import * as assert from 'assert'; import { PsbtInput } from 'bip174/src/lib/interfaces'; import { ECPair } from 'ecpair'; import { before, describe, it } from 'mocha'; import * as bitcoin from '../..'; import { regtestUtils } from './_regtest'; const regtest =; const bip68 = require('bip68'); const varuint = require('varuint-bitcoin'); function toOutputScript(address: string): Buffer { return bitcoin.address.toOutputScript(address, regtest); } function idToHash(txid: string): Buffer { return Buffer.from(txid, 'hex').reverse(); } const alice = ECPair.fromWIF( 'cScfkGjbzzoeewVWmU2hYPUHeVGJRDdFt7WhmrVVGkxpmPP8BHWe', regtest, ); const bob = ECPair.fromWIF( 'cMkopUXKWsEzAjfa1zApksGRwjVpJRB3831qM9W4gKZsLwjHXA9x', regtest, ); const charles = ECPair.fromWIF( 'cMkopUXKWsEzAjfa1zApksGRwjVpJRB3831qM9W4gKZsMSb4Ubnf', regtest, ); const dave = ECPair.fromWIF( 'cMkopUXKWsEzAjfa1zApksGRwjVpJRB3831qM9W4gKZsMwS4pqnx', regtest, ); describe('bitcoinjs-lib (transactions w/ CSV)', () => { // force update MTP before(async () => { await regtestUtils.mine(11); }); const hashType = bitcoin.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL; interface KeyPair { publicKey: Buffer; } // IF MTP (from when confirmed) > seconds, _alice can redeem function csvCheckSigOutput( _alice: KeyPair, _bob: KeyPair, sequence: number, ): Buffer { return bitcoin.script.fromASM( ` OP_IF ${bitcoin.script.number.encode(sequence).toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_DROP OP_ELSE ${_bob.publicKey.toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY OP_ENDIF ${_alice.publicKey.toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSIG ` .trim() .replace(/\s+/g, ' '), ); } // 2 of 3 multisig of _bob, _charles, _dave, // but after sequence1 time, _alice can allow the multisig to become 1 of 3. // but after sequence2 time, _alice can sign for the output all by themself. /* tslint:disable-next-line */ // Ref: // Note: bitcoinjs-lib will not offer specific support for problems with // advanced script usages such as below. Use at your own risk. function complexCsvOutput( _alice: KeyPair, _bob: KeyPair, _charles: KeyPair, _dave: KeyPair, sequence1: number, sequence2: number, ): Buffer { return bitcoin.script.fromASM( ` OP_IF OP_IF OP_2 OP_ELSE ${bitcoin.script.number.encode(sequence1).toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_DROP ${_alice.publicKey.toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY OP_1 OP_ENDIF ${_bob.publicKey.toString('hex')} ${_charles.publicKey.toString('hex')} ${_dave.publicKey.toString('hex')} OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG OP_ELSE ${bitcoin.script.number.encode(sequence2).toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY OP_DROP ${_alice.publicKey.toString('hex')} OP_CHECKSIG OP_ENDIF ` .trim() .replace(/\s+/g, ' '), ); } // expiry will pass, {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE it( 'can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice can redeem ' + 'the output after the expiry (in the future) (simple CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)', async () => { // 5 blocks from now const sequence = bip68.encode({ blocks: 5 }); const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: { output: csvCheckSigOutput(alice, bob, sequence), }, network: regtest, }); // fund the P2SH(CSV) address const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address!, 1e5); const utx = await regtestUtils.fetch(unspent.txId); // for non segwit inputs, you must pass the full transaction buffer const nonWitnessUtxo = Buffer.from(utx.txHex, 'hex'); // This is an example of using the finalizeInput second parameter to // define how you finalize the inputs, allowing for any type of script. const tx = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: regtest }) .setVersion(2) .addInput({ hash: unspent.txId, index: unspent.vout, sequence, redeemScript: p2sh.redeem!.output!, nonWitnessUtxo, }) .addOutput({ address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, value: 7e4, }) .signInput(0, alice) .finalizeInput(0, csvGetFinalScripts) // See csvGetFinalScripts below .extractTransaction(); // TODO: test that it failures _prior_ to expiry, unfortunately, race conditions when run concurrently // ... // into the future! await regtestUtils.mine(10); await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex()); await regtestUtils.verify({ txId: tx.getId(), address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, vout: 0, value: 7e4, }); }, ); // expiry in the future, {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE it( 'can create (but fail to broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice ' + 'attempts to redeem before the expiry (simple CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)', async () => { // two hours after confirmation const sequence = bip68.encode({ seconds: 7168 }); const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: { output: csvCheckSigOutput(alice, bob, sequence), }, }); // fund the P2SH(CSV) address const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address!, 2e4); const tx = new bitcoin.Transaction(); tx.version = 2; tx.addInput(idToHash(unspent.txId), unspent.vout, sequence); tx.addOutput(toOutputScript(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS), 1e4); // {Alice's signature} OP_TRUE const signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature( 0, p2sh.redeem!.output!, hashType, ); const redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: { network: regtest, output: p2sh.redeem!.output, input: bitcoin.script.compile([ bitcoin.script.signature.encode( alice.sign(signatureHash), hashType, ), bitcoin.script.signature.encode(bob.sign(signatureHash), hashType), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE, ]), }, }).input; tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig!); await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex()).catch(err => { assert.throws(() => { if (err) throw err; }, /Error: non-BIP68-final/); }); }, ); // Check first combination of complex CSV, 2 of 3 it( 'can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Bob and Charles ' + 'can send (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)', async () => { // 2 blocks from now const sequence1 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 2 }); // 5 blocks from now const sequence2 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 5 }); const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: { output: complexCsvOutput( alice, bob, charles, dave, sequence1, sequence2, ), }, network: regtest, }); // fund the P2SH(CCSV) address const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address!, 1e5); const tx = new bitcoin.Transaction(); tx.version = 2; tx.addInput(idToHash(unspent.txId), unspent.vout); tx.addOutput(toOutputScript(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS), 7e4); // OP_0 {Bob sig} {Charles sig} OP_TRUE OP_TRUE const signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature( 0, p2sh.redeem!.output!, hashType, ); const redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: { network: regtest, output: p2sh.redeem!.output, input: bitcoin.script.compile([ bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0, bitcoin.script.signature.encode(bob.sign(signatureHash), hashType), bitcoin.script.signature.encode( charles.sign(signatureHash), hashType, ), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE, ]), }, }).input; tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig!); await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex()); await regtestUtils.verify({ txId: tx.getId(), address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, vout: 0, value: 7e4, }); }, ); // Check first combination of complex CSV, mediator + 1 of 3 after 2 blocks it( 'can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice (mediator) ' + 'and Bob can send after 2 blocks (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)', async () => { // 2 blocks from now const sequence1 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 2 }); // 5 blocks from now const sequence2 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 5 }); const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: { output: complexCsvOutput( alice, bob, charles, dave, sequence1, sequence2, ), }, network: regtest, }); // fund the P2SH(CCSV) address const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address!, 1e5); const tx = new bitcoin.Transaction(); tx.version = 2; tx.addInput(idToHash(unspent.txId), unspent.vout, sequence1); // Set sequence1 for input tx.addOutput(toOutputScript(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS), 7e4); // OP_0 {Bob sig} {Alice mediator sig} OP_FALSE OP_TRUE const signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature( 0, p2sh.redeem!.output!, hashType, ); const redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: { network: regtest, output: p2sh.redeem!.output, input: bitcoin.script.compile([ bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0, bitcoin.script.signature.encode(bob.sign(signatureHash), hashType), bitcoin.script.signature.encode( alice.sign(signatureHash), hashType, ), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE, ]), }, }).input; tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig!); // Wait 2 blocks await regtestUtils.mine(2); await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex()); await regtestUtils.verify({ txId: tx.getId(), address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, vout: 0, value: 7e4, }); }, ); // Check first combination of complex CSV, mediator after 5 blocks it( 'can create (and broadcast via 3PBP) a Transaction where Alice (mediator) ' + 'can send after 5 blocks (complex CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)', async () => { // 2 blocks from now const sequence1 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 2 }); // 5 blocks from now const sequence2 = bip68.encode({ blocks: 5 }); const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: { output: complexCsvOutput( alice, bob, charles, dave, sequence1, sequence2, ), }, network: regtest, }); // fund the P2SH(CCSV) address const unspent = await regtestUtils.faucet(p2sh.address!, 1e5); const tx = new bitcoin.Transaction(); tx.version = 2; tx.addInput(idToHash(unspent.txId), unspent.vout, sequence2); // Set sequence2 for input tx.addOutput(toOutputScript(regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS), 7e4); // {Alice mediator sig} OP_FALSE const signatureHash = tx.hashForSignature( 0, p2sh.redeem!.output!, hashType, ); const redeemScriptSig = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: { network: regtest, output: p2sh.redeem!.output, input: bitcoin.script.compile([ bitcoin.script.signature.encode( alice.sign(signatureHash), hashType, ), bitcoin.opcodes.OP_0, ]), }, }).input; tx.setInputScript(0, redeemScriptSig!); // Wait 5 blocks await regtestUtils.mine(5); await regtestUtils.broadcast(tx.toHex()); await regtestUtils.verify({ txId: tx.getId(), address: regtestUtils.RANDOM_ADDRESS, vout: 0, value: 7e4, }); }, ); }); // This function is used to finalize a CSV transaction using PSBT. // See first test above. function csvGetFinalScripts( inputIndex: number, input: PsbtInput, script: Buffer, isSegwit: boolean, isP2SH: boolean, isP2WSH: boolean, ): { finalScriptSig: Buffer | undefined; finalScriptWitness: Buffer | undefined; } { // Step 1: Check to make sure the meaningful script matches what you expect. const decompiled = bitcoin.script.decompile(script); // Checking if first OP is OP_IF... should do better check in production! // You may even want to check the public keys in the script against a // whitelist depending on the circumstances!!! // You also want to check the contents of the input to see if you have enough // info to actually construct the scriptSig and Witnesses. if (!decompiled || decompiled[0] !== bitcoin.opcodes.OP_IF) { throw new Error(`Can not finalize input #${inputIndex}`); } // Step 2: Create final scripts let payment: bitcoin.Payment = { network: regtest, output: script, // This logic should be more strict and make sure the pubkeys in the // meaningful script are the ones signing in the PSBT etc. input: bitcoin.script.compile([ input.partialSig![0].signature, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_TRUE, ]), }; if (isP2WSH && isSegwit) payment = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ network: regtest, redeem: payment, }); if (isP2SH) payment = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ network: regtest, redeem: payment, }); function witnessStackToScriptWitness(witness: Buffer[]): Buffer { let buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); function writeSlice(slice: Buffer): void { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.from(slice)]); } function writeVarInt(i: number): void { const currentLen = buffer.length; const varintLen = varuint.encodingLength(i); buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, Buffer.allocUnsafe(varintLen)]); varuint.encode(i, buffer, currentLen); } function writeVarSlice(slice: Buffer): void { writeVarInt(slice.length); writeSlice(slice); } function writeVector(vector: Buffer[]): void { writeVarInt(vector.length); vector.forEach(writeVarSlice); } writeVector(witness); return buffer; } return { finalScriptSig: payment.input, finalScriptWitness: payment.witness && payment.witness.length > 0 ? witnessStackToScriptWitness(payment.witness) : undefined, }; }