diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 603f64d..47a8338 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -112,10 +112,20 @@ Then click on `Play`, and enjoy.
 Configuring your App
-When you first build your XCode project, a 'main.m' file is created in your
-XCode project folder. This file configures your environment variables and
-controls your application startup. You can edit this file to customize your
-launch environment.
+You can configure and customize your app in various ways:
+#. Set the icon and launch images in XCode. Note that XCode requires that you
+   specify these assests per device or/and iOS version.
+#. When you first build your XCode project, a 'main.m' file is created in your
+   XCode project folder. This file configures your environment variables and
+   controls your application startup. You can edit this file to customize your
+   launch environment.
+#. Kivy uses SDL, and as soon as the application starts the SDL main, the launch
+   image will disappear. To prevent that, you need to have 2 files named
+   `Default.png` and `Default-Landscape.png`, and put them
+   in the `Resources` folder in Xcode (not in your application folder)
 .. note::
@@ -123,6 +133,37 @@ launch environment.
     the 'export_orientation' function in 'main.m'. The XCode orientation
     settings should be set to support all. 
+Reducing the application size
+If you would like to reduce the size of your distributed app, there are a few
+things you can do to achieve this:
+#. Minimize the `build/python/lib/python27.zip`: this contains all the python
+   modules. You can edit the zip file and remove all the files you'll not use
+   (reduce encodings, remove xml, email...)
+#. Go to the settings panel > build, search for "strip" options, and
+   triple-check that they are all set to NO. Stripping does not work with
+   Python dynamic modules and will remove needed symbols.
+#. By default, the iOS package compiles binaries for all processor
+   architectures, namely x86, x86_64, armv7 and arm64 as per the guidelines from
+   Apple. You can reduce the size of your ipa significantly by removing the
+   x86 and x86_64 architectures as they are usually used only for the emulator.
+   The procedure is to first compile/build all the host recipes as is::
+       ./toolchain.py build hostpython
+   Then build all the rest of the recipes using --arch=armv7 --arch=arm64
+   arguments as follows::
+       ./toolchain.py build kivy --arch=armv7 --arch=arm64
+   Note that these packages will not run in the iOS emulators, so use them
+   only for deployment.