package node

import (


type Manager interface {
	AppendChange(chg change.Change) error
	IncrementHeightTo(height int32) ([][]byte, error)
	DecrementHeightTo(affectedNames [][]byte, height int32) error
	Height() int32
	Close() error
	Node(name []byte) (*Node, error)
	NextUpdateHeightOfNode(name []byte) ([]byte, int32)
	IterateNames(predicate func(name []byte) bool)
	ClaimHashes(name []byte) []*chainhash.Hash
	Hash(name []byte) *chainhash.Hash

type BaseManager struct {
	repo Repo

	height  int32
	cache   map[string]*Node
	changes []change.Change

func NewBaseManager(repo Repo) (Manager, error) {

	nm := &BaseManager{
		repo:  repo,
		cache: map[string]*Node{},

	return nm, nil

// Node returns a node at the current height.
// The returned node may have pending changes.
func (nm *BaseManager) Node(name []byte) (*Node, error) {

	nameStr := string(name)
	n, ok := nm.cache[nameStr]
	if ok && n != nil {
		return n.AdjustTo(nm.height, -1, name), nil

	changes, err := nm.repo.LoadChanges(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("load changes from node repo: %w", err)

	n, err = nm.newNodeFromChanges(changes, nm.height)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("create node from changes: %w", err)

	if n == nil { // they've requested a nonexistent or expired name
		return nil, nil

	nm.cache[nameStr] = n
	return n, nil

// newNodeFromChanges returns a new Node constructed from the changes.
// The changes must preserve their order received.
func (nm *BaseManager) newNodeFromChanges(changes []change.Change, height int32) (*Node, error) {

	if len(changes) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	n := New()
	previous := changes[0].Height
	count := len(changes)

	for i, chg := range changes {
		if chg.Height < previous {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected the changes to be in order by height")
		if chg.Height > height {
			count = i
		if previous < chg.Height {
			n.AdjustTo(previous, chg.Height-1, chg.Name) // update bids and activation
			previous = chg.Height

		delay := nm.getDelayForName(n, chg)
		err := n.ApplyChange(chg, delay)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("append change: %w", err)

	if count <= 0 {
		return nil, nil
	lastChange := changes[count-1]
	return n.AdjustTo(lastChange.Height, height, lastChange.Name), nil

func (nm *BaseManager) AppendChange(chg change.Change) error {

	if len(nm.changes) <= 0 {
		// this little code block is acting as a "block complete" method
		// that could be called after the merkle hash is complete
		if len(nm.cache) > param.MaxNodeManagerCacheSize {
			// TODO: use a better cache model?
			fmt.Printf("Clearing manager cache at height %d\n", nm.height)
			nm.cache = map[string]*Node{}

	delete(nm.cache, string(chg.Name))
	nm.changes = append(nm.changes, chg)

	return nil

func (nm *BaseManager) IncrementHeightTo(height int32) ([][]byte, error) {

	if height <= nm.height {
		panic("invalid height")

	names := make([][]byte, 0, len(nm.changes))
	for i := range nm.changes {
		names = append(names, nm.changes[i].Name)

	if err := nm.repo.AppendChanges(nm.changes); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("save changes to node repo: %w", err)

	// Truncate the buffer size to zero.
	if len(nm.changes) > 1000 { // TODO: determine a good number here
		nm.changes = nil // release the RAM
	} else {
		nm.changes = nm.changes[:0]
	nm.height = height

	return names, nil

func (nm *BaseManager) DecrementHeightTo(affectedNames [][]byte, height int32) error {
	if height >= nm.height {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid height")

	for _, name := range affectedNames {
		delete(nm.cache, string(name))
		if err := nm.repo.DropChanges(name, height); err != nil {
			return err

	nm.height = height

	return nil

func (nm *BaseManager) getDelayForName(n *Node, chg change.Change) int32 {
	hasBest := n.BestClaim != nil // && n.BestClaim.Status == Activated
	if hasBest && n.BestClaim.ClaimID == chg.ClaimID {
		return 0
	if chg.ActiveHeight >= chg.Height { // ActiveHeight is usually unset (aka, zero)
		return chg.ActiveHeight - chg.Height
	if !hasBest {
		return 0

	needsWorkaround := nm.decideIfWorkaroundNeeded(n, chg)

	delay := calculateDelay(chg.Height, n.TakenOverAt)
	if delay > 0 && needsWorkaround {
		// TODO: log this (but only once per name-height combo)
		//fmt.Printf("Delay workaround applies to %s at %d\n", chg.Name, chg.Height)
		return 0
	return delay

// decideIfWorkaroundNeeded handles bugs that existed in previous versions
func (nm *BaseManager) decideIfWorkaroundNeeded(n *Node, chg change.Change) bool {

	if chg.Height >= param.MaxRemovalWorkaroundHeight {
		// TODO: hard fork this out; it's a bug from previous versions:

		if chg.Height <= 933294 {
			heights, ok := param.DelayWorkaroundsPart2[string(chg.Name)]
			if ok {
				for _, h := range heights {
					if h == chg.Height {
						//hc := nm.hasChildrenButNoSelf(chg.Name, chg.Height, 2)
						hc := true
						fmt.Printf("HC: %s: %t\n", chg.Name, hc)
						return true
		} else {
			// Known hits:
			if nm.hasChildrenButNoSelf(chg.Name, chg.Height, 2) {
				return true
	} else if len(n.Claims) > 0 {
		// NOTE: old code had a bug in it where nodes with no claims but with children would get left in the cache after removal.
		// This would cause the getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership to return zero (causing incorrect takeover height calc).
		w, ok := param.DelayWorkarounds[string(chg.Name)]
		if ok {
			for _, h := range w {
				if chg.Height == h {
					return true
	return false

func calculateDelay(curr, tookOver int32) int32 {

	delay := (curr - tookOver) / param.ActiveDelayFactor
	if delay > param.MaxActiveDelay {
		return param.MaxActiveDelay

	return delay

func (nm BaseManager) NextUpdateHeightOfNode(name []byte) ([]byte, int32) {

	n, err := nm.Node(name)
	if err != nil || n == nil {
		return name, 0

	return name, n.NextUpdate()

func (nm *BaseManager) Height() int32 {
	return nm.height

func (nm *BaseManager) Close() error {

	err := nm.repo.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("close repo: %w", err)

	return nil

func (nm *BaseManager) hasChildrenButNoSelf(name []byte, height int32, required int) bool {
	c := map[byte]bool{}

	nm.repo.IterateChildren(name, func(changes []change.Change) bool {
		// if the key is unseen, generate a node for it to height
		// if that node is active then increase the count
		if len(changes) == 0 {
			return true
		n, _ := nm.newNodeFromChanges(changes, height)
		if n != nil && n.BestClaim != nil && n.BestClaim.Status == Activated {
			if len(name) >= len(changes[0].Name) {
				return false // hit self
			c[changes[0].Name[len(name)]] = true
			if len(c) >= required {
				return false
		return true
	return len(c) >= required

func (nm *BaseManager) IterateNames(predicate func(name []byte) bool) {

func (nm *BaseManager) ClaimHashes(name []byte) []*chainhash.Hash {

	n, err := nm.Node(name)
	if err != nil || n == nil {
		return nil
	claimHashes := make([]*chainhash.Hash, 0, len(n.Claims))
	for _, c := range n.Claims {
		if c.Status == Activated { // TODO: unit test this line
			claimHashes = append(claimHashes, calculateNodeHash(c.OutPoint, n.TakenOverAt))
	return claimHashes

func (nm *BaseManager) Hash(name []byte) *chainhash.Hash {

	n, err := nm.Node(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	if n != nil && len(n.Claims) > 0 {
		if n.BestClaim != nil && n.BestClaim.Status == Activated {
			return calculateNodeHash(n.BestClaim.OutPoint, n.TakenOverAt)
	return nil

func calculateNodeHash(op wire.OutPoint, takeover int32) *chainhash.Hash {

	txHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(op.Hash[:])

	nOut := []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(op.Index)))
	nOutHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(nOut)

	buf := make([]byte, 8)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(takeover))
	heightHash := chainhash.DoubleHashH(buf)

	h := make([]byte, 0, sha256.Size*3)
	h = append(h, txHash[:]...)
	h = append(h, nOutHash[:]...)
	h = append(h, heightHash[:]...)

	hh := chainhash.DoubleHashH(h)

	return &hh