import os import re import resource import logging from collections import namedtuple from import LBCMainNet, LBCTestNet, LBCRegTest NetIdentity = namedtuple('NetIdentity', 'host tcp_port ssl_port nick_suffix') SEGMENT_REGEX = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z_\\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE) def is_valid_hostname(hostname): if len(hostname) > 255: return False # strip exactly one dot from the right, if present if hostname and hostname[-1] == ".": hostname = hostname[:-1] return all(SEGMENT_REGEX.match(x) for x in hostname.split(".")) class Env: # Peer discovery PD_OFF, PD_SELF, PD_ON = range(3) class Error(Exception): pass def __init__(self, db_dir=None, max_query_workers=None, chain=None, reorg_limit=None, prometheus_port=None, cache_all_tx_hashes=None, cache_all_claim_txos=None, blocking_channel_ids=None, filtering_channel_ids=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.db_dir = db_dir if db_dir is not None else self.required('DB_DIRECTORY') self.obsolete(['UTXO_MB', 'HIST_MB', 'NETWORK']) self.max_query_workers = max_query_workers if max_query_workers is not None else self.integer('MAX_QUERY_WORKERS', 4) if chain == 'mainnet': self.coin = LBCMainNet elif chain == 'testnet': self.coin = LBCTestNet else: self.coin = LBCRegTest self.reorg_limit = reorg_limit if reorg_limit is not None else self.integer('REORG_LIMIT', self.coin.REORG_LIMIT) self.prometheus_port = prometheus_port if prometheus_port is not None else self.integer('PROMETHEUS_PORT', 0) self.cache_all_tx_hashes = cache_all_tx_hashes if cache_all_tx_hashes is not None else self.boolean('CACHE_ALL_TX_HASHES', False) self.cache_all_claim_txos = cache_all_claim_txos if cache_all_claim_txos is not None else self.boolean('CACHE_ALL_CLAIM_TXOS', False) # Filtering / Blocking self.blocking_channel_ids = blocking_channel_ids if blocking_channel_ids is not None else self.default( 'BLOCKING_CHANNEL_IDS', '').split(' ') self.filtering_channel_ids = filtering_channel_ids if filtering_channel_ids is not None else self.default( 'FILTERING_CHANNEL_IDS', '').split(' ') @classmethod def default(cls, envvar, default): return os.environ.get(envvar, default) @classmethod def boolean(cls, envvar, default): default = 'Yes' if default else '' return bool(cls.default(envvar, default).strip()) @classmethod def required(cls, envvar): value = os.environ.get(envvar) if value is None: raise cls.Error(f'required envvar {envvar} not set') return value @classmethod def string_amount(cls, envvar, default): value = os.environ.get(envvar, default) amount_pattern = re.compile("[0-9]{0,10}(\.[0-9]{1,8})?") if len(value) > 0 and not amount_pattern.fullmatch(value): raise cls.Error(f'{value} is not a valid amount for {envvar}') return value @classmethod def integer(cls, envvar, default): value = os.environ.get(envvar) if value is None: return default try: return int(value) except Exception: raise cls.Error(f'cannot convert envvar {envvar} value {value} to an integer') @classmethod def custom(cls, envvar, default, parse): value = os.environ.get(envvar) if value is None: return default try: return parse(value) except Exception as e: raise cls.Error(f'cannot parse envvar {envvar} value {value}') from e @classmethod def obsolete(cls, envvars): bad = [envvar for envvar in envvars if os.environ.get(envvar)] if bad: raise cls.Error(f'remove obsolete os.environment variables {bad}') def cs_host(self): """Returns the 'host' argument to pass to asyncio's create_server call. The result can be a single host name string, a list of host name strings, or an empty string to bind to all interfaces. If rpc is True the host to use for the RPC server is returned. Otherwise the host to use for SSL/TCP servers is returned. """ host = result = [part.strip() for part in host.split(',')] if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] if result == 'localhost': # 'localhost' resolves to ::1 (ipv6) on many systems, which fails on default setup of # docker, using instead forces ipv4 result = '' return result def sane_max_sessions(self): """Return the maximum number of sessions to permit. Normally this is MAX_SESSIONS. However, to prevent open file exhaustion, ajdust downwards if running with a small open file rlimit.""" env_value = self.integer('MAX_SESSIONS', 1000) nofile_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] # We give the DB 250 files; allow ElectrumX 100 for itself value = max(0, min(env_value, nofile_limit - 350)) if value < env_value: self.logger.warning(f'lowered maximum sessions from {env_value:,d} to {value:,d} ' f'because your open file limit is {nofile_limit:,d}') return value def peer_discovery_enum(self): pd = self.default('PEER_DISCOVERY', 'on').strip().lower() if pd in ('off', ''): return self.PD_OFF elif pd == 'self': return self.PD_SELF else: return self.PD_ON def extract_peer_hubs(self): peer_hubs = self.default('PEER_HUBS', '') if not peer_hubs: return [] return [hub.strip() for hub in peer_hubs.split(',')] @classmethod def contribute_to_arg_parser(cls, parser): """ Settings used by all services """ env_db_dir = cls.default('DB_DIRECTORY', None) parser.add_argument('--db_dir', type=str, required=env_db_dir is None, help="Path of the directory containing lbry-rocksdb. ", default=env_db_dir) parser.add_argument('--reorg_limit', default=cls.integer('REORG_LIMIT', 200), type=int, help='Max reorg depth') parser.add_argument('--chain', type=str, default=cls.default('NET', 'mainnet'), help="Which chain to use, default is mainnet, others are used for testing", choices=['mainnet', 'regtest', 'testnet']) parser.add_argument('--max_query_workers', type=int, default=cls.integer('MAX_QUERY_WORKERS', 4), help="Size of the thread pool. Can be set in env with 'MAX_QUERY_WORKERS'") parser.add_argument('--cache_all_tx_hashes', action='store_true', help="Load all tx hashes into memory. This will make address subscriptions and sync, " "resolve, transaction fetching, and block sync all faster at the expense of higher " "memory usage (at least 10GB more). Can be set in env with 'CACHE_ALL_TX_HASHES'.", default=cls.boolean('CACHE_ALL_TX_HASHES', False)) parser.add_argument('--cache_all_claim_txos', action='store_true', help="Load all claim txos into memory. This will make address subscriptions and sync, " "resolve, transaction fetching, and block sync all faster at the expense of higher " "memory usage. Can be set in env with 'CACHE_ALL_CLAIM_TXOS'.", default=cls.boolean('CACHE_ALL_CLAIM_TXOS', False)) parser.add_argument('--prometheus_port', type=int, default=cls.integer('PROMETHEUS_PORT', 0), help="Port for prometheus metrics to listen on, disabled by default. " "Can be set in env with 'PROMETHEUS_PORT'.") parser.add_argument('--blocking_channel_ids', nargs='*', help="Space separated list of channel claim ids used for blocking. " "Claims that are reposted by these channels can't be resolved " "or returned in search results. Can be set in env with 'BLOCKING_CHANNEL_IDS'", default=cls.default('BLOCKING_CHANNEL_IDS', '').split(' ')) parser.add_argument('--filtering_channel_ids', nargs='*', help="Space separated list of channel claim ids used for blocking. " "Claims that are reposted by these channels aren't returned in search results. " "Can be set in env with 'FILTERING_CHANNEL_IDS'", default=cls.default('FILTERING_CHANNEL_IDS', '').split(' ')) @classmethod def from_arg_parser(cls, args): raise NotImplementedError()