import glob from pythonforandroid.toolchain import ( CythonRecipe, Recipe, current_directory, info, shprint, ) from os.path import join import sh class TwistedRecipe(CythonRecipe): version = '16.0.0' url = '{version}.tar.gz' depends = ['setuptools', 'zope_interface'] call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False install_in_hostpython = True def prebuild_arch(self, arch): super(TwistedRecipe, self).prebuild_arch(arch) # TODO Need to whitelist tty.pyo and here print('Should remove twisted tests etc. here, but skipping for now') def get_recipe_env(self, arch): env = super(TwistedRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch) # We add BUILDLIB_PATH to PYTHONPATH so twisted can find env['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join([ self.ctx.get_site_packages_dir(), env['BUILDLIB_PATH'], ]) return env recipe = TwistedRecipe()