User visible changes for btcd
  A full-node bitcoin implementation written in Go

Changes in 0.9.0 (Sat Sep 20 2014)
  - Protocol and network related changes:
    - Add a new checkpoint at block height 319400
    - Add support for BIP0037 bloom filters
    - Implement BIP0061 reject handling and hence support for protocol
      version 70002 (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/133)
    - Add testnet DNS seeds for peer discovery (testnet-seed.alexykot.me
      and testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de)
    - Add mainnet DNS seed for peer discovery (seeds.bitcoin.open-nodes.org)
    - Make multisig transactions with non-null dummy data nonstandard
    - Make transactions with an excessive number of signature operations
    - Perform initial DNS lookups concurrently which allows connections
      more quickly
    - Improve the address manager to significantly reduce memory usage and
      add tests
    - Remove orphan transactions when they appear in a mined block
    - Apply incremental back off on connection retries for persistent peers
      that give invalid replies to mirror the logic used for failed
      connections (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/103)
    - Correct rate-limiting of free and low-fee transactions
  - Mining support changes:
    - Implement getblocktemplate RPC with the following support:
      - BIP0022 Non-Optional Sections
      - BIP0022 Long Polling
      - BIP0023 Basic Pool Extensions
      - BIP0023 Mutation coinbase/append
      - BIP0023 Mutations time, time/increment, and time/decrement
      - BIP0023 Mutation transactions/add
      - BIP0023 Mutations prevblock, coinbase, and generation
      - BIP0023 Block Proposals
    - Implement built-in concurrent CPU miner
      NOTE: CPU mining on mainnet is pointless.  This has been provided
      for testing purposes such as for the new simulation test network
    - Add --generate flag to enable CPU mining
    - Deprecate the --getworkkey flag in favor of --miningaddr which
      specifies which addresses generated blocks will choose from to pay
      the subsidy to
  - RPC changes:
    - Implement gettxout command
    - Implement validateaddress command
    - Implement verifymessage command
    - Mark getunconfirmedbalance RPC as wallet-only
    - Mark getwalletinfo RPC as wallet-only
    - Update getgenerate, setgenerate, gethashespersec, and getmininginfo
      to return the appropriate information about new CPU mining status
    - Modify getpeerinfo pingtime and pingwait field types to float64 so
      they are compatible
    - Improve disconnect handling for normal HTTP clients
    - Make error code returns for invalid hex more consistent
  - Websocket changes:
    - Switch to a new more efficient websocket package
    - Add rescanfinished notification
    - Modify the rescanprogress notification to include block hash as well
      as height (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/151)
  - btcctl utility changes:
    - Accept --simnet flag which automatically selects the appropriate port
      and TLS certificates needed to communicate with btcd and btcwallet on
      the simulation test network
    - Fix createrawtransaction command to send amounts denominated in BTC
    - Add estimatefee command
    - Add estimatepriority command
    - Add getmininginfo command
    - Add getnetworkinfo command
    - Add gettxout command
    - Add lockunspent command
    - Add signrawtransaction command
  - addblock utility changes:
    - Accept --simnet flag which automatically selects the appropriate port
      and TLS certificates needed to communicate with btcd and btcwallet on
      the simulation test network
  - Notable developer-related package changes:
    - Provide a new bloom package in btcutil which allows creating and
      working with BIP0037 bloom filters
    - Provide a new hdkeychain package in btcutil which allows working with
      BIP0032 hierarchical deterministic key chains
    - Introduce a new btcnet package which houses network parameters
    - Provide new simnet network (--simnet) which is useful for private
      simulation testing
    - Enforce low S values in serialized signatures as detailed in BIP0062
    - Return errors from all methods on the btcdb.Db interface
    - Allow behavior flags to alter btcchain.ProcessBlock
    - Provide a new SerializeSize API for blocks
    - Several of the core packages now work with Google App Engine
  - Misc changes:
    - Correct an issue where the database could corrupt under certain
      circumstances which would require a new chain download
    - Slightly optimize deserialization
    - Use the correct IP block for he.net
    - Fix an issue where it was possible the block manager could hang on
    - Update sample config file so the comments are on a separate line
      rather than the end of a line so they are not interpreted as settings
    - Correct an issue where getdata requests were not being properly
      throttled which could lead to larger than necessary memory usage
    - Always show help when given the help flag even when the config file
      contains invalid entries
    - General code cleanup and minor optimizations

Changes in 0.8.0-beta (Sun May 25 2014)
  - Btcd is now Beta (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/130)
  - Add a new checkpoint at block height 300255
  - Protocol and network related changes:
    - Lower the minimum transaction relay fee to 1000 satoshi to match
      recent reference client changes
    - Raise the maximum signature script size to support standard 15-of-15
      multi-signature pay-to-sript-hash transactions with compressed pubkeys
      to remain compatible with the reference client
    - Reduce max bytes allowed for a standard nulldata transaction to 40 for
      compatibility with the reference client
    - Introduce a new btcnet package which houses all of the network params
      for each network (mainnet, testnet3, regtest) to ultimately enable
      easier addition and tweaking of networks without needing to change
      several packages
    - Fix several script discrepancies found by reference client test data
    - Add new DNS seed for peer discovery (seed.bitnodes.io)
    - Reduce the max known inventory cache from 20000 items to 1000 items
    - Fix an issue where unknown inventory types could lead to a hung peer
    - Implement inventory rebroadcast handler for sendrawtransaction
    - Update user agent to fully support BIP0014
  - Implement initial mining support:
    - Add a new logging subsystem for mining related operations
    - Implement infrastructure for creating block templates
    - Provide options to control block template creation settings
    - Support the getwork RPC
    - Allow address identifiers to apply to more than one network since both
      testnet3 and the regression test network unfortunately use the same
  - RPC changes:
    - Set the content type for HTTP POST RPC connections to application/json
    - Modified the RPC server startup so it only requires at least one valid
      listen interface
    - Correct an error path where it was possible certain errors would not
      be returned
    - Implement getwork command
    - Update sendrawtransaction command to reject orphans
    - Update sendrawtransaction command to include the reason a transaction
      was rejected
    - Update getinfo command to populate connection count field
    - Update getinfo command to include relay fee field
    - Allow transactions submitted with sendrawtransaction to bypass the
      rate limiter
    - Allow the getcurrentnet and getbestblock extensions to be accessed via
      HTTP POST in addition to Websockets
  - Websocket changes:
    - Rework notifications to ensure they are delivered in the order they
    - Rename notifynewtxs command to notifyreceived (funds received)
    - Rename notifyallnewtxs command to notifynewtransactions
    - Rename alltx notification to txaccepted
    - Rename allverbosetx notification to txacceptedverbose
    - Add rescan progress notification
    - Add recvtx notification
    - Add redeemingtx notification
    - Modify notifyspent command to accept an array of outpoints
    - Significantly optimize the rescan command to yield up to a 60x speed
  - btcctl utility changes:
    - Add createencryptedwallet command
    - Add getblockchaininfo command
    - Add importwallet commmand
    - Add addmultisigaddress commmand
    - Add setgenerate command
    - Accept --testnet and --wallet flags which automatically select
      the appropriate port and TLS certificates needed to communicate
      with btcd and btcwallet (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/112)
    - Allow path expansion from config file entries
    - Minor refactor simplify handling of options
  - addblock utility changes:
    - Improve logging by making it consistent with the logging provided by
      btcd (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/90)
  - Improve several package APIs for developers:
    - Add new amount type for consistently handling monetary values
    - Add new coin selector API
    - Add new WIF (Wallet Import Format) API
    - Add new crypto types for private keys and signatures
    - Add new API to sign transactions including script merging and hash
    - Expose function to extract all pushed data from a script
  - Misc changes:
    - Optimize address manager shuffling to do 67% less work on average
    - Resolve a couple of benign data races found by the race detector
    - Add IP address to all peer related errors to clarify which peer is the
      cause (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/102)
    - Fix a UPNP case issue that prevented the --upnp option from working
      with some UPNP servers
    - Update documentation in the sample config file regarding debug levels
    - Adjust some logging levels to improve debug messages
    - Improve the throughput of query messages to the block manager
    - Several minor optimizations to reduce GC churn and enhance speed
    - Other minor refactoring
    - General code cleanup

Changes in 0.7.0 (Thu Feb 20 2014)
  - Fix an issue when parsing scripts which contain a multi-signature script
    which require zero signatures such as testnet block
  - Add check to ensure all transactions accepted to mempool only contain
    canonical data pushes (https://github.com/conformal/btcscript/issues/6)
  - Fix an issue causing excessive memory consumption
  - Significantly rework and improve the websocket notification system:
    - Each client is now independent so slow clients no longer limit the
      speed of other connected clients
    - Potentially long-running operations such as rescans are now run in
      their own handler and rate-limited to one operation at a time without
      preventing simultaneous requests from the same client for the faster
      requests or notifications
    - A couple of scenarios which could cause shutdown to hang have been
    - Update notifynewtx notifications to support all address types instead
      of only pay-to-pubkey-hash
    - Provide a --rpcmaxwebsockets option to allow limiting the number of
      concurrent websocket clients
    - Add a new websocket command notifyallnewtxs to request notifications
      (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/86) (thanks @flammit)
  - Improve btcctl utility in the following ways:
    - Add getnetworkhashps command
    - Add gettransaction command (wallet-specific)
    - Add signmessage command (wallet-specific)
    - Update getwork command to accept 
  - Continue cleanup and work on implementing the RPC API:
    - Implement getnettotals command
    - Implement networkhashps command
    - Update getpeerinfo to always include syncnode field even when false
    - Remove help addenda for getpeerinfo now that it supports all fields
  - Close standard RPC connections on auth failure
  - Provide a --rpcmaxclients option to allow limiting the number of
    concurrent RPC clients (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/68)
  - Include IP address in RPC auth failure log messages
  - Resolve a rather harmless data races found by the race detector
  - Increase block priority size and max standard transaction size to 50k
    and 100k, respectively (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/71)
  - Add rate limiting of free transactions to the memory pool to prevent
    penny flooding (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/40)
  - Provide a --logdir option (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/95)
  - Change the default log file path to include the network
  - Add a new ScriptBuilder interface to btcscript to support creation of
    custom scripts (https://github.com/conformal/btcscript/issues/5)
  - General code cleanup

Changes in 0.6.0 (Tue Feb 04 2014)
  - Fix an issue when parsing scripts which contain invalid signatures that
    caused a chain fork on block
  - Correct an issue which could lead to an error in removeBlockNode
  - Improve addblock utility as follows:
    - Check imported blocks against all chain rules and checkpoints
    - Skip blocks which are already known so you can stop and restart the
      import or start the import after you have already downloaded a portion
      of the chain
    - Correct an issue where the utility did not shutdown cleanly after
      processing all blocks
    - Add error on attempt to import orphan blocks
    - Improve error handling and reporting
    - Display statistics after input file has been fully processed
  - Rework, optimize, and improve headers-first mode:
    - Resuming the chain sync from any point before the final checkpoint
      will now use headers-first mode
    - Verify all checkpoints as opposed to only the final one
    - Reduce and bound memory usage
    - Rollback to the last known good point when a header does not match a
    - Log information about what is happening with headers
  - Improve btcctl utility in the following ways:
    - Add getaddednodeinfo command
    - Add getnettotals command
    - Add getblocktemplate command (wallet-specific)
    - Add getwork command (wallet-specific)
    - Add getnewaddress command (wallet-specific)
    - Add walletpassphrasechange command (wallet-specific)
    - Add walletlock command (wallet-specific)
    - Add sendfrom command (wallet-specific)
    - Add sendmany command (wallet-specific)
    - Add settxfee command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listsinceblock command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listaccounts command (wallet-specific)
    - Add keypoolrefill command (wallet-specific)
    - Add getreceivedbyaccount command (wallet-specific)
    - Add getrawchangeaddress command (wallet-specific)
    - Add gettxoutsetinfo command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listaddressgroupings command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listlockunspent command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listlock command (wallet-specific)
    - Add listreceivedbyaccount command (wallet-specific)
    - Add validateaddress command (wallet-specific)
    - Add verifymessage command (wallet-specific)
    - Add sendtoaddress command (wallet-specific)
  - Continue cleanup and work on implementing the RPC API:
    - Implement submitblock command
    - Implement help command
    - Implement ping command
    - Implement getaddednodeinfo command
    - Implement getinfo command
    - Update getpeerinfo to support bytesrecv and bytessent
  - Improve and correct several RPC server and websocket areas:
    - Change the connection endpoint for websockets from /wallet to /ws
    - Implement an alternative authentication for websockets so clients
      such as javascript from browsers that don't support setting HTTP
      headers can authenticate (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/77)
    - Add an authentication deadline for RPC connections
    - Use standard authentication failure responses for RPC connections
    - Make automatically generated certificate more standard so it works
      from client such as node.js and Firefox
    - Correct some minor issues which could prevent the RPC server from
      shutting down in an orderly fashion
    - Make all websocket notifications require registration
    - Change the data sent over websockets to text since it is JSON-RPC
    - Allow connections that do not have an Origin header set
  - Expose and track the number of bytes read and written per peer
  - Correct an issue with sendrawtransaction when invoked via websockets
    which prevented a minedtx notification from being added
  - Rescan operations issued from remote wallets are no stopped when
    the wallet disconnects mid-operation
  - Several optimizations related to fetching block information from the
  - General code cleanup

Changes in 0.5.0 (Mon Jan 13 2014)
  - Optimize initial block download by introducing a new mode which
    downloads the block headers first (up to the final checkpoint)
  - Improve peer handling to remove the potential for slow peers to cause
    sluggishness amongst all peers
  - Fix an issue where the initial block sync could stall when the sync peer
    disconnects (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/62)
  - Correct an issue where --externalip was doing a DNS lookup on the full
    host:port instead of just the host portion
  - Fix an issue which could lead to a panic on chain switches
  - Improve btcctl utility in the following ways:
    - Show getdifficulty output as floating point to 6 digits of precision
    - Show all JSON object replies formatted as standard JSON
    - Allow btcctl getblock to accept optional params
    - Add getaccount command (wallet-specific)
    - Add getaccountaddress command (wallet-specific)
    - Add sendrawtransaction command
  - Continue cleanup and work on implementing RPC API calls
    - Update getrawmempool to support new optional verbose flag
    - Update getrawtransaction to match the reference client
    - Update getblock to support new optional verbose flag
    - Update raw transactions to fully match the reference client including
      support for all transaction types and address types
    - Correct getrawmempool fee field to return BTC instead of Satoshi
    - Correct getpeerinfo service flag to return 8 digit string so it
      matches the reference client
    - Correct verifychain to return a boolean
    - Implement decoderawtransaction command
    - Implement createrawtransaction command
    - Implement decodescript command
    - Implement gethashespersec command
    - Allow RPC handler overrides when invoked via a websocket versus
      legacy connection
  - Add new DNS seed for peer discovery
  - Display user agent on new valid peer log message
  - Notify wallet when new transactions that pay to registered addresses
    show up in the mempool before being mined into a block
  - Support a tor-specific proxy in addition to a normal proxy
  - Remove deprecated sqlite3 imports from utilities
  - Remove leftover profile write from addblock utility
  - Quite a bit of code cleanup and refactoring to improve maintainability

Changes in 0.4.0 (Thu Dec 12 2013)
  - Allow listen interfaces to be specified via --listen instead of only the
    port (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/33)
  - Allow listen interfaces for the RPC server to be specified via
    --rpclisten instead of only the port
  - Only disable listening when --connect or --proxy are used when no
    --listen interface are specified
  - Add several new standard transaction checks to transaction memory pool:
    - Support nulldata scripts as standard
    - Only allow a max of one nulldata output per transaction
    - Enforce a maximum of 3 public keys in multi-signature transactions
    - The number of signatures in multi-signature transactions must not
      exceed the number of public keys
    - The number of inputs to a signature script must match the expected
      number of inputs for the script type
    - The number of inputs pushed onto the stack by a redeeming signature
      script must match the number of inputs consumed by the referenced
      public key script
  - When a block is connected, remove any transactions from the memory pool
    which are now double spends as a result of the newly connected
  - Don't relay transactions resurrected during a chain switch since
    other peers will also be switching chains and therefore already know
    about them
  - Cleanup a few cases where rejected transactions showed as an error
    rather than as a rejected transaction
  - Ignore the default configuration file when --regtest (regression test
    mode) is specified
  - Implement TLS support for RPC including automatic certificate generation
  - Support HTTP authentication headers for web sockets
  - Update address manager to recognize and properly work with Tor
    addresses (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/36) and
  - Improve btcctl utility in the following ways:
    - Add the ability to specify a configuration file
    - Add a default entry for the RPC cert to point to the location
      it will likely be in the btcd home directory
    - Implement --version flag
    - Provide a --notls option to support non-TLS configurations
  - Fix a couple of minor races found by the Go race detector
  - Improve logging
    - Allow logging level to be specified on a per subsystem basis
    - Allow logging levels to be dynamically changed via RPC
    - Implement a rolling log file with a max of 10MB per file and a
      rotation size of 3 which results in a max logging size of 30 MB
  - Correct a minor issue with the rescanning websocket call
  - Fix a race with pushing address messages that could lead to a panic
  - Improve which external IP address is reported to peers based on which
    interface they are connected through
  - Add --externalip option to allow an external IP address to be specified
    for cases such as tor hidden services or advanced network configurations
  - Add --upnp option to support automatic port mapping via UPnP
  - Update Ctrl+C interrupt handler to properly sync address manager and
    remove the UPnP port mapping (if needed)
  - Continue cleanup and work on implementing RPC API calls
    - Add importprivkey (import private key) command to btcctl
    - Update getrawtransaction to provide addresses properly, support
      new verbose param, and match the reference implementation with the
      exception of MULTISIG (thanks @flammit)
    - Update getblock with new verbose flag (thanks @flammit)
    - Add listtransactions command to btcctl
    - Add getbalance command to btcctl
  - Add basic support for btcd to run as a native Windows service
  - Package addblock utility with Windows MSIs
  - Add support for TravisCI (continuous build integration)
  - Cleanup some documentation and usage
  - Several other minor bug fixes and general code cleanup

Changes in 0.3.3 (Wed Nov 13 2013)
  - Significantly improve initial block chain download speed
  - Add a new checkpoint at block height 267300
  - Optimize most recently used inventory handling
  - Optimize duplicate transaction input check
  - Optimize transaction hashing
  - Rework and optimize wallet listener notifications
  - Optimize serialization and deserialization
  - Add support for minimum transaction fee to memory pool acceptance
  - Improve leveldb database performance by removing explicit GC call
  - Fix an issue where Ctrl+C was not always finishing orderly database
  - Fix an issue in the script handling for OP_CHECKSIG
  - Impose max limits on all variable length protocol entries to prevent
    abuse from malicious peers
  - Enforce DER signatures for transactions allowed into the memory pool
  - Separate the debug profile http server from the RPC server
  - Rework of the RPC code to improve performance and make the code cleaner
  - The getrawtransaction RPC call now properly checks the memory pool
    before consulting the db (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/26)
  - Add support for the following RPC calls: getpeerinfo, getconnectedcount,
    addnode, verifychain
  - Implement rescan websocket extension to allow wallet rescans
  - Use correct paths for application data storage for all supported
    operating systems (https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/30)
  - Add a default redirect to the http profiling page when accessing the
    http profile server
  - Add a new --cpuprofile option which can be used to generate CPU
    profiling data on platforms that support it
  - Several other minor performance optimizations
  - Other minor bug fixes and general code cleanup

Changes in 0.3.2 (Tue Oct 22 2013)
  - Fix an issue that could cause the download of the block chain to stall
  - Remove deprecated sqlite as an available database backend
  - Close sqlite compile issue as sqlite has now been removed
  - Change default RPC ports to 8334 (mainnet) and 18334 (testnet)
  - Continue cleanup and work on implementing RPC API calls
  - Add support for the following RPC calls: getrawmempool,
    getbestblockhash, decoderawtransaction, getdifficulty,
    getconnectioncount, getpeerinfo, and addnode
  - Improve the btcctl utility that is used to issue JSON-RPC commands
  - Fix an issue preventing btcd from cleanly shutting down with the RPC
    stop command
  - Add a number of database interface tests to ensure backends implement
    the expected interface
  - Expose some additional information from btcscript to be used for
    identifying "standard"" transactions
  - Add support for plan9 - thanks @mischief
  - Other minor bug fixes and general code cleanup

Changes in 0.3.1-alpha (Tue Oct 15 2013)
  - Change default database to leveldb
    NOTE: This does mean you will have to redownload the block chain.  Since we
    are still in alpha, we didn't feel writing a converter was worth the time as
    it would take away from more important issues at this stage
  - Add a warning if there are multiple block chain databases of different types
  - Fix issue with unexpected EOF in leveldb -- https://github.com/conformal/btcd/issues/18
  - Fix issue preventing block 21066 on testnet -- https://github.com/conformal/btcchain/issues/1
  - Fix issue preventing block 96464 on testnet -- https://github.com/conformal/btcscript/issues/1
  - Optimize transaction lookups
  - Correct a few cases of list removal that could result in improper cleanup
    of no longer needed orphans
  - Add functionality to increase ulimits on non-Windows platforms
  - Add support for mempool command which allows remote peers to query the
    transaction memory pool via the bitcoin protocol
  - Clean up logging a bit
  - Add a flag to disable checkpoints for developers
  - Add a lot of useful debug logging such as message summaries
  - Other minor bug fixes and general code cleanup

Initial Release 0.3.0-alpha (Sat Oct 05 2013):
  - Initial release