from pythonforandroid.toolchain import Recipe, shprint, shutil, current_directory from multiprocessing import cpu_count from os.path import join, basename from os import listdir, walk import sh # This recipe builds libtorrent with Python bindings # It depends on Boost.Build and the source of several Boost libraries present # in BOOST_ROOT, which is all provided by the boost recipe def get_lib_from(search_directory, lib_extension='.so'): '''Scan directories recursively until find any file with the given extension. The default extension to search is ``.so``.''' for root, dirs, files in walk(search_directory): for file in files: if file.endswith(lib_extension): print('get_lib_from: {}\n\t- {}'.format( search_directory, join(root, file))) return join(root, file) return None class LibtorrentRecipe(Recipe): # Todo: make recipe compatible with all p4a architectures ''' .. note:: This recipe can be built only against API 21+ and an android ndk >= r19 .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Rewrote recipe to support clang's build and boost 1.68. The following changes has been made: - Bumped version number to 1.2.0 - added python 3 compatibility - new system to detect/copy generated libraries .. versionchanged:: 2019.08.09.1.dev0 - Bumped version number to 1.2.1 - Adapted to work with ndk-r19+ ''' version = '1_2_1' url = '{version}.tar.gz' depends = ['boost'] opt_depends = ['openssl'] patches = ['disable-so-version.patch', 'use-soname-python.patch', 'setup-lib-name.patch'] # is not included because is not a system library generated_libraries = [ 'boost_system', 'boost_python{py_version}', 'torrent_rasterbar'] def should_build(self, arch): python_version = self.ctx.python_recipe.version[:3].replace('.', '') libs = ['lib' + lib_name.format(py_version=python_version) + '.so' for lib_name in self.generated_libraries] return not (self.has_libs(arch, *libs) and self.ctx.has_package('libtorrent', arch.arch)) def prebuild_arch(self, arch): super().prebuild_arch(arch) if 'openssl' in recipe.ctx.recipe_build_order: # Patch boost user-config.jam to use openssl self.get_recipe('boost', self.ctx).apply_patch( join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'user-config-openssl.patch'), arch.arch) def build_arch(self, arch): super().build_arch(arch) env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) env['PYTHON_HOST'] = self.ctx.hostpython # Define build variables build_dir = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) ctx_libs_dir = self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) encryption = 'openssl' if 'openssl' in recipe.ctx.recipe_build_order else 'built-in' build_args = [ '-q', # '-a', # force build, useful to debug the build '-j' + str(cpu_count()), '--debug-configuration', # so we know if our python is detected # '--deprecated-functions=off', 'toolset=clang-{arch}'.format(arch=env['ARCH']), 'abi=aapcs', 'binary-format=elf', 'cxxflags=-std=c++11', 'target-os=android', 'threading=multi', 'link=shared', 'boost-link=shared', 'libtorrent-link=shared', 'runtime-link=shared', 'encryption={}'.format('on' if encryption == 'openssl' else 'off'), 'crypto=' + encryption ] crypto_folder = 'encryption-off' if encryption == 'openssl': crypto_folder = 'crypto-openssl' build_args.extend(['openssl-lib=' + env['OPENSSL_BUILD_PATH'], 'openssl-include=' + env['OPENSSL_INCLUDE'] ]) build_args.append('release') # Compile libtorrent with boost libraries and python bindings with current_directory(join(build_dir, 'bindings/python')): b2 = sh.Command(join(env['BOOST_ROOT'], 'b2')) shprint(b2, *build_args, _env=env) # Copy only the boost shared libraries into the libs folder. Because # boost build two boost_python libraries, we force to search the lib # into the corresponding build path. b2_build_dir = ( 'build/clang-linux-{arch}/release/{encryption}/' 'lt-visibility-hidden/'.format( arch=env['ARCH'], encryption=crypto_folder ) ) boost_libs_dir = join(env['BOOST_BUILD_PATH'], 'bin.v2/libs') for boost_lib in listdir(boost_libs_dir): lib_path = get_lib_from(join(boost_libs_dir, boost_lib, b2_build_dir)) if lib_path: lib_name = basename(lib_path) shutil.copyfile(lib_path, join(ctx_libs_dir, lib_name)) # Copy libtorrent shared libraries into the right places system_libtorrent = get_lib_from(join(build_dir, 'bin')) if system_libtorrent: shutil.copyfile(system_libtorrent, join(ctx_libs_dir, '')) python_libtorrent = get_lib_from(join(build_dir, 'bindings/python/bin')) shutil.copyfile(python_libtorrent, join(self.ctx.get_site_packages_dir(arch), '')) def get_recipe_env(self, arch): # Use environment from boost recipe, cause we use b2 tool from boost env = self.get_recipe('boost', self.ctx).get_recipe_env(arch) if 'openssl' in recipe.ctx.recipe_build_order: r = self.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx) env['OPENSSL_BUILD_PATH'] = r.get_build_dir(arch.arch) env['OPENSSL_INCLUDE'] = join(r.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'include') env['OPENSSL_VERSION'] = r.version return env recipe = LibtorrentRecipe()