package main

import (


// blockProgressLogger provides periodic logging for other services in order
// to show users progress of certain "actions" involving some or all current
// blocks. Ex: syncing to best chain, indexing all blocks, etc.
type blockProgressLogger struct {
	receivedLogBlocks int64
	receivedLogTx     int64
	lastBlockLogTime  time.Time

	subsystemLogger btclog.Logger
	progressAction  string

// newBlockProgressLogger returns a new block progress logger.
// The progress message is templated as follows:
//  {progressAction} {numProcessed} {blocks|block} in the last {timePeriod}
//  ({numTxs}, height {lastBlockHeight}, {lastBlockTimeStamp})
func newBlockProgressLogger(progressMessage string, logger btclog.Logger) *blockProgressLogger {
	return &blockProgressLogger{
		lastBlockLogTime: time.Now(),
		progressAction:   progressMessage,
		subsystemLogger:  logger,

// LogBlockHeight logs a new block height as an information message to show
// progress to the user. In order to prevent spam, it limits logging to one
// message every 10 seconds with duration and totals included.
func (b *blockProgressLogger) LogBlockHeight(block *btcutil.Block) {
	defer b.Unlock()

	b.receivedLogTx += int64(len(block.MsgBlock().Transactions))

	now := time.Now()
	duration := now.Sub(b.lastBlockLogTime)
	if duration < time.Second*10 {

	// Truncate the duration to 10s of milliseconds.
	durationMillis := int64(duration / time.Millisecond)
	tDuration := 10 * time.Millisecond * time.Duration(durationMillis/10)

	// Log information about new block height.
	blockStr := "blocks"
	if b.receivedLogBlocks == 1 {
		blockStr = "block"
	txStr := "transactions"
	if b.receivedLogTx == 1 {
		txStr = "transaction"
	b.subsystemLogger.Infof("%s %d %s in the last %s (%d %s, height %d, %s)",
		b.progressAction, b.receivedLogBlocks, blockStr, tDuration, b.receivedLogTx,
		txStr, block.Height(), block.MsgBlock().Header.Timestamp)

	b.receivedLogBlocks = 0
	b.receivedLogTx = 0
	b.lastBlockLogTime = now

func (b *blockProgressLogger) SetLastLogTime(time time.Time) {
	b.lastBlockLogTime = time