diff --git a/_setupares.py b/_setupares.py
index dd184de6..bb16bebe 100644
--- a/_setupares.py
+++ b/_setupares.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ else:
 ares_configure_command = ' '.join([
     "(cd ", quoted_dep_abspath('c-ares'),
     " && if [ -r ares_build.h ]; then cp ares_build.h ares_build.h.orig; fi ",
-    " && sh ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking " + _m32 + "CONFIG_COMMANDS= ",
+    " && sh ./configure --host={} --disable-dependency-tracking ".format(os.environ['TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX']) + _m32 + "CONFIG_COMMANDS= ",
     " && cp ares_config.h ares_build.h \"$OLDPWD\" ",
     " && cat ares_build.h ",
     " && if [ -r ares_build.h.orig ]; then mv ares_build.h.orig ares_build.h; fi)",
diff --git a/_setuplibev.py b/_setuplibev.py
index 2a5841bf..b6433c94 100644
--- a/_setuplibev.py
+++ b/_setuplibev.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ LIBEV_EMBED = should_embed('libev')
 # and the PyPy branch will clean it up.
 libev_configure_command = ' '.join([
     "(cd ", quoted_dep_abspath('libev'),
-    " && sh ./configure ",
+    " && sh ./configure --host={} ".format(os.environ['TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX']),
     " && cp config.h \"$OLDPWD\"",
     '> configure-output.txt'