diff --git a/buildozer/default.spec b/buildozer/default.spec
index 757f02d..fbaece4 100644
--- a/buildozer/default.spec
+++ b/buildozer/default.spec
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ fullscreen = 1
 # (str) Android entry point, default is ok for Kivy-based app
 #android.entrypoint = org.renpy.android.PythonActivity
-# (str) Semicolon separated list of Java .jar files to add to the libs so
-# that pyjnius can access their classes. Don't add jars that you do not need,
-# since extra jars can slow down the build process. Allows wildcards matching,
-# for example: OUYA-ODK/libs/*.jar
-#android.add_jars = foo.jar;bar.jar;path/to/more/*.jar
+# (list) List of Java .jar files to add to the libs so that pyjnius can access
+# their classes. Don't add jars that you do not need, since extra jars can slow
+# down the build process. Allows wildcards matching, for example:
+# OUYA-ODK/libs/*.jar
+#android.add_jars = foo.jar,bar.jar,path/to/more/*.jar
 # (str) python-for-android branch to use, if not master, useful to try
 # not yet merged features.
diff --git a/buildozer/targets/android.py b/buildozer/targets/android.py
index eabe8ba..c2703e5 100644
--- a/buildozer/targets/android.py
+++ b/buildozer/targets/android.py
@@ -414,16 +414,16 @@ class TargetAndroid(Target):
             build_cmd += ' --permission {0}'.format(permission)
         # add extra Java jar files
-        add_jars = config.getdefault('app', 'android.add_jars', '')
-        if add_jars:
-            for pattern in add_jars.split(';'):
-                pattern = expanduser(pattern.strip())
-                matches = glob(pattern)
-                if matches:
-                    for jar in matches:
-                        build_cmd += ' --add-jar "{}"'.format(jar)
-                else:
-                    raise SystemError("Failed to find jar file: {}".format(pattern))
+        add_jars = config.getlist('app', 'android.add_jars', [])
+        for pattern in add_jars:
+            pattern = join(self.buildozer.root_dir, pattern)
+            matches = glob(expanduser(pattern.strip()))
+            if matches:
+                for jar in matches:
+                    build_cmd += ' --add-jar "{}"'.format(jar)
+            else:
+                raise SystemError(
+                    'Failed to find jar file: {}'.format(pattern))
         # add presplash
         presplash = config.getdefault('app', 'presplash.filename', '')