// This is mostly a copy of p2pkh, as the usual claim name script is based on that import * as bcrypto from '../crypto'; import { mainnet as LBRY_MAINNET } from '../networks'; import * as bscript from '../script'; import { isPoint, typeforce as typef } from '../types'; import { Payment, PaymentOpts, StackFunction } from './index'; import * as lazy from './lazy'; import * as bs58check from 'bs58check'; const OPS = bscript.OPS; // input: {signature} {pubkey} // output: OP_CLAIM_NAME {claim_name} {claim} OP_2DROP OP_DROP OP_DUP OP_HASH160 {hash160(pubkey)} OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG export function claimName(a: Payment, opts?: PaymentOpts): Payment { if ( !a.address && !a.hash && !a.output && !a.pubkey && !a.input && !a.claim && !a.claimName ) throw new TypeError('Not enough data'); opts = Object.assign({ validate: true }, opts || {}); typef( { network: typef.maybe(typef.Object), address: typef.maybe(typef.String), hash: typef.maybe(typef.BufferN(20)), output: typef.maybe(typef.Buffer), // NOTE: No length set since it's variable. pubkey: typef.maybe(isPoint), signature: typef.maybe(bscript.isCanonicalScriptSignature), input: typef.maybe(typef.Buffer), claimName: typef.maybe(typef.String), claim: typef.maybe(typef.Buffer), }, a, ); const _address = lazy.value(() => { const payload = bs58check.decode(a.address!); const version = payload.readUInt8(0); const hash = payload.slice(1); return { version, hash }; }); const _chunks = lazy.value(() => { return bscript.decompile(a.input!); }) as StackFunction; // We need output chunks as well, we can't just go by byte location within // the output, because claim and claimName are of variable length. const _outputChunks = lazy.value(() => { return bscript.decompile(a.output!); }) as StackFunction; const network = a.network || LBRY_MAINNET; const o: Payment = { name: 'claim_name', network }; lazy.prop(o, 'address', () => { if (!o.hash) return; const payload = Buffer.allocUnsafe(21); payload.writeUInt8(network.pubKeyHash, 0); o.hash.copy(payload, 1); return bs58check.encode(payload); }); lazy.prop(o, 'hash', () => { if (a.output) return _outputChunks()[7]; if (a.address) return _address().hash; if (a.pubkey || o.pubkey) return bcrypto.hash160(a.pubkey! || o.pubkey!); }); lazy.prop(o, 'claim', () => { if (a.output) return _outputChunks()[2]; if (a.claim) return a.claim; }); lazy.prop(o, 'claimName', () => { if (a.output) return _outputChunks()[1].toString(); if (a.claimName) return a.claimName; }); lazy.prop(o, 'output', () => { if (!o.hash) return; if (!o.claimName) return; if (!o.claim) return; return bscript.compile([ OPS.OP_CLAIM_NAME, Buffer.from(o.claimName), o.claim, OPS.OP_2DROP, OPS.OP_DROP, OPS.OP_DUP, OPS.OP_HASH160, o.hash, OPS.OP_EQUALVERIFY, OPS.OP_CHECKSIG, ]); }); lazy.prop(o, 'pubkey', () => { if (!a.input) return; return _chunks()[1] as Buffer; }); lazy.prop(o, 'signature', () => { if (!a.input) return; return _chunks()[0] as Buffer; }); lazy.prop(o, 'input', () => { if (!a.pubkey) return; if (!a.signature) return; return bscript.compile([a.signature, a.pubkey]); }); lazy.prop(o, 'witness', () => { if (!o.input) return; return []; }); // extended validation if (opts.validate) { let hash: Buffer = Buffer.from([]); if (a.address) { if (_address().version !== network.pubKeyHash) throw new TypeError('Invalid version or Network mismatch'); if (_address().hash.length !== 20) throw new TypeError('Invalid address'); hash = _address().hash; } if (a.hash) { if (hash.length > 0 && !hash.equals(a.hash)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch'); else hash = a.hash; } if (a.output) { if ( _outputChunks().length !== 10 || _outputChunks()[0] !== OPS.OP_CLAIM_NAME || !Buffer.isBuffer(_outputChunks()[1]) || !Buffer.isBuffer(_outputChunks()[2]) || _outputChunks()[3] !== OPS.OP_2DROP || _outputChunks()[4] !== OPS.OP_DROP || _outputChunks()[5] !== OPS.OP_DUP || _outputChunks()[6] !== OPS.OP_HASH160 || !Buffer.isBuffer(_outputChunks()[7]) || (_outputChunks()[7] as Buffer).length !== 0x14 || _outputChunks()[8] !== OPS.OP_EQUALVERIFY || _outputChunks()[9] !== OPS.OP_CHECKSIG ) throw new TypeError('Output is invalid'); const hash2 = _outputChunks()[7] as Buffer; if (hash.length > 0 && !hash.equals(hash2)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch'); else hash = hash2; const claimName2 = _outputChunks()[1].toString(); if (a.claimName && a.claimName !== claimName2) throw new TypeError('claimName mismatch'); const claim2 = _outputChunks()[2] as Buffer; if ( Buffer.isBuffer(a.claim) && a.claim.length > 0 && !a.claim.equals(claim2) ) throw new TypeError('claim mismatch'); } if (a.pubkey) { const pkh = bcrypto.hash160(a.pubkey); if (hash.length > 0 && !hash.equals(pkh)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch'); else hash = pkh; } if (a.input) { const chunks = _chunks(); if (chunks.length !== 2) throw new TypeError('Input is invalid'); if (!bscript.isCanonicalScriptSignature(chunks[0] as Buffer)) throw new TypeError('Input has invalid signature'); if (!isPoint(chunks[1])) throw new TypeError('Input has invalid pubkey'); if (a.signature && !a.signature.equals(chunks[0] as Buffer)) throw new TypeError('Signature mismatch'); if (a.pubkey && !a.pubkey.equals(chunks[1] as Buffer)) throw new TypeError('Pubkey mismatch'); const pkh = bcrypto.hash160(chunks[1] as Buffer); if (hash.length > 0 && !hash.equals(pkh)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch'); } } return Object.assign(o, a); }