import sqlite3 import typing import re import nacl.hash import time from server.conf import * def validate_input(**kwargs): assert 0 < len(kwargs['comment']) <= 2000 assert re.fullmatch( '[a-z0-9]{40}:([a-z0-9]{40})?', kwargs['claim_id'] + ':' + kwargs.get('channel_id', '') ) if 'channel_name' in kwargs: assert re.fullmatch( '^@{1}(?:(?![\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x23-\x26' '\x2f\x3a\x3d\x3f-\x40\uFFFE-\U0000FFFF]).){1,255}$', kwargs['channel_name'] ) class DatabaseConnection: def obtain_connection(self): self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath) if self.row_factory: self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row def __init__(self, filepath: str, row_factory: bool = True): self.filepath = filepath self.row_factory = row_factory self.connection = None def generate_schema(self, filepath: str): with open(filepath, 'r') as ddl_file: self.connection.executescript( def get_claim_comments(self, claim_id: str, parent_id: str = None, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 50, top_level: bool = False, **kwargs): if top_level: curs = self.connection.execute( """ SELECT * FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE claim_id LIKE ? AND parent_id IS NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (claim_id, page_size, page_size*(page - 1)) ) elif parent_id is None: curs = self.connection.execute( """ SELECT * FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE claim_id LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (claim_id, page_size, page_size*(page - 1)) ) else: curs = self.connection.execute( """ SELECT * FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE claim_id LIKE ? AND parent_id = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (claim_id, parent_id, page_size, page_size*(page - 1)) ) return [dict(row) for row in curs.fetchall()] def _insert_channel(self, channel_name, channel_id, *args, **kwargs): with self.connection: self.connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO CHANNEL(ClaimId, Name) VALUES (?, ?)', (channel_id, channel_name) ) def _insert_comment(self, claim_id: str = None, comment: str = None, channel_id: str = None, sig: str = None, parent_id: str = None, **kwargs): timestamp = time.time_ns() comment_prehash = ':'.join((claim_id, comment, str(timestamp),)) comment_prehash = bytes(comment_prehash.encode('utf-8')) comment_id = nacl.hash.sha256(comment_prehash).decode('utf-8') with self.connection: self.connection.execute( """ INSERT INTO COMMENT(CommentId, LbryClaimId, ChannelId, Body, ParentId, Signature, Timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (comment_id, claim_id, channel_id, comment, parent_id, sig, timestamp) ) return comment_id def create_comment(self, channel_name: str = None, channel_id: str = None, **kwargs) -> dict: if channel_id and channel_name: self._insert_channel(channel_name, channel_id) else: channel_name, channel_id = anonymous['channel_name'], anonymous['channel_id'] validate_input(channel_id=channel_id, channel_name=channel_name, **kwargs) comcast_id = self._insert_comment(channel_id=channel_id, **kwargs) curry = self.connection.execute( 'SELECT * FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE comment_id = ?', (comcast_id,) ) thing = curry.fetchone() return dict(thing) if thing else None def get_comment_ids(self, claim_id: str, parent_id: str = None, page=1, page_size=50): """ Just return a list of the comment IDs that are associated with the given claim_id. If get_all is specified then it returns all the IDs, otherwise only the IDs at that level. if parent_id is left null then it only returns the top level comments. For pagination the parameters are: get_all XOR (page_size + page) """ if parent_id is None: curs = self.connection.execute(""" SELECT comment_id FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE claim_id LIKE ? AND parent_id IS NULL LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (claim_id, page_size, page_size*abs(page - 1),) ) else: curs = self.connection.execute(""" SELECT comment_id FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE claim_id LIKE ? AND parent_id LIKE ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """, (claim_id, parent_id, page_size, page_size * abs(page - 1),) ) return [tuple(row) for row in curs.fetchall()] def get_comments_by_id(self, comment_ids: list) -> typing.Union[list, None]: """ Returns a list containing the comment data associated with each ID within the list""" placeholders = ', '.join('?' for _ in comment_ids) curs = self.connection.execute( f'SELECT * FROM COMMENTS_ON_CLAIMS WHERE comment_id IN ({placeholders})', comment_ids ) return [dict(row) for row in curs.fetchall()] if __name__ == '__main__': pass # __generate_database_schema(connection, 'comments_ddl.sql')