diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 1fa9cc4..dfa7747 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ Kivy for IOS
 (This is a work in progress.)
-#. Build the whole toolchain with ./build_all.sh
-#. Copy your kivy/python application inside app/YourApp (the main.py must end in app/YourApp/main.py)
-#. Open Xcode, and select the app/iOS-python-test.xcodeproj project
-#. Click on Run
+#. Build the whole toolchain with `tools/build_all.sh`
+#. Create an xcode project for your application with `tools/create-xcode-project.sh test`
+#. Populate the project with your application source code `tools/populate-project.sh test /path/to/app`
+#. Open your newly xcode project created
+#. Ensure the code signing is ok
+#. Click on play