import * as assert from 'assert'; import { beforeEach, describe, it } from 'mocha'; import { ECPair, networks as NETWORKS, Transaction, TransactionBuilder, } from '..'; import * as baddress from '../src/address'; import * as payments from '../src/payments'; import * as bscript from '../src/script'; console.warn = (): void => { return; }; // Silence the Deprecation Warning import * as fixtures from './fixtures/transaction_builder.json'; function constructSign( f: any, txb: any, useOldSignArgs: any, ): TransactionBuilder { const network = (NETWORKS as any)[]; const stages = f.stages && f.stages.concat(); f.inputs.forEach((input: any, index: number) => { if (!input.signs) return; input.signs.forEach((sign: any) => { const keyPair = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, network); let redeemScript; let witnessScript; let witnessValue; if (sign.redeemScript) { redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.redeemScript); } if (sign.value) { witnessValue = sign.value; } if (sign.witnessScript) { witnessScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.witnessScript); } if (useOldSignArgs) { // DEPRECATED: v6 will remove this interface txb.sign( index, keyPair, redeemScript, sign.hashType, witnessValue, witnessScript, ); } else { // prevOutScriptType is required, see /ts_src/transaction_builder.ts // The PREVOUT_TYPES constant is a Set with all possible values. txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: sign.prevOutScriptType, vin: index, keyPair, redeemScript, hashType: sign.hashType, witnessValue, witnessScript, }); } if (sign.stage) { const tx = txb.buildIncomplete(); assert.strictEqual(tx.toHex(), stages.shift()); txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network); } }); }); return txb; } function construct( f: any, dontSign?: any, useOldSignArgs?: any, ): TransactionBuilder { const network = (NETWORKS as any)[]; const txb = new TransactionBuilder(network); if (Number.isFinite(f.version)) txb.setVersion(f.version); if (f.locktime !== undefined) txb.setLockTime(f.locktime); f.inputs.forEach((input: any) => { let prevTx; if (input.txRaw) { const constructed = construct(input.txRaw); if (input.txRaw.incomplete) prevTx = constructed.buildIncomplete(); else prevTx =; } else if (input.txHex) { prevTx = Transaction.fromHex(input.txHex); } else { prevTx = input.txId; } let prevTxScript; if (input.prevTxScript) { prevTxScript = bscript.fromASM(input.prevTxScript); } txb.addInput(prevTx, input.vout, input.sequence, prevTxScript); }); f.outputs.forEach((output: any) => { if (output.address) { txb.addOutput(output.address, output.value); } else { txb.addOutput(bscript.fromASM(output.script), output.value); } }); if (dontSign) return txb; return constructSign(f, txb, useOldSignArgs); } // TODO: Remove loop in v6 for (const useOldSignArgs of [false, true]) { // Search for "useOldSignArgs" // to find the second part of this console.warn replace let consoleWarn: any; if (useOldSignArgs) { consoleWarn = console.warn; // Silence console.warn during these tests console.warn = (): undefined => undefined; } describe(`TransactionBuilder: useOldSignArgs === ${useOldSignArgs}`, () => { // constants const keyPair = ECPair.fromPrivateKey( Buffer.from( '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', 'hex', ), ); const scripts = [ '1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH', '1cMh228HTCiwS8ZsaakH8A8wze1JR5ZsP', ].map(x => { return baddress.toOutputScript(x); }); const txHash = Buffer.from( '0e7cea811c0be9f73c0aca591034396e7264473fc25c1ca45195d7417b36cbe2', 'hex', ); describe('fromTransaction', () => { => { it('returns TransactionBuilder, with ' + f.description, () => { const network = (NETWORKS as any)[ || 'bitcoin']; const tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex); const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network); const txAfter = f.incomplete ? txb.buildIncomplete() :; assert.strictEqual(txAfter.toHex(), f.txHex); assert.strictEqual(, network); }); }); fixtures.valid.fromTransaction.forEach(f => { it('returns TransactionBuilder, with ' + f.description, () => { const tx = new Transaction(); f.inputs.forEach(input => { const txHash2 = Buffer.from(input.txId, 'hex').reverse() as Buffer; tx.addInput( txHash2, input.vout, undefined, bscript.fromASM(input.scriptSig), ); }); f.outputs.forEach(output => { tx.addOutput(bscript.fromASM(output.script), output.value); }); const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx); const txAfter = f.incomplete ? txb.buildIncomplete() :; txAfter.ins.forEach((input, i) => { assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(input.script), f.inputs[i].scriptSigAfter, ); }); txAfter.outs.forEach((output, i) => { assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(output.script), f.outputs[i].script, ); }); }); }); fixtures.valid.fromTransactionSequential.forEach(f => { it('with ' + f.description, () => { const network = (NETWORKS as any)[]; const tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex); const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network); tx.ins.forEach((input, i) => { assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(input.script), f.inputs[i].scriptSig, ); }); constructSign(f, txb, useOldSignArgs); const txAfter = f.incomplete ? txb.buildIncomplete() :; txAfter.ins.forEach((input, i) => { assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(input.script), f.inputs[i].scriptSigAfter, ); }); assert.strictEqual(txAfter.toHex(), f.txHexAfter); }); }); it('classifies transaction inputs', () => { const tx = Transaction.fromHex(fixtures.valid.classification.hex); const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx); (txb as any).__INPUTS.forEach((i: any) => { assert.strictEqual(i.prevOutType, 'scripthash'); assert.strictEqual(i.redeemScriptType, 'multisig'); }); }); fixtures.invalid.fromTransaction.forEach(f => { it('throws ' + f.exception, () => { const tx = Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex); assert.throws(() => { TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx); }, new RegExp(f.exception)); }); }); }); describe('addInput', () => { let txb: TransactionBuilder; beforeEach(() => { txb = new TransactionBuilder(); }); it('accepts a txHash, index [and sequence number]', () => { const vin = txb.addInput(txHash, 1, 54); assert.strictEqual(vin, 0); const txIn = (txb as any).__TX.ins[0]; assert.strictEqual(txIn.hash, txHash); assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1); assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54); assert.strictEqual((txb as any).__INPUTS[0].prevOutScript, undefined); }); it('accepts a txHash, index [, sequence number and scriptPubKey]', () => { const vin = txb.addInput(txHash, 1, 54, scripts[1]); assert.strictEqual(vin, 0); const txIn = (txb as any).__TX.ins[0]; assert.strictEqual(txIn.hash, txHash); assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1); assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54); assert.strictEqual((txb as any).__INPUTS[0].prevOutScript, scripts[1]); }); it('accepts a prevTx, index [and sequence number]', () => { const prevTx = new Transaction(); prevTx.addOutput(scripts[0], 0); prevTx.addOutput(scripts[1], 1); const vin = txb.addInput(prevTx, 1, 54); assert.strictEqual(vin, 0); const txIn = (txb as any).__TX.ins[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(txIn.hash, prevTx.getHash()); assert.strictEqual(txIn.index, 1); assert.strictEqual(txIn.sequence, 54); assert.strictEqual((txb as any).__INPUTS[0].prevOutScript, scripts[1]); }); it('returns the input index', () => { assert.strictEqual(txb.addInput(txHash, 0), 0); assert.strictEqual(txb.addInput(txHash, 1), 1); }); it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 1000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, }); assert.throws(() => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/); }); }); describe('addOutput', () => { let txb: TransactionBuilder; beforeEach(() => { txb = new TransactionBuilder(); }); it('accepts an address string and value', () => { const { address } = payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey }); const vout = txb.addOutput(address!, 1000); assert.strictEqual(vout, 0); const txout = (txb as any).__TX.outs[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(txout.script, scripts[0]); assert.strictEqual(txout.value, 1000); }); it('accepts a ScriptPubKey and value', () => { const vout = txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 1000); assert.strictEqual(vout, 0); const txout = (txb as any).__TX.outs[0]; assert.deepStrictEqual(txout.script, scripts[0]); assert.strictEqual(txout.value, 1000); }); it('throws if address is of the wrong network', () => { assert.throws(() => { txb.addOutput('2NGHjvjw83pcVFgMcA7QvSMh2c246rxLVz9', 1000); }, /2NGHjvjw83pcVFgMcA7QvSMh2c246rxLVz9 has no matching Script/); }); it('add second output after signed first input with SIGHASH_NONE', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, hashType: Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE, }); assert.strictEqual(txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000), 1); }); it('add first output after signed first input with SIGHASH_NONE', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, hashType: Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE, }); assert.strictEqual(txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000), 0); }); it('add second output after signed first input with SIGHASH_SINGLE', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, hashType: Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE, }); assert.strictEqual(txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000), 1); }); it('add first output after signed first input with SIGHASH_SINGLE', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, hashType: Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE, }); assert.throws(() => { txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000); }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/); }); it('throws if SIGHASH_ALL has been used to sign any existing scriptSigs', () => { txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 2000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, }); assert.throws(() => { txb.addOutput(scripts[1], 9000); }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/); }); }); describe('setLockTime', () => { it('throws if if there exist any scriptSigs', () => { const txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.addInput(txHash, 0); txb.addOutput(scripts[0], 100); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, }); assert.throws(() => { txb.setLockTime(65535); }, /No, this would invalidate signatures/); }); }); describe('sign', () => { it('supports the alternative abstract interface { publicKey, sign }', () => { const innerKeyPair = { publicKey: ECPair.makeRandom({ rng: (): Buffer => { return Buffer.alloc(32, 1); }, }).publicKey, sign: (): Buffer => { return Buffer.alloc(64, 0x5f); }, }; const txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 1, ); txb.addOutput('1111111111111111111114oLvT2', 100000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair: innerKeyPair, }); assert.strictEqual(, '0100000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' + 'ffffffff010000006a47304402205f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f' + '5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f02205f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f' + '5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f0121031b84c5567b126440995d3ed5aaba0565' + 'd71e1834604819ff9c17f5e9d5dd078fffffffff01a0860100000000001976a914' + '000000000000000000000000000000000000000088ac00000000', ); }); it('supports low R signature signing', () => { let txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 1, ); txb.addOutput('1111111111111111111114oLvT2', 100000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, }); // high R assert.strictEqual(, '0100000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' + 'ffffffff010000006b483045022100b872677f35c9c14ad9c41d83649fb049250f' + '32574e0b2547d67e209ed14ff05d022059b36ad058be54e887a1a311d5c393cb49' + '41f6b93a0b090845ec67094de8972b01210279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b' + '07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798ffffffff01a0860100000000001976a9' + '14000000000000000000000000000000000000000088ac00000000', ); txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 1, ); txb.addOutput('1111111111111111111114oLvT2', 100000); txb.setLowR(); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, }); // low R assert.strictEqual(, '0100000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' + 'ffffffff010000006a473044022012a601efa8756ebe83e9ac7a7db061c3147e3b' + '49d8be67685799fe51a4c8c62f02204d568d301d5ce14af390d566d4fd50e7b8ee' + '48e71ec67786c029e721194dae3601210279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07' + '029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798ffffffff01a0860100000000001976a914' + '000000000000000000000000000000000000000088ac00000000', ); }); it('fails when missing required arguments', () => { const txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 1, ); txb.addOutput('1111111111111111111114oLvT2', 100000); assert.throws(() => { (txb as any).sign(); }, /TransactionBuilder sign first arg must be TxbSignArg or number/); assert.throws(() => { txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 1, keyPair, }); }, /No input at index: 1/); assert.throws(() => { (txb as any).sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', keyPair, }); }, /sign must include vin parameter as Number \(input index\)/); assert.throws(() => { (txb as any).sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair: {}, }); }, /sign must include keyPair parameter as Signer interface/); assert.throws(() => { (txb as any).sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair, hashType: 'string', }); }, /sign hashType parameter must be a number/); if (useOldSignArgs) { assert.throws(() => { txb.sign(0); }, /sign requires keypair/); } }); fixtures.invalid.sign.forEach(f => { it( 'throws ' + f.exception + (f.description ? ' (' + f.description + ')' : ''), () => { const txb = construct(f, true); let threw = false; (f.inputs as any).forEach( (input: any, index: number): void => { input.signs.forEach((sign: any) => { const keyPairNetwork = (NETWORKS as any)[ || ]; const keyPair2 = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, keyPairNetwork); let redeemScript: Buffer | undefined; let witnessScript: Buffer | undefined; if (sign.redeemScript) { redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.redeemScript); } if (sign.witnessScript) { witnessScript = bscript.fromASM(sign.witnessScript); } if (sign.throws) { assert.throws(() => { txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: sign.prevOutScriptType, vin: index, keyPair: keyPair2, redeemScript, hashType: sign.hashType, witnessValue: sign.value, witnessScript, }); }, new RegExp(f.exception)); threw = true; } else { txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: sign.prevOutScriptType, vin: index, keyPair: keyPair2, redeemScript, hashType: sign.hashType, witnessValue: sign.value, witnessScript, }); } }); }, ); assert.strictEqual(threw, true); }, ); }); }); describe('build', () => { => { it('builds "' + f.description + '"', () => { const txb = construct(f, undefined, useOldSignArgs); const tx = f.incomplete ? txb.buildIncomplete() :; assert.strictEqual(tx.toHex(), f.txHex); }); }); // TODO: remove duplicate test code => { describe('for ' + (f.description || f.exception), () => { it('throws ' + f.exception, () => { assert.throws(() => { let txb; if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction( Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex), ); } else { txb = construct(f, undefined, useOldSignArgs); }; }, new RegExp(f.exception)); }); // if throws on incomplete too, enforce that if (f.incomplete) { it('throws ' + f.exception, () => { assert.throws(() => { let txb; if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction( Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex), ); } else { txb = construct(f, undefined, useOldSignArgs); } txb.buildIncomplete(); }, new RegExp(f.exception)); }); } else { it('does not throw if buildIncomplete', () => { let txb; if (f.txHex) { txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction( Transaction.fromHex(f.txHex), ); } else { txb = construct(f, undefined, useOldSignArgs); } txb.buildIncomplete(); }); } }); }); it('for incomplete with 0 signatures', () => { const randomTxData = '010000000001010001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' + '0000000000000000000000ffffffff01e8030000000000001976a9144c9c3dfac4' + '207d5d8cb89df5722cb3d712385e3f88ac02483045022100aa5d8aa40a90f23ce2' + 'c3d11bc845ca4a12acd99cbea37de6b9f6d86edebba8cb022022dedc2aa0a255f7' + '4d04c0b76ece2d7c691f9dd11a64a8ac49f62a99c3a05f9d01232103596d345102' + '5c19dbbdeb932d6bf8bfb4ad499b95b6f88db8899efac102e5fc71ac00000000'; const randomAddress = '1BgGZ9tcN4rm9KBzDn7KprQz87SZ26SAMH'; const randomTx = Transaction.fromHex(randomTxData); const txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.addInput(randomTx, 0); txb.addOutput(randomAddress, 1000); const tx = txb.buildIncomplete(); assert(tx); }); it('for incomplete P2SH with 0 signatures', () => { const inp = Buffer.from( '010000000173120703f67318aef51f7251272a6816d3f7523bb25e34b136d80be9' + '59391c100000000000ffffffff0100c817a80400000017a91471a8ec07ff69c6c4' + 'fee489184c462a9b1b9237488700000000', 'hex', ); // arbitrary P2SH input const inpTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(inp); const txb = new TransactionBuilder(NETWORKS.testnet); txb.addInput(inpTx, 0); txb.addOutput('2NAkqp5xffoomp5RLBcakuGpZ12GU4twdz4', 1e8); // arbitrary output txb.buildIncomplete(); }); it('for incomplete P2WPKH with 0 signatures', () => { const inp = Buffer.from( '010000000173120703f67318aef51f7251272a6816d3f7523bb25e34b136d80be9' + '59391c100000000000ffffffff0100c817a8040000001600141a15805e1f4040c9' + 'f68ccc887fca2e63547d794b00000000', 'hex', ); const inpTx = Transaction.fromBuffer(inp); const txb = new TransactionBuilder(NETWORKS.testnet); txb.addInput(inpTx, 0); txb.addOutput('2NAkqp5xffoomp5RLBcakuGpZ12GU4twdz4', 1e8); // arbitrary output txb.buildIncomplete(); }); it('for incomplete P2WSH with 0 signatures', () => { const inpTx = Transaction.fromBuffer( Buffer.from( '010000000173120703f67318aef51f7251272a6816d3f7523bb25e34b136d80b' + 'e959391c100000000000ffffffff0100c817a80400000022002072df76fcc0b2' + '31b94bdf7d8c25d7eef4716597818d211e19ade7813bff7a250200000000', 'hex', ), ); const txb = new TransactionBuilder(NETWORKS.testnet); txb.addInput(inpTx, 0); txb.addOutput('2NAkqp5xffoomp5RLBcakuGpZ12GU4twdz4', 1e8); // arbitrary output txb.buildIncomplete(); }); }); describe('multisig', () => { fixtures.valid.multisig.forEach(f => { it(f.description, () => { const network = (NETWORKS as any)[]; let txb = construct(f, true); let tx: Transaction; f.inputs.forEach((input, i) => { const redeemScript = bscript.fromASM(input.redeemScript); input.signs.forEach(sign => { // rebuild the transaction each-time after the first if (tx) { // manually override the scriptSig? if (sign.scriptSigBefore) { tx.ins[i].script = bscript.fromASM(sign.scriptSigBefore); } // rebuild txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, network); } const keyPair2 = ECPair.fromWIF(sign.keyPair, network); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: sign.prevOutScriptType, vin: i, keyPair: keyPair2, redeemScript, hashType: (sign as any).hashType, }); // update the tx tx = txb.buildIncomplete(); // now verify the serialized scriptSig is as expected assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(tx.ins[i].script), sign.scriptSig, ); }); }); tx =; assert.strictEqual(tx.toHex(), f.txHex); }); }); }); describe('various edge case', () => { const network = NETWORKS.testnet; it('should warn of high fee for segwit transaction based on VSize, not Size', () => { const rawtx = '01000000000104fdaac89627208b4733484ca56bc291f4cf4fa8d7c5f29893c52b46788a0a' + '1df90000000000fffffffffdaac89627208b4733484ca56bc291f4cf4fa8d7c5f29893c52b46788a0a1df9' + '0100000000ffffffffa2ef7aaab316a3e5b5b0a78d1d35c774b95a079f9f0c762277a49caf1f26bca40000' + '000000ffffffffa2ef7aaab316a3e5b5b0a78d1d35c774b95a079f9f0c762277a49caf1f26bca401000000' + '00ffffffff0100040000000000001976a914cf307285359ab7ef6a2daa0522c7908ddf5fe7a988ac024730' + '440220113324438816338406841775e079b04c50d04f241da652a4035b1017ea1ecf5502205802191eb49c' + '54bf2a5667aea72e51c3ca92085efc60f12d1ebda3a64aff343201210283409659355b6d1cc3c32decd5d5' + '61abaac86c37a353b52895a5e6c196d6f44802483045022100dc2892874e6d8708e3f5a058c5c9263cdf03' + '969492270f89ee4933caf6daf8bb0220391dfe61a002709b63b9d64422d3db09b727839d1287e10a128a5d' + 'b52a82309301210283409659355b6d1cc3c32decd5d561abaac86c37a353b52895a5e6c196d6f448024830' + '450221009e3ed3a6ae93a018f443257b43e47b55cf7f7f3547d8807178072234686b22160220576121cfe6' + '77c7eddf5575ea0a7c926247df6eca723c4f85df306e8bc08ea2df01210283409659355b6d1cc3c32decd5' + 'd561abaac86c37a353b52895a5e6c196d6f44802473044022007be81ffd4297441ab10e740fc9bab9545a2' + '194a565cd6aa4cc38b8eaffa343402201c5b4b61d73fa38e49c1ee68cc0e6dfd2f5dae453dd86eb142e87a' + '0bafb1bc8401210283409659355b6d1cc3c32decd5d561abaac86c37a353b52895a5e6c196d6f44800000000'; const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction( Transaction.fromHex(rawtx), ); (txb as any).__INPUTS[0].value = 241530; (txb as any).__INPUTS[1].value = 241530; (txb as any).__INPUTS[2].value = 248920; (txb as any).__INPUTS[3].value = 248920; assert.throws(() => {; }, new RegExp('Transaction has absurd fees')); }); it('should classify witness inputs with witness = true during multisigning', () => { const innerKeyPair = ECPair.fromWIF( 'cRAwuVuVSBZMPu7hdrYvMCZ8eevzmkExjFbaBLhqnDdrezxN3nTS', network, ); const witnessScript = Buffer.from( '522102bbbd6eb01efcbe4bd9664b886f26f69de5afcb2e479d72596c8bf21929e3' + '52e22102d9c3f7180ef13ec5267723c9c2ffab56a4215241f837502ea8977c8532' + 'b9ea1952ae', 'hex', ); const redeemScript = Buffer.from( '002024376a0a9abab599d0e028248d48ebe817bc899efcffa1cd2984d67289daf5af', 'hex', ); const scriptPubKey = Buffer.from( 'a914b64f1a3eacc1c8515592a6f10457e8ff90e4db6a87', 'hex', ); const txb = new TransactionBuilder(network); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'a4696c4b0cd27ec2e173ab1fa7d1cc639a98ee237cec95a77ca7ff4145791529', 1, 0xffffffff, scriptPubKey, ); txb.addOutput(scriptPubKey, 99000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2sh-p2wsh-p2ms', vin: 0, keyPair: innerKeyPair, redeemScript, witnessValue: 100000, witnessScript, }); // 2-of-2 signed only once const tx = txb.buildIncomplete(); // Only input is segwit, so txid should be accurate with the final tx assert.strictEqual( tx.getId(), 'f15d0a65b21b4471405b21a099f8b18e1ae4d46d55efbd0f4766cf11ad6cb821', ); const txHex = tx.toHex(); TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(Transaction.fromHex(txHex)); }); it('should handle badly pre-filled OP_0s', () => { // OP_0 is used where a signature is missing const redeemScripSig = bscript.fromASM( 'OP_0 OP_0 3045022100daf0f4f3339d9fbab42b098045c1e4958ee3b308f4ae17' + 'be80b63808558d0adb02202f07e3d1f79dc8da285ae0d7f68083d769c11f5621eb' + 'd9691d6b48c0d4283d7d01 52410479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bf' + 'cdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b44' + '8a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b84104c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778' + 'e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f6326' + '53266d0e1236431a950cfe52a4104f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c' + '845836f99b08601f113bce036f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f3566500a99' + '934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e67253ae', ); const redeemScript = bscript.fromASM( 'OP_2 0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f' + '81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d' + '4b8 04c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c70' + '9ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceaeef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe5' + '2a 04f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce03' + '6f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f3566500a99934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e67' + '2 OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG', ); const tx = new Transaction(); tx.addInput( Buffer.from( 'cff58855426469d0ef16442ee9c644c4fb13832467bcbc3173168a7916f07149', 'hex', ), 0, undefined, redeemScripSig, ); tx.addOutput( Buffer.from( '76a914aa4d7985c57e011a8b3dd8e0e5a73aaef41629c588ac', 'hex', ), 1000, ); // now import the Transaction const txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction(tx, NETWORKS.testnet); const keyPair2 = ECPair.fromWIF( '91avARGdfge8E4tZfYLoxeJ5sGBdNJQH4kvjJoQFacbgx3cTMqe', network, ); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2sh-p2ms', vin: 0, keyPair: keyPair2, redeemScript, }); const tx2 =; assert.strictEqual( tx2.getId(), 'eab59618a564e361adef6d918bd792903c3d41bcf1220137364fb847880467f9', ); assert.strictEqual( bscript.toASM(tx2.ins[0].script), 'OP_0 3045022100daf0f4f3339d9fbab42b098045c1e4958ee3b308f4ae17be80b' + '63808558d0adb02202f07e3d1f79dc8da285ae0d7f68083d769c11f5621ebd9691' + 'd6b48c0d4283d7d01 3045022100a346c61738304eac5e7702188764d19cdf68f4' + '466196729db096d6c87ce18cdd022018c0e8ad03054b0e7e235cda6bedecf35881' + 'd7aa7d94ff425a8ace7220f38af001 52410479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870' + 'b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a' + '8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b84104c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07' + 'cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee51ae168fea63dc339a3c58419466ceae' + 'ef7f632653266d0e1236431a950cfe52a4104f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5' + '229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9388f7b0f632de8140fe337e62a37f35' + '66500a99934c2231b6cb9fd7584b8e67253ae', ); }); it('should not classify blank scripts as nonstandard', () => { let txb = new TransactionBuilder(); txb.setVersion(1); txb.addInput( 'aa94ab02c182214f090e99a0d57021caffd0f195a81c24602b1028b130b63e31', 0, ); const incomplete = txb.buildIncomplete().toHex(); const innerKeyPair = ECPair.fromWIF( 'L1uyy5qTuGrVXrmrsvHWHgVzW9kKdrp27wBC7Vs6nZDTF2BRUVwy', ); // sign, as expected txb.addOutput('1Gokm82v6DmtwKEB8AiVhm82hyFSsEvBDK', 15000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair: innerKeyPair, }); const txId =; assert.strictEqual( txId, '54f097315acbaedb92a95455da3368eb45981cdae5ffbc387a9afc872c0f29b3', ); // and, repeat txb = TransactionBuilder.fromTransaction( Transaction.fromHex(incomplete), ); txb.addOutput('1Gokm82v6DmtwKEB8AiVhm82hyFSsEvBDK', 15000); txb.sign({ prevOutScriptType: 'p2pkh', vin: 0, keyPair: innerKeyPair, }); const txId2 =; assert.strictEqual(txId, txId2); // TODO: Remove me in v6 if (useOldSignArgs) { console.warn = consoleWarn; } }); }); }); }