#!/usr/bin/env python """ Tool for compiling iOS toolchain ================================ This tool intend to replace all the previous tools/ in shell script. """ import sys from sys import stdout from os.path import join, dirname, realpath, exists, isdir, basename, expanduser from os import listdir, unlink, makedirs, environ, chdir, getcwd, walk import zipfile import tarfile import importlib import io import json import shutil import fnmatch import tempfile import time from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime from pprint import pformat import logging try: from urllib.request import FancyURLopener, urlcleanup except ImportError: from urllib import FancyURLopener, urlcleanup try: from pbxproj import XcodeProject from pbxproj.pbxextensions.ProjectFiles import FileOptions except ImportError: print("ERROR: Python requirements are missing") print("To install: pip install -r requirements.txt") sys.exit(1) curdir = dirname(__file__) import sh # For more detailed logging, use something like # format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(funcName)s():%(lineno)d] %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG) # Quiet the loggers we don't care about sh_logging = logging.getLogger('sh') sh_logging.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 @contextmanager def cd(newdir): prevdir = getcwd() logger.info("cd {}".format(newdir)) chdir(expanduser(newdir)) try: yield finally: logger.info("cd {}".format(prevdir)) chdir(prevdir) def shprint(command, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["_iter"] = True kwargs["_out_bufsize"] = 1 kwargs["_err_to_out"] = True logger.info("Running Shell: {} {} {}".format(str(command), args, kwargs)) cmd = command(*args, **kwargs) for line in cmd: # strip only last CR: line_str = "\n".join(line.encode("ascii", "replace").decode().splitlines()) logger.debug(line_str) def cache_execution(f): def _cache_execution(self, *args, **kwargs): state = self.ctx.state key = "{}.{}".format(self.name, f.__name__) force = kwargs.pop("force", False) if args: for arg in args: key += ".{}".format(arg) if key in state and not force: logger.debug("Cached result: {} {}. Ignoring".format(f.__name__.capitalize(), self.name)) return logger.info("{} {}".format(f.__name__.capitalize(), self.name)) f(self, *args, **kwargs) self.update_state(key, True) return _cache_execution class ChromeDownloader(FancyURLopener): version = ( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36') urlretrieve = ChromeDownloader().retrieve class JsonStore(object): """Replacement of shelve using json, needed for support python 2 and 3. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(JsonStore, self).__init__() self.filename = filename self.data = {} if exists(filename): try: with io.open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd: self.data = json.load(fd) except ValueError: logger.warning("Unable to read the state.db, content will be replaced.") def __getitem__(self, key): return self.data[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.data[key] = value self.sync() def __delitem__(self, key): del self.data[key] self.sync() def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.data def get(self, item, default=None): return self.data.get(item, default) def keys(self): return self.data.keys() def remove_all(self, prefix): for key in tuple(self.data.keys()): if not key.startswith(prefix): continue del self.data[key] self.sync() def sync(self): # https://stackoverflow.com/a/14870531/185510 if IS_PY3: with open(self.filename, 'w') as fd: json.dump(self.data, fd, ensure_ascii=False) else: with io.open(self.filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd: fd.write(unicode( # noqa: F821 json.dumps(self.data, ensure_ascii=False))) class Arch(object): def __init__(self, ctx): super(Arch, self).__init__() self.ctx = ctx self._ccsh = None def __str__(self): return self.arch @property def include_dirs(self): return [ "{}/{}".format( self.ctx.include_dir, d.format(arch=self)) for d in self.ctx.include_dirs] def get_env(self): include_dirs = [ "-I{}/{}".format( self.ctx.include_dir, d.format(arch=self)) for d in self.ctx.include_dirs] include_dirs += ["-I{}".format( join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "include", self.arch))] env = {} cc = sh.xcrun("-find", "-sdk", self.sdk, "clang").strip() cxx = sh.xcrun("-find", "-sdk", self.sdk, "clang++").strip() # we put the flags in CC / CXX as sometimes the ./configure test # with the preprocessor (aka CC -E) without CFLAGS, which fails for # cross compiled projects flags = " ".join([ "--sysroot", self.sysroot, "-arch", self.arch, "-pipe", "-no-cpp-precomp", ]) cc += " " + flags cxx += " " + flags use_ccache = environ.get("USE_CCACHE", "1") ccache = None if use_ccache == "1": ccache = sh.which('ccache') if ccache: ccache = ccache.strip() env["USE_CCACHE"] = "1" env["CCACHE"] = ccache env.update({k: v for k, v in environ.items() if k.startswith('CCACHE_')}) env.setdefault('CCACHE_MAXSIZE', '10G') env.setdefault('CCACHE_HARDLINK', 'true') env.setdefault( 'CCACHE_SLOPPINESS', ('file_macro,time_macros,' 'include_file_mtime,include_file_ctime,file_stat_matches')) if not self._ccsh: self._ccsh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self._cxxsh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() sh.chmod("+x", self._ccsh.name) sh.chmod("+x", self._cxxsh.name) self._ccsh.write(b'#!/bin/sh\n') self._cxxsh.write(b'#!/bin/sh\n') if ccache: logger.info("CC and CXX will use ccache") self._ccsh.write( (ccache + ' ' + cc + ' "$@"\n').encode("utf8")) self._cxxsh.write( (ccache + ' ' + cxx + ' "$@"\n').encode("utf8")) else: logger.info("CC and CXX will not use ccache") self._ccsh.write( (cc + ' "$@"\n').encode("utf8")) self._cxxsh.write( (cxx + ' "$@"\n').encode("utf8")) self._ccsh.flush() self._cxxsh.flush() env["CC"] = self._ccsh.name env["CXX"] = self._cxxsh.name env["AR"] = sh.xcrun("-find", "-sdk", self.sdk, "ar").strip() env["LD"] = sh.xcrun("-find", "-sdk", self.sdk, "ld").strip() env["OTHER_CFLAGS"] = " ".join(include_dirs) env["OTHER_LDFLAGS"] = " ".join([ "-L{}/{}".format(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib"), ]) env["CFLAGS"] = " ".join([ "-O3", self.version_min ] + include_dirs) env["LDFLAGS"] = " ".join([ "-arch", self.arch, # "--sysroot", self.sysroot, "-L{}/{}".format(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib"), "-L{}/usr/lib".format(self.sysroot), self.version_min ]) return env class Arch64Simulator(Arch): sdk = "iphonesimulator" arch = "x86_64" triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin13" version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=8.0" sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--show-sdk-path").strip() class Arch64IOS(Arch): sdk = "iphoneos" arch = "arm64" triple = "aarch64-apple-darwin13" version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=8.0" sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphoneos", "--show-sdk-path").strip() class Graph(object): # Taken from python-for-android/depsort def __init__(self): # `graph`: dict that maps each package to a set of its dependencies. self.graph = {} def add(self, dependent, dependency): """Add a dependency relationship to the graph""" self.graph.setdefault(dependent, set()) self.graph.setdefault(dependency, set()) if dependent != dependency: self.graph[dependent].add(dependency) def add_optional(self, dependent, dependency): """Add an optional (ordering only) dependency relationship to the graph Only call this after all mandatory requirements are added """ if dependent in self.graph and dependency in self.graph: self.add(dependent, dependency) def find_order(self): """Do a topological sort on a dependency graph :Parameters: :Returns: iterator, sorted items form first to last """ graph = dict((k, set(v)) for k, v in self.graph.items()) while graph: # Find all items without a parent leftmost = [l for l, s in graph.items() if not s] if not leftmost: raise ValueError('Dependency cycle detected! %s' % graph) # If there is more than one, sort them for predictable order leftmost.sort() for result in leftmost: # Yield and remove them from the graph yield result graph.pop(result) for bset in graph.values(): bset.discard(result) class Context(object): env = environ.copy() root_dir = None cache_dir = None build_dir = None dist_dir = None install_dir = None ccache = None cython = None sdkver = None sdksimver = None so_suffix = None # set by one of the hostpython def __init__(self): super(Context, self).__init__() self.include_dirs = [] ok = True sdks = sh.xcodebuild("-showsdks").splitlines() # get the latest iphoneos iphoneos = [x for x in sdks if "iphoneos" in x] if not iphoneos: logger.error("No iphone SDK installed") ok = False else: iphoneos = iphoneos[0].split()[-1].replace("iphoneos", "") self.sdkver = iphoneos # get the latest iphonesimulator version iphonesim = [x for x in sdks if "iphonesimulator" in x] if not iphonesim: ok = False logger.error("Error: No iphonesimulator SDK installed") else: iphonesim = iphonesim[0].split()[-1].replace("iphonesimulator", "") self.sdksimver = iphonesim # get the path for Developer self.devroot = "{}/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer".format( sh.xcode_select("-print-path").strip()) # path to the iOS SDK self.iossdkroot = "{}/SDKs/iPhoneOS{}.sdk".format( self.devroot, self.sdkver) # root of the toolchain self.root_dir = realpath(dirname(__file__)) self.build_dir = "{}/build".format(getcwd()) self.cache_dir = "{}/.cache".format(getcwd()) self.dist_dir = "{}/dist".format(getcwd()) self.install_dir = "{}/dist/root".format(getcwd()) self.include_dir = "{}/dist/include".format(getcwd()) self.archs = ( Arch64Simulator(self), Arch64IOS(self)) # path to some tools self.ccache = sh.which("ccache") if not self.ccache: # ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized pass for cython_fn in ("cython-2.7", "cython"): cython = sh.which(cython_fn) if cython: self.cython = cython break if not self.cython: ok = False logger.error("Missing requirement: cython is not installed") # check the basic tools for tool in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtool"): if not sh.which(tool): logger.error("Missing requirement: {} is not installed".format( tool)) if not ok: sys.exit(1) self.use_pigz = sh.which('pigz') self.use_pbzip2 = sh.which('pbzip2') try: num_cores = int(sh.sysctl('-n', 'hw.ncpu')) except Exception: num_cores = None self.num_cores = num_cores if num_cores else 4 # default to 4 if we can't detect ensure_dir(self.root_dir) ensure_dir(self.build_dir) ensure_dir(self.cache_dir) ensure_dir(self.dist_dir) ensure_dir(join(self.dist_dir, "frameworks")) ensure_dir(self.install_dir) ensure_dir(self.include_dir) ensure_dir(join(self.include_dir, "common")) # remove the most obvious flags that can break the compilation self.env.pop("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", None) self.env.pop("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", None) self.env.pop("ARCHFLAGS", None) self.env.pop("CFLAGS", None) self.env.pop("LDFLAGS", None) # set the state self.state = JsonStore(join(self.dist_dir, "state.db")) @property def concurrent_make(self): return "-j{}".format(self.num_cores) @property def concurrent_xcodebuild(self): return "IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks={}".format(self.num_cores) class Recipe(object): props = { "is_alias": False, "version": None, "url": None, "archs": [], "depends": [], "optional_depends": [], "library": None, "libraries": [], "include_dir": None, "include_per_arch": False, "include_name": None, "frameworks": [], "sources": [], "pbx_frameworks": [], "pbx_libraries": [] } def __new__(cls): for prop, value in cls.props.items(): if not hasattr(cls, prop): setattr(cls, prop, value) return super(Recipe, cls).__new__(cls) # API available for recipes def download_file(self, url, filename, cwd=None): """ Download an `url` to `outfn` """ if not url: return def report_hook(index, blksize, size): if size <= 0: progression = '{0} bytes'.format(index * blksize) else: progression = '{0:.2f}%'.format( index * blksize * 100. / float(size)) stdout.write('- Download {}\r'.format(progression)) stdout.flush() if cwd: filename = join(cwd, filename) if exists(filename): unlink(filename) # Clean up temporary files just in case before downloading. urlcleanup() logger.info('Downloading {0}'.format(url)) attempts = 0 while True: try: urlretrieve(url, filename, report_hook) except AttributeError: if IS_PY2: # This is caused by bug in python-future, causing occasional # AttributeError: '_fileobject' object has no attribute 'readinto' # It can be removed if the upstream fix is accepted. See also: # * https://github.com/kivy/kivy-ios/issues/322 # * https://github.com/PythonCharmers/python-future/pull/423 import requests logger.warning("urlretrieve failed. Falling back to request") headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36'} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) with open(filename, "wb") as fw: fw.write(r.content) break else: raise except OSError as e: attempts += 1 if attempts >= 5: logger.error('Max download attempts reached: {}'.format(attempts)) raise e logger.warning('Download failed. Retrying in 1 second...') time.sleep(1) continue break return filename def extract_file(self, filename, cwd): """ Extract the `filename` into the directory `cwd`. """ if not filename: return logger.info("Extract {} into {}".format(filename, cwd)) if filename.endswith(".tgz") or filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): if self.ctx.use_pigz: comp = '--use-compress-program={}'.format(self.ctx.use_pigz) else: comp = '-z' shprint(sh.tar, "-C", cwd, "-xv", comp, "-f", filename) elif filename.endswith(".tbz2") or filename.endswith(".tar.bz2"): if self.ctx.use_pbzip2: comp = '--use-compress-program={}'.format(self.ctx.use_pbzip2) else: comp = '-j' shprint(sh.tar, "-C", cwd, "-xv", comp, "-f", filename) elif filename.endswith(".zip"): shprint(sh.unzip, "-d", cwd, filename) else: logger.error("Cannot extract, unrecognized extension for {}".format( filename)) raise Exception() def get_archive_rootdir(self, filename): if filename.endswith(".tgz") or filename.endswith(".tar.gz") or \ filename.endswith(".tbz2") or filename.endswith(".tar.bz2"): try: archive = tarfile.open(filename) except tarfile.ReadError: logger.warning('Error extracting the archive {0}'.format(filename)) logger.warning( 'This is usually caused by a corrupt download. The file' ' will be removed and re-downloaded on the next run.') logger.warning(filename) return root = archive.next().path.split("/") return root[0] elif filename.endswith(".zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as zf: return dirname(zf.namelist()[0]) else: logger.error("Unrecognized extension for {}." " Cannot detect root directory".format(filename)) raise Exception() def apply_patch(self, filename, target_dir=''): """ Apply a patch from the current recipe directory into the current build directory. """ target_dir = target_dir or self.build_dir logger.info("Apply patch {}".format(filename)) filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename) sh.patch("-t", "-d", target_dir, "-p1", "-i", filename) def copy_file(self, filename, dest): logger.info("Copy {} to {}".format(filename, dest)) filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename) dest = join(self.build_dir, dest) shutil.copy(filename, dest) def append_file(self, filename, dest): logger.info("Append {} to {}".format(filename, dest)) filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename) dest = join(self.build_dir, dest) with open(filename, "rb") as fd: data = fd.read() with open(dest, "ab") as fd: fd.write(data) def has_marker(self, marker): """ Return True if the current build directory has the marker set """ return exists(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker))) def set_marker(self, marker): """ Set a marker info the current build directory """ with open(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker)), "w") as fd: fd.write("ok") def delete_marker(self, marker): """ Delete a specific marker """ try: unlink(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker))) except Exception: pass def get_include_dir(self): """ Return the common include dir for this recipe """ return join(self.ctx.include_dir, "common", self.name) def so_filename(self, name): """Return the filename of a library with the appropriate so suffix (.so for Python 2.7, .cpython-37m-darwin for Python 3.7) """ return "{}{}".format(name, self.ctx.so_suffix) @property def name(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ return modname.split(".")[-1] @property def archive_fn(self): bfn = basename(self.url.format(version=self.version)) fn = "{}/{}-{}".format( self.ctx.cache_dir, self.name, bfn) return fn @property def filtered_archs(self): result = [] for arch in self.ctx.archs: if not self.archs or (arch.arch in self.archs): result.append(arch) return result @property def dist_libraries(self): libraries = [] name = self.name if not name.startswith("lib"): name = "lib{}".format(name) if self.library: static_fn = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib", "{}.a".format(name)) libraries.append(static_fn) for library in self.libraries: static_fn = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib", basename(library)) libraries.append(static_fn) return libraries def get_build_dir(self, arch): return join(self.ctx.build_dir, self.name, arch, self.archive_root) # Public Recipe API to be subclassed if needed def init_with_ctx(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx include_dir = None if self.include_dir: include_name = self.include_name or self.name if self.include_per_arch: include_dir = join("{arch.arch}", include_name) else: include_dir = join("common", include_name) if include_dir: logger.info("Include dir added: {}".format(include_dir)) self.ctx.include_dirs.append(include_dir) def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None): """Return the env specialized for the recipe """ if arch is None: arch = self.filtered_archs[0] return arch.get_env() def set_hostpython(self, instance, version): state = self.ctx.state hostpython = state.get("hostpython") if hostpython is None: state["hostpython"] = instance.name state.sync() elif hostpython != instance.name: logger.error("Wanted to use {}".format(instance.name)) logger.error("but hostpython is already provided by {}.".format( hostpython)) logger.error("You can have only one hostpython version compiled") sys.exit(1) self.ctx.python_major = version.split('.')[0] self.ctx.hostpython_ver = version self.ctx.hostpython_recipe = instance def set_python(self, instance, version): state = self.ctx.state python = state.get("python") if python is None: state["python"] = instance.name state.sync() elif python != instance.name: logger.error("Wanted to use {}".format(instance.name)) logger.error("but python is already provided by {}.".format( python)) logger.error("You can have only one python version compiled") sys.exit(1) self.ctx.python_ver = version self.ctx.python_recipe = instance @property def archive_root(self): key = "{}.archive_root".format(self.name) value = self.ctx.state.get(key) if not value and self.url != "": value = self.get_archive_rootdir(self.archive_fn) if value is not None: self.ctx.state[key] = value return value def execute(self): if self.custom_dir: self.ctx.state.remove_all(self.name) self.download() self.extract() self.build_all() @property def custom_dir(self): """Check if there is a variable name to specify a custom version / directory to use instead of the current url. """ envname = "{}_DIR".format(self.name.upper()) d = environ.get(envname) if not d: return if not exists(d): raise ValueError("Invalid path passed into {}".format(envname)) return d def init_after_import(cls, ctx): """This can be used to dynamically set some variables depending of the state """ pass @cache_execution def download(self): key = "{}.archive_root".format(self.name) if self.custom_dir: self.ctx.state[key] = basename(self.custom_dir) else: src_dir = join(self.recipe_dir, self.url) if exists(src_dir): self.ctx.state[key] = basename(src_dir) return fn = self.archive_fn if not exists(fn): self.download_file(self.url.format(version=self.version), fn) status = self.get_archive_rootdir(self.archive_fn) if status is not None: self.ctx.state[key] = status @cache_execution def extract(self): # recipe tmp directory for arch in self.filtered_archs: logger.info("Extract {} for {}".format(self.name, arch.arch)) self.extract_arch(arch.arch) def extract_arch(self, arch): build_dir = join(self.ctx.build_dir, self.name, arch) dest_dir = join(build_dir, self.archive_root) if self.custom_dir: if exists(dest_dir): shutil.rmtree(dest_dir) shutil.copytree(self.custom_dir, dest_dir) else: if exists(dest_dir): return src_dir = join(self.recipe_dir, self.url) if exists(src_dir): shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir) return ensure_dir(build_dir) self.extract_file(self.archive_fn, build_dir) @cache_execution def build(self, arch): self.build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) if self.has_marker("building"): logger.warning("{} build for {} has been incomplete".format( self.name, arch.arch)) logger.warning("Warning: deleting the build and restarting.") shutil.rmtree(self.build_dir) self.extract_arch(arch.arch) if self.has_marker("build_done"): logger.info("Build python for {} already done.".format(arch.arch)) return self.set_marker("building") chdir(self.build_dir) logger.info("Prebuild {} for {}".format(self.name, arch.arch)) self.prebuild_arch(arch) logger.info("Build {} for {}".format(self.name, arch.arch)) self.build_arch(arch) logger.info("Postbuild {} for {}".format(self.name, arch.arch)) self.postbuild_arch(arch) self.delete_marker("building") self.set_marker("build_done") @cache_execution def build_all(self): filtered_archs = self.filtered_archs logger.info("Build {} for {} (filtered)".format( self.name, ", ".join([x.arch for x in filtered_archs]))) for arch in self.filtered_archs: self.build(arch) name = self.name if self.library: logger.info("Create lipo library for {}".format(name)) if not name.startswith("lib"): name = "lib{}".format(name) static_fn = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib", "{}.a".format(name)) ensure_dir(dirname(static_fn)) logger.info("Lipo {} to {}".format(self.name, static_fn)) self.make_lipo(static_fn) if self.libraries: logger.info("Create multiple lipo for {}".format(name)) for library in self.libraries: static_fn = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "lib", basename(library)) ensure_dir(dirname(static_fn)) logger.info(" - Lipo-ize {}".format(library)) self.make_lipo(static_fn, library) logger.info("Install include files for {}".format(self.name)) self.install_include() logger.info("Install frameworks for {}".format(self.name)) self.install_frameworks() logger.info("Install sources for {}".format(self.name)) self.install_sources() logger.info("Install {}".format(self.name)) self.install() def prebuild_arch(self, arch): prebuild = "prebuild_{}".format(arch.arch) logger.debug("Invoking {}".format(prebuild)) if hasattr(self, prebuild): getattr(self, prebuild)() def build_arch(self, arch): build = "build_{}".format(arch.arch) logger.debug("Invoking {}".format(build)) if hasattr(self, build): getattr(self, build)() def postbuild_arch(self, arch): postbuild = "postbuild_{}".format(arch.arch) logger.debug("Invoking {}".format(postbuild)) if hasattr(self, postbuild): getattr(self, postbuild)() def update_state(self, key, value): """ Update entry in state database. This is usually done in the @cache_execution decorator to log an action and its time of occurrence, but it needs to be done manually in recipes. """ key_time = "{}.at".format(key) self.ctx.state[key] = value now_str = str(datetime.utcnow()) self.ctx.state[key_time] = now_str logger.debug("New State: {} at {}".format(key, now_str)) @cache_execution def make_lipo(self, filename, library=None): if library is None: library = self.library if not library: return args = [] for arch in self.filtered_archs: library_fn = library.format(arch=arch) args += [ "-arch", arch.arch, join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), library_fn)] shprint(sh.lipo, "-create", "-output", filename, *args) @cache_execution def install_frameworks(self): if not self.frameworks: return arch = self.filtered_archs[0] build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) for framework in self.frameworks: logger.info("Install Framework {}".format(framework)) src = join(build_dir, framework) dest = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "frameworks", framework) ensure_dir(dirname(dest)) if exists(dest): shutil.rmtree(dest) logger.debug("Copy {} to {}".format(src, dest)) shutil.copytree(src, dest) @cache_execution def install_sources(self): if not self.sources: return arch = self.filtered_archs[0] build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) for source in self.sources: logger.info("Install Sources{}".format(source)) src = join(build_dir, source) dest = join(self.ctx.dist_dir, "sources", self.name) ensure_dir(dirname(dest)) if exists(dest): shutil.rmtree(dest) logger.debug("Copy {} to {}".format(src, dest)) shutil.copytree(src, dest) @cache_execution def install_include(self): if not self.include_dir: return if self.include_per_arch: archs = self.ctx.archs else: archs = self.filtered_archs[:1] include_dirs = self.include_dir if not isinstance(include_dirs, (list, tuple)): include_dirs = list([include_dirs]) for arch in archs: arch_dir = "common" if self.include_per_arch: arch_dir = arch.arch include_name = self.include_name or self.name dest_dir = join(self.ctx.include_dir, arch_dir, include_name) if exists(dest_dir): shutil.rmtree(dest_dir) build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) for include_dir in include_dirs: dest_name = None if isinstance(include_dir, (list, tuple)): include_dir, dest_name = include_dir include_dir = include_dir.format(arch=arch, ctx=self.ctx) src_dir = join(build_dir, include_dir) if dest_name is None: dest_name = basename(src_dir) if isdir(src_dir): shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir) else: dest = join(dest_dir, dest_name) logger.info("Copy Include {} to {}".format(src_dir, dest)) ensure_dir(dirname(dest)) shutil.copy(src_dir, dest) @cache_execution def install(self): pass @classmethod def list_recipes(cls, **kwargs): skip_list = kwargs.pop("skip_list", ['__pycache__']) recipes_dir = join(dirname(__file__), "recipes") for name in sorted(listdir(recipes_dir)): fn = join(recipes_dir, name) if isdir(fn) and name not in skip_list: yield name @classmethod def get_recipe(cls, name, ctx): if not hasattr(cls, "recipes"): cls.recipes = {} if '==' in name: name, version = name.split('==') else: version = None if name in cls.recipes: recipe = cls.recipes[name] else: mod = importlib.import_module("kivy_ios.recipes.{}".format(name)) recipe = mod.recipe recipe.recipe_dir = join(ctx.root_dir, "recipes", name) recipe.init_after_import(ctx) if version: recipe.version = version return recipe class PythonRecipe(Recipe): @cache_execution def install(self): self.install_python_package() self.reduce_python_package() self.remove_junk(self.ctx.site_packages_dir) @staticmethod def remove_junk(d): exts = [".so.lib", ".so.o", ".sh"] for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(d): for fn in filenames: if any([fn.endswith(ext) for ext in exts]): print('Found junk {}/{}, removing'.format(root, fn)) unlink(join(root, fn)) def install_python_package(self, name=None, env=None, is_dir=True): """Automate the installation of a Python package into the target site-packages. It will works with the first filtered_archs, and the name of the recipe. """ arch = self.filtered_archs[0] if name is None: name = self.name if env is None: env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) logger.info("Install {} into the site-packages".format(name)) build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) chdir(build_dir) hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython) shprint( hostpython, "setup.py", "install", "-O2", "--root", self.ctx.python_prefix, "--prefix", "", _env=env, ) def reduce_python_package(self): """Feel free to remove things you don't want in the final site-packages. """ pass class CythonRecipe(PythonRecipe): pre_build_ext = False cythonize = True def cythonize_file(self, filename): if filename.startswith(self.build_dir): filename = filename[len(self.build_dir) + 1:] logger.info("Cythonize {}".format(filename)) # note when kivy-ios package installed the `cythonize.py` script # doesn't (yet) have the executable bit hence we explicitly call it # with the Python interpreter cythonize_script = join(self.ctx.root_dir, "tools", "cythonize.py") shprint(sh.python, cythonize_script, filename) def cythonize_build(self): if not self.cythonize: return root_dir = self.build_dir for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(root_dir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.pyx"): self.cythonize_file(join(root, filename)) def biglink(self): dirs = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(self.build_dir): if fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.so.libs"): dirs.append(root) cmd = sh.Command(join(self.ctx.root_dir, "tools", "biglink")) shprint(cmd, join(self.build_dir, "lib{}.a".format(self.name)), *dirs) def get_recipe_env(self, arch): env = super(CythonRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch) env["KIVYIOSROOT"] = self.ctx.root_dir env["IOSSDKROOT"] = arch.sysroot env["CUSTOMIZED_OSX_COMPILER"] = 'True' env["LDSHARED"] = join(self.ctx.root_dir, "tools", "liblink") env["ARM_LD"] = env["LD"] env["ARCH"] = arch.arch return env def build_arch(self, arch): build_env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython) if self.pre_build_ext: try: shprint(hostpython, "setup.py", "build_ext", "-g", _env=build_env) except Exception: pass self.cythonize_build() shprint(hostpython, "setup.py", "build_ext", "-g", _env=build_env) self.biglink() def build_recipes(names, ctx): # gather all the dependencies logger.info("Want to build {}".format(names)) graph = Graph() ctx.wanted_recipes = names[:] recipe_to_load = names recipe_loaded = [] while names: name = recipe_to_load.pop(0) if name in recipe_loaded: continue try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) except KeyError: logger.error("No recipe named {}".format(name)) sys.exit(1) graph.add(name, name) logger.info("Loaded recipe {} (depends of {}, optional are {})".format( name, recipe.depends, recipe.optional_depends)) for depend in recipe.depends: graph.add(name, depend) recipe_to_load += recipe.depends for depend in recipe.optional_depends: # in case of compilation after the initial one, take in account # of the already compiled recipes key = "{}.build_all".format(depend) if key in ctx.state: recipe_to_load.append(name) graph.add(name, depend) else: graph.add_optional(name, depend) recipe_loaded.append(name) build_order = list(graph.find_order()) logger.info("Build order is {}".format(build_order)) recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in build_order] recipes = [recipe for recipe in recipes if not recipe.is_alias] recipes_order = [recipe.name for recipe in recipes] logger.info("Recipe order is {}".format(recipes_order)) for recipe in recipes: recipe.init_with_ctx(ctx) for recipe in recipes: recipe.execute() def ensure_dir(filename): if not exists(filename): makedirs(filename) def ensure_recipes_loaded(ctx): for recipe in Recipe.list_recipes(): key = "{}.build_all".format(recipe) if key not in ctx.state: continue recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx) recipe.init_with_ctx(ctx) def update_pbxproj(filename, pbx_frameworks=None): # list all the compiled recipes ctx = Context() pbx_libraries = [] if pbx_frameworks is None: pbx_frameworks = [] frameworks = [] libraries = [] sources = [] for recipe in Recipe.list_recipes(): key = "{}.build_all".format(recipe) if key not in ctx.state: continue recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx) recipe.init_with_ctx(ctx) pbx_frameworks.extend(recipe.pbx_frameworks) pbx_libraries.extend(recipe.pbx_libraries) libraries.extend(recipe.dist_libraries) frameworks.extend(recipe.frameworks) if recipe.sources: sources.append(recipe.name) pbx_frameworks = list(set(pbx_frameworks)) pbx_libraries = list(set(pbx_libraries)) libraries = list(set(libraries)) logger.info("-" * 70) logger.info("The project need to have:") logger.info("iOS Frameworks: {}".format(pbx_frameworks)) logger.info("iOS Libraries: {}".format(pbx_libraries)) logger.info("iOS local Frameworks: {}".format(frameworks)) logger.info("Libraries: {}".format(libraries)) logger.info("Sources to link: {}".format(sources)) logger.info("-" * 70) logger.info("Analysis of {}".format(filename)) project = XcodeProject.load(filename) sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--show-sdk-path").strip() group = project.get_or_create_group("Frameworks") g_classes = project.get_or_create_group("Classes") file_options = FileOptions(embed_framework=False, code_sign_on_copy=True) for framework in pbx_frameworks: framework_name = "{}.framework".format(framework) if framework_name in frameworks: logger.info("Ensure {} is in the project (pbx_frameworks, local)".format(framework)) f_path = join(ctx.dist_dir, "frameworks", framework_name) else: logger.info("Ensure {} is in the project (pbx_frameworks, system)".format(framework)) f_path = join(sysroot, "System", "Library", "Frameworks", "{}.framework".format(framework)) project.add_file(f_path, parent=group, tree="DEVELOPER_DIR", force=False, file_options=file_options) for library in pbx_libraries: logger.info("Ensure {} is in the project (pbx_libraries, dylib+tbd)".format(library)) f_path = join(sysroot, "usr", "lib", "{}.dylib".format(library)) project.add_file(f_path, parent=group, tree="DEVELOPER_DIR", force=False) f_path = join(sysroot, "usr", "lib", "{}.tbd".format(library)) project.add_file(f_path, parent=group, tree="DEVELOPER_DIR", force=False) for library in libraries: logger.info("Ensure {} is in the project (libraries)".format(library)) project.add_file(library, parent=group, force=False) for name in sources: logger.info("Ensure {} sources are used".format(name)) fn = join(ctx.dist_dir, "sources", name) project.add_folder(fn, parent=g_classes) project.backup() project.save() def main(): import argparse class ToolchainCL(object): def __init__(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Tool for managing the iOS / Python toolchain", usage="""toolchain [] Available commands: build Build a recipe (compile a library for the required target architecture) clean Clean the build of the specified recipe distclean Clean the build and the result recipes List all the available recipes status List all the recipes and their build status build_info Display the current build context and Architecture info Xcode: create Create a new xcode project update Update an existing xcode project (frameworks, libraries..) launchimage Create Launch images for your xcode project icon Create Icons for your xcode project pip Install a pip dependency into the distribution """) parser.add_argument("command", help="Command to run") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:2]) if not hasattr(self, args.command): print('Unrecognized command') parser.print_help() exit(1) getattr(self, args.command)() def build(self): ctx = Context() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Build the toolchain") parser.add_argument("recipe", nargs="+", help="Recipe to compile") parser.add_argument("--arch", action="append", help="Restrict compilation to this arch") parser.add_argument("--concurrency", type=int, default=ctx.num_cores, help="number of concurrent build processes (where supported)") parser.add_argument("--no-pigz", action="store_true", default=not bool(ctx.use_pigz), help="do not use pigz for gzip decompression") parser.add_argument("--no-pbzip2", action="store_true", default=not bool(ctx.use_pbzip2), help="do not use pbzip2 for bzip2 decompression") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) if args.arch: if len(args.arch) == 1: archs = args.arch[0].split() else: archs = args.arch available_archs = [arch.arch for arch in ctx.archs] for arch in archs[:]: if arch not in available_archs: logger.error("Architecture {} invalid".format(arch)) archs.remove(arch) continue ctx.archs = [arch for arch in ctx.archs if arch.arch in archs] logger.info("Architectures restricted to: {}".format(archs)) ctx.num_cores = args.concurrency if args.no_pigz: ctx.use_pigz = False if args.no_pbzip2: ctx.use_pbzip2 = False ctx.use_pigz = ctx.use_pbzip2 logger.info("Building with {} processes, where supported".format(ctx.num_cores)) if ctx.use_pigz: logger.info("Using pigz to decompress gzip data") if ctx.use_pbzip2: logger.info("Using pbzip2 to decompress bzip2 data") build_recipes(args.recipe, ctx) def recipes(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="List all the available recipes") parser.add_argument( "--compact", action="store_true", help="Produce a compact list suitable for scripting") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) if args.compact: print(" ".join(list(Recipe.list_recipes()))) else: ctx = Context() for name in Recipe.list_recipes(): try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) print("{recipe.name:<12} {recipe.version:<8}".format(recipe=recipe)) except Exception: pass def clean(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Clean the build") parser.add_argument("recipe", nargs="*", help="Recipe to clean") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) ctx = Context() if args.recipe: for recipe in args.recipe: logger.info("Cleaning {} build".format(recipe)) ctx.state.remove_all("{}.".format(recipe)) build_dir = join(ctx.build_dir, recipe) if exists(build_dir): shutil.rmtree(build_dir) else: logger.info("Delete build directory") if exists(ctx.build_dir): shutil.rmtree(ctx.build_dir) def distclean(self): ctx = Context() if exists(ctx.build_dir): shutil.rmtree(ctx.build_dir) if exists(ctx.dist_dir): shutil.rmtree(ctx.dist_dir) if exists(ctx.cache_dir): shutil.rmtree(ctx.cache_dir) def status(self): ctx = Context() for recipe in Recipe.list_recipes(): key = "{}.build_all".format(recipe) keytime = "{}.build_all.at".format(recipe) if key in ctx.state: status = "Build OK (built at {})".format(ctx.state[keytime]) else: status = "Not built" print("{:<12} - {}".format( recipe, status)) def create(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create a new xcode project") parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of your project") parser.add_argument("directory", help="Directory where your project lives") parser.add_argument("--add-framework", action="append", help="Additional Frameworks to include with this project") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) from cookiecutter.main import cookiecutter ctx = Context() ensure_recipes_loaded(ctx) if not hasattr(ctx, "python_ver"): logger.error("No python recipes compiled!") logger.error("You must have compiled at least python2 or") logger.error("python3 recipes to be able to create a project.") sys.exit(1) template_dir = join(curdir, "tools", "templates") context = { "title": args.name, "project_name": args.name.lower(), "domain_name": "org.kivy.{}".format(args.name.lower()), "kivy_dir": dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), "project_dir": realpath(args.directory), "version": "1.0.0", "dist_dir": ctx.dist_dir, "python_version": ctx.python_ver, "python_major": ctx.python_major } cookiecutter(template_dir, no_input=True, extra_context=context) filename = join( getcwd(), "{}-ios".format(args.name.lower()), "{}.xcodeproj".format(args.name.lower()), "project.pbxproj") update_pbxproj(filename, pbx_frameworks=args.add_framework) print("--") print("Project directory : {}-ios".format( args.name.lower())) print("XCode project : {0}-ios/{0}.xcodeproj".format( args.name.lower())) def update(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Update an existing xcode project") parser.add_argument("filename", help="Path to your project or xcodeproj") parser.add_argument("--add-framework", action="append", help="Additional Frameworks to include with this project") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) filename = args.filename if not filename.endswith(".xcodeproj"): # try to find the xcodeproj from glob import glob xcodeproj = glob(join(filename, "*.xcodeproj")) if not xcodeproj: logger.error("Unable to find a xcodeproj in {}".format(filename)) sys.exit(1) filename = xcodeproj[0] filename = join(filename, "project.pbxproj") if not exists(filename): logger.error("{} not found".format(filename)) sys.exit(1) update_pbxproj(filename, pbx_frameworks=args.add_framework) print("--") print("Project {} updated".format(filename)) def build_info(self): ctx = Context() print("Build Context") print("-------------") for attr in dir(ctx): if not attr.startswith("_"): if not callable(attr) and attr != 'archs': print("{}: {}".format(attr, pformat(getattr(ctx, attr)))) for arch in ctx.archs: ul = '-' * (len(str(arch))+6) print("\narch: {}\n{}".format(str(arch), ul)) for attr in dir(arch): if not attr.startswith("_"): if not callable(attr) and attr not in ['arch', 'ctx', 'get_env']: print("{}: {}".format(attr, pformat(getattr(arch, attr)))) env = arch.get_env() print("env ({}): {}".format(arch, pformat(env))) def pip3(self): self.pip() def pip(self): ctx = Context() for recipe in Recipe.list_recipes(): key = "{}.build_all".format(recipe) if key not in ctx.state: continue recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx) recipe.init_with_ctx(ctx) if not hasattr(ctx, "site_packages_dir"): logger.error("python must be compiled before using pip") sys.exit(1) pip_env = { "CC": "/bin/false", "CXX": "/bin/false", "PYTHONPATH": ctx.site_packages_dir, "PYTHONOPTIMIZE": "2", # "PIP_INSTALL_TARGET": ctx.site_packages_dir } pip_path = join(ctx.dist_dir, 'hostpython3', 'bin', 'pip3') pip_args = [] if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == "install": pip_args = ["--isolated", "--ignore-installed", "--prefix", ctx.python_prefix] args = [pip_path] + [sys.argv[2]] + pip_args + sys.argv[3:] else: args = [pip_path] + pip_args + sys.argv[2:] import os logger.error("Executing pip with: {}".format(args)) os.execve(pip_path, args, pip_env) def launchimage(self): import xcassets self._xcassets("LaunchImage", xcassets.launchimage) def icon(self): import xcassets self._xcassets("Icon", xcassets.icon) def xcode(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Open the xcode project") parser.add_argument("filename", help="Path to your project or xcodeproj") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) filename = args.filename if not filename.endswith(".xcodeproj"): # try to find the xcodeproj from glob import glob xcodeproj = glob(join(filename, "*.xcodeproj")) if not xcodeproj: logger.error("Unable to find a xcodeproj in {}".format(filename)) sys.exit(1) filename = xcodeproj[0] sh.open(filename) def _xcassets(self, title, command): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate {} for your project".format(title)) parser.add_argument("filename", help="Path to your project or xcodeproj") parser.add_argument("image", help="Path to your initial {}.png".format(title.lower())) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:]) if not exists(args.image): logger.error("image path does not exists.") return filename = args.filename if not filename.endswith(".xcodeproj"): # try to find the xcodeproj from glob import glob xcodeproj = glob(join(filename, "*.xcodeproj")) if not xcodeproj: logger.error("Unable to find a xcodeproj in {}".format(filename)) sys.exit(1) filename = xcodeproj[0] project_name = filename.split("/")[-1].replace(".xcodeproj", "") images_xcassets = realpath(join(filename, "..", project_name, "Images.xcassets")) if not exists(images_xcassets): logger.warning("Images.xcassets not found, creating it.") makedirs(images_xcassets) logger.info("Images.xcassets located at {}".format(images_xcassets)) command(images_xcassets, args.image) ToolchainCL() if __name__ == "__main__": main()