// +build use_icu_normalization package node // #cgo CFLAGS: -O2 // #cgo LDFLAGS: -licuio -licui18n -licuuc -licudata // #include <unicode/unorm2.h> // #include <unicode/ustring.h> // #include <unicode/uversion.h> // int icu_version() { // UVersionInfo info; // u_getVersion(info); // return ((int)(info[0]) << 16) + info[1]; // } // int normalize(char* name, int length, char* result) { // UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; // static const UNormalizer2* normalizer = NULL; // if (normalizer == NULL) normalizer = unorm2_getNFDInstance(&ec); // UChar dest[256]; // maximum claim name size is 255; we won't have more UTF16 chars than bytes // int dest_len; // u_strFromUTF8(dest, 256, &dest_len, name, length, &ec); // if (U_FAILURE(ec) || dest_len == 0) return 0; // UChar normalized[256]; // dest_len = unorm2_normalize(normalizer, dest, dest_len, normalized, 256, &ec); // if (U_FAILURE(ec) || dest_len == 0) return 0; // dest_len = u_strFoldCase(dest, 256, normalized, dest_len, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT, &ec); // if (U_FAILURE(ec) || dest_len == 0) return 0; // u_strToUTF8(result, 512, &dest_len, dest, dest_len, &ec); // return dest_len; // } import "C" import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) func init() { Normalize = normalizeICU } func IcuVersion() string { // TODO: we probably need to explode if it's not 63.2 as it affects consensus result := C.icu_version() return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d", result>>16, result&0xffff) } func normalizeICU(value []byte) []byte { if len(value) <= 0 { return value } name := (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])) length := C.int(len(value)) // hopefully this is a stack alloc (but it may be a bit large for that): var resultName [512]byte // inputs are restricted to 255 chars; it shouldn't expand too much past that result := unsafe.Pointer(&resultName[0]) resultLength := C.normalize(name, length, (*C.char)(result)) if resultLength == 0 { return value } // return resultName[0:resultLength] -- we want to shrink the result (not use a slice on 1024) return C.GoBytes(result, resultLength) }