============================================================================ User visible changes for btcwallet A wallet daemon for btcd, written in Go ============================================================================ Changes in 0.2.1 (Thu Jan 10 2014) - Fix a mutex issue which caused btcwallet to lockup on all RPC requests needing to read or write an account Changes in 0.2.0 (Thu Jan 09 2014) - Enable mainnet support (disabled by default, use --mainnet to enable) - Don't hardcode localhost btcd connections. Instead, add a --connect option to specify the hostname or address and port of a local or remote btcd instance (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/1) - Remove --serverport port and replace with --listen. This option works just like btcd's --rpclisten and allows to specify the interfaces to listen for RPC connections - Require TLS and Basic HTTP authentication before wallet can be controlled over RPC - Refill keypool if wallet is unlocked and keypool is emptied - Detect and rollback saved tx/utxo info after btcd performs blockchain reorganizations while btcwallet was disconnected - Add support for the following standard bitcoin JSON-RPC calls: - dumpprivkey (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/9) - getaccount - getaccountaddress - importprivkey (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/2) - listtransactions (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/12) - Add several extension RPC calls for websocket connections: - getaddressbalance: get the balance associated with a single address - getunconfirmedbalance: get total balance for unconfirmed transactions - listaddresstransactions: list transactions for a single address (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/27) - listalltransactions: lists all transactions without specifying a range - Make RPC extensions available only to websocket connections, with the exception of createencryptedwallet - Add dummy handlers for unimplemented wallet RPC calls (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/29) - Add socks5/tor proxy support - Calculate and add minimum transaction fee to created transactions - Use OS-specific rename calls to provide atomic file renames which can replace a currently-existing file (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/20) - Move account files to a single directory per bitcoin network to prevent a future scaling issue (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/16) - Fix several data races and mutex mishandling - Fix a bug where the RPC server hung on requests requiring btcd when a btcd connection was never established - Fix a bug where creating account files did not create all necessary directories (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/15) - Fix a bug where '~' did not expand to a home or user directory (https://github.com/conformal/btcwallet/issues/17) - Fix a bug where returning account names as strings did not remove trailing ending 0s - Fix a bug where help usage was displayed twice using the -h or --help flag - Fix sample listening address in sample configuration file - Update sample configuration file with all available options with descriptions and defaults for each Initial Release 0.1.0 (Wed Nov 13 2013) - Initial release