diff --git a/cmdhelp.go b/cmdhelp.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..365efb96 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmdhelp.go @@ -0,0 +1,766 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2014 Conformal Systems LLC. +// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package btcjson + +import ( + "errors" +) + +// defaultHelpStrings contains the help text for all commands that are supported +// by btcjson by default. +var defaultHelpStrings = map[string]string{ + "addmultisigaddress": `addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ("account" ) +Add a multisignature address to the wallet where 'nrequired' signatures are +required for spending. Each key is an address of publickey. Optionally, account +may be provided to assign the address to that account.`, + + "addnode": `addnode "node" "{add|remove|onetry}" +Add or remove a node from the list of hosts we connect to. If mode is "onetry" +then the host will be connected to once only, otherwise the node will be retried +upon disconnection.`, + + "backupwallet": `backupwallet "destination" +Safely copies the wallet file to the destination provided, either a directory or +a filename.`, + + "createmultisig": `createmultisig nrequired ["key", ...] +Creates a multi-signature address with m keys where "nrequired" signatures are +required from those m. A JSON object is returned containing the address and +redemption script: +{ + "address":"address", # the value of the new address. + redeemScript":"script" # The stringified hex-encoded redemption script. +}`, + + "createrawtransaction": `createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id", "vout":n},...] {"address":amount,...} +Creates a transaction spending the given inputs and outputting to the +given addresses. The return is a hex encoded string of the raw +transaction with *unsigned* inputs. The transaction is not stored in any +wallet.`, + + // TODO(oga) this should be external since it is nonstandard. + "debuglevel": `debuglevel "levelspec" +Dynamically changes the debug logging level. Levelspec must be either a debug +level, one of the following: +trace, +debug, +info, +warn, +error, +critical. +Alternatively levelspec may be a specification of the form: +=,= +Where the valid subsystem names are: +AMGR, +BCDB, +BMGR, +BTCD, +CHAN, +DISC, +PEER, +RPCS, +SCRP, +SRVR, +TXMP. +Finally the keyword "show" will return a list of the available subsystems. +The command returns a string which will be "Done." if the command was sucessful, +or the list of subsystems if "show" was specified.`, + + "decoderawtransaction": `decoderawtransaction "hexstring" +Decodes the seralized, hex-encoded transaction in hexstring and returns a JSON +object representing it: +{ + "hex":"hex", # String of the hex encoded transaction provided. + "txid":"id", # The sha id of the transaction as a hex string + "version":n, # The version of the transaction as a number. + "locktime":t, # Locktime of the tx (number). + "vin": [ # Array of objects for inputs. + { + "txid":"id", # Txid that is spent. + "vout":n, # Output number. + "scriptSig": { + "asm":"asm", # Disasembled script as a string. + "hex":"hex", # Hex string of script. + }, + "sequence":n, # Sequence number of script. + } + ], + "vout": [ # Array of objects for outputs. + { + "value":x.xxx, # Value in BTC. + "n":n, # Numeric index. + "scriptPubkey": { # Object representing script. + "asm":"asm", # Disassembled script as string. + "hex":"hex", # Hex string of script. + "reqSigs":n, # Number of required signatures. + "type":"type" # Type as string, e.g. pubkeyhash. + }, + } + ] + "blockhash":"hash", # The block hash. as a string. + "confirmations":n # Number of confirmations in blockchain. + "time":t, # Transaction time in seconds since the epoch. + "blocktime":t, # Block time in seconds since the epoch. +}`, + + "decodescript": `decodescript "hex" +Decodes the hex encoded script passed as a string and returns a JSON object: +{ + "asm":"asm", # disassembled string of the script. + "hex":"hex", # hex string of the script. + "type":"type", # type of script as a string. + "reqSigs":n, # number of required signatures. + "addresses": [ # JSON array of address strings. + "address", # bitcoin address as a string. + ], + "p2sh","address" # script address as a string. +}`, + + "dumpprivkey": `dumpprivkey "bitcoinaddress" +Returns the private key corresponding to the provided address in a format +compatible with importprivkey.`, + + "dumpwallet": `dumpwallet "filename" +Dumps all wallet keys into "filename" in a human readable format.`, + + "encryptwallet": `encryptwallet "passphrase" +Encrypts the wallet with "passphrase". This command is for the initial +encryption of an otherwise unencrypted wallet, changing a passphrase +should use walletpassphrasechange.`, + + "getaccount": `getaccount "address" +Returns the account associated with the given "address" as a string.`, + + "getaccountaddress": `getaccountaddress "account" +Returns the current address used for receiving payments in this given account.`, + + "getaddednodeinfo": `getaddednodeinfo dns ( "node" ) +Returns a list of JSON objects with information about the local list of +permanent nodes. If dns is false, only a list of permanent nodes will +be provided, otherwise connected information will also be provided. If +node is not provided then all nodes will be detailed. The JSON return +format is as follows: +[ + { + "addednode":"", # node ip address as a string + "connected":true|false # boolean connectionstate. + "addresses": [ + "address":"" # Bitcoin server host and port as a string. + "connected":"inbound", # The string "inbound" or "outbound". + ], + }, + ... +]`, + + "getaddressesbyaccount": `getaddressesbyaccount "account" +Returns the list of addresses for the given account: +[ + "address", # Bitcoin address associated with the given account. + ... +]`, + + "getbalance": `getbalance ("account" "minconf") +Returns the balance for an account. If "account" is not specified this is the +total balance for the server. if "minconf" is provided then only transactions +with at least "minconf" confirmations will be counted for the balance. The +result is a JSON numeric type.`, + + "getbestblockhash": `getbestblockhash +Returns the hash of the last block in the longest blockchain known to +the server as a hex encoded string.`, + + "getblock": `getblock "hash" ( verbose verbosetx=false) +Returns data about the block with hash "hash". If verbose is false a +string of hex-encoded data for the block is returned. If verbose is true +a JSON object is provided with the following: +{ + "hash":"hash", # The block hash (same as argument). + "confirmations":n, # Number of confirmations as numeric. + "size":n, # Block size as numeric. + "height":n, # Block height as numeric. + "version":n, # Block version as numeric. + "merkelroot":"...", # The merkle root of the block. + "tx" : [ # the transactions in the block as an array of strings. + "transactionid", + ... + ], + "time":t, # The block time in seconds since the epoch. + "nonce":n, # The nonce of the block as a number. + "bits":"1d00ffff", # the compact representation of the difficulty as bits. + "difficulty":n, # the difficulty of the block as a number. + "previousblockhash":"hash", # hash of the previous block as a string. + "nextblockhash":""hash", # hash of the next block as a string. +} +If "verbosetx" is true, the returned object will contain a "rawtx" member +instead of the "tx" member; It will contain objects representing the +transactions in the block in format used by getrawtransaction. +Please note that verbosetx is a btcd/btcjson extension.`, + + "getblockcount": `getblockcount +Returns a numeric for the number of blocks in the longest block chain.`, + + "getblockhash": `getblockhash index +Returns the hash of the block (as a string) at the given index in the +current blockchain.`, + + "getblocktemplate": `getblocktemplate ( jsonrequestobject ) +Returns a block template for external mining purposes. The optional +request object follows the following format: +{ + "mode":"template" # Optional, "template" or omitted. + "capabilities": [ # List of strings, optional. + "support", # Client side features supported. one of: + ... # "longpoll", "coinbasetxn", "coinbasevalue", + ... # "proposal", "serverlist", "workid". + ] +} +The result object is of the following format: +{ + "version":n, # Numeric block version. + "previousblockhash":"string" # Hash of the current tip of the blocktrain. + "transactions":[ + "data" # String of hex-encoded serialized transaction. + "hash" # Hex encoded hash of the tx. + "depends": [ # Array of numbers representing the transactions + n, # that must be included in the final block if + ..., # this one is. A 1 based index into the + ..., # transactions list. + ] + "fee":n # Numeric transaction fee in satoshi. This is calculated by the diffrence between the sum of inputs and outputs. For coinbase transaction this is a negative number of total collected block fees. If not present fee is unknown; clients must not assume that there is no fee in this case. + "sigops":n # Number of total signature operations calculated for purposes of block limits. If not present the count is unknown but clients must not assume it is zero. + "required":true|false # If provided and true this transaction *must* be in the final block. + ], + "coinbaseaux": { # Object of data to be included in coinbase's scriptSig. + "flags":"flags" # String of flags. + } + "coinbasevalue" # Numeric value in satoshi for maximum allowable input to coinbase transaction, including transaction fees and mining aware. + "coinbasetxn":{} # Object contining information for coinbase transaction. + "target":"target", # The hash target as a string. + "mintime":t, # Minimum timestamp appropriate for next block in seconds since the epoch. + "mutable":[ # Array of ways the template may be modified. + "value" # e.g. "time", "transactions", "prevblock", etc + ] + "noncerange":"00000000ffffffff" # Wtring representing the range of valid nonces. + "sigopliit" # Numeric limit for max sigops in block. + "sizelimit" # Numeric limit of block size. + "curtime":t # Current timestamp in seconds since the epoch. + "bits":"xxx", # Compressed target for next block as string. + "height":n, # Numeric height of the next block. +}`, + + "getconnectioncount": `getconnectioncount +Returns the number of connections to other nodes currently active as a JSON +number.`, + + "getdifficulty": `getdifficulty +Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a JSON number. The result is a +multiple of the minimum difficulty.`, + + "getgenerate": `getgenerate +Returns JSON boolean whether or not the server is set to "mine" coins or not.`, + + "gethashespersec": `gethashespersec +Returns a JSON number representing a recent measurement of hashes-per-second +during mining.`, + + "getinfo": `getinfo +Returns a JSON object containing state information about the service: +{ + "version":n, # Numeric server version. + "protocolversion":n, # Numeric protocol version. + "walletversion":n, # Numeric wallet version. + "balance":n, # Total balance in the wallet as a number. + "blocks":n, # Numeric detailing current number of blocks. + "timeoffset":n, # Numeric server time offset. + "proxy":"host:port" # Optional string detailing the proxy in use. + "difficulty":n, # Current blockchain difficulty as a number. + "testnet":true|false # Boolean if the server is testnet. + "keypoololdest":t, # Oldest timstamp for pre generated keys. (in seconds since the epoch). + "keypoolsize":n, # Numeric size of the wallet keypool. + "paytxfee":n, # Numeric transaction fee that has been set. + "unlocked_until":t, # Numeric time the wallet is unlocked for in seconds since epoch. + "errors":"..." # Any error messages as a string. +}`, + + "getmininginfo": `getmininginfo +Returns a JSON object containing information related to mining: +{ + "blocks":n, # Numeric current block + "currentblocksize":n, # Numeric last block size. + currentblocktx":n, # Numeric last block transaction + "difficulty":n, # Numeric current difficulty. + "errors":"...", # Current error string. +}`, + + "getnettotals": `getnettotals +Returns JSON object containinng network traffic statistics: +{ + "totalbytesrecv":n, # Numeric total bytes received. + "totalbytessent":n, # Numeric total bytes sent. + "timemilis",t, # Total numeric cpu time. +}`, + + "getnetworkhashps": `getnetworkhashps ( blocks=120 height=-1 ) +Returns the estimated network hash rate per second based on the last +"blocks" blocks. If "blocks" is -1 then the number of blocks since the +last difficulty change will be used. If "height" is set then the +calculation will be carried out for the given block height instead of +the block tip. A JSON number is returned with the hashes per second +estimate.`, + + "getnewaddress": `getnewaddress ( "account" ) +Returns a string for a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments. In the case +that "account" is specified then the address will be for "account", else the +default account will be used.`, + + "getpeerinfo": `getpeerinfo +Returns a list of JSON objects containing information about each connected +network node. The objects have the following format: +[ + { + "addr":"host:port" # IP and port of the peer as a string. + "addrlocal":"ip:port" # Local address as a string. + "services":"00000001", # Services bitmask as a string. + "lastsend":t, # Time in seconds since epoch since last send. + "lastrecv":t, # Time in seconds since epoch since last received message. + "bytessent":n, # Total number of bytes sent. + "bytesrecv":n, # Total number of bytes received + "conntime":t, # Connection time in seconds since epoc. + "pingtime":n, # Ping time + "pingwait":n, # Ping wait. + "version":n, # The numeric peer version. + "subver":"/btcd:0.1/" # The peer useragent string. + "inbound":true|false, # True or false whether peer is inbound. + "startingheight":n, # Numeric block heght of peer at connect time. + "banscore":n, # The numeric ban score. + "syncnode":true|false, # Boolean if the peer is the current sync node. + } +]`, + "getrawchangeaddress": `getrawchangeaddress +Returns a string containing a new Bitcoin addres for receiving change. +This rpc call is for use with raw transactions only.`, + + "getrawmempool": `getrawmempool ( verbose ) +Returns the contents of the transaction memory pool as a JSON array. If +verbose is false just the transaction ids will be returned as strings. +If it is true then objects in the following format will be returned: +[ + "transactionid": { + "size":n, # Numeric transaction size in bytes. + "fee":n, # Numeric transqaction fee in btc. + "time":t, # Time transaction entered pool in seconds since the epoch. + "height":n, # Numeric block height when the transaction entered pool. + "startingpriority:n, # Numeric transaction priority when it entered the pool. + "currentpriority":n, # Numeric transaction priority. + "depends":[ # Unconfirmed transactions used as inputs for this one. As an array of strings. + "transactionid", # Parent transaction id. + ] + }, + ... +]`, + + "getrawtransaction": `getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose ) +Returns raw data related to "txid". If verbose is false, a string containing +hex-encoded serialized data for txid. If verbose is true a JSON object with the +following information about txid is returned: +{ + "hex":"data", # String of serialized, hex encoded data for txid. + "txid":"id", # String containing the transaction id (same as "txid" parameter) + "version":n # Numeric tx version number. + "locktime":t, # Transaction locktime. + "vin":[ # Array of objects representing transaction inputs. + { + "txid":"id", # Spent transaction id as a string. + "vout""n, # Spent transaction output no. + "scriptSig":{ # Signature script as an object. + "asm":"asm", # Disassembled script string. + "hex":"hex", # Hex serialized string. + }, + "sequence":n, # Script sequence number. + }, + ... + ], + vout:[ # Array of objects representing transaction outputs. + { + "value":n, # Numeric value of output in btc. + "n", n, # Numeric output index. + "scriptPubKey":{ # Object representing pubkey script. + "asm":"asm" # Disassembled string of script. + "hex":"hex" # Hex serialized string. + "reqSigs":n, # Number of required signatures. + "type":"pubkey", # Type of scirpt. e.g. pubkeyhash" or "pubkey". + "addresses":[ # Array of address strings. + "address", # Bitcoin address. + ... + ], + } + } + ], + "blockhash":"hash" # Hash of the block the transaction is part of. + "confirmations":n, # Number of numeric confirmations of block. + "time":t, # Transaction time in seconds since the epoch. + "blocktime":t, # Block time in seconds since the epoch. +}`, + + "getreceivedbyaccount": `getreceivedbyaccount "account" ( minconf=1 ) +Returns the total amount of BTC received by addresses related to "account". +Only transactions with at least "minconf" confirmations are considered.`, + + "getreceivedbyaddress": `getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf=1 ) +Returns the total amount of BTC received by the given address. Only transactions +with "minconf" confirmations will be used for the total.`, + + "gettransaction": `gettransaction "txid" +Returns a JSON object containing detailed information about the in-wallet +transaction "txid". The object follows the following format: +{ + "amount":n, # Transaction amount in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # Number of confirmations for transaction. + "blockhash":"hash", # Hash of block transaction is part of. + "blockindex":n, # Index of block transaction is part of. + "blocktime":t, # Time of block transaction is part of. + "txid":"id", # Transaction id. + "time":t, # Transaction time in seconds since epoch. + "timereceived":t, # Time transaction was received in seconds since epoch. + "details":[ + { + "account":"name", # The acount name involvedi n the transaction. "" means the default. + "address":"address", # The address involved in the transaction as a string. + "category":"send|recieve", # Category - either send or recieve. + "amount":n, # numeric amount in BTC. + } + ... + ] +}`, + + "gettxout": `gettxout "txid" n ( includemempool ) +Returns an object containing detauls about an unspent transaction output +the "n"th output of "txid": +{ + "bestblock":"hash", # Block has containing transaction. + "confirmations":n, # Number of confirmations for block. + "value":n # Transaction value in BTC. + scriptPubkey" { + "asm":"asm", # Disassembled string of script. + "hex":"hex", # String script serialized and hex encoded. + "reqSigs" # Numeric required signatures. + "type":"pubkeyhash" # Type of transaction. e.g. pubkeyhas + "addresses":[ # Array of strings containing addresses. + "address", + ... + ] + }, +}`, + + "gettxoutsetinfo": `gettxoutsetinfo +Returns an object containing startstics about the unspent transaction +output set: +{ + "height":n, # Numeric current block height. + "bestblock":"hex" # Hex string of best block hash. + "transactions":n, # Numeric count of transactions. + "txouts":n # Numeric count of transaction outputs. + "bytes_serialized":n # Numeric serialized size. + "hash_serialized" # String of serialized hash. + "total_amount":n, # Numeric total amount in BTC. +}`, + + "getwork": `getwork ( "data" ) +If "data" is present it is a hex encoded block datastruture that has been byte +reversed, if this is the case then the server will try to solve the +block and return true upon success, false upon failure. If data is not +specified the following object is returned to describe the work to be +solved: +{ + "midstate":"xxx", # String of precomputed hash state for the first half of the data (deprecated). + "data":"...", # Block data as string. + "hash1":"..." # Hash buffer for second hash as string. (deprecated). + "target":"...", # Byte reversed hash target. +}`, + + "help": `help ( "command" ) +With no arguemnts, lists the supported commands. If "command" is +specified then help text for that command is returned as a string.`, + + "importprivkey": `importprivkey "privkey" ( "label" rescan=true ) +Adds a private key (in the same format as dumpprivkey) to the wallet. If label +is provided this is used as a label for the key. If rescan is true then the +blockchain will be scanned for transaction.`, + + "importwallet": `importwallet "filename" +Imports keys from the wallet dump file in "filename".`, + + "keypoolrefill": `keypoolrefill ( newsize=100 ) +Refills the wallet pregenerated key pool to a size of "newsize"`, + + "listaccounts": `listaccounts ( minconf=1) +Returns a JSON object mapping account names to account balances: +{ + "accountname": n # Account name to numeric balance in BTC. + ... +}`, + + "listaddressgroupings": `listaddressgroupings +Returns a JSON array of array of addreses which have had their relation to each +other made public by common use as inputs or in the change address. The data +takes the following format: +[ + [ + [ + "address", # Bitcoin address. + amount, # Amount in BTC. + "account" # Optional account name string. + ], + ... + ], + ... +]`, + + "listlockunspent": `listlockunspent +Returns a JSON array of objects detailing transaction outputs that are +temporarily unspendable due to being processed by the lockunspent call. +[ + { + "txid":"txid" # Id of locked transaction as a string. + "vout":n, # Numeric index of locked output. + }, + ... +]`, + + "listreceivedbyaccount": `listreceivedbyaccount ( minconf=1 includeempty=false ) +Returns a JSON array containing objects for each account detailing their +balances. Only transaction with at least "minconf" confirmations will be +included. If "includeempty" is true then accounts who have received no payments +will also be included, else they will be elided. The format is as follows: +[ + { + "account":"name", # Name of the receiving account. + "amount":n, # Total received amount in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # Total confirmations for most recent transaction. + } +]`, + + "listreceivedbyaddress": `listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf=1 includeempty=false ) +Returns a JSON array containing objects for each address detailing their +balances. Only transaction with at least "minconf" confirmations will be +included. If "includeempty" is true then adresses who have received no payments +will also be included, else they will be elided. The format is as follows: +[ + { + "account":"name", # Name of the receiving account. + "amount":n, # Total received amount in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # Total confirmations for most recent transaction. + } +]`, + + "listsinceblock": `listsinceblock ("blockhash" minconf=1) +Gets all wallet transactions in block since "blockhash", if blockhash is +omitted then all transactions are provided. If present the only transactions +with "minconf" confirmations are listed. +{ + "transactions":[ + "account" # String of account related to the transaction. + "address" # String of related address of transaction. + "category":"send|receive" # String detailing whether transaction was a send or receive of funds. + "amount":n, # Numeric value of transaction. Negative if transaction category was "send" + "fee":n, # Numeric value of transaction fee in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # Number of transaction confirmations + "blockhash":"hash" # String of hash of block transaction is part of. + "blockindex":n, # Numeric index of block transaction is part of. + "blocktime":t, # Block time in seconds since the epoch. + "txid":"id", # Transaction id. + "time":t, # Transaction time in second since the epoch. + "timereceived":t, # Time transaction received in seconds since the epoch. + "comment":"...", # String of the comment associated with the transaction. + "to":"...", # String of "to" comment of the transaction. + ] + "lastblock":"lastblockhash" # Hash of the last block as a string. +}`, + + "listtransactions": `listtransactions ( "account" count=10 from=0 ) +Returns up to "count" most recent wallet transactions for "account" (or all +accounts if none specified) skipping the first "from" transactions. +{ + "transactions":[ + "account" # String of account related to the transaction. + "address" # String of related address of transaction. + "category":"send|receive|move" # String detailing whether transaction was a send or receive of funds.Move is a local move between accounts and doesnt touch the blockchain. + "amount":n, # Numeric value of transaction. Negative if transaction category was "send" + "fee":n, # Numeric value of transaction fee in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # Number of transaction confirmations + "blockhash":"hash" # String of hash of block transaction is part of. + "blockindex":n, # Numeric index of block transaction is part of. + "blocktime":t, # Block time in seconds since the epoch. + "txid":"id", # Transaction id. + "time":t, # Transaction time in second since the epoch. + "timereceived":t, # Time transaction received in seconds since the epoch. + "comment":"...", # String of the comment associated with the transaction. + "to":"...", # String of "to" comment of the transaction. + ] + "lastblock":"lastblockhash" # Hash of the last block as a string. +}`, + + "listunspent": `listunspent (minconf=1 maxconf=9999999 ["address",...] +Returns a JSON array of objects representing unspent transaction outputs with +between minconf and maxconf confirmations (inclusive). If the array of addresses +is present then only txouts paid to the addresses listed will be considered. The +objects take the following format: +[ + { + "txid":"id", # The transaction id as a string. + "vout":n, # The output number of the tx. + "address":"add", # String of the transaction address. + "account":"acc", # The associated account, "" for default. + "scriptPubkey":"key" # The pubkeyscript as a string. + "amount":n, # The value of the transaction in BTC. + "confirmations":n, # The numer of confirmations. + }, + ... +]`, + + "lockunspent": `lockunspent unlock [{"txid":id", "vout":n},...] +Changes the llist of temporarily unspendable transaction outputs. The +transacion outputs in the list of objects provided will be marked as +locked (if unlock is false) or unlocked (unlock is true). A locked +transaction will not be chosen automatically to be spent when a +tranaction is created. Boolean is returned whether the command succeeded.`, + + "move": `move "fromaccount" "toaccount" amount ( minconf=1 "comment" ) +Moves a specifies amount from "fromaccount" to "toaccount". Only funds +with minconf confirmations are used. If comment is present this comment +will be stored in the wallet with the transaction. Boolean is returned +to denode success.`, + + "ping": `ping +Queues a ping to be sent to each connected peer. Ping times are provided in +getpeerinfo.`, + + "sendfrom": `sendfrom "fromaccount" "tobitcoinaddress" amount ( minconf=1 "comment" "comment-to" ) +Sends "amount" (rounded to the nearest 0.00000001) to +"tobitcoindaddress" from "fromaccount". Only funds with at least +"minconf" confirmations will be considered. If "comment" is present this +will be store the purpose of the transaction. If "comment-to" is present +this comment will be recorded locally to store the recipient of the +transaction.`, + + "sendmany": `sendmany "fromaccount" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf=1 "comment" ) +Sends funds to multiple recipients. Funds from "fromaccount" are send to the +address/amount pairs specified. Only funds with minconf confirmations are +considered. "comment" if present is recorded locally as the purpose of the +transaction.`, + + "sendrawtransaction": `sendrawtransaction "hexstring" (allowhighfees=false) +Submits the hex-encoded transaction in "hexstring" to the bitcoin network via +the local node. If allowhighfees is true then high fees will be allowed.`, + + "sendtoaddress": `sendtoaddress "bitcoindaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to") +Send "amount" BTC (rounded to the nearest 0.00000001) to "bitcoinaddress". If +comment is set, it will be stored locally to describe the purpose of the +transaction. If comment-to" is set it will be stored locally to describe the +recipient of the transaction. A string containing the transaction id is +returned if successful.`, + + "setaccount": `setaccount "address" "account" +Sets the account associated with "address" to "account".`, + + "setgenerate": `setgenerate generate ( genproclimit ) +Sets the current mining state to "generate". Up to "genproclimit" processors +will be used, if genproclimit is -1 then it is unlimited.`, + + "settxfee": `settxfee amount +Sets the current transaction fee.`, + + "signmessage": `signmessage "address" "message" +Returns a signature for "message" with the private key of "address"`, + + "signrawtransaction": `signrawtransaction "hexstring" ( prevtxs ["privatekey",...] sighashtype="ALL" ) +Signs the inputs for the serialized and hex encoded transaction in +"hexstring". "prevtxs" optionally is an is an array of objects +representing the previous tx outputs that are spent here but may not yet +be in the blockchain, it takes the following format: +[ + { + "txid":id:, # String of transaction id. + "vout":n, # Output number. + "scriptPubKey":"hex", # Hex encoded string of pubkey script from transaction. + "redemScript":"hex" # Hex encoded redemption script. + }, + ... +] +If the third argument is provided these base58-encoded private keys in +the list will be the only keys used to sign the transaction. sighashtype +optionally denoes the signature hash type to be used. is must be one of the +following: + "ALL", + "NONE", + "SINGLE", + "ALL|ANYONECANPAY", + "NONE|ANYONECANPAY", + "SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY". +The return value takes the following format: +{ + "hex":"value" # Hex string of raw transactino with signatures applied. + "complete":n, # If the transaction has a complete set of signatures. 0 if false. +}`, + + "stop": `stop +Stop the server.`, + + "submitblock": `submitblock "data" ( optionalparameterobject ) +Will attempt to submit the block serialized in "data" to the bitcoin network. +optionalparametersobject takes the following format: +{ + "workid":"id" # If getblocktemplate provided a workid it must be included with submissions. +}`, + + "validateaddress": `validateaddress "address +Returns a JSON objects containing information about the provided "address". +Format: +{ + "isvalid":true|false, # If the address is valid. If false this is the only property returned. + "address:"address", # The address that was validated. + "ismine":true|false, # If the address belongs to the server. + "isscript:true|false, # If the address is a script address. + "pubkey":"pk", # The hex value of the public key associated with the address. + "iscompressed":true|false, # If the address is compresssed. + "account":"account", # The related account. "" is the default. +}`, + + "verifychain": `verifychain ( checklevel=3 numblocks=288 ) +Verifies the stored blockchain database. "checklevel" denotes how thorough the +check is and "numblocks" how many blocks from the tip will be verified.`, + + "verifymessage": `verifymessage "bitcoinaddress" "signature" "message" +Verifies the signature "signature" for "message" from the key related +to "bitcoinaddress". The return is true or false if the signature +verified correctly.`, + + "walletlock": `walletlock +Removes any encryption key for the wallet from memory, unlocking the wallet. +In order to use wallet functionality again the wallet must be unlocked via +walletpassphrase.`, + + "walletpassphrase": `walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout +Decrypts the wallet for "timeout" seconds with "passphrase". This is required +before using wallet functionality.`, + + "walletpassphrasechange": `walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase" +Changes the wallet passphrase from "oldpassphrase" to "newpassphrase".`, +} + +// GetHelpString returns a string containing help text for "cmdName". If +// cmdName is unknown to btcjson - either via the default command list or those +// registered using RegisterCustomCmd - an error will be returned. +func GetHelpString(cmdName string) (string, error) { + helpstr := "" + + if help, ok := defaultHelpStrings[cmdName]; ok { + return help, nil + } + if c, ok := customCmds[cmdName]; ok { + return c.helpString, nil + } + return helpstr, errors.New("Invalid command specified") +} diff --git a/jsoncmd.go b/jsoncmd.go index 571c1835..1cd8c4dd 100644 --- a/jsoncmd.go +++ b/jsoncmd.go @@ -40,12 +40,17 @@ type RawCmd struct { // ParseRawCmd is a function to create a custom Cmd from a RawCmd. type RawCmdParser func(*RawCmd) (Cmd, error) -var customCmds = make(map[string]RawCmdParser) +type cmd struct { + parser RawCmdParser + helpString string +} + +var customCmds = make(map[string]cmd) // RegisterCustomCmd registers a custom RawCmd parsing func for a // non-standard Bitcoin command. -func RegisterCustomCmd(method string, parser RawCmdParser) { - customCmds[method] = parser +func RegisterCustomCmd(method string, parser RawCmdParser, helpString string) { + customCmds[method] = cmd{parser: parser, helpString: helpString} } // ParseMarshaledCmd parses a raw command and unmarshals as a Cmd. @@ -286,8 +291,8 @@ func ParseMarshaledCmd(b []byte) (Cmd, error) { default: // None of the standard Bitcoin RPC methods matched. Try // registered custom commands. - if f, ok := customCmds[r.Method]; ok { - return f(&r) + if c, ok := customCmds[r.Method]; ok { + return c.parser(&r) } } diff --git a/jsoncmd_test.go b/jsoncmd_test.go index cce2a2e1..de21a4ba 100644 --- a/jsoncmd_test.go +++ b/jsoncmd_test.go @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import ( "encoding/json" "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" "reflect" + "strings" "testing" ) @@ -1539,3 +1540,95 @@ func TestCmds(t *testing.T) { } } + +func TestHelps(t *testing.T) { + helpTests := []string{ + "addmultisigaddress", + "addnode", + "backupwallet", + "createmultisig", + "createrawtransaction", + "debuglevel", + "decoderawtransaction", + "decodescript", + "dumpprivkey", + "dumpwallet", + "encryptwallet", + "getaccount", + "getaccountaddress", + "getaddednodeinfo", + "getaddressesbyaccount", + "getbalance", + "getbestblockhash", + "getblock", + "getblockcount", + "getblockhash", + "getblocktemplate", + "getconnectioncount", + "getdifficulty", + "getgenerate", + "gethashespersec", + "getinfo", + "getmininginfo", + "getnettotals", + "getnetworkhashps", + "getnewaddress", + "getpeerinfo", + "getrawchangeaddress", + "getrawmempool", + "getrawtransaction", + "getreceivedbyaccount", + "getreceivedbyaddress", + "gettransaction", + "gettxout", + "gettxoutsetinfo", + "getwork", + "help", + "importprivkey", + "importwallet", + "keypoolrefill", + "listaccounts", + "listaddressgroupings", + "listlockunspent", + "listreceivedbyaccount", + "listreceivedbyaddress", + "listsinceblock", + "listtransactions", + "listunspent", + "lockunspent", + "move", + "ping", + "sendfrom", + "sendmany", + "sendrawtransaction", + "sendtoaddress", + "setaccount", + "setgenerate", + "settxfee", + "signmessage", + "signrawtransaction", + "stop", + "submitblock", + "validateaddress", + "verifychain", + "verifymessage", + "walletlock", + "walletpassphrase", + "walletpassphrasechange", + } + + for _, test := range helpTests { + helpStr, err := GetHelpString(test) + if err != nil { + t.Errorf("%s: failed to get help string: %v", + test, err) + continue + } + + if !strings.HasPrefix(helpStr, test) { + t.Errorf("%s: help string doesn't begin with command "+ + "name: \"%s\"", test, helpStr) + continue + } + } +}