diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fa06aab..fadc822 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ For various reasons it may be desirable to block or filtering content from claim
 #### Options for `scribe`
   - `--db_max_open_files` This setting translates into the max_open_files option given to rocksdb. A higher number will use more memory. Defaults to 64.
   - `--address_history_cache_size` The count of items in the address history cache used for processing blocks and mempool updates. A higher number will use more memory, shouldn't ever need to be higher than 10000. Defaults to 1000.
+  - `--index_address_statuses` Maintain an index of the statuses of address transaction histories, this makes handling notifications for transactions in a block uniformly fast at the expense of more time to process new blocks and somewhat more disk space (~10gb as of block 1161417).
 #### Options for `scribe-elastic-sync`
   - `--reindex` If this flag is set drop and rebuild the elasticsearch index.
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ For various reasons it may be desirable to block or filtering content from claim
   - `--query_timeout_ms` Timeout for claim searches in elasticsearch in milliseconds. Can be set from the environment with `QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS`
   - `--blocking_channel_ids` Space separated list of channel claim ids used for blocking. Claims that are reposted by these channels can't be resolved or returned in search results. Can be set from the environment with `BLOCKING_CHANNEL_IDS`.
   - `--filtering_channel_ids` Space separated list of channel claim ids used for blocking. Claims that are reposted by these channels aren't returned in search results. Can be set from the environment with `FILTERING_CHANNEL_IDS`
+  - `--index_address_statuses` Use the address history status index, this makes handling notifications for transactions in a block uniformly fast (must be turned on in `scribe` too).
 ## Contributing