#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Helper functions for working with version control systems.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys

from .compat import which
from .exceptions import UnknownRepoType, VCSNotInstalled
from .prompt import query_yes_no
from .utils import make_sure_path_exists, rmtree

def prompt_and_delete_repo(repo_dir, no_input=False):
    Asks the user whether it's okay to delete the previously-cloned repo.
    If yes, deletes it. Otherwise, Cookiecutter exits.

    :param repo_dir: Directory of previously-cloned repo.
    :param no_input: Suppress prompt to delete repo and just delete it.

    # Suppress prompt if called via API
    if no_input:
        ok_to_delete = True
        ok_to_delete = query_yes_no(
            "You've cloned {0} before. "
            'Is it okay to delete and re-clone it?'.format(repo_dir),

    if ok_to_delete:

def identify_repo(repo_url):
    Determines if `repo_url` should be treated as a URL to a git or hg repo.

    :param repo_url: Repo URL of unknown type.
    :returns: "git", "hg", or None.

    if 'git' in repo_url:
        return 'git'
    elif 'bitbucket' in repo_url:
        return 'hg'
        raise UnknownRepoType

def is_vcs_installed(repo_type):
    Check if the version control system for a repo type is installed.

    :param repo_type:
    return bool(which(repo_type))

def clone(repo_url, checkout=None, clone_to_dir=".", no_input=False):
    Clone a repo to the current directory.

    :param repo_url: Repo URL of unknown type.
    :param checkout: The branch, tag or commit ID to checkout after clone.
    :param clone_to_dir: The directory to clone to.
                         Defaults to the current directory.
    :param no_input: Suppress all user prompts when calling via API.

    # Ensure that clone_to_dir exists
    clone_to_dir = os.path.expanduser(clone_to_dir)

    # identify the repo_type
    repo_type = identify_repo(repo_url)

    # check that the appropriate VCS for the repo_type is installed
    if not is_vcs_installed(repo_type):
        msg = "'{0}' is not installed.".format(repo_type)
        raise VCSNotInstalled(msg)

    tail = os.path.split(repo_url)[1]
    if repo_type == 'git':
        repo_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(clone_to_dir,
    elif repo_type == 'hg':
        repo_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(clone_to_dir, tail))
    logging.debug('repo_dir is {0}'.format(repo_dir))

    if os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
        prompt_and_delete_repo(repo_dir, no_input=no_input)

    if repo_type in ['git', 'hg']:
        subprocess.check_call([repo_type, 'clone', repo_url], cwd=clone_to_dir)
        if checkout is not None:
            subprocess.check_call([repo_type, 'checkout', checkout],

    return repo_dir