import logging import os import re import sh from sys import stdout, stderr from math import log10 from collections import defaultdict from colorama import Style as Colo_Style, Fore as Colo_Fore import six # This codecs change fixes a bug with log output, but crashes under python3 if not six.PY3: import codecs stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(stdout) stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(stderr) if six.PY2: unistr = unicode # noqa F821 else: unistr = str # monkey patch to show full output sh.ErrorReturnCode.truncate_cap = 999999 class LevelDifferentiatingFormatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record): if record.levelno > 30: record.msg = '{}{}[ERROR]{}{}: '.format( Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Fore.RED, Err_Fore.RESET, Err_Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg elif record.levelno > 20: record.msg = '{}{}[WARNING]{}{}: '.format( Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Fore.RED, Err_Fore.RESET, Err_Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg elif record.levelno > 10: record.msg = '{}[INFO]{}: '.format( Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg else: record.msg = '{}{}[DEBUG]{}{}: '.format( Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, Err_Fore.RESET, Err_Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg return super(LevelDifferentiatingFormatter, self).format(record) logger = logging.getLogger('p4a') if not hasattr(logger, 'touched'): # Necessary as importlib reloads # this, which would add a second # handler and reset the level logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.touched = True ch = logging.StreamHandler(stderr) formatter = LevelDifferentiatingFormatter('%(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) info = debug = logger.debug warning = logger.warning error = logger.error class colorama_shim(object): def __init__(self, real): self._dict = defaultdict(str) self._real = real self._enabled = False def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self._real, key) if self._enabled else self._dict[key] def enable(self, enable): self._enabled = enable Out_Style = colorama_shim(Colo_Style) Out_Fore = colorama_shim(Colo_Fore) Err_Style = colorama_shim(Colo_Style) Err_Fore = colorama_shim(Colo_Fore) def setup_color(color): enable_out = (False if color == 'never' else True if color == 'always' else stdout.isatty()) Out_Style.enable(enable_out) Out_Fore.enable(enable_out) enable_err = (False if color == 'never' else True if color == 'always' else stderr.isatty()) Err_Style.enable(enable_err) Err_Fore.enable(enable_err) def info_main(*args):''.join([Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Fore.GREEN] + list(args) + [Err_Style.RESET_ALL, Err_Fore.RESET])) def info_notify(s): info('{}{}{}{}'.format(Err_Style.BRIGHT, Err_Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, s, Err_Style.RESET_ALL)) def shorten_string(string, max_width): ''' make limited length string in form: "the string is very lo...(and 15 more)" ''' string_len = len(string) if string_len <= max_width: return string visible = max_width - 16 - int(log10(string_len)) # expected suffix len "...(and XXXXX more)" if not isinstance(string, unistr): visstring = unistr(string[:visible], errors='ignore') else: visstring = string[:visible] return u''.join((visstring, u'...(and ', unistr(string_len - visible), u' more)')) def get_console_width(): try: cols = int(os.environ['COLUMNS']) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass else: if cols >= 25: return cols try: cols = max(25, int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])) except Exception: pass else: return cols return 100 def shprint(command, *args, **kwargs): '''Runs the command (which should be an sh.Command instance), while logging the output.''' kwargs["_iter"] = True kwargs["_out_bufsize"] = 1 kwargs["_err_to_out"] = True kwargs["_bg"] = True is_critical = kwargs.pop('_critical', False) tail_n = kwargs.pop('_tail', None) if "P4A_FULL_DEBUG" in os.environ: tail_n = 0 filter_in = kwargs.pop('_filter', None) filter_out = kwargs.pop('_filterout', None) if len(logger.handlers) > 1: logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[1]) columns = get_console_width() command_path = str(command).split('/') command_string = command_path[-1] string = ' '.join(['{}->{} running'.format(Out_Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, Out_Style.RESET_ALL), command_string] + list(args)) # If logging is not in DEBUG mode, trim the command if necessary if logger.level > logging.DEBUG:'{}{}'.format(shorten_string(string, columns - 12), Err_Style.RESET_ALL)) else: logger.debug('{}{}'.format(string, Err_Style.RESET_ALL)) need_closing_newline = False try: msg_hdr = ' working: ' msg_width = columns - len(msg_hdr) - 1 output = command(*args, **kwargs) for line in output: if isinstance(line, bytes): line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') if logger.level > logging.DEBUG: msg = line.replace( '\n', ' ').replace( '\t', ' ').replace( '\b', ' ').rstrip() if msg: stdout.write(u'{}\r{}{:<{width}}'.format( Err_Style.RESET_ALL, msg_hdr, shorten_string(msg, msg_width), width=msg_width)) stdout.flush() need_closing_newline = True else: logger.debug(''.join(['\t', line.rstrip()])) if need_closing_newline: stdout.write('{}\r{:>{width}}\r'.format( Err_Style.RESET_ALL, ' ', width=(columns - 1))) stdout.flush() except sh.ErrorReturnCode as err: if need_closing_newline: stdout.write('{}\r{:>{width}}\r'.format( Err_Style.RESET_ALL, ' ', width=(columns - 1))) stdout.flush() if tail_n is not None or filter_in or filter_out: def printtail(out, name, forecolor, tail_n=0, re_filter_in=None, re_filter_out=None): lines = out.splitlines() if re_filter_in is not None: lines = [l for l in lines if] if re_filter_out is not None: lines = [l for l in lines if not] if tail_n == 0 or len(lines) <= tail_n: info('{}:\n{}\t{}{}'.format( name, forecolor, '\t\n'.join(lines), Out_Fore.RESET)) else: info('{} (last {} lines of {}):\n{}\t{}{}'.format( name, tail_n, len(lines), forecolor, '\t\n'.join([s for s in lines[-tail_n:]]), Out_Fore.RESET)) printtail(err.stdout.decode('utf-8'), 'STDOUT', Out_Fore.YELLOW, tail_n, re.compile(filter_in) if filter_in else None, re.compile(filter_out) if filter_out else None) printtail(err.stderr.decode('utf-8'), 'STDERR', Err_Fore.RED) if is_critical: env = kwargs.get("env") if env is not None: info("{}ENV:{}\n{}\n".format( Err_Fore.YELLOW, Err_Fore.RESET, "\n".join( "set {}={}".format(n, v) for n, v in env.items()))) info("{}COMMAND:{}\ncd {} && {} {}\n".format( Err_Fore.YELLOW, Err_Fore.RESET, os.getcwd(), command, ' '.join(args))) warning("{}ERROR: {} failed!{}".format( Err_Fore.RED, command, Err_Fore.RESET)) exit(1) else: raise return output