/* * Copyright 2010 Jeff Garzik * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "cpuminer-config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include "compat.h" #include "miner.h" #define PROGRAM_NAME "minerd" #define DEF_RPC_URL "" #define DEF_RPC_USERPASS "rpcuser:rpcpass" enum { STAT_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 100, STAT_CTR_INTERVAL = 10000000, }; enum sha256_algos { ALGO_C, /* plain C */ ALGO_4WAY, /* parallel SSE2 */ ALGO_VIA, /* VIA padlock */ }; static const char *algo_names[] = { [ALGO_C] = "c", #ifdef WANT_SSE2_4WAY [ALGO_4WAY] = "4way", #endif #ifdef WANT_VIA_PADLOCK [ALGO_VIA] = "via", #endif }; bool opt_debug = false; bool opt_protocol = false; static bool program_running = true; static const bool opt_time = true; static enum sha256_algos opt_algo = ALGO_C; static int opt_n_threads = 1; static char *rpc_url = DEF_RPC_URL; static char *userpass = DEF_RPC_USERPASS; struct option_help { const char *name; const char *helptext; }; static struct option_help options_help[] = { { "help", "(-h) Display this help text" }, { "algo XXX", "(-a XXX) Specify sha256 implementation:\n" "\tc\t\tLinux kernel sha256, implemented in C (default)" #ifdef WANT_SSE2_4WAY "\n\t4way\t\ttcatm's 4-way SSE2 implementation (EXPERIMENTAL)" #endif #ifdef WANT_VIA_PADLOCK "\n\tvia\t\tVIA padlock implementation (EXPERIMENTAL)" #endif }, { "debug", "(-D) Enable debug output (default: off)" }, { "protocol-dump", "(-P) Verbose dump of protocol-level activities (default: off)" }, { "threads N", "(-t N) Number of miner threads (default: 1)" }, { "url URL", "URL for bitcoin JSON-RPC server " "(default: " DEF_RPC_URL ")" }, { "userpass USERNAME:PASSWORD", "Username:Password pair for bitcoin JSON-RPC server " "(default: " DEF_RPC_USERPASS ")" }, }; static struct option options[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "algo", 1, NULL, 'a' }, { "debug", 0, NULL, 'D' }, { "protocol-dump", 0, NULL, 'P' }, { "threads", 1, NULL, 't' }, { "url", 1, NULL, 1001 }, { "userpass", 1, NULL, 1002 }, { } }; struct work { unsigned char data[128]; unsigned char hash1[64]; unsigned char midstate[32]; unsigned char target[32]; unsigned char hash[32]; }; #include "sha256_generic.c" static bool jobj_binary(const json_t *obj, const char *key, void *buf, size_t buflen) { const char *hexstr; json_t *tmp; tmp = json_object_get(obj, key); if (!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON key '%s' not found\n", key); return false; } hexstr = json_string_value(tmp); if (!hexstr) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON key '%s' is not a string\n", key); return false; } if (!hex2bin(buf, hexstr, buflen)) return false; return true; } static bool work_decode(const json_t *val, struct work *work) { if (!jobj_binary(val, "midstate", work->midstate, sizeof(work->midstate))) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON inval midstate\n"); goto err_out; } if (!jobj_binary(val, "data", work->data, sizeof(work->data))) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON inval data\n"); goto err_out; } if (!jobj_binary(val, "hash1", work->hash1, sizeof(work->hash1))) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON inval hash1\n"); goto err_out; } if (!jobj_binary(val, "target", work->target, sizeof(work->target))) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON inval target\n"); goto err_out; } memset(work->hash, 0, sizeof(work->hash)); return true; err_out: return false; } static void submit_work(struct work *work) { char *hexstr = NULL; json_t *val, *res; char s[256]; printf("PROOF OF WORK FOUND? submitting...\n"); /* build hex string */ hexstr = bin2hex(work->data, sizeof(work->data)); if (!hexstr) goto out; /* build JSON-RPC request */ sprintf(s, "{\"method\": \"getwork\", \"params\": [ \"%s\" ], \"id\":1}\r\n", hexstr); if (opt_debug) fprintf(stderr, "DBG: sending RPC call:\n%s", s); /* issue JSON-RPC request */ val = json_rpc_call(rpc_url, userpass, s); if (!val) { fprintf(stderr, "submit_work json_rpc_call failed\n"); goto out; } res = json_object_get(val, "result"); printf("PROOF OF WORK RESULT: %s\n", json_is_true(res) ? "true (yay!!!)" : "false (booooo)"); json_decref(val); out: free(hexstr); } static void hashmeter(int thr_id, struct timeval *tv_start, unsigned long hashes_done) { struct timeval tv_end, diff; double khashes, secs; gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &tv_end, tv_start); khashes = hashes_done / 1000.0; secs = (double)diff.tv_sec + ((double)diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0); printf("HashMeter(%d): %lu hashes, %.2f khash/sec\n", thr_id, hashes_done, khashes / secs); } static void runhash(void *state, void *input, const void *init) { memcpy(state, init, 32); sha256_transform(state, input); } const uint32_t sha256_init_state[8] = { 0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19 }; /* suspiciously similar to ScanHash* from bitcoin */ static bool scanhash(unsigned char *midstate, unsigned char *data, unsigned char *hash1, unsigned char *hash, unsigned long *hashes_done) { uint32_t *hash32 = (uint32_t *) hash; uint32_t *nonce = (uint32_t *)(data + 12); uint32_t n = 0; unsigned long stat_ctr = 0; while (1) { n++; *nonce = n; runhash(hash1, data, midstate); runhash(hash, hash1, sha256_init_state); stat_ctr++; if (hash32[7] == 0) { char *hexstr; hexstr = bin2hex(hash, 32); fprintf(stderr, "DBG: found zeroes in hash:\n%s\n", hexstr); free(hexstr); *hashes_done = stat_ctr; return true; } if ((n & 0xffffff) == 0) { if (opt_debug) fprintf(stderr, "DBG: end of nonce range\n"); *hashes_done = stat_ctr; return false; } } } static void *miner_thread(void *thr_id_int) { int thr_id = (unsigned long) thr_id_int; static const char *rpc_req = "{\"method\": \"getwork\", \"params\": [], \"id\":0}\r\n"; while (1) { struct work work __attribute__((aligned(128))); unsigned long hashes_done; struct timeval tv_start; json_t *val; bool rc; /* obtain new work from bitcoin */ val = json_rpc_call(rpc_url, userpass, rpc_req); if (!val) { fprintf(stderr, "json_rpc_call failed\n"); return NULL; } /* decode result into work state struct */ rc = work_decode(json_object_get(val, "result"), &work); if (!rc) { fprintf(stderr, "work decode failed\n"); return NULL; } json_decref(val); hashes_done = 0; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); /* scan nonces for a proof-of-work hash */ switch (opt_algo) { case ALGO_C: rc = scanhash(work.midstate, work.data + 64, work.hash1, work.hash, &hashes_done); break; #ifdef WANT_SSE2_4WAY case ALGO_4WAY: { unsigned int rc4 = ScanHash_4WaySSE2(work.midstate, work.data + 64, work.hash1, work.hash, &hashes_done); rc = (rc4 == -1) ? false : true; } break; #endif #ifdef WANT_VIA_PADLOCK case ALGO_VIA: rc = scanhash_via(work.midstate, work.data + 64, work.hash1, work.hash, &hashes_done); break; #endif } hashmeter(thr_id, &tv_start, hashes_done); /* if nonce found, submit work */ if (rc) submit_work(&work); } return NULL; } static void show_usage(void) { int i; printf("Usage:\tminerd [options]\n\nSupported options:\n"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(options_help); i++) { struct option_help *h; h = &options_help[i]; printf("--%s\n%s\n\n", h->name, h->helptext); } exit(1); } static void parse_arg (int key, char *arg) { int v, i; switch(key) { case 'a': for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(algo_names); i++) { if (!strcmp(arg, algo_names[i])) { opt_algo = i; break; } } if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(algo_names)) show_usage(); break; case 'D': opt_debug = true; break; case 'P': opt_protocol = true; break; case 't': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 1 || v > 9999) /* sanity check */ show_usage(); opt_n_threads = v; break; case 1001: /* --url */ if (strncmp(arg, "http://", 7) && strncmp(arg, "https://", 8)) show_usage(); rpc_url = arg; break; case 1002: /* --userpass */ if (!strchr(arg, ':')) show_usage(); userpass = arg; break; default: show_usage(); } } static void parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[]) { int key; while (1) { key = getopt_long(argc, argv, "a:DPt:h?", options, NULL); if (key < 0) break; parse_arg(key, optarg); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; /* parse command line */ parse_cmdline(argc, argv); /* set our priority to the highest (aka "nicest, least intrusive") */ if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 19)) perror("setpriority"); /* start mining threads */ for (i = 0; i < opt_n_threads; i++) { pthread_t t; if (pthread_create(&t, NULL, miner_thread, (void *)(unsigned long) i)) { fprintf(stderr, "thread %d create failed\n", i); return 1; } sleep(1); /* don't pound RPC server all at once */ } fprintf(stderr, "%d miner threads started, " "using SHA256 '%s' algorithm.\n", opt_n_threads, algo_names[opt_algo]); /* main loop */ while (program_running) { sleep(STAT_SLEEP_INTERVAL); /* do nothing */ } return 0; }