const lazy = require('./lazy') const typef = require('typeforce') const OPS = require('bitcoin-ops') const baddress = require('../address') const bcrypto = require('../crypto') const bscript = require('../script') const BITCOIN_NETWORK = require('../networks').bitcoin function stacksEqual (a, b) { if (a.length !== b.length) return false return a.every(function (x, i) { return x.equals(b[i]) }) } // input: [redeemScriptSig ...] {redeemScript} // witness: // output: OP_HASH160 {hash160(redeemScript)} OP_EQUAL function p2sh (a, opts) { if ( !a.address && !a.hash && !a.output && !a.redeem && !a.input ) throw new TypeError('Not enough data') opts = opts || { validate: true } typef({ network: typef.maybe(typef.Object), address: typef.maybe(typef.String), hash: typef.maybe(typef.BufferN(20)), output: typef.maybe(typef.BufferN(23)), redeem: typef.maybe({ network: typef.maybe(typef.Object), output: typef.Buffer, input: typef.maybe(typef.Buffer), witness: typef.maybe(typef.arrayOf(typef.Buffer)) }), input: typef.maybe(typef.Buffer), witness: typef.maybe(typef.arrayOf(typef.Buffer)) }, a) const network = || BITCOIN_NETWORK const o = { network } const _address = lazy.value(function () { return baddress.fromBase58Check(a.address) }) const _chunks = lazy.value(function () { return bscript.decompile(a.input) }) const _redeem = lazy.value(function () { const chunks = _chunks() return { network: network, output: chunks[chunks.length - 1], input: bscript.compile(chunks.slice(0, -1)), witness: a.witness || [] } }) // output dependents lazy.prop(o, 'address', function () { if (!o.hash) return return baddress.toBase58Check(o.hash, network.scriptHash) }) lazy.prop(o, 'hash', function () { // in order of least effort if (a.output) return a.output.slice(2, 22) if (a.address) return _address().hash if (o.redeem && o.redeem.output) return bcrypto.hash160(o.redeem.output) }) lazy.prop(o, 'output', function () { if (!o.hash) return return bscript.compile([ OPS.OP_HASH160, o.hash, OPS.OP_EQUAL ]) }) // input dependents lazy.prop(o, 'redeem', function () { if (!a.input) return return _redeem() }) lazy.prop(o, 'input', function () { if (!a.redeem || !a.redeem.input) return return bscript.compile([].concat( bscript.decompile(a.redeem.input), a.redeem.output )) }) lazy.prop(o, 'witness', function () { if (o.redeem && o.redeem.witness) return o.redeem.witness if (o.input) return [] }) if (opts.validate) { let hash if (a.address) { if (_address().version !== network.scriptHash) throw new TypeError('Network mismatch') if (_address().hash.length !== 20) throw new TypeError('Invalid address') else hash = _address().hash } if (a.hash) { if (hash && !hash.equals(a.hash)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch') else hash = a.hash } if (a.output) { if ( a.output.length !== 23 || a.output[0] !== OPS.OP_HASH160 || a.output[1] !== 0x14 || a.output[22] !== OPS.OP_EQUAL) throw new TypeError('Output is invalid') const hash2 = a.output.slice(2, 22) if (hash && !hash.equals(hash2)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch') else hash = hash2 } // inlined to prevent 'no-inner-declarations' failing const checkRedeem = function (redeem) { // is the redeem output empty/invalid? const decompile = bscript.decompile(redeem.output) if (!decompile || decompile.length < 1) throw new TypeError('Redeem.output too short') // match hash against other sources const hash2 = bcrypto.hash160(redeem.output) if (hash && !hash.equals(hash2)) throw new TypeError('Hash mismatch') else hash = hash2 if (redeem.input) { const hasInput = redeem.input.length > 0 const hasWitness = redeem.witness && redeem.witness.length > 0 if (!hasInput && !hasWitness) throw new TypeError('Empty input') if (hasInput && hasWitness) throw new TypeError('Input and witness provided') if (hasInput) { const richunks = bscript.decompile(redeem.input) if (!bscript.isPushOnly(richunks)) throw new TypeError('Non push-only scriptSig') } } } if (a.input) { const chunks = _chunks() if (!chunks || chunks.length < 1) throw new TypeError('Input too short') if (!Buffer.isBuffer(_redeem().output)) throw new TypeError('Input is invalid') checkRedeem(_redeem()) } if (a.redeem) { if ( && !== network) throw new TypeError('Network mismatch') if (o.redeem) { if (a.redeem.output && !a.redeem.output.equals(o.redeem.output)) throw new TypeError('Redeem.output mismatch') if (a.redeem.input && !a.redeem.input.equals(o.redeem.input)) throw new TypeError('Redeem.input mismatch') } checkRedeem(a.redeem) } if (a.witness) { if ( a.redeem && a.redeem.witness && !stacksEqual(a.redeem.witness, a.witness)) throw new TypeError('Witness and redeem.witness mismatch') } } return Object.assign(o, a) } module.exports = p2sh