from copy import deepcopy from itertools import product from sys import exit from pythonforandroid.logger import (info, warning, error) from pythonforandroid.recipe import Recipe from pythonforandroid.bootstrap import Bootstrap class RecipeOrder(dict): def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx def conflicts(self, name): for name in self.keys(): try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, self.ctx) conflicts = recipe.conflicts except IOError: conflicts = [] if any([c in self for c in conflicts]): return True return False def recursively_collect_orders(name, ctx, orders=[]): '''For each possible recipe ordering, try to add the new recipe name to that order. Recursively do the same thing with all the dependencies of each recipe. ''' try: recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) if recipe.depends is None: dependencies = [] else: # make all dependencies into lists so that product will work dependencies = [([dependency] if not isinstance( dependency, (list, tuple)) else dependency) for dependency in recipe.depends] if recipe.conflicts is None: conflicts = [] else: conflicts = recipe.conflicts except IOError: # The recipe does not exist, so we assume it can be installed # via pip with no extra dependencies dependencies = [] conflicts = [] new_orders = [] # for each existing recipe order, see if we can add the new recipe name for order in orders: if name in order: new_orders.append(deepcopy(order)) continue if order.conflicts(name): continue if any([conflict in order for conflict in conflicts]): continue for dependency_set in product(*dependencies): new_order = deepcopy(order) new_order[name] = set(dependency_set) dependency_new_orders = [new_order] for dependency in dependency_set: dependency_new_orders = recursively_collect_orders( dependency, ctx, dependency_new_orders) new_orders.extend(dependency_new_orders) return new_orders def find_order(graph): ''' Do a topological sort on the dependency graph dict. ''' while graph: # Find all items without a parent leftmost = [l for l, s in graph.items() if not s] if not leftmost: raise ValueError('Dependency cycle detected! %s' % graph) # If there is more than one, sort them for predictable order leftmost.sort() for result in leftmost: # Yield and remove them from the graph yield result graph.pop(result) for bset in graph.values(): bset.discard(result) def get_recipe_order_and_bootstrap(ctx, names, bs=None): recipes_to_load = set(names) if bs is not None and bs.recipe_depends: recipes_to_load = recipes_to_load.union(set(bs.recipe_depends)) possible_orders = [] # get all possible order graphs, as names may include tuples/lists # of alternative dependencies names = [([name] if not isinstance(name, (list, tuple)) else name) for name in names] for name_set in product(*names): new_possible_orders = [RecipeOrder(ctx)] for name in name_set: new_possible_orders = recursively_collect_orders( name, ctx, orders=new_possible_orders) possible_orders.extend(new_possible_orders) # turn each order graph into a linear list if possible orders = [] for possible_order in possible_orders: try: order = find_order(possible_order) except ValueError: # a circular dependency was found info('Circular dependency found in graph {}, skipping it.'.format( possible_order)) continue except: warning('Failed to import recipe named {}; the recipe exists ' 'but appears broken.'.format(name)) warning('Exception was:') raise orders.append(list(order)) # prefer python2 and SDL2 if available orders = sorted(orders, key=lambda order: -('python2' in order) - ('sdl2' in order)) if not orders: error('Didn\'t find any valid dependency graphs.') error('This means that some of your requirements pull in ' 'conflicting dependencies.') error('Exiting.') exit(1) # It would be better to check against possible orders other # than the first one, but in practice clashes will be rare, # and can be resolved by specifying more parameters chosen_order = orders[0] if len(orders) > 1: info('Found multiple valid dependency orders:') for order in orders: info(' {}'.format(order)) info('Using the first of these: {}'.format(chosen_order)) else: info('Found a single valid recipe set: {}'.format(chosen_order)) if bs is None: bs = Bootstrap.get_bootstrap_from_recipes(chosen_order, ctx) recipes, python_modules, bs = get_recipe_order_and_bootstrap( ctx, chosen_order, bs=bs) else: # check if each requirement has a recipe recipes = [] python_modules = [] for name in chosen_order: try: Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) except IOError: python_modules.append(name) else: recipes.append(name) return recipes, python_modules, bs