diff --git a/src/wallet.js b/src/wallet.js
index 9e02c6a..ef1405a 100644
--- a/src/wallet.js
+++ b/src/wallet.js
@@ -200,6 +200,22 @@ var Wallet = function (seed, options) {
         return tx
+    this.createTxAsync = function(to, value, fixedFee, callback){
+      if(fixedFee instanceof Function) {
+        callback = fixedFee
+        fixedFee = undefined
+      }
+      var tx = null
+      try {
+        tx = this.createTx(to, value, fixedFee)
+      } catch(err) {
+        return callback(err)
+      }
+      callback(null, tx)
+    }
     this.dustThreshold = 5430
     function isDust(amount) {
       return amount <= me.dustThreshold
diff --git a/test/wallet.js b/test/wallet.js
index 8966dd5..f19bc3b 100644
--- a/test/wallet.js
+++ b/test/wallet.js
@@ -536,6 +536,50 @@ describe('Wallet', function() {
+  describe('createTxAsync', function(){
+    var to, value, fee;
+    beforeEach(function(){
+      to = '15mMHKL96tWAUtqF3tbVf99Z8arcmnJrr3'
+      value = 500000
+      fee = 10000
+    })
+    afterEach(function(){
+      wallet.createTx.restore()
+    })
+    it('calls createTx', function(){
+      sinon.stub(wallet, "createTx").returns("fakeTx")
+      var callback = sinon.spy()
+      var tx = wallet.createTxAsync(to, value, callback)
+      assert(wallet.createTx.calledWith(to, value))
+      assert(callback.calledWith(null, "fakeTx"))
+    })
+    it('calls createTx correctly when fee is specified', function(){
+      sinon.stub(wallet, "createTx").returns("fakeTx")
+      var callback = sinon.spy()
+      var tx = wallet.createTxAsync(to, value, fee, callback)
+      assert(wallet.createTx.calledWith(to, value, fee))
+      assert(callback.calledWith(null, "fakeTx"))
+    })
+    it('when createTx throws an error, it invokes callback with error', function(){
+      sinon.stub(wallet, "createTx").throws()
+      var callback = sinon.spy()
+      var tx = wallet.createTxAsync(to, value, callback)
+      assert(callback.called)
+      assert(callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error)
+    })
+  })
   function assertEqual(obj1, obj2){
     assert.equal(obj1.toString(), obj2.toString())