// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package main

import (

// interruptChannel is used to receive SIGINT (Ctrl+C) signals.
var interruptChannel chan os.Signal

// addHandlerChannel is used to add an interrupt handler to the list of handlers
// to be invoked on SIGINT (Ctrl+C) signals.
var addHandlerChannel = make(chan func())

// interruptHandlersDone is closed after all interrupt handlers run the first
// time an interrupt is signaled.
var interruptHandlersDone = make(chan struct{})

var simulateInterruptChannel = make(chan struct{}, 1)

// signals defines the signals that are handled to do a clean shutdown.
// Conditional compilation is used to also include SIGTERM on Unix.
var signals = []os.Signal{os.Interrupt}

// simulateInterrupt requests invoking the clean termination process by an
// internal component instead of a SIGINT.
func simulateInterrupt() {
	select {
	case simulateInterruptChannel <- struct{}{}:

// mainInterruptHandler listens for SIGINT (Ctrl+C) signals on the
// interruptChannel and invokes the registered interruptCallbacks accordingly.
// It also listens for callback registration.  It must be run as a goroutine.
func mainInterruptHandler() {
	// interruptCallbacks is a list of callbacks to invoke when a
	// SIGINT (Ctrl+C) is received.
	var interruptCallbacks []func()
	invokeCallbacks := func() {
		// run handlers in LIFO order.
		for i := range interruptCallbacks {
			idx := len(interruptCallbacks) - 1 - i

	for {
		select {
		case sig := <-interruptChannel:
			log.Infof("Received signal (%s).  Shutting down...", sig)
		case <-simulateInterruptChannel:
			log.Info("Received shutdown request.  Shutting down...")

		case handler := <-addHandlerChannel:
			interruptCallbacks = append(interruptCallbacks, handler)

// addInterruptHandler adds a handler to call when a SIGINT (Ctrl+C) is
// received.
func addInterruptHandler(handler func()) {
	// Create the channel and start the main interrupt handler which invokes
	// all other callbacks and exits if not already done.
	if interruptChannel == nil {
		interruptChannel = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(interruptChannel, signals...)
		go mainInterruptHandler()

	addHandlerChannel <- handler