diff --git a/blockchain/error.go b/blockchain/error.go
index eb30d8ae..0f3f2b59 100644
--- a/blockchain/error.go
+++ b/blockchain/error.go
@@ -212,6 +212,11 @@ const (
 	// included in the block's coinbase transaction doesn't match the
 	// manually computed witness commitment.
+	// ErrPrevBlockNotBest indicates that the block's previous block is not the
+	// current chain tip. This is not a block validation rule, but is required
+	// for block proposals submitted via getblocktemplate RPC.
+	ErrPrevBlockNotBest
 // Map of ErrorCode values back to their constant names for pretty printing.
@@ -257,6 +262,7 @@ var errorCodeStrings = map[ErrorCode]string{
 	ErrUnexpectedWitness:         "ErrUnexpectedWitness",
 	ErrInvalidWitnessCommitment:  "ErrInvalidWitnessCommitment",
 	ErrWitnessCommitmentMismatch: "ErrWitnessCommitmentMismatch",
+	ErrPrevBlockNotBest:          "ErrPrevBlockNotBest",
 // String returns the ErrorCode as a human-readable name.
diff --git a/blockchain/error_test.go b/blockchain/error_test.go
index cf740de9..dda8ad26 100644
--- a/blockchain/error_test.go
+++ b/blockchain/error_test.go
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ func TestErrorCodeStringer(t *testing.T) {
 		{ErrBadCoinbaseHeight, "ErrBadCoinbaseHeight"},
 		{ErrScriptMalformed, "ErrScriptMalformed"},
 		{ErrScriptValidation, "ErrScriptValidation"},
+		{ErrPrevBlockNotBest, "ErrPrevBlockNotBest"},
 		{0xffff, "Unknown ErrorCode (65535)"},
diff --git a/blockchain/validate.go b/blockchain/validate.go
index 3eef85cc..66aafb70 100644
--- a/blockchain/validate.go
+++ b/blockchain/validate.go
@@ -981,14 +981,18 @@ func CheckTransactionInputs(tx *btcutil.Tx, txHeight int32, utxoView *UtxoViewpo
 // represent the state of the chain as if the block were actually connected and
 // consequently the best hash for the view is also updated to passed block.
-// The CheckConnectBlock function makes use of this function to perform the
-// bulk of its work.  The only difference is this function accepts a node which
-// may or may not require reorganization to connect it to the main chain whereas
-// CheckConnectBlock creates a new node which specifically connects to the end
-// of the current main chain and then calls this function with that node.
+// An example of some of the checks performed are ensuring connecting the block
+// would not cause any duplicate transaction hashes for old transactions that
+// aren't already fully spent, double spends, exceeding the maximum allowed
+// signature operations per block, invalid values in relation to the expected
+// block subsidy, or fail transaction script validation.
-// See the comments for CheckConnectBlock for some examples of the type of
-// checks performed by this function.
+// The CheckConnectBlockTemplate function makes use of this function to perform
+// the bulk of its work.  The only difference is this function accepts a node
+// which may or may not require reorganization to connect it to the main chain
+// whereas CheckConnectBlockTemplate creates a new node which specifically
+// connects to the end of the current main chain and then calls this function
+// with that node.
 // This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
 func (b *BlockChain) checkConnectBlock(node *blockNode, block *btcutil.Block, view *UtxoViewpoint, stxos *[]spentTxOut) error {
@@ -1243,27 +1247,44 @@ func (b *BlockChain) checkConnectBlock(node *blockNode, block *btcutil.Block, vi
 	return nil
-// CheckConnectBlock performs several checks to confirm connecting the passed
-// block to the main chain does not violate any rules.  An example of some of
-// the checks performed are ensuring connecting the block would not cause any
-// duplicate transaction hashes for old transactions that aren't already fully
-// spent, double spends, exceeding the maximum allowed signature operations
-// per block, invalid values in relation to the expected block subsidy, or fail
-// transaction script validation.
+// CheckConnectBlockTemplate fully validates that connecting the passed block to
+// the main chain does not violate any rules, aside from the proof of work
+// requirement. The block must connect to the current tip of the main chain.
 // This function is safe for concurrent access.
-func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlock(block *btcutil.Block) error {
+func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block *btcutil.Block) error {
 	defer b.chainLock.Unlock()
-	prevNode := b.bestChain.Tip()
-	newNode := newBlockNode(&block.MsgBlock().Header, prevNode.height+1)
-	newNode.parent = prevNode
-	newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)
+	// Skip the proof of work check as this is just a block template.
+	flags := BFNoPoWCheck
+	// This only checks whether the block can be connected to the tip of the
+	// current chain.
+	tip := b.bestChain.Tip()
+	header := block.MsgBlock().Header
+	if tip.hash != header.PrevBlock {
+		str := fmt.Sprintf("previous block must be the current chain tip %v, "+
+			"instead got %v", tip.hash, header.PrevBlock)
+		return ruleError(ErrPrevBlockNotBest, str)
+	}
+	err := checkBlockSanity(block, b.chainParams.PowLimit, b.timeSource, flags)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = b.checkBlockContext(block, tip, flags)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
 	// Leave the spent txouts entry nil in the state since the information
 	// is not needed and thus extra work can be avoided.
 	view := NewUtxoViewpoint()
-	view.SetBestHash(&prevNode.hash)
+	view.SetBestHash(&tip.hash)
+	newNode := newBlockNode(&header, tip.height+1)
+	newNode.parent = tip
+	newNode.workSum = newNode.workSum.Add(tip.workSum, newNode.workSum)
 	return b.checkConnectBlock(newNode, block, view, nil)
diff --git a/blockchain/validate_test.go b/blockchain/validate_test.go
index ede41514..22016043 100644
--- a/blockchain/validate_test.go
+++ b/blockchain/validate_test.go
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ func TestSequenceLocksActive(t *testing.T) {
-// TestCheckConnectBlock tests the CheckConnectBlock function to ensure it
-// fails.
-func TestCheckConnectBlock(t *testing.T) {
+// TestCheckConnectBlock tests the CheckConnectBlockTemplate function to ensure
+// it fails.
+func TestCheckConnectBlockTemplate(t *testing.T) {
 	// Create a new database and chain instance to run tests against.
-	chain, teardownFunc, err := chainSetup("checkconnectblock",
+	chain, teardownFunc, err := chainSetup("checkconnectblocktemplate",
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Errorf("Failed to setup chain instance: %v", err)
@@ -75,11 +75,76 @@ func TestCheckConnectBlock(t *testing.T) {
 	defer teardownFunc()
-	// The genesis block should fail to connect since it's already inserted.
-	genesisBlock := chaincfg.MainNetParams.GenesisBlock
-	err = chain.CheckConnectBlock(btcutil.NewBlock(genesisBlock))
+	// Since we're not dealing with the real block chain, set the coinbase
+	// maturity to 1.
+	chain.TstSetCoinbaseMaturity(1)
+	// Load up blocks such that there is a side chain.
+	// (genesis block) -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4
+	//                          \-> 3a
+	testFiles := []string{
+		"blk_0_to_4.dat.bz2",
+		"blk_3A.dat.bz2",
+	}
+	var blocks []*btcutil.Block
+	for _, file := range testFiles {
+		blockTmp, err := loadBlocks(file)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatalf("Error loading file: %v\n", err)
+		}
+		blocks = append(blocks, blockTmp...)
+	}
+	for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
+		isMainChain, _, err := chain.ProcessBlock(blocks[i], BFNone)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatalf("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Received unexpected error "+
+				"processing block %d: %v", i, err)
+		}
+		if !isMainChain {
+			t.Fatalf("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Expected block %d to connect "+
+				"to main chain", i)
+		}
+	}
+	// The block 3 should fail to connect since it's already inserted.
+	err = chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(blocks[3])
 	if err == nil {
-		t.Errorf("CheckConnectBlock: Did not received expected error")
+		t.Fatal("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Did not received expected error " +
+			"on block 3")
+	}
+	// Block 4 should connect successfully to tip of chain.
+	err = chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(blocks[4])
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatalf("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Received unexpected error on "+
+			"block 4: %v", err)
+	}
+	// The block 3a should fail to connect since does not build on chain tip.
+	err = chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(blocks[5])
+	if err == nil {
+		t.Fatal("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Did not received expected error " +
+			"on block 3a")
+	}
+	// Block 4 should connect even if proof of work is invalid.
+	invalidPowBlock := *blocks[4].MsgBlock()
+	invalidPowBlock.Header.Nonce++
+	err = chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(btcutil.NewBlock(&invalidPowBlock))
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatalf("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Received unexpected error on "+
+			"block 4 with bad nonce: %v", err)
+	}
+	// Invalid block building on chain tip should fail to connect.
+	invalidBlock := *blocks[4].MsgBlock()
+	invalidBlock.Header.Bits--
+	err = chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(btcutil.NewBlock(&invalidBlock))
+	if err == nil {
+		t.Fatal("CheckConnectBlockTemplate: Did not received expected error " +
+			"on block 4 with invalid difficulty bits")
diff --git a/mining/mining.go b/mining/mining.go
index 37158940..09aa391f 100644
--- a/mining/mining.go
+++ b/mining/mining.go
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ mempoolLoop:
 	// chain with no issues.
 	block := btcutil.NewBlock(&msgBlock)
-	if err := g.chain.CheckConnectBlock(block); err != nil {
+	if err := g.chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block); err != nil {
 		return nil, err
diff --git a/rpcserver.go b/rpcserver.go
index db4dece8..1033b20f 100644
--- a/rpcserver.go
+++ b/rpcserver.go
@@ -2040,6 +2040,8 @@ func chainErrToGBTErrString(err error) string {
 		return "bad-script-malformed"
 	case blockchain.ErrScriptValidation:
 		return "bad-script-validate"
+	case blockchain.ErrPrevBlockNotBest:
+		return "inconclusive-not-best-prvblk"
 	return "rejected: " + err.Error()
@@ -2088,9 +2090,7 @@ func handleGetBlockTemplateProposal(s *rpcServer, request *btcjson.TemplateReque
 		return "bad-prevblk", nil
-	flags := blockchain.BFDryRun | blockchain.BFNoPoWCheck
-	isOrphan, err := s.cfg.SyncMgr.SubmitBlock(block, flags)
-	if err != nil {
+	if err := s.cfg.Chain.CheckConnectBlockTemplate(block); err != nil {
 		if _, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); !ok {
 			errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to process block proposal: %v", err)
@@ -2103,9 +2103,6 @@ func handleGetBlockTemplateProposal(s *rpcServer, request *btcjson.TemplateReque
 		rpcsLog.Infof("Rejected block proposal: %v", err)
 		return chainErrToGBTErrString(err), nil
-	if isOrphan {
-		return "orphan", nil
-	}
 	return nil, nil