package db import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" "log" "" "" ) func GetExpirationHeight(lastUpdatedHeight uint32) uint32 { return GetExpirationHeightFull(lastUpdatedHeight, false) } func GetExpirationHeightFull(lastUpdatedHeight uint32, extended bool) uint32 { if extended { return lastUpdatedHeight + NExtendedClaimExpirationTime } if lastUpdatedHeight < NExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight { return lastUpdatedHeight + NOriginalClaimExpirationTime } return lastUpdatedHeight + NExtendedClaimExpirationTime } // EnsureHandle is a helper function to ensure that the db has a handle to the given column family. func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) EnsureHandle(prefix byte) (*grocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle, error) { cfName := string(prefix) handle := db.Handles[cfName] if handle == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s handle not found", cfName) } return handle, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetBlockHash(height uint32) ([]byte, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.BlockHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewBlockHashKey(height) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, err } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) return rawValue, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetHeader(height uint32) ([]byte, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.Header) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewHeaderKey(height) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, err } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) return rawValue, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetStreamsAndChannelRepostedByChannelHashes(reposterChannelHashes [][]byte) (map[string][]byte, map[string][]byte, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ChannelToClaim) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } streams := make(map[string][]byte) channels := make(map[string][]byte) for _, reposterChannelHash := range reposterChannelHashes { key := prefixes.NewChannelToClaimKeyWHash(reposterChannelHash) rawKeyPrefix := prefixes.ChannelToClaimKeyPackPartial(key, 1) options := NewIterateOptions().WithCfHandle(handle).WithPrefix(rawKeyPrefix) options = options.WithIncludeKey(false).WithIncludeValue(true) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) // for stream := range Iterate(db.DB, prefixes.ChannelToClaim, []byte{reposterChannelHash}, false) { for stream := range ch { value := stream.Value.(*prefixes.ChannelToClaimValue) repost, err := db.GetRepost(value.ClaimHash) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if repost != nil { txo, err := db.GetClaimTxo(repost) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if txo != nil { repostStr := hex.EncodeToString(repost) if normalName := txo.NormalizedName(); len(normalName) > 0 && normalName[0] == '@' { channels[repostStr] = reposterChannelHash } else { streams[repostStr] = reposterChannelHash } } } } } return streams, channels, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetClaimsInChannelCount(channelHash []byte) (uint32, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ChannelCount) if err != nil { return 0, err } key := prefixes.NewChannelCountKey(channelHash) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return 0, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return 0, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.ChannelCountValueUnpack(rawValue) return value.Count, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetShortClaimIdUrl(name string, normalizedName string, claimHash []byte, rootTxNum uint32, rootPosition uint16) (string, error) { prefix := []byte{prefixes.ClaimShortIdPrefix} handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimShortIdPrefix) if err != nil { return "", err } claimId := hex.EncodeToString(claimHash) claimIdLen := len(claimId) for prefixLen := 0; prefixLen < 10; prefixLen++ { var j int = prefixLen + 1 if j > claimIdLen { j = claimIdLen } partialClaimId := claimId[:j] partialKey := prefixes.NewClaimShortIDKey(normalizedName, partialClaimId) log.Printf("partialKey: %#v\n", partialKey) keyPrefix := prefixes.ClaimShortIDKeyPackPartial(partialKey, 2) // Prefix and handle options := NewIterateOptions().WithPrefix(prefix).WithCfHandle(handle) // Start and stop bounds options = options.WithStart(keyPrefix) // Don't include the key options = options.WithIncludeValue(false) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) row := <-ch if row == nil { continue } key := row.Key.(*prefixes.ClaimShortIDKey) if key.RootTxNum == rootTxNum && key.RootPosition == rootPosition { return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", name, key.PartialClaimId), nil } } return "", nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetRepost(claimHash []byte) ([]byte, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.Repost) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewRepostKey(claimHash) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.RepostValueUnpack(rawValue) return value.RepostedClaimHash, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetRepostedCount(claimHash []byte) (int, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.RepostedClaim) if err != nil { return 0, err } key := prefixes.NewRepostedKey(claimHash) keyPrefix := prefixes.RepostedKeyPackPartial(key, 1) // Prefix and handle options := NewIterateOptions().WithPrefix(keyPrefix).WithCfHandle(handle) // Start and stop bounds // options = options.WithStart(keyPrefix) // Don't include the key options = options.WithIncludeValue(false) var i int = 0 ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) for range ch { i++ } return i, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetChannelForClaim(claimHash []byte, txNum uint32, position uint16) ([]byte, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimToChannel) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewClaimToChannelKey(claimHash, txNum, position) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.ClaimToChannelValueUnpack(rawValue) return value.SigningHash, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetActiveAmount(claimHash []byte, txoType uint8, height uint32) (uint64, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ActiveAmount) if err != nil { return 0, err } startKey := prefixes.NewActiveAmountKey(claimHash, txoType, 0) endKey := prefixes.NewActiveAmountKey(claimHash, txoType, height) startKeyRaw := prefixes.ActiveAmountKeyPackPartial(startKey, 3) endKeyRaw := prefixes.ActiveAmountKeyPackPartial(endKey, 3) // Prefix and handle options := NewIterateOptions().WithPrefix([]byte{prefixes.ActiveAmount}).WithCfHandle(handle) // Start and stop bounds options = options.WithStart(startKeyRaw).WithStop(endKeyRaw) // Don't include the key options = options.WithIncludeKey(false).WithIncludeValue(true) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) var sum uint64 = 0 for kv := range ch { sum += kv.Value.(*prefixes.ActiveAmountValue).Amount } return sum, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetEffectiveAmount(claimHash []byte, supportOnly bool) (uint64, error) { supportAmount, err := db.GetActiveAmount(claimHash, prefixes.ACTIVATED_SUPPORT_TXO_TYPE, db.Height+1) if err != nil { return 0, err } if supportOnly { return supportAmount, nil } activationAmount, err := db.GetActiveAmount(claimHash, prefixes.ACTIVATED_CLAIM_TXO_TYPE, db.Height+1) if err != nil { return 0, err } return activationAmount + supportAmount, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetSupportAmount(claimHash []byte) (uint64, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.SupportAmount) if err != nil { return 0, err } key := prefixes.NewSupportAmountKey(claimHash) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return 0, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return 0, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.SupportAmountValueUnpack(rawValue) return value.Amount, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetTxHash(txNum uint32) ([]byte, error) { /* if self._cache_all_tx_hashes: return self.total_transactions[tx_num] return self.prefix_db.tx_hash.get(tx_num, deserialize_value=False) */ // TODO: caching handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.TxHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewTxHashKey(txNum) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) return rawValue, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetActivation(txNum uint32, postition uint16) (uint32, error) { return db.GetActivationFull(txNum, postition, false) } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetActivationFull(txNum uint32, postition uint16, isSupport bool) (uint32, error) { var typ uint8 handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ActivatedClaimAndSupport) if err != nil { return 0, err } if isSupport { typ = prefixes.ACTIVATED_SUPPORT_TXO_TYPE } else { typ = prefixes.ACTIVATED_CLAIM_TXO_TYPE } key := prefixes.NewActivationKey(typ, txNum, postition) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return 0, err } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.ActivationValueUnpack(rawValue) // Does this need to explicitly return an int64, in case the uint32 overflows the max of an int? return value.Height, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetClaimTxo(claim []byte) (*prefixes.ClaimToTXOValue, error) { return db.GetCachedClaimTxo(claim, false) } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetCachedClaimTxo(claim []byte, useCache bool) (*prefixes.ClaimToTXOValue, error) { // TODO: implement cache handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimToTXO) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewClaimToTXOKey(claim) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.ClaimToTXOValueUnpack(rawValue) return value, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) ControllingClaimIter() <-chan *prefixes.PrefixRowKV { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimTakeover) if err != nil { return nil } key := prefixes.NewClaimTakeoverKey("") var rawKeyPrefix []byte = nil rawKeyPrefix = prefixes.ClaimTakeoverKeyPackPartial(key, 0) options := NewIterateOptions().WithCfHandle(handle).WithPrefix(rawKeyPrefix) options = options.WithIncludeValue(true) //.WithIncludeStop(true) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) return ch } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetControllingClaim(name string) (*prefixes.ClaimTakeoverValue, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimTakeover) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Println(name) key := prefixes.NewClaimTakeoverKey(name) rawKey := key.PackKey() log.Println(hex.EncodeToString(rawKey)) slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) log.Printf("slice: %#v", slice) log.Printf("err: %#v", err) if err != nil { return nil, err } if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.ClaimTakeoverValueUnpack(rawValue) return value, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) FsGetClaimByHash(claimHash []byte) (*ResolveResult, error) { claim, err := db.GetCachedClaimTxo(claimHash, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } activation, err := db.GetActivation(claim.TxNum, claim.Position) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Printf("%#v\n%#v\n%#v\n", claim, hex.EncodeToString(claimHash), activation) return PrepareResolveResult( db, claim.TxNum, claim.Position, claimHash, claim.Name, claim.RootTxNum, claim.RootPosition, activation, claim.ChannelSignatureIsValid, ) } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetTxCount(height uint32) (*prefixes.TxCountValue, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.TxCount) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewTxCountKey(height) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.TxCountValueUnpack(rawValue) return value, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetDBState() (*prefixes.DBStateValue, error) { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.DBState) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewDBStateKey() rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.DBStateValueUnpack(rawValue) return value, nil } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) EffectiveAmountNameIter(normalizedName string) <-chan *prefixes.PrefixRowKV { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.EffectiveAmount) if err != nil { return nil } key := prefixes.NewEffectiveAmountKey(normalizedName) var rawKeyPrefix []byte = nil rawKeyPrefix = prefixes.EffectiveAmountKeyPackPartial(key, 1) options := NewIterateOptions().WithCfHandle(handle).WithPrefix(rawKeyPrefix) options = options.WithIncludeValue(true) //.WithIncludeStop(true) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) return ch } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) ClaimShortIdIter(normalizedName string, claimId string) <-chan *prefixes.PrefixRowKV { handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.ClaimShortIdPrefix) if err != nil { return nil } key := prefixes.NewClaimShortIDKey(normalizedName, claimId) var rawKeyPrefix []byte = nil if claimId != "" { rawKeyPrefix = prefixes.ClaimShortIDKeyPackPartial(key, 2) } else { rawKeyPrefix = prefixes.ClaimShortIDKeyPackPartial(key, 1) } options := NewIterateOptions().WithCfHandle(handle).WithPrefix(rawKeyPrefix) options = options.WithIncludeValue(true) //.WithIncludeStop(true) ch := IterCF(db.DB, options) return ch } func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetCachedClaimHash(txNum uint32, position uint16) (*prefixes.TXOToClaimValue, error) { // TODO: implement cache handle, err := db.EnsureHandle(prefixes.TXOToClaim) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := prefixes.NewTXOToClaimKey(txNum, position) rawKey := key.PackKey() slice, err := db.DB.GetCF(db.Opts, handle, rawKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if slice.Size() == 0 { return nil, nil } rawValue := make([]byte, len(slice.Data())) copy(rawValue, slice.Data()) value := prefixes.TXOToClaimValueUnpack(rawValue) return value, nil } // GetBlockerHash get the hash of the blocker or filterer of the claim. // TODO: this currently converts the byte arrays to strings, which is not // very efficient. Might want to figure out a better way to do this. func (db *ReadOnlyDBColumnFamily) GetBlockerHash(claimHash, repostedClaimHash, channelHash []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { claimHashStr := string(claimHash) respostedClaimHashStr := string(repostedClaimHash) channelHashStr := string(channelHash) var blockedHash []byte = nil var filteredHash []byte = nil blockedHash = db.BlockedStreams[claimHashStr] if blockedHash == nil { blockedHash = db.BlockedStreams[respostedClaimHashStr] } if blockedHash == nil { blockedHash = db.BlockedChannels[claimHashStr] } if blockedHash == nil { blockedHash = db.BlockedChannels[respostedClaimHashStr] } if blockedHash == nil { blockedHash = db.BlockedChannels[channelHashStr] } filteredHash = db.FilteredStreams[claimHashStr] if filteredHash == nil { filteredHash = db.FilteredStreams[respostedClaimHashStr] } if filteredHash == nil { filteredHash = db.FilteredChannels[claimHashStr] } if filteredHash == nil { filteredHash = db.FilteredChannels[respostedClaimHashStr] } if filteredHash == nil { filteredHash = db.FilteredChannels[channelHashStr] } return blockedHash, filteredHash, nil }