diff --git a/chain/chain.go b/chain/chain.go
index 31a5560..7ad8863 100644
--- a/chain/chain.go
+++ b/chain/chain.go
@@ -40,13 +40,6 @@ type Client struct {
 	dequeueNotification chan interface{}
 	currentBlock        chan *waddrmgr.BlockStamp
-	// Notification channels regarding the state of the client.  These exist
-	// so other components can listen in on chain activity.  These are
-	// initialized as nil, and must be created by calling one of the Listen*
-	// methods.
-	connected        chan bool
-	notificationLock sync.Locker
 	quit    chan struct{}
 	wg      sync.WaitGroup
 	started bool
@@ -65,7 +58,6 @@ func NewClient(chainParams *chaincfg.Params, connect, user, pass string, certs [
 		enqueueNotification: make(chan interface{}),
 		dequeueNotification: make(chan interface{}),
 		currentBlock:        make(chan *waddrmgr.BlockStamp),
-		notificationLock:    new(sync.Mutex),
 		quit:                make(chan struct{}),
 	ntfnCallbacks := btcrpcclient.NotificationHandlers{
@@ -155,6 +147,10 @@ func (c *Client) WaitForShutdown() {
 // btcrpcclient callbacks, which isn't very Go-like and doesn't allow
 // blocking client calls.
 type (
+	// ClientConnected is a notification for when a client connection is
+	// opened or reestablished to the chain server.
+	ClientConnected struct{}
 	// BlockConnected is a notification for a newly-attached block to the
 	// best chain.
 	BlockConnected waddrmgr.BlockStamp
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ func parseBlock(block *btcws.BlockDetails) (blk *txstore.Block, idx int, err err
 func (c *Client) onClientConnect() {
 	log.Info("Established websocket RPC connection to btcd")
-	c.notifyConnected(true)
+	c.enqueueNotification <- ClientConnected{}
 func (c *Client) onBlockConnected(hash *wire.ShaHash, height int32) {
@@ -354,49 +350,3 @@ out:
-// ErrDuplicateListen is returned for any attempts to listen for the same
-// notification more than once.  If callers must pass along a notifiation to
-// multiple places, they must broadcast it themself.
-var ErrDuplicateListen = errors.New("duplicate listen")
-type noopLocker struct{}
-func (noopLocker) Lock()   {}
-func (noopLocker) Unlock() {}
-// ListenConnected returns a channel that passes the current connection state
-// of the client.  This will be automatically sent to when the client is first
-// connected, as well as the current state whenever NotifyConnected is
-// forcibly called.
-// If this is called twice, ErrDuplicateListen is returned.
-func (c *Client) ListenConnected() (<-chan bool, error) {
-	c.notificationLock.Lock()
-	defer c.notificationLock.Unlock()
-	if c.connected != nil {
-		return nil, ErrDuplicateListen
-	}
-	c.connected = make(chan bool)
-	c.notificationLock = noopLocker{}
-	return c.connected, nil
-func (c *Client) notifyConnected(connected bool) {
-	c.notificationLock.Lock()
-	if c.connected != nil {
-		c.connected <- connected
-	}
-	c.notificationLock.Unlock()
-// NotifyConnected sends the channel notification for a connected or
-// disconnected client.  This is exported so it can be called by other
-// packages which require notifying the current connection state.
-// TODO: This shouldn't exist, but the current notification API requires it.
-func (c *Client) NotifyConnected() {
-	connected := !c.Client.Disconnected()
-	c.notifyConnected(connected)
diff --git a/chainntfns.go b/chainntfns.go
index cbe4006..db91956 100644
--- a/chainntfns.go
+++ b/chainntfns.go
@@ -25,9 +25,22 @@ import (
 func (w *Wallet) handleChainNotifications() {
+	sync := func(w *Wallet) {
+		// At the moment there is no recourse if the rescan fails for
+		// some reason, however, the wallet will not be marked synced
+		// and many methods will error early since the wallet is known
+		// to be out of date.
+		err := w.syncWithChain()
+		if err != nil && !w.ShuttingDown() {
+			log.Warnf("Unable to synchronize wallet to chain: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
 	for n := range w.chainSvr.Notifications() {
 		var err error
 		switch n := n.(type) {
+		case chain.ClientConnected:
+			go sync(w)
 		case chain.BlockConnected:
 		case chain.BlockDisconnected:
@@ -59,7 +72,7 @@ func (w *Wallet) connectBlock(bs waddrmgr.BlockStamp) {
 	if err := w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(&bs); err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("failed to update address manager sync state in "+
+		log.Errorf("Failed to update address manager sync state in "+
 			"connect block for hash %v (height %d): %v", bs.Hash,
 			bs.Height, err)
diff --git a/rescan.go b/rescan.go
index c3213f1..b9b4534 100644
--- a/rescan.go
+++ b/rescan.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/btcsuite/btcwallet/txstore"
@@ -33,9 +34,8 @@ type RescanProgressMsg struct {
 // RescanFinishedMsg reports the addresses that were rescanned when a
 // rescanfinished message was received rescanning a batch of addresses.
 type RescanFinishedMsg struct {
-	Addresses      []btcutil.Address
-	Notification   *chain.RescanFinished
-	WasInitialSync bool
+	Addresses    []btcutil.Address
+	Notification *chain.RescanFinished
 // RescanJob is a job to be processed by the RescanManager.  The job includes
@@ -147,9 +147,8 @@ out:
 				w.rescanFinished <- &RescanFinishedMsg{
-					Addresses:      curBatch.addrs,
-					Notification:   n,
-					WasInitialSync: curBatch.initialSync,
+					Addresses:    curBatch.addrs,
+					Notification: n,
 				curBatch, nextBatch = nextBatch, nil
@@ -200,30 +199,25 @@ out:
 			n := msg.Notification
 			addrs := msg.Addresses
 			noun := pickNoun(len(addrs), "address", "addresses")
-			if msg.WasInitialSync {
-				w.ResendUnminedTxs()
-				bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
-					Hash:   *n.Hash,
-					Height: n.Height,
-				}
-				err := w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(&bs)
-				if err != nil {
-					log.Errorf("Failed to update address "+
-						"manager sync state for hash "+
-						"%v (height %d): %v", n.Hash,
-						n.Height, err)
-				}
-				w.notifyConnectedBlock(bs)
-				// Mark wallet as synced to chain so connected
-				// and disconnected block notifications are
-				// processed.
-				close(w.chainSynced)
-			}
 			log.Infof("Finished rescan for %d %s (synced to block "+
 				"%s, height %d)", len(addrs), noun, n.Hash,
+			bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{n.Height, *n.Hash}
+			if err := w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(&bs); err != nil {
+				log.Errorf("Failed to update address manager "+
+					"sync state for hash %v (height %d): %v",
+					n.Hash, n.Height, err)
+			}
+			w.SetChainSynced(true)
+			go w.ResendUnminedTxs()
+			// TODO(jrick): The current websocket API requires
+			// notifying the block the rescan synced through to
+			// every connected client.  This is code smell and
+			// should be removed or replaced with a more
+			// appropiate notification when the API is redone.
+			w.notifyConnectedBlock(bs)
 		case <-w.quit:
 			break out
@@ -254,27 +248,18 @@ func (w *Wallet) rescanRPCHandler() {
-// RescanActiveAddresses begins a rescan for all active addresses of a wallet.
-// This is intended to be used to sync a wallet back up to the current best
-// block in the main chain, and is considered an initial sync rescan.
-func (w *Wallet) RescanActiveAddresses() error {
-	addrs, err := w.Manager.AllActiveAddresses()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// in case there are no addresses, we can skip queuing the rescan job
-	if len(addrs) == 0 {
-		close(w.chainSynced)
+// Rescan begins a rescan for all active addresses and unspent outputs of
+// a wallet.  This is intended to be used to sync a wallet back up to the
+// current best block in the main chain, and is considered an initial sync
+// rescan.
+func (w *Wallet) Rescan(addrs []btcutil.Address, unspent []txstore.Credit) error {
+	// Avoid rescan if there is no work to do.
+	if len(addrs) == 0 && len(unspent) == 0 {
 		return nil
-	unspents, err := w.TxStore.UnspentOutputs()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	outpoints := make([]*wire.OutPoint, len(unspents))
-	for i, output := range unspents {
+	outpoints := make([]*wire.OutPoint, len(unspent))
+	for i, output := range unspent {
 		outpoints[i] = output.OutPoint()
diff --git a/rpcserver.go b/rpcserver.go
index 7365f56..a21d2ae 100644
--- a/rpcserver.go
+++ b/rpcserver.go
@@ -290,18 +290,17 @@ type rpcServer struct {
 	// Channels read from other components from which notifications are
 	// created.
-	connectedBlocks       <-chan waddrmgr.BlockStamp
-	disconnectedBlocks    <-chan waddrmgr.BlockStamp
-	newCredits            <-chan txstore.Credit
-	newDebits             <-chan txstore.Debits
-	minedCredits          <-chan txstore.Credit
-	minedDebits           <-chan txstore.Debits
-	managerLocked         <-chan bool
-	confirmedBalance      <-chan btcutil.Amount
-	unconfirmedBalance    <-chan btcutil.Amount
-	chainServerConnected  <-chan bool
-	registerWalletNtfns   chan struct{}
-	registerChainSvrNtfns chan struct{}
+	connectedBlocks    <-chan waddrmgr.BlockStamp
+	disconnectedBlocks <-chan waddrmgr.BlockStamp
+	newCredits         <-chan txstore.Credit
+	newDebits          <-chan txstore.Debits
+	minedCredits       <-chan txstore.Credit
+	minedDebits        <-chan txstore.Debits
+	managerLocked      <-chan bool
+	confirmedBalance   <-chan btcutil.Amount
+	unconfirmedBalance <-chan btcutil.Amount
+	//chainServerConnected  <-chan bool
+	registerWalletNtfns chan struct{}
 	// enqueueNotification and dequeueNotification handle both sides of an
 	// infinitly growing queue for websocket client notifications.
@@ -336,7 +335,6 @@ func newRPCServer(listenAddrs []string, maxPost, maxWebsockets int64) (*rpcServe
 		registerWSC:             make(chan *websocketClient),
 		unregisterWSC:           make(chan *websocketClient),
 		registerWalletNtfns:     make(chan struct{}),
-		registerChainSvrNtfns:   make(chan struct{}),
 		enqueueNotification:     make(chan wsClientNotification),
 		dequeueNotification:     make(chan wsClientNotification),
 		notificationHandlerQuit: make(chan struct{}),
@@ -565,10 +563,6 @@ func (s *rpcServer) SetWallet(wallet *Wallet) {
 		// With both the wallet and chain server set, all handlers are
 		// ok to run.
 		s.handlerLookup = lookupAnyHandler
-		// Make sure already connected websocket clients get a notification
-		// if the chain RPC client connection is set and connected.
-		s.chainSvr.NotifyConnected()
@@ -582,7 +576,6 @@ func (s *rpcServer) SetChainServer(chainSvr *chain.Client) {
 	defer s.handlerLock.Unlock()
 	s.chainSvr = chainSvr
-	s.registerChainSvrNtfns <- struct{}{}
 	if s.wallet != nil {
 		// If the wallet had already been set, there's no reason to keep
@@ -941,13 +934,6 @@ func (s *rpcServer) WebsocketClientRPC(wsc *websocketClient) {
-	// TODO(jrick): this is crappy. kill it.
-	s.handlerLock.Lock()
-	if s.chainSvr != nil {
-		s.chainSvr.NotifyConnected()
-	}
-	s.handlerLock.Unlock()
 	// WebsocketClientRead is intentionally not run with the waitgroup
 	// so it is ignored during shutdown.  This is to prevent a hang during
 	// shutdown where the goroutine is blocked on a read of the
@@ -1127,8 +1113,6 @@ out:
 			s.enqueueNotification <- confirmedBalance(n)
 		case n := <-s.unconfirmedBalance:
 			s.enqueueNotification <- unconfirmedBalance(n)
-		case n := <-s.chainServerConnected:
-			s.enqueueNotification <- btcdConnected(n)
 		// Registration of all notifications is done by the handler so
 		// it doesn't require another rpcServer mutex.
@@ -1199,24 +1183,6 @@ out:
 			s.confirmedBalance = confirmedBalance
 			s.unconfirmedBalance = unconfirmedBalance
-		case <-s.registerChainSvrNtfns:
-			chainServerConnected, err := s.chainSvr.ListenConnected()
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Errorf("Could not register for chain server "+
-					"connection changes: %v", err)
-				continue
-			}
-			s.chainServerConnected = chainServerConnected
-			// Make sure already connected websocket clients get a
-			// notification for the current client connection state.
-			//
-			// TODO(jrick): I am appalled by doing this but trying
-			// not to change how notifications work for the moment.
-			// A revamped notification API without this horror will
-			// be implemented soon.
-			go s.chainSvr.NotifyConnected()
 		case <-s.quit:
 			break out
@@ -1237,9 +1203,7 @@ func (s *rpcServer) drainNotifications() {
 		case <-s.minedDebits:
 		case <-s.confirmedBalance:
 		case <-s.unconfirmedBalance:
-		case <-s.chainServerConnected:
 		case <-s.registerWalletNtfns:
-		case <-s.registerChainSvrNtfns:
diff --git a/wallet.go b/wallet.go
index d3fc0b6..23c4b8e 100644
--- a/wallet.go
+++ b/wallet.go
@@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ type Wallet struct {
 	Manager *waddrmgr.Manager
 	TxStore *txstore.Store
-	chainSvr     *chain.Client
-	chainSvrLock sync.Locker
-	chainSynced  chan struct{} // closed when synced
+	chainSvr        *chain.Client
+	chainSvrLock    sync.Locker
+	chainSvrSynced  bool
+	chainSvrSyncMtx sync.Mutex
 	lockedOutpoints map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}
 	FeeIncrement    btcutil.Amount
@@ -131,7 +132,6 @@ func newWallet(mgr *waddrmgr.Manager, txs *txstore.Store) *Wallet {
 		Manager:             mgr,
 		TxStore:             txs,
 		chainSvrLock:        new(sync.Mutex),
-		chainSynced:         make(chan struct{}),
 		lockedOutpoints:     map[wire.OutPoint]struct{}{},
 		FeeIncrement:        defaultFeeIncrement,
 		rescanAddJob:        make(chan *RescanJob),
@@ -319,13 +319,6 @@ func (w *Wallet) Start(chainServer *chain.Client) {
 	go w.rescanBatchHandler()
 	go w.rescanProgressHandler()
 	go w.rescanRPCHandler()
-	go func() {
-		err := w.syncWithChain()
-		if err != nil && !w.ShuttingDown() {
-			log.Warnf("Unable to synchronize wallet to chain: %v", err)
-		}
-	}()
 // Stop signals all wallet goroutines to shutdown.
@@ -366,40 +359,61 @@ func (w *Wallet) WaitForShutdown() {
 // ChainSynced returns whether the wallet has been attached to a chain server
 // and synced up to the best block on the main chain.
 func (w *Wallet) ChainSynced() bool {
-	select {
-	case <-w.chainSynced:
-		return true
-	default:
-		return false
+	w.chainSvrSyncMtx.Lock()
+	synced := w.chainSvrSynced
+	w.chainSvrSyncMtx.Unlock()
+	return synced
+// SetChainSynced marks whether the wallet is connected to and currently in sync
+// with the latest block notified by the chain server.
+// NOTE: Due to an API limitation with btcrpcclient, this may return true after
+// the client disconnected (and is attempting a reconnect).  This will be unknown
+// until the reconnect notification is received, at which point the wallet can be
+// marked out of sync again until after the next rescan completes.
+func (w *Wallet) SetChainSynced(synced bool) {
+	w.chainSvrSyncMtx.Lock()
+	w.chainSvrSynced = synced
+	w.chainSvrSyncMtx.Unlock()
+// activeData returns the currently-active receiving addresses and all unspent
+// outputs.  This is primarely intended to provide the parameters for a
+// rescan request.
+func (w *Wallet) activeData() ([]btcutil.Address, []txstore.Credit, error) {
+	addrs, err := w.Manager.AllActiveAddresses()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	unspent, err := w.TxStore.UnspentOutputs()
+	return addrs, unspent, err
-// WaitForChainSync blocks until a wallet has been synced with the main chain
-// of an attached chain server.
-func (w *Wallet) WaitForChainSync() {
-	<-w.chainSynced
-// SyncedChainTip returns the hash and height of the block of the most
-// recently seen block in the main chain.  It returns errors if the
-// wallet has not yet been marked as synched with the chain.
-func (w *Wallet) SyncedChainTip() (*waddrmgr.BlockStamp, error) {
-	select {
-	case <-w.chainSynced:
-		return w.chainSvr.BlockStamp()
-	default:
-		return nil, ErrNotSynced
+// syncWithChain brings the wallet up to date with the current chain server
+// connection.  It creates a rescan request and blocks until the rescan has
+// finished.
+func (w *Wallet) syncWithChain() error {
+	// Request notifications for connected and disconnected blocks.
+	//
+	// TODO(jrick): Either request this notification only once, or when
+	// btcrpcclient is modified to allow some notification request to not
+	// automatically resent on reconnect, include the notifyblocks request
+	// as well.  I am leaning towards allowing off all btcrpcclient
+	// notification re-registrations, in which case the code here should be
+	// left as is.
+	err := w.chainSvr.NotifyBlocks()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
-func (w *Wallet) syncWithChain() (err error) {
-	defer func() {
-		if err == nil {
-			// Request notifications for connected and disconnected
-			// blocks.
-			err = w.chainSvr.NotifyBlocks()
-		}
-	}()
+	// Request notifications for transactions sending to all wallet
+	// addresses.
+	addrs, unspent, err := w.activeData()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
 	// TODO(jrick): How should this handle a synced height earlier than
 	// the chain server best block?
@@ -411,8 +425,8 @@ func (w *Wallet) syncWithChain() (err error) {
 		bs := iter.BlockStamp()
 		log.Debugf("Checking for previous saved block with height %v hash %v",
 			bs.Height, bs.Hash)
-		if _, err := w.chainSvr.GetBlock(&bs.Hash); err != nil {
+		_, err = w.chainSvr.GetBlock(&bs.Hash)
+		if err != nil {
@@ -433,7 +447,7 @@ func (w *Wallet) syncWithChain() (err error) {
-	return w.RescanActiveAddresses()
+	return w.Rescan(addrs, unspent)
 type (