// Copyright (c) 2014 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package wire_test

import (


// TestFilterCLearLatest tests the MsgFilterLoad API against the latest protocol
// version.
func TestFilterLoadLatest(t *testing.T) {
	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion

	data := []byte{0x01, 0x02}
	msg := wire.NewMsgFilterLoad(data, 10, 0, 0)

	// Ensure the command is expected value.
	wantCmd := "filterload"
	if cmd := msg.Command(); cmd != wantCmd {
		t.Errorf("NewMsgFilterLoad: wrong command - got %v want %v",
			cmd, wantCmd)

	// Ensure max payload is expected value for latest protocol version.
	wantPayload := uint32(36012)
	maxPayload := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
	if maxPayload != wantPayload {
		t.Errorf("MaxPayLoadLength: wrong max payload length for "+
			"protocol version %d - got %v, want %v", pver,
			maxPayload, wantPayload)

	// Test encode with latest protocol version.
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, pver)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("encode of MsgFilterLoad failed %v err <%v>", msg, err)

	// Test decode with latest protocol version.
	readmsg := wire.MsgFilterLoad{}
	err = readmsg.BtcDecode(&buf, pver)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("decode of MsgFilterLoad failed [%v] err <%v>", buf, err)


// TestFilterLoadCrossProtocol tests the MsgFilterLoad API when encoding with
// the latest protocol version and decoding with BIP0031Version.
func TestFilterLoadCrossProtocol(t *testing.T) {
	data := []byte{0x01, 0x02}
	msg := wire.NewMsgFilterLoad(data, 10, 0, 0)

	// Encode with latest protocol version.
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, wire.ProtocolVersion)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("encode of NewMsgFilterLoad failed %v err <%v>", msg,

	// Decode with old protocol version.
	var readmsg wire.MsgFilterLoad
	err = readmsg.BtcDecode(&buf, wire.BIP0031Version)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("decode of MsgFilterLoad succeeded when it shouldn't have %v",

// TestFilterLoadMaxFilterSize tests the MsgFilterLoad API maximum filter size.
func TestFilterLoadMaxFilterSize(t *testing.T) {
	data := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xff}, 36001)
	msg := wire.NewMsgFilterLoad(data, 10, 0, 0)

	// Encode with latest protocol version.
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, wire.ProtocolVersion)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("encode of MsgFilterLoad succeeded when it shouldn't "+
			"have %v", msg)

	// Decode with latest protocol version.
	readbuf := bytes.NewReader(data)
	err = msg.BtcDecode(readbuf, wire.ProtocolVersion)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("decode of MsgFilterLoad succeeded when it shouldn't "+
			"have %v", msg)

// TestFilterLoadMaxHashFuncsSize tests the MsgFilterLoad API maximum hash functions.
func TestFilterLoadMaxHashFuncsSize(t *testing.T) {
	data := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0xff}, 10)
	msg := wire.NewMsgFilterLoad(data, 61, 0, 0)

	// Encode with latest protocol version.
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := msg.BtcEncode(&buf, wire.ProtocolVersion)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("encode of MsgFilterLoad succeeded when it shouldn't have %v",

	newBuf := []byte{
		0x0a,                                                       // filter size
		0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // filter
		0x3d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // max hash funcs
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // tweak
		0x00, // update Type
	// Decode with latest protocol version.
	readbuf := bytes.NewReader(newBuf)
	err = msg.BtcDecode(readbuf, wire.ProtocolVersion)
	if err == nil {
		t.Errorf("decode of MsgFilterLoad succeeded when it shouldn't have %v",

// TestFilterLoadWireErrors performs negative tests against wire encode and decode
// of MsgFilterLoad to confirm error paths work correctly.
func TestFilterLoadWireErrors(t *testing.T) {
	pver := wire.ProtocolVersion
	pverNoFilterLoad := wire.BIP0037Version - 1
	wireErr := &wire.MessageError{}

	baseFilter := []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}
	baseFilterLoad := wire.NewMsgFilterLoad(baseFilter, 10, 0,
	baseFilterLoadEncoded := append([]byte{0x04}, baseFilter...)
	baseFilterLoadEncoded = append(baseFilterLoadEncoded,
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, // HashFuncs
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Tweak
		0x00) // Flags

	tests := []struct {
		in       *wire.MsgFilterLoad // Value to encode
		buf      []byte              // Wire encoding
		pver     uint32              // Protocol version for wire encoding
		max      int                 // Max size of fixed buffer to induce errors
		writeErr error               // Expected write error
		readErr  error               // Expected read error
		// Latest protocol version with intentional read/write errors.
		// Force error in filter size.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pver, 0,
			io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF,
		// Force error in filter.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pver, 1,
			io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF,
		// Force error in hash funcs.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pver, 5,
			io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF,
		// Force error in tweak.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pver, 9,
			io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF,
		// Force error in flags.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pver, 13,
			io.ErrShortWrite, io.EOF,
		// Force error due to unsupported protocol version.
			baseFilterLoad, baseFilterLoadEncoded, pverNoFilterLoad,
			10, wireErr, wireErr,

	t.Logf("Running %d tests", len(tests))
	for i, test := range tests {
		// Encode to wire format.
		w := newFixedWriter(test.max)
		err := test.in.BtcEncode(w, test.pver)
		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.writeErr) {
			t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
				i, err, test.writeErr)

		// For errors which are not of type wire.MessageError, check
		// them for equality.
		if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
			if err != test.writeErr {
				t.Errorf("BtcEncode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
					"want: %v", i, err, test.writeErr)

		// Decode from wire format.
		var msg wire.MsgFilterLoad
		r := newFixedReader(test.max, test.buf)
		err = msg.BtcDecode(r, test.pver)
		if reflect.TypeOf(err) != reflect.TypeOf(test.readErr) {
			t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, want: %v",
				i, err, test.readErr)

		// For errors which are not of type wire.MessageError, check
		// them for equality.
		if _, ok := err.(*wire.MessageError); !ok {
			if err != test.readErr {
				t.Errorf("BtcDecode #%d wrong error got: %v, "+
					"want: %v", i, err, test.readErr)
