var OP_CODESEPARATOR = 171;
@@ -63,24 +63,24 @@
   function hashTransactionForSignature(scriptCode, tx, inIndex, hashType)
-	  // TODO: We need to actually deep copy here
-	  var txTmp = tx;
+    // TODO: We need to actually deep copy here
+    var txTmp = tx;
-	  // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
+    // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
     // or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible incompatibilities.
-	  scriptCode = scriptCode.filter(function (val) {
-		  return val !== OP_CODESEPARATOR;
-	  });
+    scriptCode = scriptCode.filter(function (val) {
+      return val !== OP_CODESEPARATOR;
+    });
     // Blank out other inputs' signatures
     for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++) {
-    	txTmp.ins[i].script = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64([]);
+      txTmp.ins[i].script = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64([]);
     txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(scriptCode);
     // Blank out some of the outputs
     if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE) {
-    	txTmp.outs = [];
+      txTmp.outs = [];
       // Let the others update at will
       for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++)
@@ -95,81 +95,81 @@
       txTmp.ins = [txTmp.ins[inIndex]];
-	  var buffer = serializeTransaction(txTmp);
-	  buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(hashType)]));
+    var buffer = serializeTransaction(txTmp);
+    buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(hashType)]));
-	  return Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
+    return Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
   function verifyTransactionSignature(tx) {
-	  var hash = hashTransactionForSignature([], tx, 0, 0);
-	  return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(hash);
+    var hash = hashTransactionForSignature([], tx, 0, 0);
+    return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(hash);
   function numToVarInt(i)
-	  if (i < 0xfd) {
-		  // unsigned char
-		  return [i];
-	  } else if (i <= 1<<16) {
-		  // unsigned short (LE)
-		  return [0xfd, i >>> 8, i & 255];
-	  } else if (i <= 1<<32) {
-		  // unsigned int (LE)
-		  return [0xfe].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i]));
+    if (i < 0xfd) {
+      // unsigned char
+      return [i];
+    } else if (i <= 1<<16) {
+      // unsigned short (LE)
+      return [0xfd, i >>> 8, i & 255];
+    } else if (i <= 1<<32) {
+      // unsigned int (LE)
+      return [0xfe].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i]));
     } else {
-		  // unsigned long long (LE)
-		  return [0xff].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i >>> 32, i]));
+      // unsigned long long (LE)
+      return [0xff].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i >>> 32, i]));
   var testTx = {
-	  "version":"1",
-	  "lock_time":"0",
-	  "block": {
-		  "hash":"N/A",
-		  "height":115806
-	  },
-	  "index":6,
-	  "hash":"WUFzjKubG1kqfJWMb4qZdlhU2F3l5NGXN7AUg8Jwl14=",
-	  "ins":[{
-		  "outpoint":{
-			  "hash":"nqcbMM1oRhfLdZga11q7x0CpUMujm+vtxHXO9V0gnwE=",
-			  "index":0
-		  },
-		  "script":"RzBEAiB2XXkx1pca9SlfCmCGNUVf+h2sAFBttcxG1VnypIcvEgIgXrOp7LSdYBYp3nPsQAz8BOLD3K4pAlXfZImP1rkzk2EBQQRi7NcODzNfnVqLtG79Axp5UF6EhFIhCmzqKqssfKpfCIOmzCuXEeDFUFvFzeGLJx5N+wp2qRS1TqYezGD3yERk",
-		  "sequence":4294967295
-	  }],
-	  "outs":[{
-		  "value":"3000000000",
-		  "script":"dqkUBLZwqhAPRVgZvwI8MN5gLHbU8NOIrA=="
-	  },{
-		  "value":"25937000000",
-		  "script":"dqkUQ82gJ0O5vOBg6yK5/yorLLV5zLKIrA=="
-	  }]
+    "version":"1",
+    "lock_time":"0",
+    "block": {
+      "hash":"N/A",
+      "height":115806
+    },
+    "index":6,
+    "hash":"WUFzjKubG1kqfJWMb4qZdlhU2F3l5NGXN7AUg8Jwl14=",
+    "ins":[{
+      "outpoint":{
+        "hash":"nqcbMM1oRhfLdZga11q7x0CpUMujm+vtxHXO9V0gnwE=",
+        "index":0
+      },
+      "script":"RzBEAiB2XXkx1pca9SlfCmCGNUVf+h2sAFBttcxG1VnypIcvEgIgXrOp7LSdYBYp3nPsQAz8BOLD3K4pAlXfZImP1rkzk2EBQQRi7NcODzNfnVqLtG79Axp5UF6EhFIhCmzqKqssfKpfCIOmzCuXEeDFUFvFzeGLJx5N+wp2qRS1TqYezGD3yERk",
+      "sequence":4294967295
+    }],
+    "outs":[{
+      "value":"3000000000",
+      "script":"dqkUBLZwqhAPRVgZvwI8MN5gLHbU8NOIrA=="
+    },{
+      "value":"25937000000",
+      "script":"dqkUQ82gJ0O5vOBg6yK5/yorLLV5zLKIrA=="
+    }]
    TODO: Make this stuff into test cases ;)
    $(function () {
-	 var key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("5c0b98e524ad188ddef35dc6abba13c34a351a05409e5d285403718b93336a4a"));
-	 key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("180cb41c7c600be951b5d3d0a7334acc7506173875834f7a6c4c786a28fcbb19"));
-	 //console.log(key.getBitcoinAddress().toString());
-	 //var message = Crypto.util.hexToBytes("2aec28d323ee7b06a799d540d224b351161fe48967174ca5e43164e86137da11");
-	 //message = [0];
-	 //var out = key.sign(message);
-	 //console.log("pubkey: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(key.getPub()));
-	 //console.log("sig: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(out));
+   var key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("5c0b98e524ad188ddef35dc6abba13c34a351a05409e5d285403718b93336a4a"));
+   key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("180cb41c7c600be951b5d3d0a7334acc7506173875834f7a6c4c786a28fcbb19"));
+   //console.log(key.getBitcoinAddress().toString());
+   //var message = Crypto.util.hexToBytes("2aec28d323ee7b06a799d540d224b351161fe48967174ca5e43164e86137da11");
+   //message = [0];
+   //var out = key.sign(message);
+   //console.log("pubkey: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(key.getPub()));
+   //console.log("sig: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(out));
-	 //console.log(key.verify(message, out));
+   //console.log(key.verify(message, out));
-	 //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(message, Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3046022100dffbc26774fc841bbe1c1362fd643609c6e42dcb274763476d87af2c0597e89e022100c59e3c13b96b316cae9fa0ab0260612c7a133a6fe2b3445b6bf80b3123bf274d"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("0401de173aa944eacf7e44e5073baca93fb34fe4b7897a1c82c92dfdc8a1f75ef58cd1b06e8052096980cb6e1ad6d3df143c34b3d7394bae2782a4df570554c2fb")));
+   //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(message, Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3046022100dffbc26774fc841bbe1c1362fd643609c6e42dcb274763476d87af2c0597e89e022100c59e3c13b96b316cae9fa0ab0260612c7a133a6fe2b3445b6bf80b3123bf274d"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("0401de173aa944eacf7e44e5073baca93fb34fe4b7897a1c82c92dfdc8a1f75ef58cd1b06e8052096980cb6e1ad6d3df143c34b3d7394bae2782a4df570554c2fb")));
-	 //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("230aba77ccde46bb17fcb0295a92c0cc42a6ea9f439aaadeb0094625f49e6ed8"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3046022100a3ee5408f0003d8ef00ff2e0537f54ba09771626ff70dca1f01296b05c510e85022100d4dc70a5bb50685b65833a97e536909a6951dd247a2fdbde6688c33ba6d6407501"),Crypto.util.hexToBytes("04a19c1f07c7a0868d86dbb37510305843cc730eb3bea8a99d92131f44950cecd923788419bfef2f635fad621d753f30d4b4b63b29da44b4f3d92db974537ad5a4")));
-	 //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("c2c75bb77d7a5acddceb1d45ceef58e7451fd0d3abc9d4c16df7848eefafe00d"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3045022100ff9362dadcbf1f6ef954bc8eb27144bbb4f49abd32be1eb04c311151dcf4bcf802205112c2ca6a25aefb8be98bf460c5a9056c01253f31e118d80b81ec9604e3201a01"),Crypto.util.hexToBytes("04fe62ce7892ec209310c176ef7f06565865e286e8699e884603657efa9aa51086785099d544d4e04f1f7b4b065205c1783fade8daf4ba1e0d1962292e8eb722cd")));
+   //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("230aba77ccde46bb17fcb0295a92c0cc42a6ea9f439aaadeb0094625f49e6ed8"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3046022100a3ee5408f0003d8ef00ff2e0537f54ba09771626ff70dca1f01296b05c510e85022100d4dc70a5bb50685b65833a97e536909a6951dd247a2fdbde6688c33ba6d6407501"),Crypto.util.hexToBytes("04a19c1f07c7a0868d86dbb37510305843cc730eb3bea8a99d92131f44950cecd923788419bfef2f635fad621d753f30d4b4b63b29da44b4f3d92db974537ad5a4")));
+   //console.log(Bitcoin.ECDSA.verify(Crypto.util.hexToBytes("c2c75bb77d7a5acddceb1d45ceef58e7451fd0d3abc9d4c16df7848eefafe00d"), Crypto.util.hexToBytes("3045022100ff9362dadcbf1f6ef954bc8eb27144bbb4f49abd32be1eb04c311151dcf4bcf802205112c2ca6a25aefb8be98bf460c5a9056c01253f31e118d80b81ec9604e3201a01"),Crypto.util.hexToBytes("04fe62ce7892ec209310c176ef7f06565865e286e8699e884603657efa9aa51086785099d544d4e04f1f7b4b065205c1783fade8daf4ba1e0d1962292e8eb722cd")));
diff --git a/src/ecdsa.js b/src/ecdsa.js
index 1a2edcd..e986a48 100644
--- a/src/ecdsa.js
+++ b/src/ecdsa.js
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
 function integerToBytes(i, len) {
-	var bytes = i.toByteArrayUnsigned();
+  var bytes = i.toByteArrayUnsigned();
-	if (len < bytes.length) {
-		bytes = bytes.slice(bytes.length-len);
-	} else while (len > bytes.length) {
-		bytes.unshift(0);
-	}
+  if (len < bytes.length) {
+    bytes = bytes.slice(bytes.length-len);
+  } else while (len > bytes.length) {
+    bytes.unshift(0);
+  }
-	return bytes;
+  return bytes;
 ECFieldElementFp.prototype.getByteLength = function () {
-	return Math.floor((this.toBigInteger().bitLength() + 7) / 8);
+  return Math.floor((this.toBigInteger().bitLength() + 7) / 8);
 ECPointFp.prototype.getEncoded = function (compressed) {
-	var x = this.getX().toBigInteger();
-	var y = this.getY().toBigInteger();
+  var x = this.getX().toBigInteger();
+  var y = this.getY().toBigInteger();
   // Get value as a 32-byte Buffer
   // Fixed length based on a patch by bitaddress.org and Casascius
-	var enc = integerToBytes(x, 32);
+  var enc = integerToBytes(x, 32);
-	if (compressed) {
-		if (y.testBit(0)) {
-			enc.unshift(0x02);
-		} else {
-			enc.unshift(0x03);
-		}
+  if (compressed) {
+    if (y.testBit(0)) {
+      enc.unshift(0x02);
+    } else {
+      enc.unshift(0x03);
+    }
     // TODO: Implement
-	} else {
-		enc.unshift(0x04);
-		enc = enc.concat(integerToBytes(y, 32));
-	}
-	return enc;
+  } else {
+    enc.unshift(0x04);
+    enc = enc.concat(integerToBytes(y, 32));
+  }
+  return enc;
 ECPointFp.decodeFrom = function (curve, enc) {
-	var type = enc[0];
+  var type = enc[0];
   var dataLen = enc.length-1;
-	// Extract x and y as byte arrays
-	var xBa = enc.slice(1, 1 + dataLen/2);
-	var yBa = enc.slice(1 + dataLen/2, 1 + dataLen);
+  // Extract x and y as byte arrays
+  var xBa = enc.slice(1, 1 + dataLen/2);
+  var yBa = enc.slice(1 + dataLen/2, 1 + dataLen);
-	// Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
-	xBa.unshift(0);
-	yBa.unshift(0);
+  // Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
+  xBa.unshift(0);
+  yBa.unshift(0);
-	// Convert to BigIntegers
-	var x = new BigInteger(xBa);
-	var y = new BigInteger(yBa);
+  // Convert to BigIntegers
+  var x = new BigInteger(xBa);
+  var y = new BigInteger(yBa);
-	// Return point
-	return new ECPointFp(curve, curve.fromBigInteger(x), curve.fromBigInteger(y));
+  // Return point
+  return new ECPointFp(curve, curve.fromBigInteger(x), curve.fromBigInteger(y));
 ECPointFp.prototype.add2D = function (b) {
-	if(this.isInfinity()) return b;
-	if(b.isInfinity()) return this;
+  if(this.isInfinity()) return b;
+  if(b.isInfinity()) return this;
-	if (this.x.equals(b.x)) {
-		if (this.y.equals(b.y)) {
-			// this = b, i.e. this must be doubled
-			return this.twice();
-		}
-		// this = -b, i.e. the result is the point at infinity
-		return this.curve.getInfinity();
-	}
+  if (this.x.equals(b.x)) {
+    if (this.y.equals(b.y)) {
+      // this = b, i.e. this must be doubled
+      return this.twice();
+    }
+    // this = -b, i.e. the result is the point at infinity
+    return this.curve.getInfinity();
+  }
-	var x_x = b.x.subtract(this.x);
-	var y_y = b.y.subtract(this.y);
-	var gamma = y_y.divide(x_x);
+  var x_x = b.x.subtract(this.x);
+  var y_y = b.y.subtract(this.y);
+  var gamma = y_y.divide(x_x);
-	var x3 = gamma.square().subtract(this.x).subtract(b.x);
-	var y3 = gamma.multiply(this.x.subtract(x3)).subtract(this.y);
+  var x3 = gamma.square().subtract(this.x).subtract(b.x);
+  var y3 = gamma.multiply(this.x.subtract(x3)).subtract(this.y);
-	return new ECPointFp(this.curve, x3, y3);
+  return new ECPointFp(this.curve, x3, y3);
 ECPointFp.prototype.twice2D = function () {
-	if (this.isInfinity()) return this;
-	if (this.y.toBigInteger().signum() == 0) {
-		// if y1 == 0, then (x1, y1) == (x1, -y1)
-		// and hence this = -this and thus 2(x1, y1) == infinity
-		return this.curve.getInfinity();
-	}
+  if (this.isInfinity()) return this;
+  if (this.y.toBigInteger().signum() == 0) {
+    // if y1 == 0, then (x1, y1) == (x1, -y1)
+    // and hence this = -this and thus 2(x1, y1) == infinity
+    return this.curve.getInfinity();
+  }
-	var TWO = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
-	var THREE = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(3));
-	var gamma = this.x.square().multiply(THREE).add(this.curve.a).divide(this.y.multiply(TWO));
+  var TWO = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
+  var THREE = this.curve.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(3));
+  var gamma = this.x.square().multiply(THREE).add(this.curve.a).divide(this.y.multiply(TWO));
-	var x3 = gamma.square().subtract(this.x.multiply(TWO));
-	var y3 = gamma.multiply(this.x.subtract(x3)).subtract(this.y);
+  var x3 = gamma.square().subtract(this.x.multiply(TWO));
+  var y3 = gamma.multiply(this.x.subtract(x3)).subtract(this.y);
-	return new ECPointFp(this.curve, x3, y3);
+  return new ECPointFp(this.curve, x3, y3);
 ECPointFp.prototype.multiply2D = function (k) {
-	if(this.isInfinity()) return this;
+  if(this.isInfinity()) return this;
   if(k.signum() == 0) return this.curve.getInfinity();
   var e = k;
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ ECPointFp.prototype.multiply2D = function (k) {
   var i;
   for (i = h.bitLength() - 2; i > 0; --i) {
-		R = R.twice();
+    R = R.twice();
-		var hBit = h.testBit(i);
-		var eBit = e.testBit(i);
+    var hBit = h.testBit(i);
+    var eBit = e.testBit(i);
-		if (hBit != eBit) {
-			R = R.add2D(hBit ? this : neg);
-		}
+    if (hBit != eBit) {
+      R = R.add2D(hBit ? this : neg);
+    }
   return R;
@@ -169,141 +169,141 @@ ECPointFp.prototype.validate = function () {
 function dmp(v) {
-	if (!(v instanceof BigInteger)) v = v.toBigInteger();
-	return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(v.toByteArrayUnsigned());
+  if (!(v instanceof BigInteger)) v = v.toBigInteger();
+  return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(v.toByteArrayUnsigned());
 Bitcoin.ECDSA = (function () {
-	var ecparams = getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
-	var rng = new SecureRandom();
+  var ecparams = getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
+  var rng = new SecureRandom();
-	function implShamirsTrick(P, k, Q, l)
-	{
-		var m = Math.max(k.bitLength(), l.bitLength());
-		var Z = P.add2D(Q);
-		var R = P.curve.getInfinity();
+  function implShamirsTrick(P, k, Q, l)
+  {
+    var m = Math.max(k.bitLength(), l.bitLength());
+    var Z = P.add2D(Q);
+    var R = P.curve.getInfinity();
-		for (var i = m - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-			R = R.twice2D();
+    for (var i = m - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+      R = R.twice2D();
-			R.z = BigInteger.ONE;
+      R.z = BigInteger.ONE;
-			if (k.testBit(i)) {
-				if (l.testBit(i)) {
-					R = R.add2D(Z);
-				} else {
-					R = R.add2D(P);
-				}
-			} else {
-				if (l.testBit(i)) {
-					R = R.add2D(Q);
-				}
-			}
-		}
+      if (k.testBit(i)) {
+        if (l.testBit(i)) {
+          R = R.add2D(Z);
+        } else {
+          R = R.add2D(P);
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (l.testBit(i)) {
+          R = R.add2D(Q);
+        }
+      }
+    }
-		return R;
-	};
+    return R;
+  };
-	var ECDSA = {
-		getBigRandom: function (limit) {
-			return new BigInteger(limit.bitLength(), rng)
-				.mod(limit.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))
-				.add(BigInteger.ONE)
-			;
-		},
-		sign: function (hash, priv) {
-			var d = priv;
-			var n = ecparams.getN();
-			var e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(hash);
+  var ECDSA = {
+    getBigRandom: function (limit) {
+      return new BigInteger(limit.bitLength(), rng)
+        .mod(limit.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))
+        .add(BigInteger.ONE)
+      ;
+    },
+    sign: function (hash, priv) {
+      var d = priv;
+      var n = ecparams.getN();
+      var e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(hash);
-			do {
-				var k = ECDSA.getBigRandom(n);
-				var G = ecparams.getG();
-				var Q = G.multiply(k);
-				var r = Q.getX().toBigInteger().mod(n);
-			} while (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0);
+      do {
+        var k = ECDSA.getBigRandom(n);
+        var G = ecparams.getG();
+        var Q = G.multiply(k);
+        var r = Q.getX().toBigInteger().mod(n);
+      } while (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0);
-			var s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n);
+      var s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n);
       return ECDSA.serializeSig(r, s);
-		},
-    serializeSig: function (r, s) {
-			var rBa = r.toByteArrayUnsigned();
-			var sBa = s.toByteArrayUnsigned();
-			var sequence = [];
-			sequence.push(0x02); // INTEGER
-			sequence.push(rBa.length);
-			sequence = sequence.concat(rBa);
-			sequence.push(0x02); // INTEGER
-			sequence.push(sBa.length);
-			sequence = sequence.concat(sBa);
-			sequence.unshift(sequence.length);
-			sequence.unshift(0x30) // SEQUENCE
-			return sequence;
-		verify: function (hash, sig, pubkey) {
+    serializeSig: function (r, s) {
+      var rBa = r.toByteArrayUnsigned();
+      var sBa = s.toByteArrayUnsigned();
+      var sequence = [];
+      sequence.push(0x02); // INTEGER
+      sequence.push(rBa.length);
+      sequence = sequence.concat(rBa);
+      sequence.push(0x02); // INTEGER
+      sequence.push(sBa.length);
+      sequence = sequence.concat(sBa);
+      sequence.unshift(sequence.length);
+      sequence.unshift(0x30) // SEQUENCE
+      return sequence;
+    },
+    verify: function (hash, sig, pubkey) {
       var obj = ECDSA.parseSig(sig);
       var r = obj.r;
       var s = obj.s;
-			var n = ecparams.getN();
-			var e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(hash);
+      var n = ecparams.getN();
+      var e = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(hash);
-			if (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 ||
-				r.compareTo(n) >= 0)
-				return false;
+      if (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 ||
+          r.compareTo(n) >= 0)
+        return false;
-			if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 ||
-				s.compareTo(n) >= 0)
-				return false;
+      if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 ||
+          s.compareTo(n) >= 0)
+        return false;
-			var c = s.modInverse(n);
+      var c = s.modInverse(n);
-			var u1 = e.multiply(c).mod(n);
-			var u2 = r.multiply(c).mod(n);
+      var u1 = e.multiply(c).mod(n);
+      var u2 = r.multiply(c).mod(n);
-			var G = ecparams.getG();
-			var Q = ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), pubkey);
+      var G = ecparams.getG();
+      var Q = ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), pubkey);
-			var point = implShamirsTrick(G, u1, Q, u2);
+      var point = implShamirsTrick(G, u1, Q, u2);
-			var v = point.x.toBigInteger().mod(n);
+      var v = point.x.toBigInteger().mod(n);
-			return v.equals(r);
-		},
+      return v.equals(r);
+    },
     parseSig: function (sig) {
-			var cursor;
-			if (sig[0] != 0x30)
-				throw new Error("Signature not a valid DERSequence");
+      var cursor;
+      if (sig[0] != 0x30)
+        throw new Error("Signature not a valid DERSequence");
-			cursor = 2;
-			if (sig[cursor] != 0x02)
-				throw new Error("First element in signature must be a DERInteger");;
-			var rBa = sig.slice(cursor+2, cursor+2+sig[cursor+1]);
+      cursor = 2;
+      if (sig[cursor] != 0x02)
+        throw new Error("First element in signature must be a DERInteger");;
+      var rBa = sig.slice(cursor+2, cursor+2+sig[cursor+1]);
-			cursor += 2+sig[cursor+1];
-			if (sig[cursor] != 0x02)
-				throw new Error("Second element in signature must be a DERInteger");
-			var sBa = sig.slice(cursor+2, cursor+2+sig[cursor+1]);
+      cursor += 2+sig[cursor+1];
+      if (sig[cursor] != 0x02)
+        throw new Error("Second element in signature must be a DERInteger");
+      var sBa = sig.slice(cursor+2, cursor+2+sig[cursor+1]);
-			cursor += 2+sig[cursor+1];
+      cursor += 2+sig[cursor+1];
-			//if (cursor != sig.length)
-			//	throw new Error("Extra bytes in signature");
+      //if (cursor != sig.length)
+      //  throw new Error("Extra bytes in signature");
-			var r = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(rBa);
-			var s = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(sBa);
+      var r = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(rBa);
+      var s = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(sBa);
       return {r: r, s: s};
-	};
+  };
-	return ECDSA;
+  return ECDSA;
diff --git a/src/eckey.js b/src/eckey.js
index 10c1494..d287b51 100644
--- a/src/eckey.js
+++ b/src/eckey.js
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
 Bitcoin.ECKey = (function () {
-	var ECDSA = Bitcoin.ECDSA;
-	var ecparams = getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
-	var rng = new SecureRandom();
+  var ECDSA = Bitcoin.ECDSA;
+  var ecparams = getSECCurveByName("secp256k1");
+  var rng = new SecureRandom();
-	var ECKey = function (input) {
-		if (!input) {
-			// Generate new key
-			var n = ecparams.getN();
-			this.priv = ECDSA.getBigRandom(n);
-		} else if (input instanceof BigInteger) {
-			// Input is a private key value
-			this.priv = input;
-		} else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(input)) {
-			// Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
-			this.priv = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(input);
-		} else if ("string" == typeof input) {
-			// Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
-			this.priv = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(input));
-		}
-	};
+  var ECKey = function (input) {
+    if (!input) {
+      // Generate new key
+      var n = ecparams.getN();
+      this.priv = ECDSA.getBigRandom(n);
+    } else if (input instanceof BigInteger) {
+      // Input is a private key value
+      this.priv = input;
+    } else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(input)) {
+      // Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
+      this.priv = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(input);
+    } else if ("string" == typeof input) {
+      // Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
+      this.priv = BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(input));
+    }
+  };
-	ECKey.prototype.getPub = function () {
-		if (this.pub) return this.pub;
+  ECKey.prototype.getPub = function () {
+    if (this.pub) return this.pub;
-		return this.pub = ecparams.getG().multiply(this.priv).getEncoded();
-	};
+    return this.pub = ecparams.getG().multiply(this.priv).getEncoded();
+  };
-	ECKey.prototype.getPubKeyHash = function () {
-		if (this.pubKeyHash) return this.pubKeyHash;
+  ECKey.prototype.getPubKeyHash = function () {
+    if (this.pubKeyHash) return this.pubKeyHash;
-		return this.pubKeyHash = Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.getPub());
-	};
+    return this.pubKeyHash = Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.getPub());
+  };
-	ECKey.prototype.getBitcoinAddress = function () {
-		var hash = this.getPubKeyHash();
-		var addr = new Bitcoin.Address(hash);
-		return addr;
-	};
+  ECKey.prototype.getBitcoinAddress = function () {
+    var hash = this.getPubKeyHash();
+    var addr = new Bitcoin.Address(hash);
+    return addr;
+  };
   ECKey.prototype.setPub = function (pub) {
     this.pub = pub;
-	ECKey.prototype.toString = function (format) {
-		if (format === "base64") {
-			return Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(this.priv.toByteArrayUnsigned());
-		} else {
-			return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(this.priv.toByteArrayUnsigned());
-		}
-	};
+  ECKey.prototype.toString = function (format) {
+    if (format === "base64") {
+      return Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(this.priv.toByteArrayUnsigned());
+    } else {
+      return Crypto.util.bytesToHex(this.priv.toByteArrayUnsigned());
+    }
+  };
-	ECKey.prototype.sign = function (hash) {
-		return ECDSA.sign(hash, this.priv);
-	};
+  ECKey.prototype.sign = function (hash) {
+    return ECDSA.sign(hash, this.priv);
+  };
-	ECKey.prototype.verify = function (hash, sig) {
-		return ECDSA.verify(hash, sig, this.getPub());
-	};
+  ECKey.prototype.verify = function (hash, sig) {
+    return ECDSA.verify(hash, sig, this.getPub());
+  };
-	return ECKey;
+  return ECKey;
diff --git a/src/exit/client.js b/src/exit/client.js
index 03bc5a7..86d9f55 100644
--- a/src/exit/client.js
+++ b/src/exit/client.js
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
   exports.ExitNode = ExitNode;
   function ExitNode(host, port, secure) {
-	  this.setUri(host, port, secure);
+    this.setUri(host, port, secure);
-	  this.unique = 1;
+    this.unique = 1;
     this.connected = false;
-	  this.callbacks = [];
+    this.callbacks = [];
@@ -22,23 +22,23 @@
   ExitNode.prototype.connect = function (wallet) {
-	  this.wallet = wallet;
+    this.wallet = wallet;
     // Workaround for socket.io not properly allowing disconnecting and reconnecting
     delete io.sockets[this.uri];
     io.j = [];
-	  this.socket = io.connect(this.uri);
-	  this.socket.on('connect', $.proxy(this.handleConnect, this));
-	  this.socket.on('error', function () {
-		  console.log('error, test');
-	  });
-	  this.socket.on('message', $.proxy(this.handleMessage, this));
-	  this.socket.on('disconnect', $.proxy(this.handleDisconnect, this));
+    this.socket = io.connect(this.uri);
+    this.socket.on('connect', $.proxy(this.handleConnect, this));
+    this.socket.on('error', function () {
+      console.log('error, test');
+    });
+    this.socket.on('message', $.proxy(this.handleMessage, this));
+    this.socket.on('disconnect', $.proxy(this.handleDisconnect, this));
   ExitNode.prototype.disconnect = function () {
-	  if (this.socket) {
+    if (this.socket) {
       this.socket = null;
       this.connected = false;
@@ -51,76 +51,76 @@
    * Make RPC call.
   ExitNode.prototype.call = function (method, argObj, callback) {
-	  this.socket.send($.toJSON({
-		  "method": method,
-		  "params": [argObj],
-		  "id": this.unique
-	  }));
-	  if (callback) this.callbacks[this.unique] = callback;
-	  this.unique++;
+    this.socket.send($.toJSON({
+      "method": method,
+      "params": [argObj],
+      "id": this.unique
+    }));
+    if (callback) this.callbacks[this.unique] = callback;
+    this.unique++;
   ExitNode.prototype.handleConnect = function () {
-	  var self = this;
+    var self = this;
     this.connected = true;
   ExitNode.prototype.listen = function (addrs) {
-	  self.call("pubkeysRegister", {
-		  keys: addrs.join(',')
-	  }, function (err, result) {
-		  if (err) {
-			  console.error("Could not register public keys");
-			  return;
-		  }
+    self.call("pubkeysRegister", {
+      keys: addrs.join(',')
+    }, function (err, result) {
+      if (err) {
+        console.error("Could not register public keys");
+        return;
+      }
-		  self.call("pubkeysListen", {
-			  handle: result.handle
-		  }, function (err, result) {
-			  // Communicate the block height
-			  self.trigger('blockInit', {height: result.height});
+      self.call("pubkeysListen", {
+        handle: result.handle
+      }, function (err, result) {
+        // Communicate the block height
+        self.trigger('blockInit', {height: result.height});
-			  // Pass on the newly downloaded transactions
+        // Pass on the newly downloaded transactions
         self.trigger('txData', {
           confirmed: true,
           txs: result.txs
-			  // TODO: Download more transactions
+        // TODO: Download more transactions
         self.trigger('connectStatus', {status: 'ok'});
-		  });
+      });
-		  self.call("pubkeysUnconfirmed", {
-			  handle: result.handle
-		  }, function (err, result) {
-			  // Pass on the newly downloaded transactions
+      self.call("pubkeysUnconfirmed", {
+        handle: result.handle
+      }, function (err, result) {
+        // Pass on the newly downloaded transactions
         self.trigger('txData', {
           confirmed: false,
           txs: result.txs
-		  });
-	  });
+      });
+    });
   ExitNode.prototype.handleMessage = function (data) {
-	  // Handle JSON-RPC result messages
-	  if ("undefined" !== typeof data.result &&
-		    "function" == typeof this.callbacks[data.id]) {
-		  this.callbacks[data.id](data.error, data.result);
+    // Handle JSON-RPC result messages
+    if ("undefined" !== typeof data.result &&
+        "function" == typeof this.callbacks[data.id]) {
+      this.callbacks[data.id](data.error, data.result);
-	  // Handle JSON-RPC request messages
-	  } else if ("undefined" !== typeof data.method) {
-		  // Create an event
+      // Handle JSON-RPC request messages
+    } else if ("undefined" !== typeof data.method) {
+      // Create an event
       this.trigger(data.method, data.params[0]);
-	  }
+    }
   ExitNode.prototype.handleDisconnect = function () {
-	  // TODO: Attempt reconnect (unless disconnect was intended)
+    // TODO: Attempt reconnect (unless disconnect was intended)
   ExitNode.prototype.query = function (api, params, jsonp,  callback) {
diff --git a/src/opcode.js b/src/opcode.js
index b7b2bce..4850d17 100644
--- a/src/opcode.js
+++ b/src/opcode.js
@@ -1,154 +1,154 @@
 (function () {
-	var Opcode = Bitcoin.Opcode = function (num) {
-		this.code = num;
-	};
+  var Opcode = Bitcoin.Opcode = function (num) {
+    this.code = num;
+  };
-	Opcode.prototype.toString = function () {
-		return Opcode.reverseMap[this.code];
-	};
+  Opcode.prototype.toString = function () {
+    return Opcode.reverseMap[this.code];
+  };
-	Opcode.map = {
-		// push value
-		OP_0         : 0,
-		OP_FALSE     : 0,
-		OP_PUSHDATA1 : 76,
-		OP_PUSHDATA2 : 77,
-		OP_PUSHDATA4 : 78,
-		OP_1NEGATE   : 79,
-		OP_RESERVED  : 80,
-		OP_1         : 81,
-		OP_TRUE      : 81,
-		OP_2         : 82,
-		OP_3         : 83,
-		OP_4         : 84,
-		OP_5         : 85,
-		OP_6         : 86,
-		OP_7         : 87,
-		OP_8         : 88,
-		OP_9         : 89,
-		OP_10        : 90,
-		OP_11        : 91,
-		OP_12        : 92,
-		OP_13        : 93,
-		OP_14        : 94,
-		OP_15        : 95,
-		OP_16        : 96,
+  Opcode.map = {
+    // push value
+    OP_0         : 0,
+    OP_FALSE     : 0,
+    OP_PUSHDATA1 : 76,
+    OP_PUSHDATA2 : 77,
+    OP_PUSHDATA4 : 78,
+    OP_1NEGATE   : 79,
+    OP_RESERVED  : 80,
+    OP_1         : 81,
+    OP_TRUE      : 81,
+    OP_2         : 82,
+    OP_3         : 83,
+    OP_4         : 84,
+    OP_5         : 85,
+    OP_6         : 86,
+    OP_7         : 87,
+    OP_8         : 88,
+    OP_9         : 89,
+    OP_10        : 90,
+    OP_11        : 91,
+    OP_12        : 92,
+    OP_13        : 93,
+    OP_14        : 94,
+    OP_15        : 95,
+    OP_16        : 96,
-		// control
-		OP_NOP       : 97,
-		OP_VER       : 98,
-		OP_IF        : 99,
-		OP_NOTIF     : 100,
-		OP_VERIF     : 101,
-		OP_VERNOTIF  : 102,
-		OP_ELSE      : 103,
-		OP_ENDIF     : 104,
-		OP_VERIFY    : 105,
-		OP_RETURN    : 106,
+    // control
+    OP_NOP       : 97,
+    OP_VER       : 98,
+    OP_IF        : 99,
+    OP_NOTIF     : 100,
+    OP_VERIF     : 101,
+    OP_VERNOTIF  : 102,
+    OP_ELSE      : 103,
+    OP_ENDIF     : 104,
+    OP_VERIFY    : 105,
+    OP_RETURN    : 106,
-		// stack ops
-		OP_TOALTSTACK   : 107,
-		OP_2DROP        : 109,
-		OP_2DUP         : 110,
-		OP_3DUP         : 111,
-		OP_2OVER        : 112,
-		OP_2ROT         : 113,
-		OP_2SWAP        : 114,
-		OP_IFDUP        : 115,
-		OP_DEPTH        : 116,
-		OP_DROP         : 117,
-		OP_DUP          : 118,
-		OP_NIP          : 119,
-		OP_OVER         : 120,
-		OP_PICK         : 121,
-		OP_ROLL         : 122,
-		OP_ROT          : 123,
-		OP_SWAP         : 124,
-		OP_TUCK         : 125,
+    // stack ops
+    OP_TOALTSTACK   : 107,
+    OP_2DROP        : 109,
+    OP_2DUP         : 110,
+    OP_3DUP         : 111,
+    OP_2OVER        : 112,
+    OP_2ROT         : 113,
+    OP_2SWAP        : 114,
+    OP_IFDUP        : 115,
+    OP_DEPTH        : 116,
+    OP_DROP         : 117,
+    OP_DUP          : 118,
+    OP_NIP          : 119,
+    OP_OVER         : 120,
+    OP_PICK         : 121,
+    OP_ROLL         : 122,
+    OP_ROT          : 123,
+    OP_SWAP         : 124,
+    OP_TUCK         : 125,
-		// splice ops
-		OP_CAT          : 126,
-		OP_SUBSTR       : 127,
-		OP_LEFT         : 128,
-		OP_RIGHT        : 129,
-		OP_SIZE         : 130,
+    // splice ops
+    OP_CAT          : 126,
+    OP_SUBSTR       : 127,
+    OP_LEFT         : 128,
+    OP_RIGHT        : 129,
+    OP_SIZE         : 130,
-		// bit logic
-		OP_INVERT       : 131,
-		OP_AND          : 132,
-		OP_OR           : 133,
-		OP_XOR          : 134,
-		OP_EQUAL        : 135,
-		OP_RESERVED1    : 137,
-		OP_RESERVED2    : 138,
+    // bit logic
+    OP_INVERT       : 131,
+    OP_AND          : 132,
+    OP_OR           : 133,
+    OP_XOR          : 134,
+    OP_EQUAL        : 135,
+    OP_EQUALVERIFY  : 136,
+    OP_RESERVED1    : 137,
+    OP_RESERVED2    : 138,
-		// numeric
-		OP_1ADD         : 139,
-		OP_1SUB         : 140,
-		OP_2MUL         : 141,
-		OP_2DIV         : 142,
-		OP_NEGATE       : 143,
-		OP_ABS          : 144,
-		OP_NOT          : 145,
-		OP_0NOTEQUAL    : 146,
+    // numeric
+    OP_1ADD         : 139,
+    OP_1SUB         : 140,
+    OP_2MUL         : 141,
+    OP_2DIV         : 142,
+    OP_NEGATE       : 143,
+    OP_ABS          : 144,
+    OP_NOT          : 145,
+    OP_0NOTEQUAL    : 146,
-		OP_ADD          : 147,
-		OP_SUB          : 148,
-		OP_MUL          : 149,
-		OP_DIV          : 150,
-		OP_MOD          : 151,
-		OP_LSHIFT       : 152,
-		OP_RSHIFT       : 153,
+    OP_ADD          : 147,
+    OP_SUB          : 148,
+    OP_MUL          : 149,
+    OP_DIV          : 150,
+    OP_MOD          : 151,
+    OP_LSHIFT       : 152,
+    OP_RSHIFT       : 153,
-		OP_BOOLAND             : 154,
-		OP_BOOLOR              : 155,
-		OP_NUMEQUAL            : 156,
-		OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY      : 157,
-		OP_NUMNOTEQUAL         : 158,
-		OP_LESSTHAN            : 159,
-		OP_GREATERTHAN         : 160,
-		OP_MIN                 : 163,
-		OP_MAX                 : 164,
+    OP_BOOLAND             : 154,
+    OP_BOOLOR              : 155,
+    OP_NUMEQUAL            : 156,
+    OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY      : 157,
+    OP_NUMNOTEQUAL         : 158,
+    OP_LESSTHAN            : 159,
+    OP_GREATERTHAN         : 160,
+    OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL     : 161,
+    OP_MIN                 : 163,
+    OP_MAX                 : 164,
-		OP_WITHIN              : 165,
+    OP_WITHIN              : 165,
-		// crypto
-		OP_RIPEMD160           : 166,
-		OP_SHA1                : 167,
-		OP_SHA256              : 168,
-		OP_HASH160             : 169,
-		OP_HASH256             : 170,
-		OP_CODESEPARATOR       : 171,
-		OP_CHECKSIG            : 172,
-		OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY      : 173,
-		OP_CHECKMULTISIG       : 174,
+    // crypto
+    OP_RIPEMD160           : 166,
+    OP_SHA1                : 167,
+    OP_SHA256              : 168,
+    OP_HASH160             : 169,
+    OP_HASH256             : 170,
+    OP_CODESEPARATOR       : 171,
+    OP_CHECKSIG            : 172,
+    OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY      : 173,
+    OP_CHECKMULTISIG       : 174,
-		// expansion
-		OP_NOP1  : 176,
-		OP_NOP2  : 177,
-		OP_NOP3  : 178,
-		OP_NOP4  : 179,
-		OP_NOP5  : 180,
-		OP_NOP6  : 181,
-		OP_NOP7  : 182,
-		OP_NOP8  : 183,
-		OP_NOP9  : 184,
-		OP_NOP10 : 185,
+    // expansion
+    OP_NOP1  : 176,
+    OP_NOP2  : 177,
+    OP_NOP3  : 178,
+    OP_NOP4  : 179,
+    OP_NOP5  : 180,
+    OP_NOP6  : 181,
+    OP_NOP7  : 182,
+    OP_NOP8  : 183,
+    OP_NOP9  : 184,
+    OP_NOP10 : 185,
-		// template matching params
-		OP_PUBKEYHASH    : 253,
-		OP_PUBKEY        : 254,
-	};
+    // template matching params
+    OP_PUBKEYHASH    : 253,
+    OP_PUBKEY        : 254,
+  };
-	Opcode.reverseMap = [];
+  Opcode.reverseMap = [];
-	for (var i in Opcode.map) {
-		Opcode.reverseMap[Opcode.map[i]] = i;
-	}
+  for (var i in Opcode.map) {
+    Opcode.reverseMap[Opcode.map[i]] = i;
+  }
diff --git a/src/paillier.js b/src/paillier.js
index 32b1735..ed0ccc9 100644
--- a/src/paillier.js
+++ b/src/paillier.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Bitcoin.Paillier = (function () {
-	var rng = new SecureRandom();
+  var rng = new SecureRandom();
   var TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
   var Paillier = {
diff --git a/src/script.js b/src/script.js
index d9e68b7..317dc18 100644
--- a/src/script.js
+++ b/src/script.js
@@ -1,183 +1,183 @@
 (function () {
-	var Opcode = Bitcoin.Opcode;
+  var Opcode = Bitcoin.Opcode;
-	// Make opcodes available as pseudo-constants
-	for (var i in Opcode.map) {
-		eval("var " + i + " = " + Opcode.map[i] + ";");
-	}
+  // Make opcodes available as pseudo-constants
+  for (var i in Opcode.map) {
+    eval("var " + i + " = " + Opcode.map[i] + ";");
+  }
-	var Script = Bitcoin.Script = function (data) {
-		if (!data) {
-			this.buffer = [];
-		} else if ("string" == typeof data) {
-			this.buffer = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(data);
-		} else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(data)) {
-			this.buffer = data;
-		} else if (data instanceof Script) {
-			this.buffer = data.buffer;
-		} else {
-			throw new Error("Invalid script");
-		}
+  var Script = Bitcoin.Script = function (data) {
+    if (!data) {
+      this.buffer = [];
+    } else if ("string" == typeof data) {
+      this.buffer = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(data);
+    } else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(data)) {
+      this.buffer = data;
+    } else if (data instanceof Script) {
+      this.buffer = data.buffer;
+    } else {
+      throw new Error("Invalid script");
+    }
-		this.parse();
-	};
+    this.parse();
+  };
-	Script.prototype.parse = function () {
-		var self = this;
+  Script.prototype.parse = function () {
+    var self = this;
-		this.chunks = [];
+    this.chunks = [];
-		// Cursor
-		var i = 0;
+    // Cursor
+    var i = 0;
-		// Read n bytes and store result as a chunk
-		function readChunk(n) {
-			self.chunks.push(self.buffer.slice(i, i + n));
-			i += n;
-		};
+    // Read n bytes and store result as a chunk
+    function readChunk(n) {
+      self.chunks.push(self.buffer.slice(i, i + n));
+      i += n;
+    };
-		while (i < this.buffer.length) {
-			var opcode = this.buffer[i++];
-			if (opcode >= 0xF0) {
-				// Two byte opcode
-				opcode = (opcode << 8) | this.buffer[i++];
-			}
+    while (i < this.buffer.length) {
+      var opcode = this.buffer[i++];
+      if (opcode >= 0xF0) {
+        // Two byte opcode
+        opcode = (opcode << 8) | this.buffer[i++];
+      }
-			var len;
-			if (opcode > 0 && opcode < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
-				// Read some bytes of data, opcode value is the length of data
-				readChunk(opcode);
-			} else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA1) {
-				len = this.buffer[i++];
-				readChunk(len);
-			} else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2) {
-				len = (this.buffer[i++] << 8) | this.buffer[i++];
-				readChunk(len);
-			} else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4) {
-				len = (this.buffer[i++] << 24) |
-				      (this.buffer[i++] << 16) |
-				      (this.buffer[i++] << 8) |
-				      this.buffer[i++];
-				readChunk(len);
-			} else {
-				this.chunks.push(opcode);
-			}
-		}
-	};
+      var len;
+      if (opcode > 0 && opcode < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
+        // Read some bytes of data, opcode value is the length of data
+        readChunk(opcode);
+      } else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA1) {
+        len = this.buffer[i++];
+        readChunk(len);
+      } else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA2) {
+        len = (this.buffer[i++] << 8) | this.buffer[i++];
+        readChunk(len);
+      } else if (opcode == OP_PUSHDATA4) {
+        len = (this.buffer[i++] << 24) |
+          (this.buffer[i++] << 16) |
+          (this.buffer[i++] << 8) |
+          this.buffer[i++];
+        readChunk(len);
+      } else {
+        this.chunks.push(opcode);
+      }
+    }
+  };
-	Script.prototype.getOutType = function ()
-	{
-		if (this.chunks.length == 5 &&
-			this.chunks[0] == OP_DUP &&
-			this.chunks[1] == OP_HASH160 &&
-			this.chunks[3] == OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
-			this.chunks[4] == OP_CHECKSIG) {
+  Script.prototype.getOutType = function ()
+  {
+    if (this.chunks.length == 5 &&
+        this.chunks[0] == OP_DUP &&
+        this.chunks[1] == OP_HASH160 &&
+        this.chunks[3] == OP_EQUALVERIFY &&
+        this.chunks[4] == OP_CHECKSIG) {
-			// Transfer to Bitcoin address
-			return 'Address';
-		} else if (this.chunks.length == 2 &&
-				   this.chunks[1] == OP_CHECKSIG) {
+      // Transfer to Bitcoin address
+      return 'Address';
+    } else if (this.chunks.length == 2 &&
+               this.chunks[1] == OP_CHECKSIG) {
-			// Transfer to IP address
-			return 'Pubkey';
-		} else {
-			return 'Strange';
-		}
-	};
+      // Transfer to IP address
+      return 'Pubkey';
+    } else {
+      return 'Strange';
+    }
+  };
-	Script.prototype.simpleOutPubKeyHash = function ()
-	{
-		switch (this.getOutType()) {
-		case 'Address':
-			return this.chunks[2];
-		case 'Pubkey':
-			return Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.chunks[0]);
-		default:
-			throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptPubKey");
-		}
-	};
+  Script.prototype.simpleOutPubKeyHash = function ()
+  {
+    switch (this.getOutType()) {
+    case 'Address':
+      return this.chunks[2];
+    case 'Pubkey':
+      return Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.chunks[0]);
+    default:
+      throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptPubKey");
+    }
+  };
-	Script.prototype.getInType = function ()
-	{
-		if (this.chunks.length == 1) {
-			// Direct IP to IP transactions only have the public key in their scriptSig.
-			return 'Pubkey';
-		} else if (this.chunks.length == 2 &&
-				   Bitcoin.Util.isArray(this.chunks[0]) &&
-				   Bitcoin.Util.isArray(this.chunks[1])) {
-			return 'Address';
-		} else {
-			console.log(this.chunks);
-			throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptSig");
-		}
-	};
+  Script.prototype.getInType = function ()
+  {
+    if (this.chunks.length == 1) {
+      // Direct IP to IP transactions only have the public key in their scriptSig.
+      return 'Pubkey';
+    } else if (this.chunks.length == 2 &&
+               Bitcoin.Util.isArray(this.chunks[0]) &&
+               Bitcoin.Util.isArray(this.chunks[1])) {
+      return 'Address';
+    } else {
+      console.log(this.chunks);
+      throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptSig");
+    }
+  };
-	Script.prototype.simpleInPubKey = function ()
-	{
-		switch (this.getInType()) {
-		case 'Address':
-			return this.chunks[1];
-		case 'Pubkey':
-			return this.chunks[0];
-		default:
-			throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptSig");
-		}
-	};
+  Script.prototype.simpleInPubKey = function ()
+  {
+    switch (this.getInType()) {
+    case 'Address':
+      return this.chunks[1];
+    case 'Pubkey':
+      return this.chunks[0];
+    default:
+      throw new Error("Encountered non-standard scriptSig");
+    }
+  };
-	Script.prototype.simpleInPubKeyHash = function ()
-	{
-		return Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.simpleInPubKey());
-	};
+  Script.prototype.simpleInPubKeyHash = function ()
+  {
+    return Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(this.simpleInPubKey());
+  };
-	Script.prototype.writeOp = function (opcode)
-	{
-		this.buffer.push(opcode);
-		this.chunks.push(opcode);
-	};
+  Script.prototype.writeOp = function (opcode)
+  {
+    this.buffer.push(opcode);
+    this.chunks.push(opcode);
+  };
-	Script.prototype.writeBytes = function (data)
-	{
-		if (data.length < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
-			this.buffer.push(data.length);
-		} else if (data.length <= 0xff) {
-			this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA1);
-			this.buffer.push(data.length);
-		} else if (data.length <= 0xffff) {
-			this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA2);
-			this.buffer.push(data.length & 0xff);
-			this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 8) & 0xff);
-		} else {
-			this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA4);
-			this.buffer.push(data.length & 0xff);
-			this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 8) & 0xff);
-			this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 16) & 0xff);
-			this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 24) & 0xff);
-		}
-		this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(data);
-		this.chunks.push(data);
-	};
+  Script.prototype.writeBytes = function (data)
+  {
+    if (data.length < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
+      this.buffer.push(data.length);
+    } else if (data.length <= 0xff) {
+      this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA1);
+      this.buffer.push(data.length);
+    } else if (data.length <= 0xffff) {
+      this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA2);
+      this.buffer.push(data.length & 0xff);
+      this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 8) & 0xff);
+    } else {
+      this.buffer.push(OP_PUSHDATA4);
+      this.buffer.push(data.length & 0xff);
+      this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 8) & 0xff);
+      this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 16) & 0xff);
+      this.buffer.push((data.length >>> 24) & 0xff);
+    }
+    this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(data);
+    this.chunks.push(data);
+  };
-	Script.createOutputScript = function (address)
-	{
-		var script = new Script();
-		script.writeOp(OP_DUP);
-		script.writeOp(OP_HASH160);
-		script.writeBytes(address.hash);
-		script.writeOp(OP_EQUALVERIFY);
-		script.writeOp(OP_CHECKSIG);
-		return script;
-	};
+  Script.createOutputScript = function (address)
+  {
+    var script = new Script();
+    script.writeOp(OP_DUP);
+    script.writeOp(OP_HASH160);
+    script.writeBytes(address.hash);
+    script.writeOp(OP_EQUALVERIFY);
+    script.writeOp(OP_CHECKSIG);
+    return script;
+  };
-	Script.createInputScript = function (signature, pubKey)
-	{
-		var script = new Script();
-		script.writeBytes(signature);
-		script.writeBytes(pubKey);
-		return script;
-	};
+  Script.createInputScript = function (signature, pubKey)
+  {
+    var script = new Script();
+    script.writeBytes(signature);
+    script.writeBytes(pubKey);
+    return script;
+  };
-	Script.prototype.clone = function ()
-	{
-		return new Script(this.buffer);
-	};
+  Script.prototype.clone = function ()
+  {
+    return new Script(this.buffer);
+  };
diff --git a/src/transaction.js b/src/transaction.js
index 8e8ba28..ff89a6e 100644
--- a/src/transaction.js
+++ b/src/transaction.js
@@ -1,231 +1,231 @@
 (function () {
-	var Script = Bitcoin.Script;
+  var Script = Bitcoin.Script;
-	var Transaction = Bitcoin.Transaction = function (doc) {
-		this.version = 1;
-		this.lock_time = 0;
-		this.ins = [];
-		this.outs = [];
-		this.timestamp = null;
-		this.block = null;
+  var Transaction = Bitcoin.Transaction = function (doc) {
+    this.version = 1;
+    this.lock_time = 0;
+    this.ins = [];
+    this.outs = [];
+    this.timestamp = null;
+    this.block = null;
-		if (doc) {
-			if (doc.hash) this.hash = doc.hash;
-			if (doc.version) this.version = doc.version;
-			if (doc.lock_time) this.lock_time = doc.lock_time;
-			if (doc.ins && doc.ins.length) {
-				for (var i = 0; i < doc.ins.length; i++) {
-					this.addInput(new TransactionIn(doc.ins[i]));
-				}
-			}
-			if (doc.outs && doc.outs.length) {
-				for (var i = 0; i < doc.outs.length; i++) {
-					this.addOutput(new TransactionOut(doc.outs[i]));
-				}
-			}
-			if (doc.timestamp) this.timestamp = doc.timestamp;
-			if (doc.block) this.block = doc.block;
-		}
-	};
+    if (doc) {
+      if (doc.hash) this.hash = doc.hash;
+      if (doc.version) this.version = doc.version;
+      if (doc.lock_time) this.lock_time = doc.lock_time;
+      if (doc.ins && doc.ins.length) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < doc.ins.length; i++) {
+          this.addInput(new TransactionIn(doc.ins[i]));
+        }
+      }
+      if (doc.outs && doc.outs.length) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < doc.outs.length; i++) {
+          this.addOutput(new TransactionOut(doc.outs[i]));
+        }
+      }
+      if (doc.timestamp) this.timestamp = doc.timestamp;
+      if (doc.block) this.block = doc.block;
+    }
+  };
-	Transaction.objectify = function (txs) {
-		var objs = [];
-		for (var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) {
-			objs.push(new Transaction(txs[i]));
-		}
-		return objs;
-	};
+  Transaction.objectify = function (txs) {
+    var objs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) {
+      objs.push(new Transaction(txs[i]));
+    }
+    return objs;
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (tx, outIndex) {
-		if (arguments[0] instanceof TransactionIn) {
-			this.ins.push(arguments[0]);
-		} else {
-			this.ins.push(new TransactionIn({
-				outpoint: {
-					hash: tx.hash,
-					index: outIndex
-				},
-				script: new Bitcoin.Script(),
-				sequence: 4294967295
-			}));
-		}
-	};
+  Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (tx, outIndex) {
+    if (arguments[0] instanceof TransactionIn) {
+      this.ins.push(arguments[0]);
+    } else {
+      this.ins.push(new TransactionIn({
+        outpoint: {
+          hash: tx.hash,
+          index: outIndex
+        },
+        script: new Bitcoin.Script(),
+        sequence: 4294967295
+      }));
+    }
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function (address, value) {
-		if (arguments[0] instanceof TransactionOut) {
-			this.outs.push(arguments[0]);
-		} else {
-			if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
-				value = value.toByteArrayUnsigned().reverse();
-				while (value.length < 8) value.push(0);
-			} else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(value)) {
-				// Nothing to do
-			}
+  Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function (address, value) {
+    if (arguments[0] instanceof TransactionOut) {
+      this.outs.push(arguments[0]);
+    } else {
+      if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
+        value = value.toByteArrayUnsigned().reverse();
+        while (value.length < 8) value.push(0);
+      } else if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(value)) {
+        // Nothing to do
+      }
-			this.outs.push(new TransactionOut({
-				value: value,
-				script: Script.createOutputScript(address)
-			}));
-		}
-	};
+      this.outs.push(new TransactionOut({
+        value: value,
+        script: Script.createOutputScript(address)
+      }));
+    }
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.serialize = function ()
-	{
-		var buffer = [];
-		buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(this.version)]).reverse());
-		buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(this.ins.length));
-		for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
-			var txin = this.ins[i];
-			buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.outpoint.hash));
-			buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.outpoint.index)]).reverse());
-			var scriptBytes = txin.script.buffer;
-			buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
-			buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
-			buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.sequence)]).reverse());
-		}
-		buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(this.outs.length));
-		for (var i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
-			var txout = this.outs[i];
-			buffer = buffer.concat(txout.value);
-			var scriptBytes = txout.script.buffer;
-			buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
-			buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
-		}
-		buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(this.lock_time)]).reverse());
+  Transaction.prototype.serialize = function ()
+  {
+    var buffer = [];
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(this.version)]).reverse());
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(this.ins.length));
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
+      var txin = this.ins[i];
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(txin.outpoint.hash));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.outpoint.index)]).reverse());
+      var scriptBytes = txin.script.buffer;
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(txin.sequence)]).reverse());
+    }
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(this.outs.length));
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
+      var txout = this.outs[i];
+      buffer = buffer.concat(txout.value);
+      var scriptBytes = txout.script.buffer;
+      buffer = buffer.concat(Bitcoin.Util.numToVarInt(scriptBytes.length));
+      buffer = buffer.concat(scriptBytes);
+    }
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(this.lock_time)]).reverse());
-		return buffer;
-	};
+    return buffer;
+  };
+  var OP_CODESEPARATOR = 171;
-	var SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
-	var SIGHASH_NONE = 2;
+  var SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
+  var SIGHASH_NONE = 2;
+  var SIGHASH_SINGLE = 3;
-	Transaction.prototype.hashTransactionForSignature = function (connectedScript, inIndex, hashType)
-	{
-		var txTmp = this.clone();
+  Transaction.prototype.hashTransactionForSignature = function (connectedScript, inIndex, hashType)
+  {
+    var txTmp = this.clone();
-		// In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
-		// or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible incompatibilities.
-		/*scriptCode = scriptCode.filter(function (val) {
-			return val !== OP_CODESEPARATOR;
-		});*/
+    // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
+    // or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible incompatibilities.
+    /*scriptCode = scriptCode.filter(function (val) {
+     return val !== OP_CODESEPARATOR;
+     });*/
-		// Blank out other inputs' signatures
-		for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++) {
-    		txTmp.ins[i].script = new Script();
-		}
+    // Blank out other inputs' signatures
+    for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++) {
+      txTmp.ins[i].script = new Script();
+    }
-		txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = connectedScript;
+    txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = connectedScript;
-		// Blank out some of the outputs
-		if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE) {
-    		txTmp.outs = [];
+    // Blank out some of the outputs
+    if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE) {
+      txTmp.outs = [];
-			// Let the others update at will
-			for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++)
-				if (i != inIndex)
-					txTmp.ins[i].sequence = 0;
-		} else if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
-			// TODO: Implement
-		}
+      // Let the others update at will
+      for (var i = 0; i < txTmp.ins.length; i++)
+        if (i != inIndex)
+          txTmp.ins[i].sequence = 0;
+    } else if ((hashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
+      // TODO: Implement
+    }
-		// Blank out other inputs completely, not recommended for open transactions
-		if (hashType & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) {
-			txTmp.ins = [txTmp.ins[inIndex]];
-		}
+    // Blank out other inputs completely, not recommended for open transactions
+    if (hashType & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) {
+      txTmp.ins = [txTmp.ins[inIndex]];
+    }
-		var buffer = txTmp.serialize();
+    var buffer = txTmp.serialize();
-		buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(hashType)]).reverse());
+    buffer = buffer.concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([parseInt(hashType)]).reverse());
-		console.log("signtx: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(buffer));
+    console.log("signtx: "+Crypto.util.bytesToHex(buffer));
-		var hash1 = Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true});
+    var hash1 = Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true});
-		console.log("sha256_1: ", Crypto.util.bytesToHex(hash1));
+    console.log("sha256_1: ", Crypto.util.bytesToHex(hash1));
-		return Crypto.SHA256(hash1, {asBytes: true});
-	};
+    return Crypto.SHA256(hash1, {asBytes: true});
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.getHash = function ()
-	{
-		var buffer = this.serialize();
-		return Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
-	};
+  Transaction.prototype.getHash = function ()
+  {
+    var buffer = this.serialize();
+    return Crypto.SHA256(Crypto.SHA256(buffer, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.clone = function ()
-	{
-		var newTx = new Transaction();
-		newTx.version = this.version;
-		newTx.lock_time = this.lock_time;
-		for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
-			var txin = this.ins[i].clone();
-			newTx.addInput(txin);
-		}
-		for (var i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
-			var txout = this.outs[i].clone();
-			newTx.addOutput(txout);
-		}
-		return newTx;
-	};
+  Transaction.prototype.clone = function ()
+  {
+    var newTx = new Transaction();
+    newTx.version = this.version;
+    newTx.lock_time = this.lock_time;
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.ins.length; i++) {
+      var txin = this.ins[i].clone();
+      newTx.addInput(txin);
+    }
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.outs.length; i++) {
+      var txout = this.outs[i].clone();
+      newTx.addOutput(txout);
+    }
+    return newTx;
+  };
    * Analyze how this transaction affects a wallet.
-	Transaction.prototype.analyze = function (wallet) {
-		if (!(wallet instanceof Bitcoin.Wallet)) return null;
+  Transaction.prototype.analyze = function (wallet) {
+    if (!(wallet instanceof Bitcoin.Wallet)) return null;
-		var allFromMe = true,
-		    allToMe = true,
-		    firstRecvHash = null,
-		    firstMeRecvHash = null,
-		    firstSendHash = null;
+    var allFromMe = true,
+    allToMe = true,
+    firstRecvHash = null,
+    firstMeRecvHash = null,
+    firstSendHash = null;
-		for (var i = this.outs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-			var txout = this.outs[i];
-			var hash = txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
-			if (!wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
-				allToMe = false;
-			} else {
-				firstMeRecvHash = hash;
-			}
-			firstRecvHash = hash;
-		}
-		for (var i = this.ins.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-			var txin = this.ins[i];
-			firstSendHash = txin.script.simpleInPubKeyHash();
-			if (!wallet.hasHash(firstSendHash)) {
-				allFromMe = false;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
+    for (var i = this.outs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      var txout = this.outs[i];
+      var hash = txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
+      if (!wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
+        allToMe = false;
+      } else {
+        firstMeRecvHash = hash;
+      }
+      firstRecvHash = hash;
+    }
+    for (var i = this.ins.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      var txin = this.ins[i];
+      firstSendHash = txin.script.simpleInPubKeyHash();
+      if (!wallet.hasHash(firstSendHash)) {
+        allFromMe = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
-		var impact = this.calcImpact(wallet);
+    var impact = this.calcImpact(wallet);
     var analysis = {};
     analysis.impact = impact;
-		if (impact.sign > 0 && impact.value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
-			analysis.type = 'recv';
+    if (impact.sign > 0 && impact.value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
+      analysis.type = 'recv';
       analysis.addr = new Bitcoin.Address(firstMeRecvHash);
-		} else if (allFromMe && allToMe) {
+    } else if (allFromMe && allToMe) {
       analysis.type = 'self';
-		} else if (allFromMe) {
+    } else if (allFromMe) {
       analysis.type = 'sent';
       analysis.addr = new Bitcoin.Address(firstRecvHash);
-		} else  {
-			analysis.type = "other";
-		}
+    } else  {
+      analysis.type = "other";
+    }
     return analysis;
-	Transaction.prototype.getDescription = function (wallet) {
+  Transaction.prototype.getDescription = function (wallet) {
     var analysis = this.analyze(wallet);
     if (!analysis) return "";
@@ -236,127 +236,127 @@
     case 'sent':
-			return "Payment to "+analysis.addr;
+      return "Payment to "+analysis.addr;
     case 'self':
-			return "Payment to yourself";
+      return "Payment to yourself";
     case 'other':
       return "";
-	};
+  };
-	Transaction.prototype.getTotalValue = function () {
-		var totalValue = BigInteger.ZERO;
-		for (var j = 0; j < this.outs.length; j++) {
-			var txout = this.outs[j];
-			totalValue = totalValue.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
-		}
-		return totalValue;
-	};
+  Transaction.prototype.getTotalValue = function () {
+    var totalValue = BigInteger.ZERO;
+    for (var j = 0; j < this.outs.length; j++) {
+      var txout = this.outs[j];
+      totalValue = totalValue.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
+    }
+    return totalValue;
+  };
-	/**
-	 * Calculates the impact a transaction has on this wallet.
-	 *
-	 * Based on the its public keys, the wallet will calculate the
-	 * credit or debit of this transaction.
-	 *
-	 * It will return an object with two properties:
-	 *  - sign: 1 or -1 depending on sign of the calculated impact.
-	 *  - value: amount of calculated impact
-	 *
-	 * @returns Object Impact on wallet
-	 */
-	Transaction.prototype.calcImpact = function (wallet) {
-		if (!(wallet instanceof Bitcoin.Wallet)) return BigInteger.ZERO;
+  /**
+   * Calculates the impact a transaction has on this wallet.
+   *
+   * Based on the its public keys, the wallet will calculate the
+   * credit or debit of this transaction.
+   *
+   * It will return an object with two properties:
+   *  - sign: 1 or -1 depending on sign of the calculated impact.
+   *  - value: amount of calculated impact
+   *
+   * @returns Object Impact on wallet
+   */
+  Transaction.prototype.calcImpact = function (wallet) {
+    if (!(wallet instanceof Bitcoin.Wallet)) return BigInteger.ZERO;
-		// Calculate credit to us from all outputs
-		var valueOut = BigInteger.ZERO;
-		for (var j = 0; j < this.outs.length; j++) {
-			var txout = this.outs[j];
-			var hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash());
-			if (wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
-				valueOut = valueOut.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
-			}
-		}
+    // Calculate credit to us from all outputs
+    var valueOut = BigInteger.ZERO;
+    for (var j = 0; j < this.outs.length; j++) {
+      var txout = this.outs[j];
+      var hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash());
+      if (wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
+        valueOut = valueOut.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
+      }
+    }
-		// Calculate debit to us from all ins
-		var valueIn = BigInteger.ZERO;
-		for (var j = 0; j < this.ins.length; j++) {
-			var txin = this.ins[j];
-			var hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txin.script.simpleInPubKeyHash());
-			if (wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
-				var fromTx = wallet.txIndex[txin.outpoint.hash];
-				if (fromTx) {
-					valueIn = valueIn.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(fromTx.outs[txin.outpoint.index].value));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (valueOut.compareTo(valueIn) >= 0) {
-			return {
-				sign: 1,
-				value: valueOut.subtract(valueIn)
-			};
-		} else {
-			return {
-				sign: -1,
-				value: valueIn.subtract(valueOut)
-			};
-		}
-	};
+    // Calculate debit to us from all ins
+    var valueIn = BigInteger.ZERO;
+    for (var j = 0; j < this.ins.length; j++) {
+      var txin = this.ins[j];
+      var hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txin.script.simpleInPubKeyHash());
+      if (wallet.hasHash(hash)) {
+        var fromTx = wallet.txIndex[txin.outpoint.hash];
+        if (fromTx) {
+          valueIn = valueIn.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(fromTx.outs[txin.outpoint.index].value));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (valueOut.compareTo(valueIn) >= 0) {
+      return {
+        sign: 1,
+        value: valueOut.subtract(valueIn)
+      };
+    } else {
+      return {
+        sign: -1,
+        value: valueIn.subtract(valueOut)
+      };
+    }
+  };
-	var TransactionIn = Bitcoin.TransactionIn = function (data)
-	{
-		this.outpoint = data.outpoint;
-		if (data.script instanceof Script) {
-			this.script = data.script;
-		} else {
-			this.script = new Script(data.script);
-		}
-		this.sequence = data.sequence;
-	};
+  var TransactionIn = Bitcoin.TransactionIn = function (data)
+  {
+    this.outpoint = data.outpoint;
+    if (data.script instanceof Script) {
+      this.script = data.script;
+    } else {
+      this.script = new Script(data.script);
+    }
+    this.sequence = data.sequence;
+  };
-	TransactionIn.prototype.clone = function ()
-	{
-		var newTxin = new TransactionIn({
-			outpoint: {
-				hash: this.outpoint.hash,
-				index: this.outpoint.index
-			},
-			script: this.script.clone(),
-			sequence: this.sequence
-		});
-		return newTxin;
-	};
+  TransactionIn.prototype.clone = function ()
+  {
+    var newTxin = new TransactionIn({
+      outpoint: {
+        hash: this.outpoint.hash,
+        index: this.outpoint.index
+      },
+      script: this.script.clone(),
+      sequence: this.sequence
+    });
+    return newTxin;
+  };
-	var TransactionOut = Bitcoin.TransactionOut = function (data)
-	{
-		if (data.script instanceof Script) {
-			this.script = data.script;
-		} else {
-			this.script = new Script(data.script);
-		}
+  var TransactionOut = Bitcoin.TransactionOut = function (data)
+  {
+    if (data.script instanceof Script) {
+      this.script = data.script;
+    } else {
+      this.script = new Script(data.script);
+    }
-		if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(data.value)) {
-			this.value = data.value;
-		} else if ("string" == typeof data.value) {
-			var valueHex = (new BigInteger(data.value, 10)).toString(16);
-			while (valueHex.length < 16) valueHex = "0" + valueHex;
-			this.value = Crypto.util.hexToBytes(valueHex);
-		}
-	};
+    if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(data.value)) {
+      this.value = data.value;
+    } else if ("string" == typeof data.value) {
+      var valueHex = (new BigInteger(data.value, 10)).toString(16);
+      while (valueHex.length < 16) valueHex = "0" + valueHex;
+      this.value = Crypto.util.hexToBytes(valueHex);
+    }
+  };
-	TransactionOut.prototype.clone = function ()
-	{
-		var newTxout = new TransactionOut({
-			script: this.script.clone(),
-			value: this.value.slice(0)
-		});
-		return newTxout;
-	};
+  TransactionOut.prototype.clone = function ()
+  {
+    var newTxout = new TransactionOut({
+      script: this.script.clone(),
+      value: this.value.slice(0)
+    });
+    return newTxout;
+  };
diff --git a/src/txdb.js b/src/txdb.js
index bb5feae..73ee835 100755
--- a/src/txdb.js
+++ b/src/txdb.js
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
 var TransactionDatabase = function () {
-	this.txs = [];
-	this.txIndex = {};
+  this.txs = [];
+  this.txIndex = {};
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.addTransaction = function (tx) {
-	this.addTransactionNoUpdate(tx);
-	$(this).trigger('update');
+  this.addTransactionNoUpdate(tx);
+  $(this).trigger('update');
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.addTransactionNoUpdate = function (tx) {
-	// Return if transaction is already known
-	if (this.txIndex[tx.hash]) {
-		return;
-	}
+  // Return if transaction is already known
+  if (this.txIndex[tx.hash]) {
+    return;
+  }
-	this.txs.push(new Bitcoin.Transaction(tx));
-	this.txIndex[tx.hash] = tx;
+  this.txs.push(new Bitcoin.Transaction(tx));
+  this.txIndex[tx.hash] = tx;
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.removeTransaction = function (hash) {
-	this.removeTransactionNoUpdate(hash);
-	$(this).trigger('update');
+  this.removeTransactionNoUpdate(hash);
+  $(this).trigger('update');
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.removeTransactionNoUpdate = function (hash) {
-	var tx = this.txIndex[hash];
+  var tx = this.txIndex[hash];
-	if (!tx) {
-		// If the tx is not in the index, we don't actually waste our
-		// time looping through the array.
-		return;
-	}
+  if (!tx) {
+    // If the tx is not in the index, we don't actually waste our
+    // time looping through the array.
+    return;
+  }
-	for (var i = 0, l = this.txs.length; i < l; i++) {
-		if (this.txs[i].hash == hash) {
-			this.txs.splice(i, 1);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
+  for (var i = 0, l = this.txs.length; i < l; i++) {
+    if (this.txs[i].hash == hash) {
+      this.txs.splice(i, 1);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
-	delete this.txIndex[hash];
+  delete this.txIndex[hash];
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.loadTransactions = function (txs) {
-	for (var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) {
-		this.addTransactionNoUpdate(txs[i]);
-	}
-	$(this).trigger('update');
+  for (var i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) {
+    this.addTransactionNoUpdate(txs[i]);
+  }
+  $(this).trigger('update');
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.getTransactions = function () {
-	return this.txs;
+  return this.txs;
 TransactionDatabase.prototype.clear = function () {
diff --git a/src/util.js b/src/util.js
index f033cd3..14bf9cb 100644
--- a/src/util.js
+++ b/src/util.js
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 // BigInteger monkey patching
 BigInteger.valueOf = nbv;
 BigInteger.prototype.toByteArrayUnsigned = function () {
-	var ba = this.toByteArray();
-	if (ba.length) {
-		if (ba[0] == 0) {
-			ba = ba.slice(1);
-		}
-		return ba.map(function (v) {
-			return (v < 0) ? v + 256 : v;
-		});
-	} else {
-		// Empty array, nothing to do
-		return ba;
-	}
+  var ba = this.toByteArray();
+  if (ba.length) {
+    if (ba[0] == 0) {
+      ba = ba.slice(1);
+    }
+    return ba.map(function (v) {
+      return (v < 0) ? v + 256 : v;
+    });
+  } else {
+    // Empty array, nothing to do
+    return ba;
+  }
 BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned = function (ba) {
-	if (!ba.length) {
-		return ba.valueOf(0);
-	} else if (ba[0] & 0x80) {
-		// Prepend a zero so the BigInteger class doesn't mistake this
-		// for a negative integer.
-		return new BigInteger([0].concat(ba));
-	} else {
-		return new BigInteger(ba);
-	}
+  if (!ba.length) {
+    return ba.valueOf(0);
+  } else if (ba[0] & 0x80) {
+    // Prepend a zero so the BigInteger class doesn't mistake this
+    // for a negative integer.
+    return new BigInteger([0].concat(ba));
+  } else {
+    return new BigInteger(ba);
+  }
 // Console ignore
 var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir",
-			 "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count",
-			 "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
+             "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count",
+             "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
 if ("undefined" == typeof window.console) window.console = {};
 for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
-    if ("undefined" == typeof window.console[names[i]])
-		window.console[names[i]] = function() {};
+  if ("undefined" == typeof window.console[names[i]])
+    window.console[names[i]] = function() {};
 // Bitcoin utility functions
 Bitcoin.Util = {
-	isArray: Array.isArray || function(o) {
-		return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
-	},
-	makeFilledArray: function (len, val) {
-		var array = [];
-		var i = 0;
-		while (i < len) {
-			array[i++] = val;
-		}
-		return array;
-	},
-	numToVarInt: function (i) {
-		if (i < 0xfd) {
-			// unsigned char
-			return [i];
-		} else if (i <= 1<<16) {
-			// unsigned short (LE)
-			return [0xfd, i >>> 8, i & 255];
-		} else if (i <= 1<<32) {
-			// unsigned int (LE)
-			return [0xfe].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i]));
-		} else {
-			// unsigned long long (LE)
-			return [0xff].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i >>> 32, i]));
-		}
-	},
-	valueToBigInt: function (valueBuffer) {
-		if (valueBuffer instanceof BigInteger) return valueBuffer;
+  isArray: Array.isArray || function(o) {
+    return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
+  },
+  makeFilledArray: function (len, val) {
+    var array = [];
+    var i = 0;
+    while (i < len) {
+      array[i++] = val;
+    }
+    return array;
+  },
+  numToVarInt: function (i) {
+    if (i < 0xfd) {
+      // unsigned char
+      return [i];
+    } else if (i <= 1<<16) {
+      // unsigned short (LE)
+      return [0xfd, i >>> 8, i & 255];
+    } else if (i <= 1<<32) {
+      // unsigned int (LE)
+      return [0xfe].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i]));
+    } else {
+      // unsigned long long (LE)
+      return [0xff].concat(Crypto.util.wordsToBytes([i >>> 32, i]));
+    }
+  },
+  valueToBigInt: function (valueBuffer) {
+    if (valueBuffer instanceof BigInteger) return valueBuffer;
-		// Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
-		return BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(valueBuffer);
-	},
-	formatValue: function (valueBuffer) {
-		var value = this.valueToBigInt(valueBuffer).toString();
-		var integerPart = value.length > 8 ? value.substr(0, value.length-8) : '0';
-		var decimalPart = value.length > 8 ? value.substr(value.length-8) : value;
-		while (decimalPart.length < 8) decimalPart = "0"+decimalPart;
-		decimalPart = decimalPart.replace(/0*$/, '');
-		while (decimalPart.length < 2) decimalPart += "0";
-		return integerPart+"."+decimalPart;
-	},
+    // Prepend zero byte to prevent interpretation as negative integer
+    return BigInteger.fromByteArrayUnsigned(valueBuffer);
+  },
+  formatValue: function (valueBuffer) {
+    var value = this.valueToBigInt(valueBuffer).toString();
+    var integerPart = value.length > 8 ? value.substr(0, value.length-8) : '0';
+    var decimalPart = value.length > 8 ? value.substr(value.length-8) : value;
+    while (decimalPart.length < 8) decimalPart = "0"+decimalPart;
+    decimalPart = decimalPart.replace(/0*$/, '');
+    while (decimalPart.length < 2) decimalPart += "0";
+    return integerPart+"."+decimalPart;
+  },
   parseValue: function (valueString) {
-		var valueComp = valueString.split('.');
-		var integralPart = valueComp[0];
-		var fractionalPart = valueComp[1] || "0";
-		while (fractionalPart.length < 8) fractionalPart += "0";
-		fractionalPart = fractionalPart.replace(/^0+/g, '');
-		var value = BigInteger.valueOf(parseInt(integralPart));
-		value = value.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(100000000));
-		value = value.add(BigInteger.valueOf(parseInt(fractionalPart)));
+    var valueComp = valueString.split('.');
+    var integralPart = valueComp[0];
+    var fractionalPart = valueComp[1] || "0";
+    while (fractionalPart.length < 8) fractionalPart += "0";
+    fractionalPart = fractionalPart.replace(/^0+/g, '');
+    var value = BigInteger.valueOf(parseInt(integralPart));
+    value = value.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(100000000));
+    value = value.add(BigInteger.valueOf(parseInt(fractionalPart)));
     return value;
-	sha256ripe160: function (data) {
-		return Crypto.RIPEMD160(Crypto.SHA256(data, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
-	}
+  sha256ripe160: function (data) {
+    return Crypto.RIPEMD160(Crypto.SHA256(data, {asBytes: true}), {asBytes: true});
+  }
 for (var i in Crypto.util) {
diff --git a/src/wallet.js b/src/wallet.js
index 28f3c1f..457ebf1 100755
--- a/src/wallet.js
+++ b/src/wallet.js
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
 Bitcoin.Wallet = (function () {
-    var Script = Bitcoin.Script,
-        TransactionIn = Bitcoin.TransactionIn,
-        TransactionOut = Bitcoin.TransactionOut;
+  var Script = Bitcoin.Script,
+  TransactionIn = Bitcoin.TransactionIn,
+  TransactionOut = Bitcoin.TransactionOut;
-    var Wallet = function () {
-        // Keychain
-        var keys = [];
-        this.addressHashes = [];
+  var Wallet = function () {
+    // Keychain
+    var keys = [];
+    this.addressHashes = [];
-        // Transaction data
-        this.txIndex = {};
-        this.unspentOuts = [];
+    // Transaction data
+    this.txIndex = {};
+    this.unspentOuts = [];
-        // Other fields
-        this.addressPointer = 0;
+    // Other fields
+    this.addressPointer = 0;
-        this.addKey = function (key, pub) {
-            if (!(key instanceof Bitcoin.ECKey)) {
-                key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(key);
-            }
-            keys.push(key);
+    this.addKey = function (key, pub) {
+      if (!(key instanceof Bitcoin.ECKey)) {
+        key = new Bitcoin.ECKey(key);
+      }
+      keys.push(key);
-            if (pub) {
-              if ("string" === typeof pub) {
-                pub = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(pub);
-              }
-              key.pub = pub;
-            }
+      if (pub) {
+        if ("string" === typeof pub) {
+          pub = Crypto.util.base64ToBytes(pub);
+        }
+        key.pub = pub;
+      }
-            this.addressHashes.push(key.getBitcoinAddress().getHashBase64());
-        };
-        this.addKeys = function (keys, pubs) {
-            if ("string" === typeof keys) {
-              keys = keys.split(',');
-            }
-            if ("string" === typeof pubs) {
-              pubs = pubs.split(',');
-            }
-            var i;
-            if (Array.isArray(pubs) && keys.length == pubs.length) {
-                for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-                    this.addKey(keys[i], pubs[i]);
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-                    this.addKey(keys[i]);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        this.getKeys = function () {
-            var serializedWallet = [];
-            for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-                serializedWallet.push(keys[i].toString('base64'));
-            }
-            return serializedWallet;
-        };
-        this.getPubKeys = function () {
-            var pubs = [];
-            for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-                pubs.push(Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(keys[i].getPub()));
-            }
-            return pubs;
-        };
-        this.clear = function () {
-            keys = [];
-        };
-        this.getLength = function () {
-          return keys.length;
-        };
-        this.getAllAddresses = function () {
-            var addresses = [];
-            for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-                addresses.push(keys[i].getBitcoinAddress());
-            }
-            return addresses;
-        };
-        this.getCurAddress = function () {
-            if (keys[this.addressPointer]) {
-                return keys[this.addressPointer].getBitcoinAddress();
-            } else {
-                return null;
-            }
-        };
-        this.getNextAddress = function () {
-            this.addressPointer++;
-            if(!keys[this.addressPointer]) {
-                this.generateAddress();
-            }
-            return keys[this.addressPointer].getBitcoinAddress();
-        };
-        this.signWithKey = function (pubKeyHash, hash) {
-            pubKeyHash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(pubKeyHash);
-            for (var i = 0; i < this.addressHashes.length; i++) {
-                if (this.addressHashes[i] == pubKeyHash) {
-                    return keys[i].sign(hash);
-                }
-            }
-            throw new Error("Missing key for signature");
-        };
-        this.getPubKeyFromHash = function (pubKeyHash) {
-            pubKeyHash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(pubKeyHash);
-            for (var i = 0; i < this.addressHashes.length; i++) {
-                if (this.addressHashes[i] == pubKeyHash) {
-                    return keys[i].getPub();
-                }
-            }
-            throw new Error("Hash unknown");
-        };
+      this.addressHashes.push(key.getBitcoinAddress().getHashBase64());
-    Wallet.prototype.generateAddress = function () {
-        this.addKey(new Bitcoin.ECKey());
+    this.addKeys = function (keys, pubs) {
+      if ("string" === typeof keys) {
+        keys = keys.split(',');
+      }
+      if ("string" === typeof pubs) {
+        pubs = pubs.split(',');
+      }
+      var i;
+      if (Array.isArray(pubs) && keys.length == pubs.length) {
+        for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+          this.addKey(keys[i], pubs[i]);
+        }
+      } else {
+        for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+          this.addKey(keys[i]);
+        }
+      }
-    Wallet.prototype.process = function (tx) {
-        if (this.txIndex[tx.hash]) return;
+    this.getKeys = function () {
+      var serializedWallet = [];
-        var j;
-        var k;
-        var hash;
-        // Gather outputs
-        for (j = 0; j < tx.outs.length; j++) {
-            var txout = new TransactionOut(tx.outs[j]);
-            hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash());
-            for (k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
-                if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) {
-                    this.unspentOuts.push({tx: tx, index: j, out: txout});
-                    break;
-                }
+      for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+        serializedWallet.push(keys[i].toString('base64'));
+      }
+      return serializedWallet;
+    };
+    this.getPubKeys = function () {
+      var pubs = [];
+      for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+        pubs.push(Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(keys[i].getPub()));
+      }
+      return pubs;
+    };
+    this.clear = function () {
+      keys = [];
+    };
+    this.getLength = function () {
+      return keys.length;
+    };
+    this.getAllAddresses = function () {
+      var addresses = [];
+      for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+        addresses.push(keys[i].getBitcoinAddress());
+      }
+      return addresses;
+    };
+    this.getCurAddress = function () {
+      if (keys[this.addressPointer]) {
+        return keys[this.addressPointer].getBitcoinAddress();
+      } else {
+        return null;
+      }
+    };
+    this.getNextAddress = function () {
+      this.addressPointer++;
+      if(!keys[this.addressPointer]) {
+        this.generateAddress();
+      }
+      return keys[this.addressPointer].getBitcoinAddress();
+    };
+    this.signWithKey = function (pubKeyHash, hash) {
+      pubKeyHash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(pubKeyHash);
+      for (var i = 0; i < this.addressHashes.length; i++) {
+        if (this.addressHashes[i] == pubKeyHash) {
+          return keys[i].sign(hash);
+        }
+      }
+      throw new Error("Missing key for signature");
+    };
+    this.getPubKeyFromHash = function (pubKeyHash) {
+      pubKeyHash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(pubKeyHash);
+      for (var i = 0; i < this.addressHashes.length; i++) {
+        if (this.addressHashes[i] == pubKeyHash) {
+          return keys[i].getPub();
+        }
+      }
+      throw new Error("Hash unknown");
+    };
+  };
+  Wallet.prototype.generateAddress = function () {
+    this.addKey(new Bitcoin.ECKey());
+  };
+  Wallet.prototype.process = function (tx) {
+    if (this.txIndex[tx.hash]) return;
+    var j;
+    var k;
+    var hash;
+    // Gather outputs
+    for (j = 0; j < tx.outs.length; j++) {
+      var txout = new TransactionOut(tx.outs[j]);
+      hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(txout.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash());
+      for (k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
+        if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) {
+          this.unspentOuts.push({tx: tx, index: j, out: txout});
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Remove spent outputs
+    for (j = 0; j < tx.ins.length; j++) {
+      var txin = new TransactionIn(tx.ins[j]);
+      var pubkey = txin.script.simpleInPubKey();
+      hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(pubkey));
+      for (k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
+        if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) {
+          for (var l = 0; l < this.unspentOuts.length; l++) {
+            if (txin.outpoint.hash == this.unspentOuts[l].tx.hash &&
+                txin.outpoint.index == this.unspentOuts[l].index) {
+              this.unspentOuts.splice(l, 1);
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+    }
-        // Remove spent outputs
-        for (j = 0; j < tx.ins.length; j++) {
-            var txin = new TransactionIn(tx.ins[j]);
-            var pubkey = txin.script.simpleInPubKey();
-            hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(Bitcoin.Util.sha256ripe160(pubkey));
-            for (k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
-                if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) {
-                    for (var l = 0; l < this.unspentOuts.length; l++) {
-                        if (txin.outpoint.hash == this.unspentOuts[l].tx.hash &&
-                            txin.outpoint.index == this.unspentOuts[l].index) {
-                            this.unspentOuts.splice(l, 1);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+    // Index transaction
+    this.txIndex[tx.hash] = tx;
+  };
-        // Index transaction
-        this.txIndex[tx.hash] = tx;
-    };
+  Wallet.prototype.getBalance = function () {
+    var balance = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.unspentOuts.length; i++) {
+      var txout = this.unspentOuts[i].out;
+      balance = balance.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
+    }
+    return balance;
+  };
-    Wallet.prototype.getBalance = function () {
-        var balance = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.unspentOuts.length; i++) {
-            var txout = this.unspentOuts[i].out;
-            balance = balance.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(txout.value));
-        }
-        return balance;
-    };
+  Wallet.prototype.createSend = function (address, sendValue, feeValue) {
+    var selectedOuts = [];
+    var txValue = sendValue.add(feeValue);
+    var availableValue = BigInteger.ZERO;
+    var i;
+    for (i = 0; i < this.unspentOuts.length; i++) {
+      selectedOuts.push(this.unspentOuts[i]);
+      availableValue = availableValue.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(this.unspentOuts[i].out.value));
-    Wallet.prototype.createSend = function (address, sendValue, feeValue) {
-        var selectedOuts = [];
-        var txValue = sendValue.add(feeValue);
-        var availableValue = BigInteger.ZERO;
-        var i;
-        for (i = 0; i < this.unspentOuts.length; i++) {
-            selectedOuts.push(this.unspentOuts[i]);
-            availableValue = availableValue.add(Bitcoin.Util.valueToBigInt(this.unspentOuts[i].out.value));
+      if (availableValue.compareTo(txValue) >= 0) break;
+    }
-            if (availableValue.compareTo(txValue) >= 0) break;
-        }
-        if (availableValue.compareTo(txValue) < 0) {
-          throw new Error('Insufficient funds.');
-        }
+    if (availableValue.compareTo(txValue) < 0) {
+      throw new Error('Insufficient funds.');
+    }
-        var changeValue = availableValue.subtract(txValue);
+    var changeValue = availableValue.subtract(txValue);
-        var sendTx = new Bitcoin.Transaction();
+    var sendTx = new Bitcoin.Transaction();
-        for (i = 0; i < selectedOuts.length; i++) {
-            sendTx.addInput(selectedOuts[i].tx, selectedOuts[i].index);
-        }
+    for (i = 0; i < selectedOuts.length; i++) {
+      sendTx.addInput(selectedOuts[i].tx, selectedOuts[i].index);
+    }
-        sendTx.addOutput(address, sendValue);
-        if (changeValue.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
-            sendTx.addOutput(this.getNextAddress(), changeValue);
-        }
+    sendTx.addOutput(address, sendValue);
+    if (changeValue.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
+      sendTx.addOutput(this.getNextAddress(), changeValue);
+    }
-        var hashType = 1; // SIGHASH_ALL
+    var hashType = 1; // SIGHASH_ALL
-        for (i = 0; i < sendTx.ins.length; i++) {
-            var hash = sendTx.hashTransactionForSignature(selectedOuts[i].out.script, i, hashType);
-            var pubKeyHash = selectedOuts[i].out.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
-            var signature = this.signWithKey(pubKeyHash, hash);
+    for (i = 0; i < sendTx.ins.length; i++) {
+      var hash = sendTx.hashTransactionForSignature(selectedOuts[i].out.script, i, hashType);
+      var pubKeyHash = selectedOuts[i].out.script.simpleOutPubKeyHash();
+      var signature = this.signWithKey(pubKeyHash, hash);
-            // Append hash type
-            signature.push(parseInt(hashType, 10));
+      // Append hash type
+      signature.push(parseInt(hashType, 10));
-            sendTx.ins[i].script = Script.createInputScript(signature, this.getPubKeyFromHash(pubKeyHash));
-        }
+      sendTx.ins[i].script = Script.createInputScript(signature, this.getPubKeyFromHash(pubKeyHash));
+    }
-        return sendTx;
-    };
+    return sendTx;
+  };
-    Wallet.prototype.clearTransactions = function () {
-      this.txIndex = {};
-      this.unspentOuts = [];
-    };
+  Wallet.prototype.clearTransactions = function () {
+    this.txIndex = {};
+    this.unspentOuts = [];
+  };
-    /**
-     * Check to see if a pubKeyHash belongs to this wallet.
-     */
-    Wallet.prototype.hasHash = function (hash) {
-        if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(hash)) hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(hash);
+  /**
+   * Check to see if a pubKeyHash belongs to this wallet.
+   */
+  Wallet.prototype.hasHash = function (hash) {
+    if (Bitcoin.Util.isArray(hash)) hash = Crypto.util.bytesToBase64(hash);
-        // TODO: Just create an object with  base64 hashes as keys for faster lookup
-        for (var k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
-            if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-    };
+    // TODO: Just create an object with  base64 hashes as keys for faster lookup
+    for (var k = 0; k < this.addressHashes.length; k++) {
+      if (this.addressHashes[k] === hash) return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  };
-    return Wallet;
+  return Wallet;