diff --git a/scribe/elasticsearch/search.py b/scribe/elasticsearch/search.py
index 70785c7..3a95445 100644
--- a/scribe/elasticsearch/search.py
+++ b/scribe/elasticsearch/search.py
@@ -241,233 +241,6 @@ class SearchIndex:
         if clients:
             await asyncio.gather(*(client.close() for client in clients))
-    def delete_index(self):
-        return self.sync_client.indices.delete(self.index, ignore_unavailable=True)
-    async def _consume_claim_producer(self, claim_producer):
-        count = 0
-        async for op, doc in claim_producer:
-            if op == 'delete':
-                yield {
-                    '_index': self.index,
-                    '_op_type': 'delete',
-                    '_id': doc
-                }
-            else:
-                yield {
-                    'doc': {key: value for key, value in doc.items() if key in ALL_FIELDS},
-                    '_id': doc['claim_id'],
-                    '_index': self.index,
-                    '_op_type': 'update',
-                    'doc_as_upsert': True
-                }
-            count += 1
-            if count % 100 == 0:
-                self.logger.info("Indexing in progress, %d claims.", count)
-        if count:
-            self.logger.info("Indexing done for %d claims.", count)
-        else:
-            self.logger.debug("Indexing done for %d claims.", count)
-    async def claim_consumer(self, claim_producer):
-        touched = set()
-        async for ok, item in async_streaming_bulk(self.sync_client, self._consume_claim_producer(claim_producer),
-                                                   raise_on_error=False):
-            if not ok:
-                self.logger.warning("indexing failed for an item: %s", item)
-            else:
-                item = item.popitem()[1]
-                touched.add(item['_id'])
-        await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        self.logger.debug("Indexing done.")
-    def update_filter_query(self, censor_type, blockdict, channels=False):
-        blockdict = {blocked.hex(): blocker.hex() for blocked, blocker in blockdict.items()}
-        if channels:
-            update = expand_query(channel_id__in=list(blockdict.keys()), censor_type=f"<{censor_type}")
-        else:
-            update = expand_query(claim_id__in=list(blockdict.keys()), censor_type=f"<{censor_type}")
-        key = 'channel_id' if channels else 'claim_id'
-        update['script'] = {
-            "source": f"ctx._source.censor_type={censor_type}; "
-                      f"ctx._source.censoring_channel_id=params[ctx._source.{key}];",
-            "lang": "painless",
-            "params": blockdict
-        }
-        return update
-    async def update_trending_score(self, params):
-        update_trending_score_script = """
-        double softenLBC(double lbc) { return (Math.pow(lbc, 1.0 / 3.0)); }
-        double logsumexp(double x, double y)
-        {
-            double top;
-            if(x > y)
-                top = x;
-            else
-                top = y;
-            double result = top + Math.log(Math.exp(x-top) + Math.exp(y-top));
-            return(result);
-        }
-        double logdiffexp(double big, double small)
-        {
-            return big + Math.log(1.0 - Math.exp(small - big));
-        }
-        double squash(double x)
-        {
-            if(x < 0.0)
-                return -Math.log(1.0 - x);
-            else
-                return Math.log(x + 1.0);
-        }
-        double unsquash(double x)
-        {
-            if(x < 0.0)
-                return 1.0 - Math.exp(-x);
-            else
-                return Math.exp(x) - 1.0;
-        }
-        double log_to_squash(double x)
-        {
-            return logsumexp(x, 0.0);
-        }
-        double squash_to_log(double x)
-        {
-            //assert x > 0.0;
-            return logdiffexp(x, 0.0);
-        }
-        double squashed_add(double x, double y)
-        {
-            // squash(unsquash(x) + unsquash(y)) but avoiding overflow.
-            // Cases where the signs are the same
-            if (x < 0.0 && y < 0.0)
-                return -logsumexp(-x, logdiffexp(-y, 0.0));
-            if (x >= 0.0 && y >= 0.0)
-                return logsumexp(x, logdiffexp(y, 0.0));
-            // Where the signs differ
-            if (x >= 0.0 && y < 0.0)
-                if (Math.abs(x) >= Math.abs(y))
-                    return logsumexp(0.0, logdiffexp(x, -y));
-                else
-                    return -logsumexp(0.0, logdiffexp(-y, x));
-            if (x < 0.0 && y >= 0.0)
-            {
-                // Addition is commutative, hooray for new math
-                return squashed_add(y, x);
-            }
-            return 0.0;
-        }
-        double squashed_multiply(double x, double y)
-        {
-            // squash(unsquash(x)*unsquash(y)) but avoiding overflow.
-            int sign;
-            if(x*y >= 0.0)
-                sign = 1;
-            else
-                sign = -1;
-            return sign*logsumexp(squash_to_log(Math.abs(x))
-                            + squash_to_log(Math.abs(y)), 0.0);
-        }
-        // Squashed inflated units
-        double inflateUnits(int height) {
-            double timescale = 576.0; // Half life of 400 = e-folding time of a day
-                                      // by coincidence, so may as well go with it
-            return log_to_squash(height / timescale);
-        }
-        double spikePower(double newAmount) {
-            if (newAmount < 50.0) {
-                return(0.5);
-            } else if (newAmount < 85.0) {
-                return(newAmount / 100.0);
-            } else {
-                return(0.85);
-            }
-        }
-        double spikeMass(double oldAmount, double newAmount) {
-            double softenedChange = softenLBC(Math.abs(newAmount - oldAmount));
-            double changeInSoftened = Math.abs(softenLBC(newAmount) - softenLBC(oldAmount));
-            double power = spikePower(newAmount);
-            if (oldAmount > newAmount) {
-                -1.0 * Math.pow(changeInSoftened, power) * Math.pow(softenedChange, 1.0 - power)
-            } else {
-                Math.pow(changeInSoftened, power) * Math.pow(softenedChange, 1.0 - power)
-            }
-        }
-        for (i in params.src.changes) {
-            double units = inflateUnits(i.height);
-            if (ctx._source.trending_score == null) {
-                ctx._source.trending_score = 0.0;
-            }
-            double bigSpike = squashed_multiply(units, squash(spikeMass(i.prev_amount, i.new_amount)));
-            ctx._source.trending_score = squashed_add(ctx._source.trending_score, bigSpike);
-        }
-        """
-        start = time.perf_counter()
-        def producer():
-            for claim_id, claim_updates in params.items():
-                yield {
-                    '_id': claim_id,
-                    '_index': self.index,
-                    '_op_type': 'update',
-                    'script': {
-                        'lang': 'painless',
-                        'source': update_trending_score_script,
-                        'params': {'src': {
-                            'changes': [
-                                {
-                                    'height': p.height,
-                                    'prev_amount': p.prev_amount / 1E8,
-                                    'new_amount': p.new_amount / 1E8,
-                                } for p in claim_updates
-                            ]
-                        }}
-                    },
-                }
-        if not params:
-            return
-        async for ok, item in async_streaming_bulk(self.sync_client, producer(), raise_on_error=False):
-            if not ok:
-                self.logger.warning("updating trending failed for an item: %s", item)
-        await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        self.logger.info("updated trending scores in %ims", int((time.perf_counter() - start) * 1000))
-    async def apply_filters(self, blocked_streams, blocked_channels, filtered_streams, filtered_channels):
-        if filtered_streams:
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_streams), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        if filtered_channels:
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_channels), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_channels, True), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        if blocked_streams:
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_streams), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        if blocked_channels:
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_channels), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-            await self.sync_client.update_by_query(
-                self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_channels, True), slices=4)
-            await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index)
-        self.clear_caches()
     def clear_caches(self):