# Making API Changes

This document describes the process of how btcwallet developers must make
changes to the RPC API and server.  Due to the use of gRPC and Protocol Buffers
for the RPC implementation, changes to this API require extra dependencies and
steps before changes to the server can be implemented.

## Requirements

- The Protocol Buffer compiler `protoc` installed with support for the `proto3`

  The `protoc` tool is part of the Protocol Buffers project.  This can be
  installed [from source](https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/INSTALL.txt),
  from an [official binary release](https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases),
  or through an operating system's package manager.

- The gRPC `protoc` plugin for Go

  This plugin is written in Go and can be installed using `go get`:

  go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go

- Knowledge of Protocol Buffers version 3 (proto3)

Note that a full installation of gRPC Core is not required, and only the
`protoc` compiler and Go plugins are necessary.  This is due to the project
using a pure Go gRPC implementation instead of wrapping the C library from gRPC

## Step 1: Modify the `.proto`

Once the developer dependencies have been met, changes can be made to the API by
modifying the Protocol Buffers descriptor file [`api.proto`](../api.proto).

The API is versioned according to the rules of [Semantic Versioning
2.0](http://semver.org/).  After any changes, bump the API version in the [API
specification](./api.md) and add the changes to the spec.

Unless backwards compatibility is broken (and the version is bumped to represent
this change), message fields must never be removed or changed, and new fields
must always be appended.

It is forbidden to use the `required` attribute on a message field as this can
cause errors during parsing when the new API is used by an older client.
Instead, the (implicit) optional attribute is used, and the server
implementation must return an appropriate error if the new request field is not
set to a valid value.

## Step 2: Compile the `.proto`

Once changes to the descriptor file and API specification have been made, the
`protoc` compiler must be used to compile the descriptor into a Go package.
This code contains interfaces (stubs) for each service (to be implemented by the
wallet) and message types used for each RPC.  This same code can also be
imported by a Go client that then calls same interface methods to perform RPC
with the wallet.

By committing the autogenerated package to the project repo, the `proto3`
compiler and plugin are not needed by users installing the project by source or
by other developers not making changes to the RPC API.

A `sh` shell script is included to compile the Protocol Buffers descriptor.  It
must be run from the `rpc` directory.

$ sh regen.sh

If a `sh` shell is unavailable, the command can be run manually instead (again
from the `rpc` directory).

protoc -I. api.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:walletrpc

TODO(jrick): This step could be simplified and be more portable by putting the
commands in a Go source file and executing them with `go generate`.  It should,
however, only be run when API changes are performed (not with `go generate
./...` in the project root) since not all developers are expected to have
`protoc` installed.

## Step 3: Implement the API change in the RPC server

After the Go code for the API has been regenated, the necessary changes can be
implemented in the [`rpcserver`](../rpcserver/) package.

## Additional Resources

- [Protocol Buffers Language Guide (proto3)](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3)
- [Protocol Buffers Basics: Go](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/gotutorial)
- [gRPC Basics: Go](http://www.grpc.io/docs/tutorials/basic/go.html)