var Wallet = require('../src/wallet.js') var assert = require('assert') describe('Wallet', function() { var seed = 'crazy horse battery staple' describe('default constructor', function() { var wallet; beforeEach(function() { wallet = new Wallet(seed) }) it('defaults to Bitcoin mainnet', function() { assert.equal(wallet.getMasterKey().network, 'mainnet') }) it('defaults to private derivationMethod', function() { assert.equal(wallet.derivationMethod, 'private') }) }) describe('constructor options', function() { var wallet; beforeEach(function() { wallet = new Wallet(seed, {network: 'testnet', derivationMethod: 'public'}) }) it('uses the network if specified', function() { assert.equal(wallet.getMasterKey().network, 'testnet') }) it('uses the derivationMethod if specified', function() { assert.equal(wallet.derivationMethod, 'public') }) }) })