var assert = require('assert') var base58check = require('./base58check') var ecdsa = require('./ecdsa') var networks = require('./networks') var secureRandom = require('secure-random') var Address = require('./address') var crypto = require('./crypto') var sec = require('./sec') var ecparams = sec('secp256k1') var BigInteger = require('bigi') var ECPointFp = require('./ec').ECPointFp function ECKey(D, compressed) { assert(D.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0, 'Private key must be greater than 0') assert(D.compareTo(ecparams.getN()) < 0, 'Private key must be less than the curve order') var Q = ecparams.getG().multiply(D) this.D = D = new ECPubKey(Q, compressed) } // Static constructors ECKey.fromBuffer = function(buffer, compressed) { assert(Buffer.isBuffer(buffer), 'First argument must be a Buffer') assert.strictEqual(buffer.length, 32, 'Invalid buffer length') var D = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer) return new ECKey(D, compressed) } ECKey.fromHex = function(hex, compressed) { return ECKey.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex'), compressed) } ECKey.fromWIF = function(string) { var decode = base58check.decode(string) var payload = decode.payload if (payload.length === 33) { assert.strictEqual(payload[32], 0x01, 'Invalid WIF string') return ECKey.fromBuffer(payload.slice(0, 32), true) } return ECKey.fromBuffer(payload, false) } ECKey.makeRandom = function(compressed, rng) { rng = rng || secureRandom var buffer = new Buffer(rng(32)) var D = BigInteger.fromBuffer(buffer) D = D.mod(ecparams.getN()) return new ECKey(D, compressed) } // Operations ECKey.prototype.sign = function(hash) { return ecdsa.sign(hash, this.D) } // Export functions ECKey.prototype.toBuffer = function() { return this.D.toBuffer(32) } ECKey.prototype.toHex = function() { return this.toBuffer().toString('hex') } ECKey.prototype.toWIF = function(version) { version = version || networks.bitcoin.wif var buffer = this.toBuffer() if ( { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, new Buffer([0x01])]) } return base58check.encode(buffer, version) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ECPubKey(Q, compressed) { assert(Q instanceof ECPointFp, 'Q must be an ECPointFP') if (compressed == undefined) compressed = true assert.strictEqual(typeof compressed, 'boolean', 'Invalid compression flag') this.compressed = compressed this.Q = Q } // Static constructors ECPubKey.fromBuffer = function(buffer) { var type = buffer.readUInt8(0) assert(type >= 0x02 || type <= 0x04, 'Invalid public key') var compressed = (type !== 0x04) assert.strictEqual(buffer.length, compressed ? 33 : 65, 'Invalid public key') var Q = ECPointFp.decodeFrom(ecparams.getCurve(), buffer) return new ECPubKey(Q, compressed) } ECPubKey.fromHex = function(hex) { return ECPubKey.fromBuffer(new Buffer(hex, 'hex')) } // Operations ECPubKey.prototype.verify = function(hash, sig) { return ecdsa.verify(hash, sig, this.Q) } ECPubKey.prototype.getAddress = function(version) { version = version || networks.bitcoin.pubKeyHash return new Address(crypto.hash160(this.toBuffer()), version) } // Export functions ECPubKey.prototype.toBuffer = function() { return new Buffer(this.Q.getEncoded(this.compressed)) } ECPubKey.prototype.toHex = function() { return this.toBuffer().toString('hex') } module.exports = { ECKey: ECKey, ECPubKey: ECPubKey }