// An LRU cached aimed at high concurrency package ccache import ( "container/list" "hash/fnv" "sync/atomic" "time" ) type Cache struct { *Configuration list *list.List size int64 buckets []*bucket bucketMask uint32 deletables chan *Item promotables chan *Item } // Create a new cache with the specified configuration // See ccache.Configure() for creating a configuration func New(config *Configuration) *Cache { c := &Cache{ list: list.New(), Configuration: config, bucketMask: uint32(config.buckets) - 1, buckets: make([]*bucket, config.buckets), deletables: make(chan *Item, config.deleteBuffer), promotables: make(chan *Item, config.promoteBuffer), } for i := 0; i < int(config.buckets); i++ { c.buckets[i] = &bucket{ lookup: make(map[string]*Item), } } go c.worker() return c } // Get an item from the cache. Returns nil if the item wasn't found. // This can return an expired item. Use item.Expired() to see if the item // is expired and item.TTL() to see how long until the item expires (which // will be negative for an already expired item). func (c *Cache) Get(key string) *Item { bucket := c.bucket(key) item := bucket.get(key) if item == nil { return nil } if item.expires > time.Now().Unix() { c.conditionalPromote(item) } return item } // Used when the cache was created with the Track() configuration option. // Avoid otherwise func (c *Cache) TrackingGet(key string) TrackedItem { item := c.Get(key) if item == nil { return NilTracked } item.track() return item } // Set the value in the cache for the specified duration func (c *Cache) Set(key string, value interface{}, duration time.Duration) { item, new, d := c.bucket(key).set(key, value, duration) if new { c.promote(item) } else { c.conditionalPromote(item) } if d != 0 { atomic.AddInt64(&c.size, d) } } // Replace the value if it exists, does not set if it doesn't. // Returns true if the item existed an was replaced, false otherwise. // Replace does not reset item's TTL nor does it alter its position in the LRU func (c *Cache) Replace(key string, value interface{}) bool { return c.bucket(key).replace(key, value) } // Attempts to get the value from the cache and calles fetch on a miss. // If fetch returns an error, no value is cached and the error is returned back // to the caller. func (c *Cache) Fetch(key string, duration time.Duration, fetch func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) { item := c.Get(key) if item != nil { return item, nil } value, err := fetch() if err == nil { c.Set(key, value, duration) } return value, err } // Remove the item from the cache, return true if the item was present, false otherwise. func (c *Cache) Delete(key string) bool { item := c.bucket(key).delete(key) if item != nil { c.deletables <- item return true } return false } //this isn't thread safe. It's meant to be called from non-concurrent tests func (c *Cache) Clear() { for _, bucket := range c.buckets { bucket.clear() } c.size = 0 c.list = list.New() } func (c *Cache) deleteItem(bucket *bucket, item *Item) { bucket.delete(item.key) //stop other GETs from getting it c.deletables <- item } func (c *Cache) bucket(key string) *bucket { h := fnv.New32a() h.Write([]byte(key)) return c.buckets[h.Sum32()&c.bucketMask] } func (c *Cache) conditionalPromote(item *Item) { if item.shouldPromote(c.getsPerPromote) == false { return } c.promote(item) } func (c *Cache) promote(item *Item) { c.promotables <- item } func (c *Cache) worker() { for { select { case item := <-c.promotables: if c.doPromote(item) && atomic.LoadInt64(&c.size) > c.maxItems { c.gc() } case item := <-c.deletables: if item.element == nil { item.promotions = -2 } else { atomic.AddInt64(&c.size, -item.size) c.list.Remove(item.element) } } } } func (c *Cache) doPromote(item *Item) bool { //already deleted if item.promotions == -2 { return false } item.promotions = 0 if item.element != nil { //not a new item c.list.MoveToFront(item.element) return false } item.element = c.list.PushFront(item) return true } func (c *Cache) gc() { element := c.list.Back() for i := 0; i < c.itemsToPrune; i++ { if element == nil { return } prev := element.Prev() item := element.Value.(*Item) if c.tracking == false || atomic.LoadInt32(&item.refCount) == 0 { c.bucket(item.key).delete(item.key) atomic.AddInt64(&c.size, -item.size) c.list.Remove(element) } element = prev } }