/* global describe, it, beforeEach */ var assert = require('assert') var baddress = require('../src/address') var bscript = require('../src/script') var ops = require('../src/opcodes') var BigInteger = require('bigi') var ECPair = require('../src/ecpair') var Transaction = require('../src/transaction') var TransactionBuilder = require('../src/transaction_builder') var NETWORKS = require('../src/networks') var fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction_builder') function construct (f, sign) { var network = NETWORKS[f.network] var txb = new TransactionBuilder(network) if (f.version !== undefined) txb.setVersion(f.version) if (f.locktime !== undefined) txb.setLockTime(f.locktime) f.inputs.forEach(function (input) { var prevTxScript if (!input.txHex && input.prevTxScript) { prevTxScript = bscript.fromASM(input.prevTxScript) } txb.addInput(input.txId || Transaction.fromHex(input.txHex), input.vout, input.sequence, prevTxScript) }) f.outputs.forEach(function (output) { txb.addOutput(bscript.fromASM(output.script), output.value) }) if (sign === false) return txb f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) { input.signs.forEach(function (sign) { var keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, network) var redeemScript if (sign.redeemScript) { redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.redeemScript) } txb.sign(index, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType) }) }) return txb } describe('TransactionBuilder', function () { // constants var keyPair = new ECPair(BigInteger.ONE) var scripts = [ '1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH', '1cMh228HTCiwS8ZsaakH8A8wze1JR5ZsP' ].map(function (x) { return baddress.toOutputScript(x) }) var txHash = new Buffer('0e7cea811c0be9f73c0aca591034396e7264473fc25c1ca45195d7417b36cbe2', 'hex') describe('fromTransaction', function () { fixtures.valid.build.forEach(function (f) { it('returns TransactionBuilder, with ' + f.description, function () { var network = NETWORKS[f.network || 'bitcoin'] var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex) var txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network) assert.strictEqual(txb.build().toHex(), f.txHex) assert.strictEqual(txb.network, network) }) }) fixtures.valid.fromTransaction.forEach(function (f) { it('returns TransactionBuilder, with ' + f.description, function () { var tx = new Transaction() f.inputs.forEach(function (input) { var txHash = [].reverse.call(new Buffer(input.txId, 'hex')) tx.addInput(txHash, input.vout, undefined, bscript.fromASM(input.scriptSig)) }) f.outputs.forEach(function (output) { tx.addOutput(bscript.fromASM(output.script), output.value) }) var txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx) var txAfter = f.incomplete ? txb.buildIncomplete() : txb.build() txAfter.ins.forEach(function (input, i) { assert.equal(bscript.toASM(input.script), f.inputs[i].scriptSigAfter) }) txAfter.outs.forEach(function (output, i) { assert.equal(bscript.toASM(output.script), f.outputs[i].script) }) }) }) fixtures.invalid.fromTransaction.forEach(function (f) { it('throws ' + f.exception, function () { var tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex) assert.throws(function () { TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) describe('addInput', function () { var txb beforeEach(function () { txb = new TransactionBuilder() }) it('accepts a txHash, index [and sequence number]', function () { var vin = txb.addInput(txHash, 1, 54) assert.strictEqual(vin, 0) var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.strictEqual(txIn.hash, txHash) assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1) assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54) assert.strictEqual(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, undefined) }) it('accepts a txHash, index [, sequence number and scriptPubKey]', function () { var vin = txb.addInput(txHash, 1, 54, scripts[1]) assert.strictEqual(vin, 0) var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.strictEqual(txIn.hash, txHash) assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1) assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54) assert.strictEqual(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, scripts[1]) }) it('accepts a prevTx, index [and sequence number]', function () { var prevTx = new Transaction() prevTx.addOutput(scripts[0], 0) prevTx.addOutput(scripts[1], 1) var vin = txb.addInput(prevTx, 1, 54) assert.strictEqual(vin, 0) var txIn = txb.tx.ins[0] assert.deepEqual(txIn.hash, prevTx.getHash()) assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1) assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54) assert.strictEqual(txb.inputs[0].prevOutScript, scripts[1]) }) it('returns the input index', function () { assert.strictEqual(txb.addInput(txHash, 0), 0) assert.strictEqual(txb.addInput(txHash, 1), 1) }) it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.sign(0, keyPair) assert.throws(function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) }) describe('addOutput', function () { var txb beforeEach(function () { txb = new TransactionBuilder() }) it('accepts an address string and value', function () { var vout = txb.addOutput(keyPair.getAddress(), 1000) assert.strictEqual(vout, 0) var txout = txb.tx.outs[0] assert.deepEqual(txout.script, scripts[0]) assert.strictEqual(txout.value, 1000) }) it('accepts a ScriptPubKey and value', function () { var vout = txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 1000) assert.strictEqual(vout, 0) var txout = txb.tx.outs[0] assert.deepEqual(txout.script, scripts[0]) assert.strictEqual(txout.value, 1000) }) it('throws if address is of the wrong network', function () { assert.throws(function () { txb.addOutput('2NGHjvjw83pcVFgMcA7QvSMh2c246rxLVz9', 1000) }, /2NGHjvjw83pcVFgMcA7QvSMh2c246rxLVz9 has no matching Script/) }) it('add second output after signed first input with SIGHASH_NONE', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000) txb.sign(0, keyPair, undefined, Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE) assert.equal(txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000), 1) }) it('add first output after signed first input with SIGHASH_NONE', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.sign(0, keyPair, undefined, Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE) assert.equal(txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000), 0) }) it('add second output after signed first input with SIGHASH_SINGLE', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000) txb.sign(0, keyPair, undefined, Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE) assert.equal(txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000), 1) }) it('add first output after signed first input with SIGHASH_SINGLE', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.sign(0, keyPair, undefined, Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE) assert.throws(function () { txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', function () { txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000) txb.sign(0, keyPair) assert.throws(function () { txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) }) describe('setLockTime', function () { it('throws if if there exist any scriptSigs', function () { var txb = new TransactionBuilder() txb.addInput(txHash, 0) txb.sign(0, keyPair) assert.throws(function () { txb.setLockTime(65535) }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/) }) }) describe('sign', function () { fixtures.invalid.sign.forEach(function (f) { it('throws on ' + f.exception + (f.description ? ' (' + f.description + ')' : ''), function () { var txb = construct(f, false) f.inputs.forEach(function (input, index) { input.signs.forEach(function (sign) { var keyPairNetwork = NETWORKS[sign.network || f.network] var keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, keyPairNetwork) var redeemScript if (sign.redeemScript) { redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.redeemScript) } if (!sign.throws) { txb.sign(index, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType) } else { assert.throws(function () { txb.sign(index, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) } }) }) }) }) }) describe('build', function () { fixtures.valid.build.forEach(function (f) { it('builds "' + f.description + '"', function () { var txb = construct(f) var tx = txb.build() assert.strictEqual(tx.toHex(), f.txHex) }) }) // TODO: remove duplicate test code fixtures.invalid.build.forEach(function (f) { describe('for ' + (f.description || f.exception), function () { it('throws ' + f.exception, function () { assert.throws(function () { var txb if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)) } else { txb = construct(f) } txb.build() }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) // if throws on incomplete too, enforce that if (f.incomplete) { it('throws ' + f.exception, function () { assert.throws(function () { var txb if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)) } else { txb = construct(f) } txb.buildIncomplete() }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) } else { it('does not throw if buildIncomplete', function () { var txb if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex)) } else { txb = construct(f) } txb.buildIncomplete() }) } }) }) }) describe('multisig', function () { fixtures.valid.multisig.forEach(function (f) { it(f.description, function () { var txb = construct(f, false) var tx var network = NETWORKS[f.network] f.inputs.forEach(function (input, i) { var redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(input.redeemScript) input.signs.forEach(function (sign) { // rebuild the transaction each-time after the first if (tx) { // do we filter OP_0's beforehand? if (sign.filterOP_0) { var scriptSig = tx.ins[i].script // ignore OP_0 on the front, ignore redeemScript var signatures = bscript.decompile(scriptSig).slice(1, -1).filter(function (x) { return x !== ops.OP_0 }) // rebuild/replace the scriptSig without them var replacement = bscript.scriptHash.input.encode(bscript.multisig.input.encode(signatures), redeemScript) assert.strictEqual(bscript.toASM(replacement), sign.scriptSigFiltered) tx.ins[i].script = replacement } // now import it txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network) } var keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, network) txb.sign(i, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType) // update the tx tx = txb.buildIncomplete() // now verify the serialized scriptSig is as expected assert.strictEqual(bscript.toASM(tx.ins[i].script), sign.scriptSig) }) }) tx = txb.build() assert.strictEqual(tx.toHex(), f.txHex) }) }) }) describe('multisig edge case', function () { var network = NETWORKS.testnet it('should handle badly pre-filled OP_0s', function () { // OP_0 is used where a signature is missing var redeemScripSig = bscript.fromASM('OP_0 OP_0 3045022100daf0f4f3339d9fbab42b098045c1e4958ee3b308f4ae17be80b63808558d0adb02202f07e3d1f79dc8da285ae0d7f68083d769c11f5621ebd9691d6b48c0d4283d7d01 52410479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b84104c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe52a4104f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f3566500a99934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e67253ae') var redeemScript = bscript.fromASM('OP_2 0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8 04c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe52a 04f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f3566500a99934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e672 OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG') var tx = new Transaction() tx.addInput(new Buffer('cff58855426469d0ef16442ee9c644c4fb13832467bcbc3173168a7916f07149', 'hex'), 0, undefined, redeemScripSig) tx.addOutput(new Buffer('76a914aa4d7985c57e011a8b3dd8e0e5a73aaef41629c588ac', 'hex'), 1000) // now import the Transaction var txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, NETWORKS.testnet) var keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF('91avARGdfge8E4tZfYLoxeJ5sGBdNJQH4kvjJoQFacbgx3cTMqe', network) txb.sign(0, keyPair, redeemScript) var tx2 = txb.build() assert.equal(tx2.getId(), 'eab59618a564e361adef6d918bd792903c3d41bcf1220137364fb847880467f9') assert.equal(bscript.toASM(tx2.ins[0].script), 'OP_0 3045022100daf0f4f3339d9fbab42b098045c1e4958ee3b308f4ae17be80b63808558d0adb02202f07e3d1f79dc8da285ae0d7f68083d769c11f5621ebd9691d6b48c0d4283d7d01 3045022100a346c61738304eac5e7702188764d19cdf68f4466196729db096d6c87ce18cdd022018c0e8ad03054b0e7e235cda6bedecf35881d7aa7d94ff425a8ace7220f38af001 52410479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b84104c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe52a4104f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f3566500a99934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e67253ae') }) }) })