#!/bin/bash . $(dirname $0)/environment.sh if [ "X$KIVY_BRANCH" == "X" ]; then KIVY_BRANCH=stable fi if [ ! -d $TMPROOT/kivy ] ; then try pushd $TMPROOT try git clone -b $KIVY_BRANCH https://github.com/kivy/kivy try cd kivy try popd fi if [ "X$1" = "X-f" ] ; then try pushd $TMPROOT/kivy try git clean -dxf try git pull origin $KIVY_BRANCH try popd fi pushd $TMPROOT/kivy OLD_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" OLD_LDSHARED="$LDSHARED" export LDSHARED="$KIVYIOSROOT/tools/liblink" export CFLAGS="$ARM_CFLAGS" ln -s $KIVYIOSROOT/Python-$IOS_PYTHON_VERSION/python ln -s $KIVYIOSROOT/Python-$IOS_PYTHON_VERSION/python.exe rm -rdf iosbuild/ try mkdir iosbuild echo "First build ========================================" HOSTPYTHON=$TMPROOT/Python-$IOS_PYTHON_VERSION/hostpython $HOSTPYTHON setup.py build_ext -g echo "cythoning ==========================================" find . -name *.pyx -exec $KIVYIOSROOT/tools/cythonize.py {} \; echo "Second build =======================================" try $HOSTPYTHON setup.py build_ext -g try $HOSTPYTHON setup.py install -O2 --root iosbuild # Strip away the large stuff find iosbuild/ | grep -E '.*\.(py|pyc|so\.o|so\.a|so\.libs)$$' | xargs rm rm -rdf "$BUILDROOT/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy" # Copy to python for iOS installation try cp -R "iosbuild/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy" "$BUILDROOT/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages" export LDSHARED="$OLD_LDSHARED" export CFLAGS="$OLD_CFLAGS" popd # FIXME this part is build/cpu dependent :/ bd=$TMPROOT/kivy/build/lib.macosx-*/kivy try $KIVYIOSROOT/tools/biglink $BUILDROOT/lib/libkivy.a $bd $bd/graphics $bd/core/window $bd/core/text $bd/core/image $bd/core/audio deduplicate $BUILDROOT/lib/libkivy.a