// Copyright (c) 2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package blockchain

import (


const (
	// blockHdrOffset defines the offsets into a v1 block index row for the
	// block header.
	// The serialized block index row format is:
	//   <blocklocation><blockheader>
	blockHdrOffset = 12

// errInterruptRequested indicates that an operation was cancelled due
// to a user-requested interrupt.
var errInterruptRequested = errors.New("interrupt requested")

// interruptRequested returns true when the provided channel has been closed.
// This simplifies early shutdown slightly since the caller can just use an if
// statement instead of a select.
func interruptRequested(interrupted <-chan struct{}) bool {
	select {
	case <-interrupted:
		return true

	return false

// blockChainContext represents a particular block's placement in the block
// chain. This is used by the block index migration to track block metadata that
// will be written to disk.
type blockChainContext struct {
	parent    *chainhash.Hash
	children  []*chainhash.Hash
	height    int32
	mainChain bool

// migrateBlockIndex migrates all block entries from the v1 block index bucket
// to the v2 bucket. The v1 bucket stores all block entries keyed by block hash,
// whereas the v2 bucket stores the exact same values, but keyed instead by
// block height + hash.
func migrateBlockIndex(db database.DB) error {
	// Hardcoded bucket names so updates to the global values do not affect
	// old upgrades.
	v1BucketName := []byte("ffldb-blockidx")
	v2BucketName := []byte("blockheaderidx")

	err := db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
		v1BlockIdxBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(v1BucketName)
		if v1BlockIdxBucket == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Bucket %s does not exist", v1BucketName)

		log.Info("Re-indexing block information in the database. This might take a while...")

		v2BlockIdxBucket, err :=
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Get tip of the main chain.
		serializedData := dbTx.Metadata().Get(chainStateKeyName)
		state, err := deserializeBestChainState(serializedData)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		tip := &state.hash

		// Scan the old block index bucket and construct a mapping of each block
		// to parent block and all child blocks.
		blocksMap, err := readBlockTree(v1BlockIdxBucket)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Use the block graph to calculate the height of each block.
		err = determineBlockHeights(blocksMap)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Find blocks on the main chain with the block graph and current tip.
		determineMainChainBlocks(blocksMap, tip)

		// Now that we have heights for all blocks, scan the old block index
		// bucket and insert all rows into the new one.
		return v1BlockIdxBucket.ForEach(func(hashBytes, blockRow []byte) error {
			endOffset := blockHdrOffset + blockHdrSize
			headerBytes := blockRow[blockHdrOffset:endOffset:endOffset]

			var hash chainhash.Hash
			copy(hash[:], hashBytes[0:chainhash.HashSize])
			chainContext := blocksMap[hash]

			if chainContext.height == -1 {
				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to calculate chain height for "+
					"stored block %s", hash)

			// Mark blocks as valid if they are part of the main chain.
			status := statusDataStored
			if chainContext.mainChain {
				status |= statusValid

			// Write header to v2 bucket
			value := make([]byte, blockHdrSize+1)
			copy(value[0:blockHdrSize], headerBytes)
			value[blockHdrSize] = byte(status)

			key := blockIndexKey(&hash, uint32(chainContext.height))
			err := v2BlockIdxBucket.Put(key, value)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Delete header from v1 bucket
			truncatedRow := blockRow[0:blockHdrOffset:blockHdrOffset]
			return v1BlockIdxBucket.Put(hashBytes, truncatedRow)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	log.Infof("Block database migration complete")
	return nil

// readBlockTree reads the old block index bucket and constructs a mapping of
// each block to its parent block and all child blocks. This mapping represents
// the full tree of blocks. This function does not populate the height or
// mainChain fields of the returned blockChainContext values.
func readBlockTree(v1BlockIdxBucket database.Bucket) (map[chainhash.Hash]*blockChainContext, error) {
	blocksMap := make(map[chainhash.Hash]*blockChainContext)
	err := v1BlockIdxBucket.ForEach(func(_, blockRow []byte) error {
		var header wire.BlockHeader
		endOffset := blockHdrOffset + blockHdrSize
		headerBytes := blockRow[blockHdrOffset:endOffset:endOffset]
		err := header.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(headerBytes))
		if err != nil {
			return err

		blockHash := header.BlockHash()
		prevHash := header.PrevBlock

		if blocksMap[blockHash] == nil {
			blocksMap[blockHash] = &blockChainContext{height: -1}
		if blocksMap[prevHash] == nil {
			blocksMap[prevHash] = &blockChainContext{height: -1}

		blocksMap[blockHash].parent = &prevHash
		blocksMap[prevHash].children =
			append(blocksMap[prevHash].children, &blockHash)
		return nil
	return blocksMap, err

// determineBlockHeights takes a map of block hashes to a slice of child hashes
// and uses it to compute the height for each block. The function assigns a
// height of 0 to the genesis hash and explores the tree of blocks
// breadth-first, assigning a height to every block with a path back to the
// genesis block. This function modifies the height field on the blocksMap
// entries.
func determineBlockHeights(blocksMap map[chainhash.Hash]*blockChainContext) error {
	queue := list.New()

	// The genesis block is included in blocksMap as a child of the zero hash
	// because that is the value of the PrevBlock field in the genesis header.
	preGenesisContext, exists := blocksMap[zeroHash]
	if !exists || len(preGenesisContext.children) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to find genesis block")

	for _, genesisHash := range preGenesisContext.children {
		blocksMap[*genesisHash].height = 0

	for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = queue.Front() {
		hash := e.Value.(*chainhash.Hash)
		height := blocksMap[*hash].height

		// For each block with this one as a parent, assign it a height and
		// push to queue for future processing.
		for _, childHash := range blocksMap[*hash].children {
			blocksMap[*childHash].height = height + 1

	return nil

// determineMainChainBlocks traverses the block graph down from the tip to
// determine which block hashes that are part of the main chain. This function
// modifies the mainChain field on the blocksMap entries.
func determineMainChainBlocks(blocksMap map[chainhash.Hash]*blockChainContext, tip *chainhash.Hash) {
	for nextHash := tip; *nextHash != zeroHash; nextHash = blocksMap[*nextHash].parent {
		blocksMap[*nextHash].mainChain = true

// deserializeUtxoEntryV0 decodes a utxo entry from the passed serialized byte
// slice according to the legacy version 0 format into a map of utxos keyed by
// the output index within the transaction.  The map is necessary because the
// previous format encoded all unspent outputs for a transaction using a single
// entry, whereas the new format encodes each unspent output individually.
// The legacy format is as follows:
//   <version><height><header code><unspentness bitmap>[<compressed txouts>,...]
//   Field                Type     Size
//   version              VLQ      variable
//   block height         VLQ      variable
//   header code          VLQ      variable
//   unspentness bitmap   []byte   variable
//   compressed txouts
//     compressed amount  VLQ      variable
//     compressed script  []byte   variable
// The serialized header code format is:
//   bit 0 - containing transaction is a coinbase
//   bit 1 - output zero is unspent
//   bit 2 - output one is unspent
//   bits 3-x - number of bytes in unspentness bitmap.  When both bits 1 and 2
//     are unset, it encodes N-1 since there must be at least one unspent
//     output.
// The rationale for the header code scheme is as follows:
//   - Transactions which only pay to a single output and a change output are
//     extremely common, thus an extra byte for the unspentness bitmap can be
//     avoided for them by encoding those two outputs in the low order bits.
//   - Given it is encoded as a VLQ which can encode values up to 127 with a
//     single byte, that leaves 4 bits to represent the number of bytes in the
//     unspentness bitmap while still only consuming a single byte for the
//     header code.  In other words, an unspentness bitmap with up to 120
//     transaction outputs can be encoded with a single-byte header code.
//     This covers the vast majority of transactions.
//   - Encoding N-1 bytes when both bits 1 and 2 are unset allows an additional
//     8 outpoints to be encoded before causing the header code to require an
//     additional byte.
// Example 1:
// From tx in main blockchain:
// Blk 1, 0e3e2357e806b6cdb1f70b54c3a3a17b6714ee1f0e68bebb44a74b1efd512098
//    010103320496b538e853519c726a2c91e61ec11600ae1390813a627c66fb8be7947be63c52
//    <><><><------------------------------------------------------------------>
//     | | \--------\                               |
//     | height     |                      compressed txout 0
//  version    header code
//  - version: 1
//  - height: 1
//  - header code: 0x03 (coinbase, output zero unspent, 0 bytes of unspentness)
//  - unspentness: Nothing since it is zero bytes
//  - compressed txout 0:
//    - 0x32: VLQ-encoded compressed amount for 5000000000 (50 BTC)
//    - 0x04: special script type pay-to-pubkey
//    - 0x96...52: x-coordinate of the pubkey
// Example 2:
// From tx in main blockchain:
// Blk 113931, 4a16969aa4764dd7507fc1de7f0baa4850a246de90c45e59a3207f9a26b5036f
//    0185f90b0a011200e2ccd6ec7c6e2e581349c77e067385fa8236bf8a800900b8025be1b3efc63b0ad48e7f9f10e87544528d58
//    <><----><><><------------------------------------------><-------------------------------------------->
//     |    |  | \-------------------\            |                            |
//  version |  \--------\       unspentness       |                    compressed txout 2
//        height     header code          compressed txout 0
//  - version: 1
//  - height: 113931
//  - header code: 0x0a (output zero unspent, 1 byte in unspentness bitmap)
//  - unspentness: [0x01] (bit 0 is set, so output 0+2 = 2 is unspent)
//    NOTE: It's +2 since the first two outputs are encoded in the header code
//  - compressed txout 0:
//    - 0x12: VLQ-encoded compressed amount for 20000000 (0.2 BTC)
//    - 0x00: special script type pay-to-pubkey-hash
//    - 0xe2...8a: pubkey hash
//  - compressed txout 2:
//    - 0x8009: VLQ-encoded compressed amount for 15000000 (0.15 BTC)
//    - 0x00: special script type pay-to-pubkey-hash
//    - 0xb8...58: pubkey hash
// Example 3:
// From tx in main blockchain:
// Blk 338156, 1b02d1c8cfef60a189017b9a420c682cf4a0028175f2f563209e4ff61c8c3620
//    0193d06c100000108ba5b9e763011dd46a006572d820e448e12d2bbb38640bc718e6
//    <><----><><----><-------------------------------------------------->
//     |    |  |   \-----------------\            |
//  version |  \--------\       unspentness       |
//        height     header code          compressed txout 22
//  - version: 1
//  - height: 338156
//  - header code: 0x10 (2+1 = 3 bytes in unspentness bitmap)
//    NOTE: It's +1 since neither bit 1 nor 2 are set, so N-1 is encoded.
//  - unspentness: [0x00 0x00 0x10] (bit 20 is set, so output 20+2 = 22 is unspent)
//    NOTE: It's +2 since the first two outputs are encoded in the header code
//  - compressed txout 22:
//    - 0x8ba5b9e763: VLQ-encoded compressed amount for 366875659 (3.66875659 BTC)
//    - 0x01: special script type pay-to-script-hash
//    - 0x1d...e6: script hash
func deserializeUtxoEntryV0(serialized []byte) (map[uint32]*UtxoEntry, error) {
	// Deserialize the version.
	// NOTE: Ignore version since it is no longer used in the new format.
	_, bytesRead := deserializeVLQ(serialized)
	offset := bytesRead
	if offset >= len(serialized) {
		return nil, errDeserialize("unexpected end of data after version")

	// Deserialize the block height.
	blockHeight, bytesRead := deserializeVLQ(serialized[offset:])
	offset += bytesRead
	if offset >= len(serialized) {
		return nil, errDeserialize("unexpected end of data after height")

	// Deserialize the header code.
	code, bytesRead := deserializeVLQ(serialized[offset:])
	offset += bytesRead
	if offset >= len(serialized) {
		return nil, errDeserialize("unexpected end of data after header")

	// Decode the header code.
	// Bit 0 indicates whether the containing transaction is a coinbase.
	// Bit 1 indicates output 0 is unspent.
	// Bit 2 indicates output 1 is unspent.
	// Bits 3-x encodes the number of non-zero unspentness bitmap bytes that
	// follow.  When both output 0 and 1 are spent, it encodes N-1.
	isCoinBase := code&0x01 != 0
	output0Unspent := code&0x02 != 0
	output1Unspent := code&0x04 != 0
	numBitmapBytes := code >> 3
	if !output0Unspent && !output1Unspent {

	// Ensure there are enough bytes left to deserialize the unspentness
	// bitmap.
	if uint64(len(serialized[offset:])) < numBitmapBytes {
		return nil, errDeserialize("unexpected end of data for " +
			"unspentness bitmap")

	// Add sparse output for unspent outputs 0 and 1 as needed based on the
	// details provided by the header code.
	var outputIndexes []uint32
	if output0Unspent {
		outputIndexes = append(outputIndexes, 0)
	if output1Unspent {
		outputIndexes = append(outputIndexes, 1)

	// Decode the unspentness bitmap adding a sparse output for each unspent
	// output.
	for i := uint32(0); i < uint32(numBitmapBytes); i++ {
		unspentBits := serialized[offset]
		for j := uint32(0); j < 8; j++ {
			if unspentBits&0x01 != 0 {
				// The first 2 outputs are encoded via the
				// header code, so adjust the output number
				// accordingly.
				outputNum := 2 + i*8 + j
				outputIndexes = append(outputIndexes, outputNum)
			unspentBits >>= 1

	// Map to hold all of the converted outputs.
	entries := make(map[uint32]*UtxoEntry)

	// All entries will need to potentially be marked as a coinbase.
	var packedFlags txoFlags
	if isCoinBase {
		packedFlags |= tfCoinBase

	// Decode and add all of the utxos.
	for i, outputIndex := range outputIndexes {
		// Decode the next utxo.
		amount, pkScript, bytesRead, err := decodeCompressedTxOut(
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errDeserialize(fmt.Sprintf("unable to "+
				"decode utxo at index %d: %v", i, err))
		offset += bytesRead

		// Create a new utxo entry with the details deserialized above.
		entries[outputIndex] = &UtxoEntry{
			amount:      int64(amount),
			pkScript:    pkScript,
			blockHeight: int32(blockHeight),
			packedFlags: packedFlags,

	return entries, nil

// upgradeUtxoSetToV2 migrates the utxo set entries from version 1 to 2 in
// batches.  It is guaranteed to updated if this returns without failure.
func upgradeUtxoSetToV2(db database.DB, interrupt <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Hardcoded bucket names so updates to the global values do not affect
	// old upgrades.
	var (
		v1BucketName = []byte("utxoset")
		v2BucketName = []byte("utxosetv2")

	log.Infof("Upgrading utxo set to v2.  This will take a while...")
	start := time.Now()

	// Create the new utxo set bucket as needed.
	err := db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
		_, err := dbTx.Metadata().CreateBucketIfNotExists(v2BucketName)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// doBatch contains the primary logic for upgrading the utxo set from
	// version 1 to 2 in batches.  This is done because the utxo set can be
	// huge and thus attempting to migrate in a single database transaction
	// would result in massive memory usage and could potentially crash on
	// many systems due to ulimits.
	// It returns the number of utxos processed.
	const maxUtxos = 200000
	doBatch := func(dbTx database.Tx) (uint32, error) {
		v1Bucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(v1BucketName)
		v2Bucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(v2BucketName)
		v1Cursor := v1Bucket.Cursor()

		// Migrate utxos so long as the max number of utxos for this
		// batch has not been exceeded.
		var numUtxos uint32
		for ok := v1Cursor.First(); ok && numUtxos < maxUtxos; ok =
			v1Cursor.Next() {

			// Old key was the transaction hash.
			oldKey := v1Cursor.Key()
			var txHash chainhash.Hash
			copy(txHash[:], oldKey)

			// Deserialize the old entry which included all utxos
			// for the given transaction.
			utxos, err := deserializeUtxoEntryV0(v1Cursor.Value())
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err

			// Add an entry for each utxo into the new bucket using
			// the new format.
			for txOutIdx, utxo := range utxos {
				reserialized, err := serializeUtxoEntry(utxo)
				if err != nil {
					return 0, err

				key := outpointKey(wire.OutPoint{
					Hash:  txHash,
					Index: txOutIdx,
				err = v2Bucket.Put(*key, reserialized)
				// NOTE: The key is intentionally not recycled
				// here since the database interface contract
				// prohibits modifications.  It will be garbage
				// collected normally when the database is done
				// with it.
				if err != nil {
					return 0, err

			// Remove old entry.
			err = v1Bucket.Delete(oldKey)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err

			numUtxos += uint32(len(utxos))

			if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
				// No error here so the database transaction
				// is not cancelled and therefore outstanding
				// work is written to disk.

		return numUtxos, nil

	// Migrate all entries in batches for the reasons mentioned above.
	var totalUtxos uint64
	for {
		var numUtxos uint32
		err := db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
			var err error
			numUtxos, err = doBatch(dbTx)
			return err
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
			return errInterruptRequested

		if numUtxos == 0 {

		totalUtxos += uint64(numUtxos)
		log.Infof("Migrated %d utxos (%d total)", numUtxos, totalUtxos)

	// Remove the old bucket and update the utxo set version once it has
	// been fully migrated.
	err = db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
		err := dbTx.Metadata().DeleteBucket(v1BucketName)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return dbPutVersion(dbTx, utxoSetVersionKeyName, 2)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	seconds := int64(time.Since(start) / time.Second)
	log.Infof("Done upgrading utxo set.  Total utxos: %d in %d seconds",
		totalUtxos, seconds)
	return nil

// maybeUpgradeDbBuckets checks the database version of the buckets used by this
// package and performs any needed upgrades to bring them to the latest version.
// All buckets used by this package are guaranteed to be the latest version if
// this function returns without error.
func (b *BlockChain) maybeUpgradeDbBuckets(interrupt <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Load or create bucket versions as needed.
	var utxoSetVersion uint32
	err := b.db.Update(func(dbTx database.Tx) error {
		// Load the utxo set version from the database or create it and
		// initialize it to version 1 if it doesn't exist.
		var err error
		utxoSetVersion, err = dbFetchOrCreateVersion(dbTx,
			utxoSetVersionKeyName, 1)
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Update the utxo set to v2 if needed.
	if utxoSetVersion < 2 {
		if err := upgradeUtxoSetToV2(b.db, interrupt); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil