// Copyright (c) 2013 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (

// supportedServices describes which services are supported by the server.
const supportedServices = btcwire.SFNodeNetwork

// connectionRetryInterval is the amount of time to wait in between retries
// when connecting to persistent peers.
const connectionRetryInterval = time.Second * 10

// defaultMaxOutbound is the default number of max outbound peers.
const defaultMaxOutbound = 8

// directionString is a helper function that returns a string that represents
// the direction of a connection (inbound or outbound).
func directionString(inbound bool) string {
	if inbound {
		return "inbound"
	return "outbound"

// broadcastMsg provides the ability to house a bitcoin message to be broadcast
// to all connected peers except specified excluded peers.
type broadcastMsg struct {
	message      btcwire.Message
	excludePeers []*peer

// server provides a bitcoin server for handling communications to and from
// bitcoin peers.
type server struct {
	nonce         uint64
	listeners     []net.Listener
	btcnet        btcwire.BitcoinNet
	started       bool
	shutdown      int32 // atomic
	shutdownSched int32 // atomic
	addrManager   *AddrManager
	rpcServer     *rpcServer
	blockManager  *blockManager
	newPeers      chan *peer
	donePeers     chan *peer
	banPeers      chan *peer
	wakeup        chan bool
	relayInv      chan *btcwire.InvVect
	broadcast     chan broadcastMsg
	wg            sync.WaitGroup
	quit          chan bool
	db            btcdb.Db

// handleAddPeerMsg deals with adding new peers.  It is invoked from the
// peerHandler goroutine.
func (s *server) handleAddPeerMsg(peers *list.List, banned map[string]time.Time, p *peer) bool {
	if p == nil {
		return false

	// Ignore new peers if we're shutting down.
	direction := directionString(p.inbound)
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
		log.Infof("[SRVR] New peer %s (%s) ignored - server is "+
			"shutting down", p.addr, direction)
		return false

	// Disconnect banned peers.
	host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(p.addr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("[SRVR] %v", err)
		return false
	if banEnd, ok := banned[host]; ok {
		if time.Now().Before(banEnd) {
			log.Debugf("[SRVR] Peer %s is banned for another %v - "+
				"disconnecting", host, banEnd.Sub(time.Now()))
			return false

		log.Infof("[SRVR] Peer %s is no longer banned", host)
		delete(banned, host)

	// TODO: Check for max peers from a single IP.

	// Limit max number of total peers.
	if peers.Len() >= cfg.MaxPeers {
		log.Infof("[SRVR] Max peers reached [%d] - disconnecting "+
			"peer %s (%s)", cfg.MaxPeers, p.addr, direction)
		// TODO(oga) how to handle permanent peers here?
		// they should be rescheduled.
		return false

	// Add the new peer and start it.
	log.Infof("[SRVR] New peer %s (%s)", p.addr, direction)
	if p.inbound {

	return true

// handleDonePeerMsg deals with peers that have signalled they are done.  It is
// invoked from the peerHandler goroutine.
func (s *server) handleDonePeerMsg(peers *list.List, p *peer) bool {
	direction := directionString(p.inbound)
	for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		if e.Value == p {

			// Issue an asynchronous reconnect if the peer was a
			// persistent outbound connection.
			if !p.inbound && p.persistent &&
				atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) == 0 {
				// attempt reconnect.
				addr := p.addr
				e.Value = newOutboundPeer(s, addr, true)
				return false
			log.Infof("[SRVR] Removed peer %s (%s)", p.addr,
			return true
	log.Warnf("[SRVR] Lost peer %v that we never had!", p)
	return false

// handleBanPeerMsg deals with banning peers.  It is invoked from the
// peerHandler goroutine.
func (s *server) handleBanPeerMsg(banned map[string]time.Time, p *peer) {
	host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(p.addr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("[SRVR] %v", err)
	direction := directionString(p.inbound)
	log.Infof("[SRVR] Banned peer %s (%s) for %v", host, direction,
	banned[host] = time.Now().Add(cfg.BanDuration)


// handleRelayInvMsg deals with relaying inventory to peers that are not already
// known to have it.  It is invoked from the peerHandler goroutine.
func (s *server) handleRelayInvMsg(peers *list.List, iv *btcwire.InvVect) {
	// TODO(davec): Don't relay inventory during the initial block chain
	// download.

	// Loop through all connected peers and relay the inventory to those
	// which are not already known to have it.
	for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		p := e.Value.(*peer)
		if p.conn == nil {

		// Queue the inventory to be relayed with the next batch.  It
		// will be ignored if the peer is already known to have the
		// inventory.

// handleBroadcastMsg deals with broadcasting messages to peers.  It is invoked
// from the peerHandler goroutine.
func (s *server) handleBroadcastMsg(peers *list.List, bmsg *broadcastMsg) {
	for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		excluded := false
		for _, p := range bmsg.excludePeers {
			if e.Value == p {
				excluded = true
		p := e.Value.(*peer)
		// Don't broadcast to still connecting outbound peers .
		if p.conn == nil {
			excluded = true
		if !excluded {

// listenHandler is the main listener which accepts incoming connections for the
// server.  It must be run as a goroutine.
func (s *server) listenHandler(listener net.Listener) {
	log.Infof("[SRVR] Server listening on %s", listener.Addr())
	for atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) == 0 {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			// Only log the error if we're not forcibly shutting down.
			if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) == 0 {
				log.Errorf("[SRVR] %v", err)
		s.AddPeer(newInboundPeer(s, conn))
	log.Tracef("[SRVR] Listener handler done for %s", listener.Addr())

// peerHandler is used to handle peer operations such as adding and removing
// peers to and from the server, banning peers, and broadcasting messages to
// peers.  It must be run a a goroutine.
func (s *server) peerHandler() {
	// Start the address manager and block manager, both of which are needed
	// by peers.  This is done here since their lifecycle is closely tied
	// to this handler and rather than adding more channels to sychronize
	// things, it's easier and slightly faster to simply start and stop them
	// in this handler.

	log.Tracef("[SRVR] Starting peer handler")
	peers := list.New()
	bannedPeers := make(map[string]time.Time)
	outboundPeers := 0
	maxOutbound := defaultMaxOutbound
	if cfg.MaxPeers < maxOutbound {
		maxOutbound = cfg.MaxPeers

	// Do initial DNS seeding to populate address manager.
	if !cfg.DisableDNSSeed {
		proxy := ""
		if cfg.Proxy != "" && cfg.UseTor {
			proxy = cfg.Proxy
		for _, seeder := range activeNetParams.dnsSeeds {
			seedpeers := dnsDiscover(seeder, proxy)
			if len(seedpeers) == 0 {
			addresses := make([]*btcwire.NetAddress, len(seedpeers))
			// if this errors then we have *real* problems
			intPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(activeNetParams.peerPort)
			for i, peer := range seedpeers {
				addresses[i] = new(btcwire.NetAddress)
				addresses[i].SetAddress(peer, uint16(intPort))
				// bitcoind seeds with addresses from
				// a time randomly selected between 3
				// and 7 days ago.
				addresses[i].Timestamp = time.Now().Add(-1 *
					time.Second * time.Duration(secondsIn3Days+

			// Bitcoind uses a lookup of the dns seeder here. This
			// is rather strange since the values looked up by the
			// DNS seed lookups will vary quite a lot.
			// to replicate this behaviour we put all addresses as
			// having come from the first one.
			s.addrManager.AddAddresses(addresses, addresses[0])
		// XXX if this is empty do we want to use hardcoded
		// XXX peers like bitcoind does?

	// Start up persistent peers.
	permanentPeers := cfg.ConnectPeers
	if len(permanentPeers) == 0 {
		permanentPeers = cfg.AddPeers
	for _, addr := range permanentPeers {
		if s.handleAddPeerMsg(peers, bannedPeers,
			newOutboundPeer(s, addr, true)) {

	// if nothing else happens, wake us up soon.
	time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() { s.wakeup <- true })

	for {
		select {
		// New peers connected to the server.
		case p := <-s.newPeers:
			if s.handleAddPeerMsg(peers, bannedPeers, p) &&
				!p.inbound {

		// Disconnected peers.
		case p := <-s.donePeers:
			// handleDonePeerMsg return true if it removed a peer
			if s.handleDonePeerMsg(peers, p) {

		// Peer to ban.
		case p := <-s.banPeers:
			s.handleBanPeerMsg(bannedPeers, p)

		// New inventory to potentially be relayed to other peers.
		case invMsg := <-s.relayInv:
			s.handleRelayInvMsg(peers, invMsg)

		// Message to broadcast to all connected peers except those
		// which are excluded by the message.
		case bmsg := <-s.broadcast:
			s.handleBroadcastMsg(peers, &bmsg)

		// Used by timers below to wake us back up.
		case <-s.wakeup:
			// this page left intentionally blank

		// Shutdown the peer handler.
		case <-s.quit:
			// Shutdown peers.
			for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
				p := e.Value.(*peer)
			break out

		// Only try connect to more peers if we actually need more
		if outboundPeers >= maxOutbound || len(cfg.ConnectPeers) > 0 ||
			atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
		groups := make(map[string]int)
		for e := peers.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
			peer := e.Value.(*peer)
			if !peer.inbound {

		tries := 0
		for outboundPeers < maxOutbound &&
			peers.Len() < cfg.MaxPeers &&
			atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) == 0 {
			// We bias like bitcoind does, 10 for no outgoing
			// up to 90 (8) for the selection of new vs tried

			nPeers := outboundPeers
			if nPeers > 8 {
				nPeers = 8
			addr := s.addrManager.GetAddress("any", 10+nPeers*10)
			if addr == nil {
			key := GroupKey(addr.na)
			// Address will not be invalid, local or unroutable
			// because addrmanager rejects those on addition.
			// Just check that we don't already have an address
			// in the same group so that we are not connecting
			// to the same network segment at the expense of
			// others. bitcoind breaks out of the loop here, but
			// we continue to try other addresses.
			if groups[key] != 0 {

			// After 100 bad tries exit the loop and we'll try again
			// later.
			if tries > 100 {

			// XXX if we have limited that address skip

			// only allow recent nodes (10mins) after we failed 30
			// times
			if time.Now().After(addr.lastattempt.Add(10*time.Minute)) &&
				tries < 30 {

			// allow nondefault ports after 50 failed tries.
			if fmt.Sprintf("%d", addr.na.Port) !=
				activeNetParams.peerPort && tries < 50 {

			addrStr := NetAddressKey(addr.na)

			tries = 0
			// any failure will be due to banned peers etc. we have
			// already checked that we have room for more peers.
			if s.handleAddPeerMsg(peers, bannedPeers,
				newOutboundPeer(s, addrStr, false)) {

		// We we need more peers, wake up in ten seconds and try again.
		if outboundPeers < maxOutbound && peers.Len() < cfg.MaxPeers {
			time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() {
				s.wakeup <- true

	log.Tracef("[SRVR] Peer handler done")

// AddPeer adds a new peer that has already been connected to the server.
func (s *server) AddPeer(p *peer) {
	s.newPeers <- p

// BanPeer bans a peer that has already been connected to the server by ip.
func (s *server) BanPeer(p *peer) {
	s.banPeers <- p

// RelayInventory relays the passed inventory to all connected peers that are
// not already known to have it.
func (s *server) RelayInventory(invVect *btcwire.InvVect) {
	s.relayInv <- invVect

// BroadcastMessage sends msg to all peers currently connected to the server
// except those in the passed peers to exclude.
func (s *server) BroadcastMessage(msg btcwire.Message, exclPeers ...*peer) {
	// XXX: Need to determine if this is an alert that has already been
	// broadcast and refrain from broadcasting again.
	bmsg := broadcastMsg{message: msg, excludePeers: exclPeers}
	s.broadcast <- bmsg

// Start begins accepting connections from peers.
func (s *server) Start() {
	// Already started?
	if s.started {

	log.Trace("[SRVR] Starting server")

	// Start all the listeners.  There will not be any if listening is
	// disabled.
	for _, listener := range s.listeners {
		go s.listenHandler(listener)

	// Start the peer handler which in turn starts the address and block
	// managers.
	go s.peerHandler()

	// Start the RPC server if it's not disabled.
	if !cfg.DisableRPC {

	s.started = true

// Stop gracefully shuts down the server by stopping and disconnecting all
// peers and the main listener.
func (s *server) Stop() error {
	// Make sure this only happens once.
	if atomic.AddInt32(&s.shutdown, 1) != 1 {
		log.Infof("[SRVR] Server is already in the process of shutting down")
		return nil

	log.Warnf("[SRVR] Server shutting down")

	// Stop all the listeners.  There will not be any listeners if
	// listening is disabled.
	for _, listener := range s.listeners {
		err := listener.Close()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Shutdown the RPC server if it's not disabled.
	if !cfg.DisableRPC {

	// Signal the remaining goroutines to quit.
	return nil

// WaitForShutdown blocks until the main listener and peer handlers are stopped.
func (s *server) WaitForShutdown() {
	log.Infof("[SRVR] Server shutdown complete")

// ScheduleShutdown schedules a server shutdown after the specified duration.
// It also dynamically adjusts how often to warn the server is going down based
// on remaining duration.
func (s *server) ScheduleShutdown(duration time.Duration) {
	// Don't schedule shutdown more than once.
	if atomic.AddInt32(&s.shutdownSched, 1) != 1 {
	log.Warnf("[SRVR] Server shutdown in %v", duration)
	go func() {
		remaining := duration
		tickDuration := dynamicTickDuration(remaining)
		done := time.After(remaining)
		ticker := time.NewTicker(tickDuration)
		for {
			select {
			case <-done:
				break out
			case <-ticker.C:
				remaining = remaining - tickDuration
				if remaining < time.Second {

				// Change tick duration dynamically based on remaining time.
				newDuration := dynamicTickDuration(remaining)
				if tickDuration != newDuration {
					tickDuration = newDuration
					ticker = time.NewTicker(tickDuration)
				log.Warnf("[SRVR] Server shutdown in %v", remaining)

// newServer returns a new btcd server configured to listen on addr for the
// bitcoin network type specified in btcnet.  Use start to begin accepting
// connections from peers.
func newServer(addr string, db btcdb.Db, btcnet btcwire.BitcoinNet) (*server, error) {
	nonce, err := btcwire.RandomUint64()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var listeners []net.Listener
	if !cfg.DisableListen {
		// IPv4 listener.
		listener4, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		listeners = append(listeners, listener4)

		// IPv6 listener.
		listener6, err := net.Listen("tcp6", addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		listeners = append(listeners, listener6)

	s := server{
		nonce:       nonce,
		listeners:   listeners,
		btcnet:      btcnet,
		addrManager: NewAddrManager(),
		newPeers:    make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		donePeers:   make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		banPeers:    make(chan *peer, cfg.MaxPeers),
		wakeup:      make(chan bool),
		relayInv:    make(chan *btcwire.InvVect, cfg.MaxPeers),
		broadcast:   make(chan broadcastMsg, cfg.MaxPeers),
		quit:        make(chan bool),
		db:          db,
	bm, err := newBlockManager(&s)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.blockManager = bm

	if !cfg.DisableRPC {
		s.rpcServer, err = newRPCServer(&s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return &s, nil

// dynamicTickDuration is a convenience function used to dynamically choose a
// tick duration based on remaining time.  It is primarily used during
// server shutdown to make shutdown warnings more frequent as the shutdown time
// approaches.
func dynamicTickDuration(remaining time.Duration) time.Duration {
	switch {
	case remaining <= time.Second*5:
		return time.Second
	case remaining <= time.Second*15:
		return time.Second * 5
	case remaining <= time.Minute:
		return time.Second * 15
	case remaining <= time.Minute*5:
		return time.Minute
	case remaining <= time.Minute*15:
		return time.Minute * 5
	case remaining <= time.Hour:
		return time.Minute * 15
	return time.Hour