var assert = require('assert') var opcodes = require('../src/opcodes') var Script = require('../src/script') var fixtures = require('./fixtures/script.json') describe('Script', function() { describe('constructor', function() { it('accepts valid parameters', function() { var buffer = new Buffer([1]) var chunks = [1] var script = new Script(buffer, chunks) assert.equal(script.buffer, buffer) assert.equal(script.chunks, chunks) }) it('throws an error when input is not an array', function() { assert.throws(function(){ new Script({}) }, /Expected Buffer, got/) }) }) describe('fromASM/toASM', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('decodes/encodes ' + f.description, function() { assert.equal(Script.fromASM(f.asm).toASM(), f.asm) }) }) }) describe('fromHex/toHex', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('decodes/encodes ' + f.description, function() { assert.equal(Script.fromHex(f.hex).toHex(), f.hex) }) }) }) describe('getHash', function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f) { it('produces a HASH160 of \"' + f.asm + '\"', function() { var script = Script.fromHex(f.hex) assert.equal(script.getHash().toString('hex'), f.hash) }) }) }) describe('fromChunks', function() { it('should match expected behaviour', function() { var hash = new Buffer(32) hash.fill(0) var script = Script.fromChunks([ opcodes.OP_HASH160, hash, opcodes.OP_EQUAL ]) assert.equal(script.toHex(), 'a920000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000087') }) }) describe('without', function() { var hex = 'a914e8c300c87986efa94c37c0519929019ef86eb5b487' var script = Script.fromHex(hex) it('should return a script without the given value', function() { var subScript = script.without(opcodes.OP_HASH160) assert.equal(subScript.toHex(), '14e8c300c87986efa94c37c0519929019ef86eb5b487') }) it('shouldnt mutate the original script', function() { var subScript = script.without(opcodes.OP_EQUAL) assert.notEqual(subScript.toHex(), hex) assert.equal(script.toHex(), hex) }) }) })