var async = require('async') var bitcoin = require('../../') var Blockchain = require('cb-http-client') var coinSelect = require('coinselect') var dhttp = require('dhttp/200') var typeforce = require('typeforce') var types = require('../../src/types') var BLOCKTRAIL_API_KEY = process.env.BLOCKTRAIL_API_KEY || 'c0bd8155c66e3fb148bb1664adc1e4dacd872548' var blockchain = new Blockchain('', { api_key: BLOCKTRAIL_API_KEY }) var kpNetwork = bitcoin.networks.testnet var keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cQqjeq2rxqwnqwMewJhkNtJDixtX8ctA4bYoWHdxY4xRPVvAEjmk', kpNetwork) var kpAddress = keyPair.getAddress() function fundAddress (unspents, outputs, callback) { // avoid too-long-mempool-chain unspents = unspents.filter(function (x) { return x.confirmations > 0 }) var result = coinSelect(unspents, outputs, 10) if (!result.inputs) return callback(new Error('Faucet empty')) var txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(kpNetwork) result.inputs.forEach(function (x) { txb.addInput(x.txId, x.vout) }) result.outputs.forEach(function (x) { if (x.address) console.warn('funding ' + x.address + ' w/ ' + x.value) txb.addOutput(x.address || kpAddress, x.value) }) result.inputs.forEach(function (_, i) { txb.sign(i, keyPair) }) var tx = blockchain.transactions.propagate(tx.toHex(), function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) var txId = tx.getId() callback(null, (x, i) { return { txId: txId, vout: i, value: x.value } })) }) } blockchain.faucetMany = function faucetMany (outputs, callback) { blockchain.addresses.unspents(kpAddress, function (err, unspents) { if (err) return callback(err) typeforce([{ txId: types.Hex, vout: types.UInt32, value: types.Satoshi }], unspents) fundAddress(unspents, outputs, callback) }) } blockchain.faucet = function faucet (address, value, callback) { blockchain.faucetMany([{ address: address, value: value }], function (err, unspents) { callback(err, unspents && unspents[0]) }) } // verify TX was accepted blockchain.verify = function (address, txId, value, done) { async.retry(5, function (callback) { setTimeout(function () { // check that the above transaction included the intended address dhttp({ method: 'POST', url: '', body: [txId] }, function (err, result) { if (err) return callback(err) if (!result[txId]) return callback(new Error('Could not find ' + txId)) callback() }) }, 400) }, done) } blockchain.transactions.propagate = function (txHex, callback) { dhttp({ method: 'POST', url: '', body: txHex }, callback) } blockchain.RETURN_ADDRESS = kpAddress module.exports = blockchain