package main

import (

// conversionHandler is a handler that is used to convert parameters from the
// command line to a specific type.  This is needed since the btcjson API
// expects certain types for various parameters.
type conversionHandler func(string) (interface{}, error)

// displayHandler is a handler that takes an interface and displays it to
// standard out.  It is used by the handler data to type assert replies and
// show them formatted as desired.
type displayHandler func(interface{}) error

// handlerData contains information about how a command should be handled.
type handlerData struct {
	requiredArgs       int
	optionalArgs       int
	displayHandler     displayHandler
	conversionHandlers []conversionHandler
	makeCmd            func([]interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error)
	usage              string

// Errors used in the various handlers.
var (
	ErrNoData           = errors.New("No data returned.")
	ErrNoDisplayHandler = errors.New("No display handler specified.")
	ErrUsage            = errors.New("btcctl usage") // Real usage is shown.

// commandHandlers is a map of commands and associated handler data that is used
// to validate correctness and perform the command.
var commandHandlers = map[string]*handlerData{
	"addnode":              &handlerData{2, 0, displaySpewDump, nil, makeAddNode, "<ip> <add/remove/onetry>"},
	"debuglevel":           &handlerData{1, 0, displayGeneric, nil, makeDebugLevel, "<levelspec>"},
	"decoderawtransaction": &handlerData{1, 0, displaySpewDump, nil, makeDecodeRawTransaction, "<txhash>"},
	"dumpprivkey":          &handlerData{1, 0, displayGeneric, nil, makeDumpPrivKey, "<bitcoinaddress>"},
	"getbalance":           &handlerData{0, 2, displayGeneric, []conversionHandler{nil, toInt}, makeGetBalance, "[account] [minconf=1]"},
	"getbestblockhash":     &handlerData{0, 0, displayGeneric, nil, makeGetBestBlockHash, ""},
	"getblock":             &handlerData{1, 0, displaySpewDump, nil, makeGetBlock, "<blockhash>"},
	"getblockcount":        &handlerData{0, 0, displayFloat64, nil, makeGetBlockCount, ""},
	"getblockhash":         &handlerData{1, 0, displayGeneric, []conversionHandler{toInt64}, makeGetBlockHash, "<blocknumber>"},
	"getconnectioncount":   &handlerData{0, 0, displayFloat64, nil, makeGetConnectionCount, ""},
	"getdifficulty":        &handlerData{0, 0, displayFloat64, nil, makeGetDifficulty, ""},
	"getgenerate":          &handlerData{0, 0, displayGeneric, nil, makeGetGenerate, ""},
	"getpeerinfo":          &handlerData{0, 0, displaySpewDump, nil, makeGetPeerInfo, ""},
	"getrawmempool":        &handlerData{0, 0, displaySpewDump, nil, makeGetRawMempool, ""},
	"getrawtransaction":    &handlerData{1, 1, displaySpewDump, []conversionHandler{nil, toInt}, makeGetRawTransaction, "<txhash> [verbose=0]"},
	"importprivkey":        &handlerData{1, 2, displayGeneric, []conversionHandler{nil, nil, toBool}, makeImportPrivKey, "<wifprivkey> [label] [rescan=true]"},
	"listtransactions":     &handlerData{0, 3, displaySpewDump, []conversionHandler{nil, toInt, toInt}, makeListTransactions, "[account] [count=10] [from=0]"},
	"verifychain":          &handlerData{0, 2, displaySpewDump, []conversionHandler{toInt, toInt}, makeVerifyChain, "[level] [depth]"},
	"stop":                 &handlerData{0, 0, displayGeneric, nil, makeStop, ""},

// toInt attempts to convert the passed string to an integer.  It returns the
// integer packed into an interface so it can be used in the calls which expect
// interfaces.  An error will be returned if the string can't be converted to an
// integer.
func toInt(val string) (interface{}, error) {
	idx, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return idx, nil

// toInt64 attempts to convert the passed string to an int64.  It returns the
// integer packed into an interface so it can be used in the calls which expect
// interfaces.  An error will be returned if the string can't be converted to an
// integer.
func toInt64(val string) (interface{}, error) {
	idx, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return idx, nil

// toBool attempts to convert the passed string to a bool.  It returns the
// bool packed into the empty interface so it can be used in the calls which
// accept interfaces.  An error will be returned if the string can't be
// converted to a bool.
func toBool(val string) (interface{}, error) {
	return strconv.ParseBool(val)

// displayGeneric is a displayHandler that simply displays the passed interface
// using fmt.Println.
func displayGeneric(reply interface{}) error {
	return nil

// displayFloat64 is a displayHandler that ensures the concrete type of the
// passed interface is a float64 and displays it using fmt.Println.  An error
// is returned if a float64 is not passed.
func displayFloat64(reply interface{}) error {
	if val, ok := reply.(float64); ok {
		return nil

	return fmt.Errorf("reply type is not a float64: %v", spew.Sdump(reply))

// displaySpewDump is a displayHandler that simply uses spew.Dump to display the
// passed interface.
func displaySpewDump(reply interface{}) error {
	return nil

// makeAddNode generates the cmd structure for addnode comands.
func makeAddNode(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewAddNodeCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string),

// makeDebugLevel generates the cmd structure for debuglevel commands.
func makeDebugLevel(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewDebugLevelCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string))

// makeDecodeRawTransaction generates the cmd structure for
// decoderawtransaction comands.
func makeDecodeRawTransaction(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewDecodeRawTransactionCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string))

// makeDumpPrivKey generates the cmd structure for
// dumpprivkey commands.
func makeDumpPrivKey(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewDumpPrivKeyCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string))

// makeGetBalance generates the cmd structure for
// getbalance commands.
func makeGetBalance(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	optargs := make([]interface{}, 0, 2)
	if len(args) > 0 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[0].(string))
	if len(args) > 1 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[1].(int))

	return btcjson.NewGetBalanceCmd("btcctl", optargs...)

// makeGetBestBlockHash generates the cmd structure for
// makebestblockhash comands.
func makeGetBestBlockHash(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetBestBlockHashCmd("btcctl")

// makeGetBlock generates the cmd structure for getblock comands.
func makeGetBlock(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetBlockCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string))

// makeGetBlockCount generates the cmd structure for getblockcount comands.
func makeGetBlockCount(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetBlockCountCmd("btcctl")

// makeGetBlockHash generates the cmd structure for getblockhash comands.
func makeGetBlockHash(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetBlockHashCmd("btcctl", args[0].(int64))

// makeGetConnectionCount generates the cmd structure for
// getconnectioncount comands.
func makeGetConnectionCount(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetConnectionCountCmd("btcctl")

// makeGetDifficulty generates the cmd structure for
// getdifficulty comands.
func makeGetDifficulty(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetDifficultyCmd("btcctl")

// makeGetGenerate generates the cmd structure for
// getgenerate comands.
func makeGetGenerate(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetGenerateCmd("btcctl")

// makePeerInfo generates the cmd structure for
// getpeerinfo comands.
func makeGetPeerInfo(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetPeerInfoCmd("btcctl")

// makeRawMempool generates the cmd structure for
// getrawmempool comands.
func makeGetRawMempool(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewGetRawMempoolCmd("btcctl")

// makeRawTransaction generates the cmd structure for
// getrawtransaction comands.
func makeGetRawTransaction(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	i := 0
	if len(args) > 1 {
		i = args[1].(int)

	bi := i != 0
	return btcjson.NewGetRawTransactionCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string), bi)

// makeImportPrivKey generates the cmd structure for
// importprivkey commands.
func makeImportPrivKey(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	var optargs = make([]interface{}, 0, 2)
	if len(args) > 1 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[1].(string))
	if len(args) > 2 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[2].(bool))

	return btcjson.NewImportPrivKeyCmd("btcctl", args[0].(string), optargs...)

// makeListTransactions generates the cmd structure for
// listtransactions commands.
func makeListTransactions(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	var optargs = make([]interface{}, 0, 3)
	if len(args) > 0 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[0].(string))
	if len(args) > 1 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[1].(int))
	if len(args) > 2 {
		optargs = append(optargs, args[2].(int))

	return btcjson.NewListTransactionsCmd("btcctl", optargs...)

// makeStop generates the cmd structure for stop comands.
func makeStop(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	return btcjson.NewStopCmd("btcctl")

func makeVerifyChain(args []interface{}) (btcjson.Cmd, error) {
	iargs := make([]int32, 0, 2)
	for _, i := range args {
		iargs = append(iargs, int32(i.(int)))
	return btcjson.NewVerifyChainCmd("btcctl", iargs...)

// send sends a JSON-RPC command to the specified RPC server and examines the
// results for various error conditions.  It either returns a valid result or
// an appropriate error.
func send(cfg *config, msg []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	var reply btcjson.Reply
	var err error
	if cfg.NoTls || (cfg.RPCCert == "" && !cfg.TlsSkipVerify) {
		reply, err = btcjson.RpcCommand(cfg.RPCUser, cfg.RPCPassword,
			cfg.RPCServer, msg)
	} else {
		var pem []byte
		if cfg.RPCCert != "" {
			pem, err = ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.RPCCert)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		reply, err = btcjson.TlsRpcCommand(cfg.RPCUser,
			cfg.RPCPassword, cfg.RPCServer, msg, pem,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if reply.Error != nil {
		return nil, reply.Error

	if reply.Result == nil {
		return nil, ErrNoData

	return reply.Result, nil

// sendCommand creates a JSON-RPC command using the passed command and arguments
// and then sends it.  A prefix is added to any errors that occur indicating
// what step failed.
func sendCommand(cfg *config, command btcjson.Cmd) (interface{}, error) {
	msg, err := json.Marshal(command)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("CreateMessage: %v", err.Error())

	reply, err := send(cfg, msg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("RpcCommand: %v", err.Error())

	return reply, nil

// commandHandler handles commands provided via the cli using the specific
// handler data to instruct the handler what to do.
func commandHandler(cfg *config, command string, data *handlerData, args []string) error {
	// Ensure the number of arguments are the expected value.
	if len(args) < data.requiredArgs {
		return ErrUsage
	if len(args) > data.requiredArgs+data.optionalArgs {
		return ErrUsage

	// Ensure there is a display handler.
	if data.displayHandler == nil {
		return ErrNoDisplayHandler

	// Ensure the number of conversion handlers is valid if any are
	// specified.
	convHandlers := data.conversionHandlers
	if convHandlers != nil && len(convHandlers) < len(args) {
		return fmt.Errorf("The number of conversion handlers is invalid.")

	// Convert input parameters per the conversion handlers.
	iargs := make([]interface{}, len(args))
	for i, arg := range args {
		iargs[i] = arg
	for i := range iargs {
		if convHandlers != nil {
			converter := convHandlers[i]
			if converter != nil {
				convertedArg, err := converter(args[i])
				if err != nil {
					return err
				iargs[i] = convertedArg
	cmd, err := data.makeCmd(iargs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create and send the appropriate JSON-RPC command.
	reply, err := sendCommand(cfg, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Display the results of the JSON-RPC command using the provided
	// display handler.
	err = data.displayHandler(reply)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

// usage displays the command usage.
func usage(parser *flags.Parser) {

	// Extract usage information for each command from the command handler
	// data and sort by command name.
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nCommands:\n")
	usageStrings := make([]string, 0, len(commandHandlers))
	for command, data := range commandHandlers {
		usage := command
		if len(data.usage) > 0 {
			usage += " " + data.usage
		usageStrings = append(usageStrings, usage)
	for _, usage := range usageStrings {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s\n", usage)

func main() {
	parser, cfg, args, err := loadConfig()
	if err != nil {
	if len(args) < 1 {

	// Display usage if the command is not supported.
	data, exists := commandHandlers[args[0]]
	if !exists {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unrecognized command: %s\n", args[0])

	// Execute the command.
	err = commandHandler(cfg, args[0], data, args[1:])
	if err != nil {
		if err == ErrUsage {

		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)