// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// this has to be in the real json subpackage so we can mock up structs
package btcjson

import (

var testId = float64(1)

var jsoncmdtests = []struct {
	name   string
	cmd    string
	f      func() (Cmd, error)
	result Cmd // after marshal and unmarshal
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "addmultisigaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewAddMultisigAddressCmd(testId, 1,
				[]string{"foo", "bar"})
		result: &AddMultisigAddressCmd{
			id:        testId,
			NRequired: 1,
			Keys:      []string{"foo", "bar"},
			Account:   "",
		name: "+ optional",
		cmd:  "addmultisigaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewAddMultisigAddressCmd(testId, 1,
				[]string{"foo", "bar"}, "address")
		result: &AddMultisigAddressCmd{
			id:        testId,
			NRequired: 1,
			Keys:      []string{"foo", "bar"},
			Account:   "address",
	// TODO(oga) Too many arguments to newaddmultisigaddress
		name: "basic add",
		cmd:  "addnode",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewAddNodeCmd(testId, "address",
		result: &AddNodeCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Addr:   "address",
			SubCmd: "add",
		name: "basic remove",
		cmd:  "addnode",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewAddNodeCmd(testId, "address",
		result: &AddNodeCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Addr:   "address",
			SubCmd: "remove",
		name: "basic onetry",
		cmd:  "addnode",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewAddNodeCmd(testId, "address",
		result: &AddNodeCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Addr:   "address",
			SubCmd: "onetry",
	// TODO(oga) try invalid subcmds
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "backupwallet",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewBackupWalletCmd(testId, "destination")
		result: &BackupWalletCmd{
			id:          testId,
			Destination: "destination",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "createmultisig",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewCreateMultisigCmd(testId, 1,
				[]string{"key1", "key2", "key3"})
		result: &CreateMultisigCmd{
			id:        testId,
			NRequired: 1,
			Keys:      []string{"key1", "key2", "key3"},
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "createrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewCreateRawTransactionCmd(testId,
					{Txid: "tx1", Vout: 1},
					{Txid: "tx2", Vout: 3}},
				map[string]int64{"bob": 1, "bill": 2})
		result: &CreateRawTransactionCmd{
			id: testId,
			Inputs: []TransactionInput{
				{Txid: "tx1", Vout: 1},
				{Txid: "tx2", Vout: 3},
			Amounts: map[string]int64{
				"bob":  1,
				"bill": 2,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "debuglevel",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewDebugLevelCmd(testId, "debug")
		result: &DebugLevelCmd{
			id:        testId,
			LevelSpec: "debug",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "decoderawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewDecodeRawTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &DecodeRawTransactionCmd{
			id:    testId,
			HexTx: "thisisahexidecimaltransaction",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "decodescript",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewDecodeScriptCmd(testId,
				"a bunch of hex")
		result: &DecodeScriptCmd{
			id:        testId,
			HexScript: "a bunch of hex",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "dumpprivkey",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewDumpPrivKeyCmd(testId,
		result: &DumpPrivKeyCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "address",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "dumpwallet",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewDumpWalletCmd(testId,
		result: &DumpWalletCmd{
			id:       testId,
			Filename: "filename",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "encryptwallet",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewEncryptWalletCmd(testId,
		result: &EncryptWalletCmd{
			id:         testId,
			Passphrase: "passphrase",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAccountCmd(testId,
		result: &GetAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "address",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getaccountaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAccountAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &GetAccountAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "account",
		name: "basic true",
		cmd:  "getaddednodeinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAddedNodeInfoCmd(testId, true)
		result: &GetAddedNodeInfoCmd{
			id:  testId,
			Dns: true,
		name: "basic false",
		cmd:  "getaddednodeinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAddedNodeInfoCmd(testId, false)
		result: &GetAddedNodeInfoCmd{
			id:  testId,
			Dns: false,
		name: "basic withnode",
		cmd:  "getaddednodeinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAddedNodeInfoCmd(testId, true,
		result: &GetAddedNodeInfoCmd{
			id:   testId,
			Dns:  true,
			Node: "thisisanode",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getaddressesbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetAddressesByAccountCmd(testId,
		result: &GetAddressesByAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "account",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getbalance",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBalanceCmd(testId)
		result: &GetBalanceCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 1, // the default
		name: "basic + account",
		cmd:  "getbalance",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBalanceCmd(testId, "account")
		result: &GetBalanceCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "account",
			MinConf: 1, // the default
		name: "basic + minconf",
		cmd:  "getbalance",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBalanceCmd(testId, "", 2)
		result: &GetBalanceCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic + account + minconf",
		cmd:  "getbalance",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBalanceCmd(testId, "account", 2)
		result: &GetBalanceCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "account",
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getbestblockhash",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBestBlockHashCmd(testId)
		result: &GetBestBlockHashCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockCmd(testId,
		result: &GetBlockCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Hash:    "somehash",
			Verbose: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getblockcount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockCountCmd(testId)
		result: &GetBlockCountCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getblockhash",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockHashCmd(testId, 1234)
		result: &GetBlockHashCmd{
			id:    testId,
			Index: 1234,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getblocktemplate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockTemplateCmd(testId)
		result: &GetBlockTemplateCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic + request",
		cmd:  "getblocktemplate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockTemplateCmd(testId,
				&TemplateRequest{Mode: "mode",
					Capabilities: []string{"one", "two", "three"}})
		result: &GetBlockTemplateCmd{
			id: testId,
			Request: &TemplateRequest{
				Mode: "mode",
				Capabilities: []string{
		name: "basic + request no mode",
		cmd:  "getblocktemplate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetBlockTemplateCmd(testId,
					Capabilities: []string{"one", "two", "three"}})
		result: &GetBlockTemplateCmd{
			id: testId,
			Request: &TemplateRequest{
				Capabilities: []string{
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getconnectioncount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetConnectionCountCmd(testId)
		result: &GetConnectionCountCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getdifficulty",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetDifficultyCmd(testId)
		result: &GetDifficultyCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getgenerate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetGenerateCmd(testId)
		result: &GetGenerateCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "gethashespersec",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetHashesPerSecCmd(testId)
		result: &GetHashesPerSecCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetInfoCmd(testId)
		result: &GetInfoCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getmininginfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetMiningInfoCmd(testId)
		result: &GetMiningInfoCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getnettotals",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetNetTotalsCmd(testId)
		result: &GetNetTotalsCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getnetworkhashps",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetNetworkHashPSCmd(testId)
		result: &GetNetworkHashPSCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Blocks: 120,
			Height: -1,
		name: "basic + blocks",
		cmd:  "getnetworkhashps",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetNetworkHashPSCmd(testId, 5000)
		result: &GetNetworkHashPSCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Blocks: 5000,
			Height: -1,
		name: "basic + blocks + height",
		cmd:  "getnetworkhashps",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetNetworkHashPSCmd(testId, 5000, 1000)
		result: &GetNetworkHashPSCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Blocks: 5000,
			Height: 1000,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getnewaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetNewAddressCmd(testId, "account")
		result: &GetNewAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "account",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getpeerinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetPeerInfoCmd(testId)
		result: &GetPeerInfoCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getrawchangeaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawChangeAddressCmd(testId)
		result: &GetRawChangeAddressCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic + account",
		cmd:  "getrawchangeaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawChangeAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &GetRawChangeAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "accountname",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getrawmempool",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawMempoolCmd(testId)
		result: &GetRawMempoolCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic noverbose",
		cmd:  "getrawmempool",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawMempoolCmd(testId, false)
		result: &GetRawMempoolCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic verbose",
		cmd:  "getrawmempool",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawMempoolCmd(testId, true)
		result: &GetRawMempoolCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Verbose: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &GetRawTransactionCmd{
			id:   testId,
			Txid: "sometxid",
		name: "basic + verbose",
		cmd:  "getrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetRawTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &GetRawTransactionCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Txid:    "sometxid",
			Verbose: 1,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getreceivedbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetReceivedByAccountCmd(testId,
		result: &GetReceivedByAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "abtcaccount",
			MinConf: 1,
		name: "basic + opt",
		cmd:  "getreceivedbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetReceivedByAccountCmd(testId,
		result: &GetReceivedByAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "abtcaccount",
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getreceivedbyaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetReceivedByAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &GetReceivedByAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "abtcaddress",
			MinConf: 1,
		name: "basic + opt",
		cmd:  "getreceivedbyaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetReceivedByAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &GetReceivedByAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "abtcaddress",
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "gettransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &GetTransactionCmd{
			id:   testId,
			Txid: "atxid",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "gettxout",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetTxOutCmd(testId,
		result: &GetTxOutCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Txid:   "sometx",
			Output: 10,
		name: "basic + optional",
		cmd:  "gettxout",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetTxOutCmd(testId,
		result: &GetTxOutCmd{
			id:             testId,
			Txid:           "sometx",
			Output:         10,
			IncludeMempool: false,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "gettxoutsetinfo",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetTxOutSetInfoCmd(testId)
		result: &GetTxOutSetInfoCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "getwork",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewGetWorkCmd(testId, "some data")
		result: &GetWorkCmd{
			id:   testId,
			Data: "some data",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "help",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewHelpCmd(testId)
		result: &HelpCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic + optional cmd",
		cmd:  "help",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewHelpCmd(testId,
		result: &HelpCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Command: "getinfo",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "importprivkey",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewImportPrivKeyCmd(testId,
		result: &ImportPrivKeyCmd{
			id:      testId,
			PrivKey: "somereallongprivatekey",
			Rescan:  true,
		name: "basic + 1 opt",
		cmd:  "importprivkey",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewImportPrivKeyCmd(testId,
				"some text")
		result: &ImportPrivKeyCmd{
			id:      testId,
			PrivKey: "somereallongprivatekey",
			Label:   "some text",
			Rescan:  true,
		name: "basic + 2 opts",
		cmd:  "importprivkey",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewImportPrivKeyCmd(testId,
				"some text",
		result: &ImportPrivKeyCmd{
			id:      testId,
			PrivKey: "somereallongprivatekey",
			Label:   "some text",
			Rescan:  false,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "importwallet",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewImportWalletCmd(testId,
		result: &ImportWalletCmd{
			id:       testId,
			Filename: "walletfilename.dat",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "keypoolrefill",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewKeyPoolRefillCmd(testId)
		result: &KeyPoolRefillCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "newsize",
		cmd:  "keypoolrefill",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewKeyPoolRefillCmd(testId, 1000000)
		result: &KeyPoolRefillCmd{
			id:      testId,
			NewSize: 1000000,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listaccounts",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListAccountsCmd(testId, 1)
		result: &ListAccountsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 1,
		name: "basic + opt",
		cmd:  "listaccounts",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListAccountsCmd(testId, 2)
		result: &ListAccountsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listaddressgroupings",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListAddressGroupingsCmd(testId)
		result: &ListAddressGroupingsCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listlockunspent",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListLockUnspentCmd(testId)
		result: &ListLockUnspentCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAccountCmd(testId)
		result: &ListReceivedByAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 1,
		name: "basic + 1 opt",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAccountCmd(testId, 2)
		result: &ListReceivedByAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic + 2 opt",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAccountCmd(testId, 2, true)
		result: &ListReceivedByAccountCmd{
			id:           testId,
			MinConf:      2,
			IncludeEmpty: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAddressCmd(testId)
		result: &ListReceivedByAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 1,
		name: "basic + 1 opt",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAddressCmd(testId, 2)
		result: &ListReceivedByAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 2,
		name: "basic + 2 opt",
		cmd:  "listreceivedbyaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListReceivedByAddressCmd(testId, 2, true)
		result: &ListReceivedByAddressCmd{
			id:           testId,
			MinConf:      2,
			IncludeEmpty: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listsinceblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListSinceBlockCmd(testId)
		result: &ListSinceBlockCmd{
			id:                  testId,
			TargetConfirmations: 1,
		name: "basic + 1 ops",
		cmd:  "listsinceblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListSinceBlockCmd(testId, "someblockhash")
		result: &ListSinceBlockCmd{
			id:                  testId,
			BlockHash:           "someblockhash",
			TargetConfirmations: 1,
		name: "basic + 2 ops",
		cmd:  "listsinceblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListSinceBlockCmd(testId, "someblockhash", 3)
		result: &ListSinceBlockCmd{
			id:                  testId,
			BlockHash:           "someblockhash",
			TargetConfirmations: 3,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listtransactions",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListTransactionsCmd(testId)
		result: &ListTransactionsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "",
			Count:   10,
			From:    0,
		name: "+ 1 optarg",
		cmd:  "listtransactions",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListTransactionsCmd(testId, "abcde")
		result: &ListTransactionsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "abcde",
			Count:   10,
			From:    0,
		name: "+ 2 optargs",
		cmd:  "listtransactions",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListTransactionsCmd(testId, "abcde", 123)
		result: &ListTransactionsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "abcde",
			Count:   123,
			From:    0,
		name: "+ 3 optargs",
		cmd:  "listtransactions",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListTransactionsCmd(testId, "abcde", 123, 456)
		result: &ListTransactionsCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Account: "abcde",
			Count:   123,
			From:    456,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "listunspent",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListUnspentCmd(testId)
		result: &ListUnspentCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 1,
			MaxConf: 999999,
		name: "basic + opts",
		cmd:  "listunspent",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListUnspentCmd(testId, 0, 6)
		result: &ListUnspentCmd{
			id:      testId,
			MinConf: 0,
			MaxConf: 6,
		name: "basic + opts + addresses",
		cmd:  "listunspent",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewListUnspentCmd(testId, 0, 6, []string{
				"a", "b", "c",
		result: &ListUnspentCmd{
			id:        testId,
			MinConf:   0,
			MaxConf:   6,
			Addresses: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "lockunspent",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewLockUnspentCmd(testId, true)
		result: &LockUnspentCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Unlock: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "move",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewMoveCmd(testId,
		result: &MoveCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account1",
			ToAccount:   "account2",
			Amount:      12,
			MinConf:     1, // the default
		name: "basic + optionals",
		cmd:  "move",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewMoveCmd(testId,
				"some comment")
		result: &MoveCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account1",
			ToAccount:   "account2",
			Amount:      12,
			MinConf:     1, // the default
			Comment:     "some comment",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "ping",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewPingCmd(testId)
		result: &PingCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "sendfrom",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendFromCmd(testId,
		result: &SendFromCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account",
			ToAddress:   "address",
			Amount:      12,
			MinConf:     1, // the default
		name: "basic + options",
		cmd:  "sendfrom",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendFromCmd(testId,
				"a comment",
				"comment to")
		result: &SendFromCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account",
			ToAddress:   "address",
			Amount:      12,
			MinConf:     1, // the default
			Comment:     "a comment",
			CommentTo:   "comment to",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "sendmany",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			pairs := map[string]int64{
				"address A": 1000,
				"address B": 2000,
				"address C": 3000,
			return NewSendManyCmd(testId,
		result: &SendManyCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account",
			Amounts: map[string]int64{
				"address A": 1000,
				"address B": 2000,
				"address C": 3000,
			MinConf: 1, // the default
		name: "+ options",
		cmd:  "sendmany",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			pairs := map[string]int64{
				"address A": 1000,
				"address B": 2000,
				"address C": 3000,
			return NewSendManyCmd(testId,
		result: &SendManyCmd{
			id:          testId,
			FromAccount: "account",
			Amounts: map[string]int64{
				"address A": 1000,
				"address B": 2000,
				"address C": 3000,
			MinConf: 10,
			Comment: "comment",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "sendrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendRawTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &SendRawTransactionCmd{
			id:    testId,
			HexTx: "hexstringofatx",
		name: "allowhighfees: false",
		cmd:  "sendrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendRawTransactionCmd(testId,
				"hexstringofatx", false)
		result: &SendRawTransactionCmd{
			id:    testId,
			HexTx: "hexstringofatx",
		name: "allowhighfees: true",
		cmd:  "sendrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendRawTransactionCmd(testId,
				"hexstringofatx", true)
		result: &SendRawTransactionCmd{
			id:            testId,
			HexTx:         "hexstringofatx",
			AllowHighFees: true,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "sendtoaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendToAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &SendToAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "somebtcaddress",
			Amount:  1,
		name: "basic + optional",
		cmd:  "sendtoaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSendToAddressCmd(testId,
				"a comment",
				"comment to")
		result: &SendToAddressCmd{
			id:        testId,
			Address:   "somebtcaddress",
			Amount:    1,
			Comment:   "a comment",
			CommentTo: "comment to",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "setaccount",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSetAccountCmd(testId,
				"account name")
		result: &SetAccountCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "somebtcaddress",
			Account: "account name",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "setgenerate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSetGenerateCmd(testId, true)
		result: &SetGenerateCmd{
			id:       testId,
			Generate: true,
		name: "basic + optional",
		cmd:  "setgenerate",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSetGenerateCmd(testId, true, 10)
		result: &SetGenerateCmd{
			id:           testId,
			Generate:     true,
			GenProcLimit: 10,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "settxfee",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSetTxFeeCmd(testId, 10)
		result: &SetTxFeeCmd{
			id:     testId,
			Amount: 10,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "signmessage",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSignMessageCmd(testId,
				"a message")
		result: &SignMessageCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "btcaddress",
			Message: "a message",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "signrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSignRawTransactionCmd(testId,
		result: &SignRawTransactionCmd{
			id:    testId,
			RawTx: "sometxstring",
	/*	{
		name: "basic + optional",
		cmd:  "signrawtransaction",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSignRawTransactionCmd(testId,
						Txid:         "test",
						Vout:         1,
						ScriptPubKey: "test",
						RedeemScript: "test",
				[]string{"aprivatekey", "privkey2"},
		result: &SignRawTransactionCmd{
			id:    testId,
			RawTx: "sometxstring",
			Inputs: []RawTxInput{
					Txid:         "test",
					Vout:         1,
					ScriptPubKey: "test",
					RedeemScript: "test",
			PrivKeys: []string{"aprivatekey", "privkey2"},
			Flags:    "flags",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "stop",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewStopCmd(testId)
		result: &StopCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "submitblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSubmitBlockCmd(testId,
		result: &SubmitBlockCmd{
			id:       testId,
			HexBlock: "lotsofhex",
		name: "+ optional object",
		cmd:  "submitblock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewSubmitBlockCmd(testId,
				&SubmitBlockOptions{WorkId: "otherstuff"})
		result: &SubmitBlockCmd{
			id:       testId,
			HexBlock: "lotsofhex",
			Options:  &SubmitBlockOptions{WorkId: "otherstuff"},
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "validateaddress",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewValidateAddressCmd(testId,
		result: &ValidateAddressCmd{
			id:      testId,
			Address: "somebtcaddress",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "verifychain",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewVerifyChainCmd(testId)
		result: &VerifyChainCmd{
			id:         testId,
			CheckLevel: 3,
			CheckDepth: 288,
		name: "basic + optional",
		cmd:  "verifychain",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewVerifyChainCmd(testId, 4, 1)
		result: &VerifyChainCmd{
			id:         testId,
			CheckLevel: 4,
			CheckDepth: 1,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "verifymessage",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewVerifyMessageCmd(testId,
				"a message")
		result: &VerifyMessageCmd{
			id:        testId,
			Address:   "someaddress",
			Signature: "somesig",
			Message:   "a message",
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "walletlock",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewWalletLockCmd(testId)
		result: &WalletLockCmd{
			id: testId,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "walletpassphrase",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewWalletPassphraseCmd(testId,
		result: &WalletPassphraseCmd{
			id:         testId,
			Passphrase: "phrase1",
			Timeout:    10,
		name: "basic",
		cmd:  "walletpassphrasechange",
		f: func() (Cmd, error) {
			return NewWalletPassphraseChangeCmd(testId,
				"phrase1", "phrase2")
		result: &WalletPassphraseChangeCmd{
			id:            testId,
			OldPassphrase: "phrase1",
			NewPassphrase: "phrase2",

func TestCmds(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range jsoncmdtests {
		c, err := test.f()
		name := test.cmd + " " + test.name
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: failed to run func: %v",
				name, err)

		msg, err := json.Marshal(c)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: failed to marshal cmd: %v",
				name, err)

		c2, err := ParseMarshaledCmd(msg)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: failed to ummarshal cmd: %v",
				name, err)

		id, ok := (c.Id()).(float64)
		if !ok || id != testId {
			t.Errorf("%s: id not returned properly", name)

		if c.Method() != test.cmd {
			t.Errorf("%s: Method name not returned properly: "+
				"%s vs. %s", name, c.Method(), test.cmd)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.result, c2) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unmarshal not as expected. "+
				"got %v wanted %v", name, spew.Sdump(c2),
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(c, c2) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unmarshal not as we started with. "+
				"got %v wanted %v", name, spew.Sdump(c2),
		newId := 2.0
		id, ok = (c.Id()).(float64)
		if !ok || id != newId {
			t.Errorf("%s: id not returned properly after change.", name)


func TestHelps(t *testing.T) {
	helpTests := []string{

	for _, test := range helpTests {
		helpStr, err := GetHelpString(test)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: failed to get help string: %v",
				test, err)

		if !strings.HasPrefix(helpStr, test) {
			t.Errorf("%s: help string doesn't begin with command "+
				"name: \"%s\"", test, helpStr)