#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 from __future__ import print_function import json from os.path import ( dirname, join, isfile, realpath, relpath, split, exists, basename ) from os import listdir, makedirs, remove import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import time from zipfile import ZipFile from distutils.version import LooseVersion from fnmatch import fnmatch import jinja2 def get_dist_info_for(key): try: with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'dist_info.json'), 'r') as fileh: info = json.load(fileh) value = str(info[key]) except (OSError, KeyError) as e: print("BUILD FAILURE: Couldn't extract the key `" + key + "` " + "from dist_info.json: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1) return value def get_hostpython(): return get_dist_info_for('hostpython') def get_python_version(): return get_dist_info_for('python_version') def get_bootstrap_name(): return get_dist_info_for('bootstrap') if os.name == 'nt': ANDROID = 'android.bat' ANT = 'ant.bat' else: ANDROID = 'android' ANT = 'ant' curdir = dirname(__file__) PYTHON = get_hostpython() PYTHON_VERSION = get_python_version() if PYTHON is not None and not exists(PYTHON): PYTHON = None BLACKLIST_PATTERNS = [ # code versionning '^*.hg/*', '^*.git/*', '^*.bzr/*', '^*.svn/*', # temp files '~', '*.bak', '*.swp', ] # pyc/py if PYTHON is not None: BLACKLIST_PATTERNS.append('*.py') if PYTHON_VERSION and int(PYTHON_VERSION[0]) == 2: # we only blacklist `.pyc` for python2 because in python3 the compiled # extension is `.pyc` (.pyo files not exists for python >= 3.6) BLACKLIST_PATTERNS.append('*.pyc') WHITELIST_PATTERNS = [] if get_bootstrap_name() in ('sdl2', 'webview', 'service_only'): WHITELIST_PATTERNS.append('pyconfig.h') python_files = [] environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( join(curdir, 'templates'))) def try_unlink(fn): if exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) def ensure_dir(path): if not exists(path): makedirs(path) def render(template, dest, **kwargs): '''Using jinja2, render `template` to the filename `dest`, supplying the keyword arguments as template parameters. ''' dest_dir = dirname(dest) if dest_dir and not exists(dest_dir): makedirs(dest_dir) template = environment.get_template(template) text = template.render(**kwargs) f = open(dest, 'wb') f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) f.close() def is_whitelist(name): return match_filename(WHITELIST_PATTERNS, name) def is_blacklist(name): if is_whitelist(name): return False return match_filename(BLACKLIST_PATTERNS, name) def match_filename(pattern_list, name): for pattern in pattern_list: if pattern.startswith('^'): pattern = pattern[1:] else: pattern = '*/' + pattern if fnmatch(name, pattern): return True def listfiles(d): basedir = d subdirlist = [] for item in os.listdir(d): fn = join(d, item) if isfile(fn): yield fn else: subdirlist.append(join(basedir, item)) for subdir in subdirlist: for fn in listfiles(subdir): yield fn def make_python_zip(): ''' Search for all the python related files, and construct the pythonXX.zip According to # http://randomsplat.com/id5-cross-compiling-python-for-embedded-linux.html site-packages, config and lib-dynload will be not included. ''' if not exists('private'): print('No compiled python is present to zip, skipping.') return global python_files d = realpath(join('private', 'lib', 'python2.7')) def select(fn): if is_blacklist(fn): return False fn = realpath(fn) assert(fn.startswith(d)) fn = fn[len(d):] if (fn.startswith('/site-packages/') or fn.startswith('/config/') or fn.startswith('/lib-dynload/') or fn.startswith('/libpymodules.so')): return False return fn # get a list of all python file python_files = [x for x in listfiles(d) if select(x)] # create the final zipfile zfn = join('private', 'lib', 'python27.zip') zf = ZipFile(zfn, 'w') # put all the python files in it for fn in python_files: afn = fn[len(d):] zf.write(fn, afn) zf.close() def make_tar(tfn, source_dirs, ignore_path=[], optimize_python=True): ''' Make a zip file `fn` from the contents of source_dis. ''' # selector function def select(fn): rfn = realpath(fn) for p in ignore_path: if p.endswith('/'): p = p[:-1] if rfn.startswith(p): return False if rfn in python_files: return False return not is_blacklist(fn) # get the files and relpath file of all the directory we asked for files = [] for sd in source_dirs: sd = realpath(sd) compile_dir(sd, optimize_python=optimize_python) files += [(x, relpath(realpath(x), sd)) for x in listfiles(sd) if select(x)] # create tar.gz of thoses files tf = tarfile.open(tfn, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.USTAR_FORMAT) dirs = [] for fn, afn in files: dn = dirname(afn) if dn not in dirs: # create every dirs first if not exist yet d = '' for component in split(dn): d = join(d, component) if d.startswith('/'): d = d[1:] if d == '' or d in dirs: continue dirs.append(d) tinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(d) tinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE tf.addfile(tinfo) # put the file tf.add(fn, afn) tf.close() def compile_dir(dfn, optimize_python=True): ''' Compile *.py in directory `dfn` to *.pyo ''' if PYTHON is None: return if int(PYTHON_VERSION[0]) >= 3: args = [PYTHON, '-m', 'compileall', '-b', '-f', dfn] else: args = [PYTHON, '-m', 'compileall', '-f', dfn] if optimize_python: # -OO = strip docstrings args.insert(1, '-OO') return_code = subprocess.call(args) if return_code != 0: print('Error while running "{}"'.format(' '.join(args))) print('This probably means one of your Python files has a syntax ' 'error, see logs above') exit(1) def make_package(args): # If no launcher is specified, require a main.py/main.pyo: if (get_bootstrap_name() != "sdl" or args.launcher is None) and \ get_bootstrap_name() != "webview": # (webview doesn't need an entrypoint, apparently) if args.private is None or ( not exists(join(realpath(args.private), 'main.py')) and not exists(join(realpath(args.private), 'main.pyo'))): print('''BUILD FAILURE: No main.py(o) found in your app directory. This file must exist to act as the entry point for you app. If your app is started by a file with a different name, rename it to main.py or add a main.py that loads it.''') sys.exit(1) assets_dir = "src/main/assets" # Delete the old assets. try_unlink(join(assets_dir, 'public.mp3')) try_unlink(join(assets_dir, 'private.mp3')) ensure_dir(assets_dir) # In order to speedup import and initial depack, # construct a python27.zip make_python_zip() # Add extra environment variable file into tar-able directory: env_vars_tarpath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="p4a-extra-env-") with open(os.path.join(env_vars_tarpath, "p4a_env_vars.txt"), "w") as f: f.write("P4A_IS_WINDOWED=" + str(args.window) + "\n") if hasattr(args, "orientation"): f.write("P4A_ORIENTATION=" + str(args.orientation) + "\n") f.write("P4A_NUMERIC_VERSION=" + str(args.numeric_version) + "\n") f.write("P4A_MINSDK=" + str(args.min_sdk_version) + "\n") # Package up the private data (public not supported). tar_dirs = [env_vars_tarpath] if args.private: tar_dirs.append(args.private) for python_bundle_dir in ('private', 'crystax_python', '_python_bundle'): if exists(python_bundle_dir): tar_dirs.append(python_bundle_dir) if get_bootstrap_name() == "webview": tar_dirs.append('webview_includes') if args.private or args.launcher: make_tar( join(assets_dir, 'private.mp3'), tar_dirs, args.ignore_path, optimize_python=args.optimize_python) # Remove extra env vars tar-able directory: shutil.rmtree(env_vars_tarpath) # Prepare some variables for templating process res_dir = "src/main/res" default_icon = 'templates/kivy-icon.png' default_presplash = 'templates/kivy-presplash.jpg' shutil.copy( args.icon or default_icon, join(res_dir, 'drawable/icon.png') ) if get_bootstrap_name() != "service_only": shutil.copy( args.presplash or default_presplash, join(res_dir, 'drawable/presplash.jpg') ) # If extra Java jars were requested, copy them into the libs directory jars = [] if args.add_jar: for jarname in args.add_jar: if not exists(jarname): print('Requested jar does not exist: {}'.format(jarname)) sys.exit(-1) shutil.copy(jarname, 'src/main/libs') jars.append(basename(jarname)) # If extra aar were requested, copy them into the libs directory aars = [] if args.add_aar: ensure_dir("libs") for aarname in args.add_aar: if not exists(aarname): print('Requested aar does not exists: {}'.format(aarname)) sys.exit(-1) shutil.copy(aarname, 'libs') aars.append(basename(aarname).rsplit('.', 1)[0]) versioned_name = (args.name.replace(' ', '').replace('\'', '') + '-' + args.version) version_code = 0 if not args.numeric_version: # Set version code in format (arch-minsdk-app_version) with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'dist_info.json'), 'r') as dist_info: dist_data = json.load(dist_info) arch = dist_data["archs"][0] arch_dict = {"x86_64": "9", "arm64-v8a": "8", "armeabi-v7a": "7", "x86": "6"} arch_code = arch_dict.get(arch, '1') min_sdk = args.min_sdk_version for i in args.version.split('.'): version_code *= 100 version_code += int(i) args.numeric_version = "{}{}{}".format(arch_code, min_sdk, version_code) if args.intent_filters: with open(args.intent_filters) as fd: args.intent_filters = fd.read() if not args.add_activity: args.add_activity = [] if not args.activity_launch_mode: args.activity_launch_mode = '' if args.extra_source_dirs: esd = [] for spec in args.extra_source_dirs: if ':' in spec: specdir, specincludes = spec.split(':') else: specdir = spec specincludes = '**' esd.append((realpath(specdir), specincludes)) args.extra_source_dirs = esd else: args.extra_source_dirs = [] service = False if args.private: service_main = join(realpath(args.private), 'service', 'main.py') if exists(service_main) or exists(service_main + 'o'): service = True service_names = [] for sid, spec in enumerate(args.services): spec = spec.split(':') name = spec[0] entrypoint = spec[1] options = spec[2:] foreground = 'foreground' in options sticky = 'sticky' in options service_names.append(name) service_target_path =\ 'src/main/java/{}/Service{}.java'.format( args.package.replace(".", "/"), name.capitalize() ) render( 'Service.tmpl.java', service_target_path, name=name, entrypoint=entrypoint, args=args, foreground=foreground, sticky=sticky, service_id=sid + 1, ) # Find the SDK directory and target API with open('project.properties', 'r') as fileh: target = fileh.read().strip() android_api = target.split('-')[1] try: int(android_api) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError( "failed to extract the Android API level from " + "build.properties. expected int, got: '" + str(android_api) + "'" ) with open('local.properties', 'r') as fileh: sdk_dir = fileh.read().strip() sdk_dir = sdk_dir[8:] # Try to build with the newest available build tools ignored = {".DS_Store", ".ds_store"} build_tools_versions = [x for x in listdir(join(sdk_dir, 'build-tools')) if x not in ignored] build_tools_versions = sorted(build_tools_versions, key=LooseVersion) build_tools_version = build_tools_versions[-1] # Folder name for launcher (used by SDL2 bootstrap) url_scheme = 'kivy' # Render out android manifest: manifest_path = "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" render_args = { "args": args, "service": service, "service_names": service_names, "android_api": android_api } if get_bootstrap_name() == "sdl2": render_args["url_scheme"] = url_scheme render( 'AndroidManifest.tmpl.xml', manifest_path, **render_args) # Copy the AndroidManifest.xml to the dist root dir so that ant # can also use it if exists('AndroidManifest.xml'): remove('AndroidManifest.xml') shutil.copy(manifest_path, 'AndroidManifest.xml') # gradle build templates render( 'build.tmpl.gradle', 'build.gradle', args=args, aars=aars, jars=jars, android_api=android_api, build_tools_version=build_tools_version ) # ant build templates render( 'build.tmpl.xml', 'build.xml', args=args, versioned_name=versioned_name) # String resources: render_args = { "args": args, "private_version": str(time.time()) } if get_bootstrap_name() == "sdl2": render_args["url_scheme"] = url_scheme render( 'strings.tmpl.xml', join(res_dir, 'values/strings.xml'), **render_args) if exists(join("templates", "custom_rules.tmpl.xml")): render( 'custom_rules.tmpl.xml', 'custom_rules.xml', args=args) if get_bootstrap_name() == "webview": render('WebViewLoader.tmpl.java', 'src/main/java/org/kivy/android/WebViewLoader.java', args=args) if args.sign: render('build.properties', 'build.properties') else: if exists('build.properties'): os.remove('build.properties') # Apply java source patches if any are present: if exists(join('src', 'patches')): print("Applying Java source code patches...") for patch_name in os.listdir(join('src', 'patches')): patch_path = join('src', 'patches', patch_name) print("Applying patch: " + str(patch_path)) try: subprocess.check_output([ # -N: insist this is FORWARd patch, don't reverse apply # -p1: strip first path component # -t: batch mode, don't ask questions "patch", "-N", "-p1", "-t", "-i", patch_path ]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 1: # Return code 1 means it didn't apply, this will # usually mean it is already applied. print("Warning: failed to apply patch (" + "exit code 1), " + "assuming it is already applied: " + str(patch_path) ) else: raise e def parse_args(args=None): global BLACKLIST_PATTERNS, WHITELIST_PATTERNS, PYTHON # Get the default minsdk, equal to the NDK API that this dist is built against try: with open('dist_info.json', 'r') as fileh: info = json.load(fileh) default_min_api = int(info['ndk_api']) ndk_api = default_min_api except (OSError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): print('WARNING: Failed to read ndk_api from dist info, defaulting to 12') default_min_api = 12 # The old default before ndk_api was introduced ndk_api = 12 import argparse ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''\ Package a Python application for Android (using bootstrap ''' + get_bootstrap_name() + '''). For this to work, Java and Ant need to be in your path, as does the tools directory of the Android SDK. ''') # --private is required unless for sdl2, where there's also --launcher ap.add_argument('--private', dest='private', help='the directory with the app source code files' + ' (containing your main.py entrypoint)', required=(get_bootstrap_name() != "sdl2")) ap.add_argument('--package', dest='package', help=('The name of the java package the project will be' ' packaged under.'), required=True) ap.add_argument('--name', dest='name', help=('The human-readable name of the project.'), required=True) ap.add_argument('--numeric-version', dest='numeric_version', help=('The numeric version number of the project. If not ' 'given, this is automatically computed from the ' 'version.')) ap.add_argument('--version', dest='version', help=('The version number of the project. This should ' 'consist of numbers and dots, and should have the ' 'same number of groups of numbers as previous ' 'versions.'), required=True) if get_bootstrap_name() == "sdl2": ap.add_argument('--launcher', dest='launcher', action='store_true', help=('Provide this argument to build a multi-app ' 'launcher, rather than a single app.')) ap.add_argument('--permission', dest='permissions', action='append', default=[], help='The permissions to give this app.', nargs='+') ap.add_argument('--meta-data', dest='meta_data', action='append', default=[], help='Custom key=value to add in application metadata') ap.add_argument('--uses-library', dest='android_used_libs', action='append', default=[], help='Used shared libraries included using <uses-library> tag in AndroidManifest.xml') ap.add_argument('--icon', dest='icon', help=('A png file to use as the icon for ' 'the application.')) ap.add_argument('--service', dest='services', action='append', default=[], help='Declare a new service entrypoint: ' 'NAME:PATH_TO_PY[:foreground]') if get_bootstrap_name() != "service_only": ap.add_argument('--presplash', dest='presplash', help=('A jpeg file to use as a screen while the ' 'application is loading.')) ap.add_argument('--presplash-color', dest='presplash_color', default='#000000', help=('A string to set the loading screen ' 'background color. ' 'Supported formats are: ' '#RRGGBB #AARRGGBB or color names ' 'like red, green, blue, etc.')) ap.add_argument('--window', dest='window', action='store_true', default=False, help='Indicate if the application will be windowed') ap.add_argument('--orientation', dest='orientation', default='portrait', help=('The orientation that the game will ' 'display in. ' 'Usually one of "landscape", "portrait", ' '"sensor", or "user" (the same as "sensor" ' 'but obeying the ' 'user\'s Android rotation setting). ' 'The full list of options is given under ' 'android_screenOrientation at ' 'https://developer.android.com/guide/' 'topics/manifest/' 'activity-element.html')) ap.add_argument('--wakelock', dest='wakelock', action='store_true', help=('Indicate if the application needs the device ' 'to stay on')) ap.add_argument('--blacklist', dest='blacklist', default=join(curdir, 'blacklist.txt'), help=('Use a blacklist file to match unwanted file in ' 'the final APK')) ap.add_argument('--whitelist', dest='whitelist', default=join(curdir, 'whitelist.txt'), help=('Use a whitelist file to prevent blacklisting of ' 'file in the final APK')) ap.add_argument('--add-jar', dest='add_jar', action='append', help=('Add a Java .jar to the libs, so you can access its ' 'classes with pyjnius. You can specify this ' 'argument more than once to include multiple jars')) ap.add_argument('--add-aar', dest='add_aar', action='append', help=('Add an aar dependency manually')) ap.add_argument('--depend', dest='depends', action='append', help=('Add a external dependency ' '(eg: com.android.support:appcompat-v7:19.0.1)')) # The --sdk option has been removed, it is ignored in favour of # --android-api handled by toolchain.py ap.add_argument('--sdk', dest='sdk_version', default=-1, type=int, help=('Deprecated argument, does nothing')) ap.add_argument('--minsdk', dest='min_sdk_version', default=default_min_api, type=int, help=('Minimum Android SDK version that the app supports. ' 'Defaults to {}.'.format(default_min_api))) ap.add_argument('--allow-minsdk-ndkapi-mismatch', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Allow the --minsdk argument to be different from ' 'the discovered ndk_api in the dist')) ap.add_argument('--intent-filters', dest='intent_filters', help=('Add intent-filters xml rules to the ' 'AndroidManifest.xml file. The argument is a ' 'filename containing xml. The filename should be ' 'located relative to the python-for-android ' 'directory')) ap.add_argument('--with-billing', dest='billing_pubkey', help='If set, the billing service will be added (not implemented)') ap.add_argument('--add-source', dest='extra_source_dirs', action='append', help='Include additional source dirs in Java build') if get_bootstrap_name() == "webview": ap.add_argument('--port', help='The port on localhost that the WebView will access', default='5000') ap.add_argument('--try-system-python-compile', dest='try_system_python_compile', action='store_true', help='Use the system python during compileall if possible.') ap.add_argument('--no-compile-pyo', dest='no_compile_pyo', action='store_true', help='Do not optimise .py files to .pyo.') ap.add_argument('--sign', action='store_true', help=('Try to sign the APK with your credentials. You must set ' 'the appropriate environment variables.')) ap.add_argument('--add-activity', dest='add_activity', action='append', help='Add this Java class as an Activity to the manifest.') ap.add_argument('--activity-launch-mode', dest='activity_launch_mode', default='singleTask', help='Set the launch mode of the main activity in the manifest.') ap.add_argument('--allow-backup', dest='allow_backup', default='true', help="if set to 'false', then android won't backup the application.") ap.add_argument('--no-optimize-python', dest='optimize_python', action='store_false', default=True, help=('Whether to compile to optimised .pyo files, using -OO ' '(strips docstrings and asserts)')) # Put together arguments, and add those from .p4a config file: if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] def _read_configuration(): if not exists(".p4a"): return print("Reading .p4a configuration") with open(".p4a") as fd: lines = fd.readlines() lines = [shlex.split(line) for line in lines if not line.startswith("#")] for line in lines: for arg in line: args.append(arg) _read_configuration() args = ap.parse_args(args) args.ignore_path = [] if args.name and args.name[0] == '"' and args.name[-1] == '"': args.name = args.name[1:-1] if ndk_api != args.min_sdk_version: print(('WARNING: --minsdk argument does not match the api that is ' 'compiled against. Only proceed if you know what you are ' 'doing, otherwise use --minsdk={} or recompile against api ' '{}').format(ndk_api, args.min_sdk_version)) if not args.allow_minsdk_ndkapi_mismatch: print('You must pass --allow-minsdk-ndkapi-mismatch to build ' 'with --minsdk different to the target NDK api from the ' 'build step') sys.exit(1) else: print('Proceeding with --minsdk not matching build target api') if args.billing_pubkey: print('Billing not yet supported!') sys.exit(1) if args.sdk_version == -1: print('WARNING: Received a --sdk argument, but this argument is ' 'deprecated and does nothing.') args.sdk_version = -1 # ensure it is not used if args.permissions and isinstance(args.permissions[0], list): args.permissions = [p for perm in args.permissions for p in perm] if args.try_system_python_compile: # Hardcoding python2.7 is okay for now, as python3 skips the # compilation anyway if not exists('crystax_python'): python_executable = 'python2.7' try: subprocess.call([python_executable, '--version']) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass else: PYTHON = python_executable if args.no_compile_pyo: PYTHON = None BLACKLIST_PATTERNS.remove('*.py') if args.blacklist: with open(args.blacklist) as fd: patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines() if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')] BLACKLIST_PATTERNS += patterns if args.whitelist: with open(args.whitelist) as fd: patterns = [x.strip() for x in fd.read().splitlines() if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')] WHITELIST_PATTERNS += patterns if args.private is None and \ get_bootstrap_name() == 'sdl2' and args.launcher is None: print('Need --private directory or ' + '--launcher (SDL2 bootstrap only)' + 'to have something to launch inside the .apk!') sys.exit(1) make_package(args) return args if __name__ == "__main__": parse_args()