package ccache type Configuration struct { maxSize int64 buckets int itemsToPrune int deleteBuffer int promoteBuffer int getsPerPromote int32 tracking bool } // Creates a configuration object with sensible defaults // Use this as the start of the fluent configuration: // e.g.: ccache.New(ccache.Configure().MaxSize(10000)) func Configure() *Configuration { return &Configuration{ buckets: 16, itemsToPrune: 500, deleteBuffer: 1024, getsPerPromote: 3, promoteBuffer: 1024, maxSize: 5000, tracking: false, } } // The max size for the cache // [5000] func (c *Configuration) MaxSize(max int64) *Configuration { c.maxSize = max return c } // Keys are hashed into % bucket count to provide greater concurrency (every set // requires a write lock on the bucket). Must be a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...) // [16] func (c *Configuration) Buckets(count uint32) *Configuration { if count == 0 || ((count&(^count+1)) == count) == false { count = 16 } c.buckets = int(count) return c } // The number of items to prune when memory is low // [500] func (c *Configuration) ItemsToPrune(count uint32) *Configuration { c.itemsToPrune = int(count) return c } // The size of the queue for items which should be promoted. If the queue fills // up, promotions are skipped // [1024] func (c *Configuration) PromoteBuffer(size uint32) *Configuration { c.promoteBuffer = int(size) return c } // The size of the queue for items which should be deleted. If the queue fills // up, calls to Delete() will block func (c *Configuration) DeleteBuffer(size uint32) *Configuration { c.deleteBuffer = int(size) return c } // Give a large cache with a high read / write ratio, it's usually unnecessary // to promote an item on every Get. GetsPerPromote specifies the number of Gets // a key must have before being promoted // [3] func (c *Configuration) GetsPerPromote(count int32) *Configuration { c.getsPerPromote = count return c } // Typically, a cache is agnostic about how cached values are use. This is fine // for a typical cache usage, where you fetch an item from the cache, do something // (write it out) and nothing else. // However, if callers are going to keep a reference to a cached item for a long // time, things get messy. Specifically, the cache can evict the item, while // references still exist. Technically, this isn't an issue. However, if you reload // the item back into the cache, you end up with 2 objects representing the same // data. This is a waste of space and could lead to weird behavior (the type an // identity map is meant to solve). // By turning tracking on and using the cache's TrackingGet, the cache // won't evict items which you haven't called Release() on. It's a simple reference // counter. func (c *Configuration) Track() *Configuration { c.tracking = true return c }